Lecture #1: Systematics; Campbell and Reece Chapters 19, 26 and 27 BIOLOGY—101 Professor: Dr. Thomas R. Sawicki Text: Biology 8th ed. (Campbell and Reece Chapters 19, 26 and 27) The diversity of the living world is one of the most interesting and challenging aspects of nature. – Page | 1 Ernst Mayr Lecture # 1 Phylogeny and Systematics Systematics is the study of the diversity of organisms and their natural relationships. There are three sub-disciplines within the field of systematics that are fundamental to the derivation of reconstructing “natural relationships”: 1) Taxonomy; 2) Phylogenetics; 3) Biogeography. It is important to note that each of the sub-disciplines is fundamentally interconnected and interdependent. They cannot exist without the other and that is why all three are subfields of systematics. Taxonomy Naming and Classifying Taxonomists are biologists who name and classify organisms. The goal of taxonomy is to name and classify organisms relative to their evolutionary=phylogenetic relationships. The scientific naming system is based on binomial nomenclature—using two scientific names. The binomial itself is based on the overall scientific classification of the organism. This infers then that naming a species is part of its overall classification and of course the classification is based on its phylogeny! I mention this to reinforce the interconnectedness between the sub-disciplines of systematics and if you don’t fully understand yet don’t worry, we will cover this again as we move along. The system of naming species we currently use is almost exactly the same as it was originally conceived by Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778). Taxonomists and all biologists use binomial nomenclature handed down to us by Linnaeus. The binomial naming system is a two part Latin name. The first name is the genus to which the species belongs. The second is the specific epithet, i.e. the species name. In other words, closely related species will all be classified i.e., named, within the same genus. For instance, the scientific name of a house cat is Felis catus. Now you know where Felix the cat got his name. The scientific name of a wild cat is Felis sylvestris. Now you know where Sylvester the cat got his name! The fact that both species are within the same genus indicates their close relatedness, i.e. the individual species are named in accordance to their defined evolutionary relationships. Notes on how to write scientific names Bio 102 Notes: Dr. Thomas R. Sawicki Lecture #1: Systematics; Campbell and Reece Chapters 19, 26 and 27 When typing a scientific name the genus and species names are italicized like so: Felis sylvestris. They can also be underlined like so: Felis catus. BUT NOT BOTH UNDERLINED AND ITALICIZED!! Notice how the space between the names is NOT underlined!! Underlining is usually done when writing scientific names by hand. Note also that the genus name is capitalized Felis but the species name catus is not. Page | 2 Scientists often discuss species without saying both the genus and species names. For instance, I could write: “The Bahadzia living in Cuba have extremely large gills.” I also could have said: “Bahadzia patilarga and Bahadzia yagerae, which live in caves in Cuba, have extremely large gills.” But because I am speaking generally about all the species within a given genus living in Cuba and not referring to one of the species in particular, it is correct and simpler to refer only to the genus in this case. Again note that both species are placed within the same genus denoting there close evolutionary relationship. Finally, the first time you mention a particular species in a paragraph you MUST use the entire name. Once it has been completely spelled out, each additional time it is mentioned, it can be abbreviated. For instance: “Because no males were found during the expedition, only the female for the new species Hadzia spinatus was described. It is noteworthy that H. spinatus females have extremely large, heavily spined, almost male-like gnathopods. ”Notice that once the scientific name was spelled out the first time, the second time I could refer to this species by only abbreviating the generic name. Some species are better known by their abbreviation, for instance the bacterium E. coli is short for Escherichia coli. Taxonomy—Classification After Darwin’s thesis on The Origin of Species, scientists attempted to classify organisms based on their hypothesized evolutionary relationships NOT just on superficial behavioral or morphological similarities. For instance, both bats and birds can fly and both are warm-blooded. But just because they both have wings and are warm blooded does not mean they merit the same taxonomic classification. Bats have mammary glands, fur and give birth to live young. Birds have feathers, no mammary glands, and lay eggs. Bats have more shared, derived characters (sometimes called synapomorphies) with other mammals (mammary glands, fur and live births) than with birds (wings and warm blooded). In addition the wings of bats and birds are NOT homologous, they are analogous. Analogous structures have a similar structure and function but only superficially—they are derived independently and NOT from a common