Support sustainable development of the Gaspé Peninsula and the Magdalen Islands:
Become a CIRADD member!
By joining CIRADD, you encourage the development of a research centre associated with college education within the Gaspésie – Îles-de-la-Madeleine administrative region. In doing so, you contribute to the development of expertise in our region, the enrichment of college education and the design and transfer of innovative social practices. If you have an interest in research, college education in our region, innovation or sustainable development in general, your CIRADD membership is an opportunity for you to help accomplish actions of this nature.
Check the appropriate box and enter the required information.
Group member
Municipalities, large enterprises, institutions, etc. ..................... $100
Name of organisation:
Small and medium enterprises .............................................................. $50
Name of organisation:
Not-for-profit organisations, associations, etc. ............................... $25
Name of organisation:
Individual member ...................................................................................... $10
Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles student ........................................ Free
Donation ..................................................................................................... $
Phone : Fax:
Please return the completed form by e-mail and send a cheque to cover your membership fee, made out to CIRADD, to the following address (or bring it in to our office):
Centre d’initiation à la recherche et d’aide au développement durable (CIRADD)
776 Boulevard Perron
Carleton-sur-Mer (Québec) G0C 1J0
Phone: 418-364-3341, ext. 8777 or ext. 7255 Fax: 418-364-7938
E-mail address: