Job Description

1. Job Details
Job title: Internship in Large Laboratory Animal Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
School/Support Department: R(D)SVS
Unit (if applicable): Wellcome Trust Critical Care Laboratory for Large Animals (WT CCLLA)
Line manager: Clinical Director WT CCLLA
Operational Manager: Clinical Director WT CCLLA
2. Traineeship Purpose
This 24-month internship will provide an opportunity for the successful applicant to: a) receive highquality postgraduate training in anaesthesia / intensive care in pigs (and to a lesser extent other
production animal species) undergoing scientific procedures licensed under Directive 2010/63/EU at
the Wellcome Trust Critical Care Laboratory for Large Animals (WT CCLLA); and b) complete a
related MSC degree, under the supervision of Prof. Eddie Clutton.
The emphasis of the programme is on gaining practical clinical experience in porcine anaesthesia
and perioperative care in a biomedical research environment. This will provides the intern with an
opportunity to participate in specialist veterinary and medical disciplines whilst allowing preparation
for: a) a Senior Clinical Training Scholarship programme in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia; b)
a residency in Laboratory Animal Medicine; and, or c) a PhD in these or related subjects.
The Internship programme covers:
Case management of individual animals at the WT CCLLA, the level of responsibility
increasing as the intern demonstrates ability and knowledge.
Participation in the clinical activities of the R(D)SVS
Developing experience in teaching and communication.
Tuition in research methods and scientific writing.
Designing and undertaking a research project.
Participation in anaesthesia meetings and other relevant post-graduate activities at the
Interns will work in the WT CCLLA located on the Easter Bush Campus. The laboratory facilities
enable state-of-the-art anaesthetic and intensive care management of pigs (and to a lesser extent
sheep, calves and poultry) undergoing investigations licensed under the Animal (Scientific
Procedures) Act 1986. The principal research areas conducted are: toxicology; pharmacology;
experimental surgery; transplantation; biotechnological evaluation.
Interns will be registered with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, with an interest in
developing clinical experience and acumen in a supportive environment managed by European –
registered specialists in Veterinary Anaesthesia and alongside residents in anaesthesia.
The appointee will be responsible to the Director of the WTCCLLA and one other Board certified
anaesthetist (PJM).
Individuals have or are about to achieve an undergraduate veterinary degree
Members of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
Right to Work in the UK (International students and graduates please click here)
English language skills
Working Pattern and Duration
You will be expected to work within a group of veterinary anaesthetists responsible for case
management. The total hours that you are required to work will be in compliance with the
Working Time Directive regulations. Where you work beyond contracted hours, at
management request, you may claim an out of hours hourly rate of £9.90. Any overtime that
you work will be paid in line with the local Out of Hours policy (applicable to all clinicians).
104 week duration of contract
All other terms and conditions as per University of Edinburgh contract for grades UE01 to
Graduates are paid £18,000 per annum.
3. Main Responsibilities
Approx. %
of time
1. Participate fully in all on-job training activities in order to obtain maximum benefit
from the training provided and to comply with training objectives. As training
progresses, contribute to clinical management.
2. Under the supervision of the clinical director of the WT CCLLA, identify and
develop a research project related to laboratory animal anaesthesia and analgesia
meeting the requirements for the award of an MSc by research.
3. Under the direction of senior staff, contribute to teaching and administrative duties
to assist the smooth running of the services.
4. Planning and Organising
Interns will not normally be expected to plan or organise their laboratory work.
5. Problem Solving
Interns will not normally be expected to resolve problems other than those presented to them within a
controlled environment to provide appropriate learning opportunities.
6. Decision Making
Interns will not normally be expected to make decisions other than those presented to them within a
controlled environment to provide appropriate learning opportunities.
7. Key Contacts/Relationships
 Interns will be under the line management of the Clinical Director of the WT CCLLA
 Interns will develop effective working relationships with all technical staff as they carry out their
training in their area.
 Interns will provide support for veterinary undergraduate teaching in the R(D)SVS