ancestor. Homologous structures are similar in position, morphology, embryology and evolutionary origin—they are derived from a common ancestor. o As we will see homologous structures can either be apomorphic—recently inherited from a common ancestor; or they can by pleisiomorphic—derived from a common ancestor in the distant past. Bio 102 Notes: Dr. Thomas R. Sawicki Lecture #1: Systematics; Campbell and Reece Chapters 19, 26 and 27 Thus bats and birds are classified within completely different taxonomic hierarchical classifications: birds traditionally within Class Aves and bats in Class Mammalia. Although as we will learn later on many taxonomists feel that birds should be classified within the Class Reptilia. Page | 3 Another example, which may be less obvious, may help us better understand how scientists classify organisms. The scientific name of a lion is Panthera leo and the scientific name of a tiger is Panthera tigris. Notice that these two large cats are given a name that classifies them within the genus Panthera. This clearly denotes that the tiger and lion share a more recent common ancestor with each other than they do with either a house cat (Felis catus) or a wild cat (Felis sylvestris); however, the house cat, wild cat, lion and tiger are all cats and are therefore all classified within the family Felidae—the cat family (review figure 26.3 and 26.4 and the corresponding text). This indicates that all cats share a more recent common ancestor with each other than they do with dogs that are classified within the family Canidae. However, cats and dogs are classified together in the order Carnivora indicating that they share a more recent common ancestor with each other than they do with other orders found within class Mammalia such as the order Primates (apes, monkeys and humans) or Probiscidea (elephants) etcetera. This example demonstrates how systematists use the hierarchical classification scheme to classify organisms based on their evolutionary relationships. As noted above, the hierarchical classification scheme was originally developed by Carolus Linnaeus. Classically, there were seven levels within the hierarchy as written below: Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species As one goes down this classification system from kingdom to species you are discussing groups hypothesized to have a more and more closely derived evolutionary heritage. In other words, organisms within a single genus share a common ancestor more recently in the past than organisms classified within the same family and so on. As noted above, the broadest classification level was the Kingdom. Until very recently there were five kingdoms: Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protista and Monera. This five kingdom level of organization was proposed by Robert H. Whittaker in 1969. This five kingdom scheme was based on three multicellular eukaryotic Kingdoms (Plantae, Fungi and Animalia). These kingdoms were separated mostly upon their means of nutrition. In other words it was inferred that means of obtaining energy is a very fundamental and thus anciently derived trait from which broad classifications could be made. Bio 102 Notes: Dr. Thomas R. Sawicki Lecture #1: Systematics; Campbell and Reece Chapters 19, 26 and 27 Kingdom Plantae—autotrophic, specifically photoautotrophic Kingdom Fungi—saprophages, i.e. they are heterotrophic organisms that are decomposers. Fungi secrete digestive enzymes into dead organisms and absorb small organic molecules. Kingdom Animalia—heterotrophic by means of ingesting food and digesting it within a special body cavity. There was one other kingdom of eukaryotic organisms: Kingdom Protista—any eukaryotic organism that did not readily fit into any of the other three eukaryotic kingdoms (Plantae, Animalia or Fungi) were placed into Protista. It has often been called a “trash-bin” kingdom. Dr. Michael Gable at Eastern CT State University used to say regarding the protistans, “Tissue is the issue.” In other words, if you did not have readily defined tissues but were a eukaryotic organism, you were classified in the kingdom Protista. So all SINGLE CELLED eukaryotic organisms are protistans. This should make very intuitive sense. If your whole being is a single cell then by definition you don’t have any tissues, e.g. Paramecium and Amoeba. Also, algae were placed into kingdom Protista as they do not have truly differentiated tissues and to some extent behave much like colonial single-celled organisms; however, this has recently been changed and as we will see the algae have now been split and are either classified within kingdom Plantae or within a new kingdom, the Chromista. Finally the last kingdom was prokaryotic: Kingdom Monera—this kingdom included all the bacteria, i.e. all prokaryotic organisms. Today, we have added an eighth, and broadest, category to the classification hierarchy: Domains. This has happened only within the last decade or so (figure 26.3). The kingdom Monera (the bacteria) is an extremely diverse group of organisms (all prokaryotic) and relatively recent discoveries have found prokaryotes that can live in extremely harsh environments, e.g. hot springs. These prokaryotes— collectively called archaea for ancient—appear to