General Terms of Engagement Our Commitment to you as a registered client of Beech House Veterinary Centre Ltd: We: 8. We provide fully itemised accounts if requested. 9. keep you informed of progress, and of any escalation in costs once treatment has started 1. make animal welfare our first consideration in seeking 10. obtain your informed consent to treatment unless delay to provide the most appropriate attention for animals would adversely affect your animal's welfare committed to our care 2. ensure that all animals under our care are treated 11. ensure that all staff are properly trained and supervised where appropriate humanely and with respect 3. promote responsible animal ownership 4. maintain and continue to develop our professional 12. ensure that you are made aware of any procedures to be performed by support staff who are not veterinary surgeons knowledge and skills 5. foster and maintain a good relationship with all our 13. recognise that you have freedom of choice clients, earning your trust, respecting your views and protecting client confidentiality 6. uphold the good reputation of the veterinary profession The professional/client relationship is one of mutual 7. ensure the integrity of veterinary certification trust and respect, under which we will: 8. foster and endeavour to maintain good relationships with our professional colleagues 9. understand and comply with our legal obligations in relation to the prescription, safe-keeping and supply of veterinary medicinal products 10. familiarise ourselves with and observe the relevant 1. maintain client confidentiality 2. treat you with respect, and observe professional courtesies 3. avoid conflicts of interest 4. give due consideration to your concerns and wishes where legislation in relation to veterinary surgeons as these do not conflict with the patient's welfare individual members of the profession, employers, employees and business owners 11. respond fully and courteously to complaints and We ensure that all our professional activities are covered by professional indemnity insurance. criticism Continuing Professional Development By providing veterinary services we agree to a contractual relationship under which we will: 1. 1. by keeping up to date with the general developments in ensure that clear written information is provided about veterinary science, particularly in their area of professional practice arrangements, including the provision, initial cost activity and maintain a record of CPD undertaken as and location of the out-of-hours emergency service, and information on the care of in-patients 2. We guarantee that we continue our professional education evidence of so doing. 2. We encourage and facilitate participation in CPD take all reasonable care in using our professional skills to programmes. As part of this commitment, we close for staff treat patients training every Wednesday between 1pm and 4pm. 3. keep our skills and knowledge up to date 4. keep within our own areas of competence save for the Medicines prescribed or supplied by veterinary surgeons We: - requirement to provide emergency first aid 5. maintain clear, accurate and comprehensive case records 1. Medicines Directorate at all times but we may need to and accounts 6. 7. We will at all times aim to offer and explain a range of reasonable treatment options, including prognoses and possible side effects Follow the Cascade system determined by the Veterinary prescribe a medicine that is not specifically licensed due to the lack of a suitably licensed veterinary medicine 2. Ensure you are able to obtain prescriptions, as appropriate but we as Veterinary Surgeons may prescribe a medicine of We aim to give realistic fee estimates based on treatment category Prescription Only Medicine, Veterinarian, [POM-V] options only following a clinical assessment of an animal deemed to be under our care; a prescription may not be appropriate if the animal is an in-patient or immediate treatment is 4. necessary 3. Client Satisfaction 1. requires not only a professional approach on Subject to any legal restrictions, ensure there is adequate our part, but that we should be kept aware of provision of information on medicine prices, including the any concerns that you have about our care current prices for the ten relevant veterinary medicinal and service. We therefore hope that you will products most commonly prescribed during a recent and raise any such concerns promptly and frankly, typical 3-month period, to provide you with a fair and and indeed tell us of any suggestions to representative illustration of the practice's medicines prices. 4. Satisfying your requirements and expectations improve our services. Provide the price of any relevant veterinary medicinal 2. Any concerns or complaints you may have in product stocked or sold, to you, or other legitimate relation to our services not resolved informally enquirers, making reasonable requests; and if requested, above, should be raised by writing to the inform you of the price of any medicine to be prescribed or Practice Manager. They will investigate the dispensed. subject matter of the concern or complaint promptly, and attempt to resolve the issue to 5. Where possible and relevant, inform you of the frequency your and our mutual satisfaction. and charges regarding further examinations of animals 3. requiring repeat prescriptions. 6. the concern or complaint relates to the Practice Manager, you should contact the Provide you with an invoice that distinguishes the price of Practice Director, who is responsible for trying individual relevant veterinary medicinal products. 7. If such a resolution cannot be achieved, or if to resolve disagreements between the practice and clients. They will explain to you the Advise you, by means of a prominently displayed sign (in procedure that they will follow to investigate the waiting room or other appropriate area), with reference the matter, and to try to resolve the issue in to prescriptions being available: question. “Prescriptions are available from this practice. 4. If you remain dissatisfied after receiving the You may obtain relevant veterinary medicinal products from our Dispensary OR ask for a prescription and obtain these medicines from another veterinary surgeon or a pharmacy. Practice Director’s report, the complaint or We may prescribe relevant veterinary medicinal products only following a clinical assessment of an animal under our care. Road, London, SW1P 2AF. A prescription may not be appropriate if your animal is an inpatient or immediate treatment is necessary. matter of concern can be referred to the RCVS, Belgravia House, 62-64 Horseferry 5. Payment of Fees 1. Fees are invoiced as the services are provided You will be informed, on request, of the price of any medicine that may be prescribed for your animal. with payment due at this time (at the time of The gap between checkups may vary, depending upon the veterinary medicinal product and the patient. The interval between prescription and the re-examination may vary from a few days to an absolute maximum of twelve months for Flea and Worm treatments, with the Practice’s general policy usually being a maximum of 3 months, depending upon the situation, for all other drugs. our hospital, or when any other services are your appointment; your pet’s discharge from performed). some may be unknown and will therefore be invoiced at a later date. We do not provide credit. We charge our Minimum Check Up Fee of £25.65 for a Reexamination for Repeat Prescriptions. This Minimum Check Up Fee is charged if the re-examination is on time, otherwise the normal Consultation Fee will apply. Please give at least 2 working days notice so that we can have them ready for collection. Further information on the prices of medicines is available on request.” Fees are generally complete when your pet is discharged from hospital but 2. We reserve the right to charge 2% interest each month on any outstanding amounts in addition to a £25 Administrative Fee for late payment 6. Missed Appointments 1. We ask most respectfully that you arrive on Your Commitment to us as a registered client of Beech House Veterinary Centre Ltd: time for your appointments and if - for 3. Communication Please ensure you keep us informed of all of your current contact details and any changes, as they occur. We aim to keep you informed & in touch and presently use post, text and email but our commitment to the environment means we would prefer to use text & email to keep you informed of urgent news and special offers. appointment, that you contact us whatever reason - you cannot attend your immediately, ideally giving us 24-hours notice. In this way, we may be able to rebook the appointment, so giving another pet with more pressing needs, an earlier opportunity to be seen. Unfortunately, if you fail to attend, or cancel only a couple of hours before your appointment, such cases will have been prevented from being seen at an earlier and more beneficial opportunity 2. Therefore, please don’t miss or cancel the appointment at the last minute; if you do, then please offer to pay the £10, or please do not be offended when we ask for £10. We feel that £10 is a small amount to charge in these circumstances 7.