be genetically different from other more common prokaryotes—the bacteria (see table 27.2 for a list of biochemical and other characteristics that differentiate these two groups of prokaryotic cells). The differences between the archaea and the more common strains of bacteria—often called eubacteria where eu is from the Greek for true—have resulted in the new hierarchical classification: Domain. We now use a 3 Domain system: Domain Archaea—prokaryotic organisms, which include methanogens (which produce methane), thermoacidophilic bacteria (phil from Greek meaning love; thermo=hot and acido=acidic), and halophilic bacteria (halo Greek meaning salt). Note: these various prokaryotic Bio 102 Notes: Dr. Thomas R. Sawicki Page | 4 Lecture #1: Systematics; Campbell and Reece Chapters 19, 26 and 27 organisms have only relatively recently been discovered. They live in environments that, not too long ago, most scientists thought were impossible for life to survivie. Domain Bacteria—obviously also prokaryotic organisms, the majority of prokaryotes are classified under this Domain. These are the typical, common types of bacteria, e.g. the kind for which you must take antibiotics. Cyanobacteria (sometimes incorrectly called blue-green algae) are also within this domain. Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic bacteria. Domain Eukarya—these organisms have true, membrane bound nuclei as the name suggests. Plants, animals, fungus and single celled eukaryotes (read protistans) and the new kingdom Chromista are placed into this Domain. To sum this up, the kingdom level is no longer the highest (or broadest) level of classification. For instance the kingdom Plantae and kingdom Animalia are now both classified within the domain Eukarya. As noted above table 27.2 shows some of the major differences between the Archaea, Bacteria and Eukarya. Interestingly, the domains Eukarya and the Archaea appear to be more closely related (that is to say they share the more recent common ancestor) than the domains Archaea and Bacteria. Thus eukaryotes (all plants, animals, protists, fungi and chromistans) appear to share a common ancestry with prokaryotic like organisms which live in more extreme environments than do the bacteria. This phylogeny is based both on genetic studies first conducted by Carl Woese starting in the late 1970’s and also on morphological characters noted in table 27.2 (see also figure 27.16). Because of this ground breaking work, the new hierarchical classification scheme, including the level Domain is as follows: Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species In addition, each of the individual classification levels e.g., class or order can themselves be subdivided as so: Domain Kingdom Superkingdom Phylum Subphylum Superclass Class Subclass Superorder Order Bio 102 Notes: Dr. Thomas R. Sawicki Page | 5 Lecture #1: Systematics; Campbell and Reece Chapters 19, 26 and 27 Suborder Superfamily Family Subfamily Genus Species Page | 6 Further divisions are possible and we will discuss these later in the course. In addition to the adding of a new hierarchical level of classification, there are other changes happening at the kingdom level. As noted above, kingdom Protista is a very diverse group and an active debate is underway on how to correctly classify this “kingdom.” For instance, based on a large amount of genetic, morphological and biochemical data the green and red algae, once placed in the kingdom Protista, are now classified within the kingdom Plantae (many botanists place the red and green algae within a completely separate kingdom which is denoted to be closely aligned with the plants). Some of the evidence for this change in classification includes: o Homologous chloroplasts, red and green algae use chlorophyll b and beta-carotene like plants. o Biochemical similarities in the cell walls of plants and red and green algae. o Mitosis and cytokinesis are similar between the two groups. o Sperm ultrastructure is similar. o Genetic similarities—multiple lines of genetic evidence points to a close relationship between green and red algae and plants. In addition, taxonomists have introduced a new kingdom, Chromista, for (almost) all other “algal” groups. So now domain Eukarya has (at least) five kingdoms: Protista, Chromista, Plantae, Fungi and Animalia. This will surely change as more data comes to light and scientists reach a consensus. Another important field of systematics is biogeography. Biogeography is the study of the distribution of organisms in space, both past and present and how distribution correlates with variation in biological characteristics e.g. morphological, behavioral or molecular differences. These patterns of distribution within a defined space are correlated with historical geology, i.e. geological changes that have occurred over time. For instance, have you ever asked yourself why only the continent of Australia has a great diversity of extant (living) groups of marsupial mammals? Understanding the geology of plate tectonics allows us to understand continental drift and derive plausible hypotheses regarding current macro distributions of plant and animal fauna (see figures 25.12, 25.13 and the corresponding text for a brief description of plate tectonics and continental drift). We can use historical geology and biogeography, in combination with molecular genetics and paleontology to “read” the evolutionary history of a species or groups of species. Bio 102 Notes: Dr. Thomas R. Sawicki Lecture #1: Systematics; Campbell and Reece Chapters 19, 26 and 27 As we now can see by using morphological, behavioral and molecular differences and correlating these differences to geographical distributions, and historical geology, systematists can derive phylogenies. A phylogeny is a hypothetical evolutionary relationship between extant (living) and or extinct organisms within a lineage. This leads us to the third major field of systematic: Phylogenetics Phylogenetic systematics (cladistics) is the field of systematics that uses morphological, behavioral, molecular (or other) characters to infer hypothetical evolutionary relationships between organisms (extinct or extant). Evolutionary relationships derived in cladistics are usually based on the idea of allopatric speciation—speciation that occurs when gene flow between populations of a given species is interrupted due to some geological, climatological or other event. The basic assumption we use to derive phylogenies based on allopatric speciation is that the more recent a split occurred, the more shared-derived characters should be observed. What does shared-derived character mean? Simply that two species (or other taxonomic groups) share characters in common that are NOT found in ancestral forms. The more shared-derived characters that different groups share, the more closely related they are inferred to be. Characters can be morphological, molecular, behavioral, biochemical or a combination of these. These characters are distributed in a matrix and then a computer program is used to determine the relationships based on these characters. A couple of very common computational methodologies for determining relatedness are maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood. Maximum parsimony—is based on the concept of Occam’s Razor (the simplest explanation is usually the correct one). In the case of assigning relatedness based on character states, maximum parsimony assumes that the fewest number of character changes needed will most likely reflect the correct phylogeny. In order to more fully understand how this works we need to learn some new terminology: Character—Any heritable attribute or feature that distinguishes one thing, individual or group from another. Homologous characters—characters derived by two taxa because they share a common ancestor and thus inherited that character from the common ancestor. Apomorphic—the most derived (more recently evolved) state in an evolutionary sequence of homologous characters. For instance, pine trees and oak trees share the character of vascular tissue. However, oak trees are more closely related to tulips than to pine trees because oak trees and tulips share the more derived apomorphy (apomorphic character)—flowers. Plesiomorphic—the ancestral character state in an evolutionary sequence of homologous characters. In the above example, vascular tissue is the plesiomorphic character. Bio 102 Notes: Dr. Thomas R. Sawicki Page | 7 Lecture #1: Systematics; Campbell and Reece Chapters 19, 26 and 27 Analogous character (Homoplasy)—a phenomenon in which two taxonomic groups, e.g., two species, share a similar character, but NOT because it was inherited from a common ancestor. Homoplasies are often the result of convergent evolution (also called parallelism when it occurs amongst closely related groups), e.g. both birds and bats have wings but the character is not homologous it is a homoplasy because birds and bats do NOT share the MOST RECENT common ancestor and thus did not inherit their wings from a common ancestor. Cladogram—a diagram that depicts the hypothetical phylogeny of different taxonomic groups based on the number of shared derived characters. Clade—a taxonomic group that includes the most recent common ancestor and its descendents. Monophyletic clade—a taxonomic group whose members are ALL descended from the nearest common ancestor. Systematists agree that a hierarchical classification system should be monophyletic. Paraphyletic—a taxonomic group that does not include ALL the descendents of a common ancestor. For instance, Class Reptilia is a paraphyletic clade if it does not include the birds. Polyphyletic—any taxonomic group, the members of which have not originated from the nearest common ancestor. For instance, if class Reptilia included frogs, it would be polyphyletic. Figure 26.5 and the corresponding text provides information on how to read “phylogenetic trees”=cladograms and figure 26.10 provides diagrammatical examples of monophyletic, paraphyletic and polyphyletic cladograms. How does one determine which characters are apomorphic and which are pleisomorphic? The answer is via an out-group analysis. A taxon which is outside of the study group, preferably a sister group is studied and its characters described; next characters found in the “in-group” i.e., the group of interest are studied and described. Those characters found in the “in-group” but are not found in the out-group are considered to be apomorphic homologies—derived from a common ancestor that led to the taxa of the in-group. Characters found in both the in-group and the out-group are considered pleisiomorphic homologies. As you might guess, this is a time consuming and tedious process and means the researcher must fundamentally understand the organisms being studied. Maximum parsimony is very commonly used for morphological data. Using “parsimony” will allow us to determine what characters are homologies and what characters are homoplasies. The character matrix below is a real character matrix used to determine the phylogenetic relationship of a number of different amphipod genera. Can you see how a phylogeny could be derived from this matrix? Note genus X is the out-group. For a bonus on your first exam, see if you can convert this data matrix into a cladogram. I will begin the process in class. I ask you to do this because I believe by working through the matrix you will get a better idea of the idea of apomorphic vs. pleisiomorphic homologous characters and homoplasious characters. Bio 102 Notes: Dr. Thomas R. Sawicki Page | 8 Lecture #1: Systematics; Campbell and Reece Chapters 19, 26 and 27 Table 1. Distribution of character states for 22 characters among 9 genera (A - I) of amphipod crustaceans—X = out-group; 0 = plesiomorphic; 1 = apomorphic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 A 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 B 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 C 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 D 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 E 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 F 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 G 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 H 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 I 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 To better understand the characters (1-22) listed across the top of the matrix, below is a table describing each of the characters. I will discuss a few of these during class. Of course you are not expected to learn and understand each of these characters. The point is to help you learn how we determine which characters are apomorphic and which plesiomorphic. Table 2. Descrption of characters used to analyze the phylogenetic relationship among nine genera (A-I) of a monophyletic group of amphipod crustaceans. Character Plesiomorphic State Apomorphic State 1. Accessory flagellum of antenna 1 2-4 segments 1 segment of vestigial 2. Mandibular palp Present Absent 3. Mandibular molar seta On right and left On right only 4. Lacinia mobilis of right mandible Present Absent 5. Number of apical setae on inner plate of Few to 25 40 7-11 15 10-50 100 maxilla 1 6. Number of spines on outer plate of maxilla 1 7. Number of facial setae in oblique row on inner plate of maxilla 2 8. Inner plate of maxilliped Normal Greatly expanded 9. Palm of gnathopod 1 Short and transverse Relatively long, oblique 10. Posterior margin of segment 5 of Without distinct lobe With distinct lobe gnathopod 1 Bio 102 Notes: Dr. Thomas R. Sawicki Page | 9 Lecture #1: Systematics; Campbell and Reece Chapters 19, 26 and 27 11. Segment 4 of gnathopod 1 Enlarged, with lobe Not enlarged, without lobe 12. Sexual dimorphism of gnathopod 2 Male enlarged with lobe Male not enlarged, without lobe 13. Coxal plate of pereopod 4 Expanded, with posterior Reduced, excavation excavation shallow or obsolete 14. Bases of periopods 3 and 4 Narrow, not expanded Broadly expanded 15. Pereopods 5, 6, and 7 Not attenuate Attenuate, especially bases 16. Setae on segment 5 of pereopod 6 Short Elongate 17. Number of setae on anterior margin of 1 3-8 1 2-4 dactyls of pereopods 5, 6, and 7 18. Number of basofacial spines on peduncle of uropod 1 19. Size of basofacial spines Small Enlarged 20. Rami of uropod 3 With spines and setae With spines only 21. Lobes of telson Separated or nearly so Partly fused 22. Telson (overall) Lightly spinose Heavily spinose Maximum likelihood—is modeling technique used to derive phylogenies, which is commonly used for molecular data, specifically DNA sequences. Specific genes are sequenced and the amount of differences (percent differences) between the species is examined. In order for maximum likelihood to work one needs to have a model of how DNA is assumed to evolve. The simplest model is to assume that genes mutate at a relatively constant rate. By having the assumption of constant rates of mutation within genes of different taxa over time, a computer program can work out the most likely phylogenetic arrangement (see figure 26.14 and the corresponding text for a description of maximum likelihood). Today, the derivation of phylogenies is based on multiple lines of evidence. The derived phylogenies are then used to help create the classification of organisms. In Biology 102 you will be learning the taxonomic classification of almost all major groups of organisms known to exist on earth. You will also learn their major morphological and physiological characteristics. In other words, by learning the shared morphological and physiological characters of different groups you will begin to understand how and why organisms are classified. Bio 102 Notes: Dr. Thomas R. Sawicki Page | 10