Grade 9 Reading, Writing, and Written and Oral Expression Standards

Student Name:
School Year:
Grade 10 World History, Culture, and Geography: The Modern World
10.1-10.1.3 – (5 items – 8%)
10.1 relate principles in ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, Judaism, and Christianity
to development of Western thought
10.1.1 analyze Judeo-Christian and Greco-Roman views of law, reason and faith, and duties of
the individual
10.1.2 trace the development of Western political ideas from Plato’s Republic and Aristotle’s
10.1.3 Study influence of the U.S. Constitution in the contemporary world
10.2– 10.2.5 – (8 items – 13%)
10.2. compare and contrast Revolutions in England, America and France and their effects
10.2.1 compare major philosophers and their ideas’ effects on democratic revolutions
10.2.2 list the principles of the Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, American Declaration of
Independence, the French Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Bill of Rights
10.2.3 study the unique character of the American Revolution and its significance to other
10.2.4 explain the development of French ideology from the Revolution to Napoleon
10.2.5 explain the significance of the Congress of Vienna and Concert of Europe
10.3-10.3.7 – (7 items – 12%)
10.3 analyze the Industrial Revolution in England, France, Germany France, and the U.S.
10.3.1 explain why England was the first to industrialize
10.3.2 examine the development of scientific and technological changes and their effects
10.3.3 describe the population growth and migration from rural to urban centers
10.3.4 trace the evolution of work and labor
10.3.5 explain the connection of natural resources and the influences of an industrial economy
10.3.6 analyze the development of capitalism and the responses such as Socialism
10.3.7 describe the development of Romanticism in art, literature, and music
10.4– 10.4.4 – (3 items – 5%)
10.4 analyze global change during New Imperialism in at least 2 countries of regions:
Africa, Southeast Asia, China, India, Latin America, and the Philippines
10.4.1 describe the rise of industrial economy and link with imperialism and colonialism
10.4.2 locate the colonial empires of various nations such as England and the U.S.
10.4.3 explain the perspective of the colonizers and the colonized
10.4.4 describe the independence struggles of colonized regions
10.5-10.5.5 – (7 items – 12%)
10.5 analyze the causes and the events of WW I
10.5.1 analyze the arguments for entering the war by different countries’ leaders
10.5.2 examine the main battlegrounds, and the significance of geography
10.5.3 explain the significance of the Russian Revolution and the entry of the U.S.
10.5.4 understand the nature of the war and its human costs
10.5.5 discuss human rights violations and acts of genocide
10.6-10.6.4 – (7 items – 12%)
10.6 analyze the effects of WW I
10.6.1 analyze the effects of the roles of world leaders; the Treaty of Versailles, Fourteen
Points, and the U.S. rejection of the League of Nations
10.6.2 describe the effect on the world’s population movement on the world economy
10.6.3 understand the rise of totalitarians after the war
10.6.4 discuss the influence of the war on art, literature, and thought
10.7-10.7.3 – (6 items – 10%)
10.7 analyze the rise of totalitarian governments after WW I
10.7.1 understand the causes and consequences of the Russian Revolution
10.7.2 trace Stalin’s rise to power
10.7.3 analyze the human costs of totalitarian regimes, analyzing traits of different regimes
10.8-10.8.6 – (7 items – 12%)
10.8 analyze the causes and consequences of WW II
10.8.1 compare the rise of the German, Italian, and Japanese empires
10.8.2 understand the forces in Europe and the U.S. that led to nonintervention
10.8.3 identify and locate the Allied and the Axis powers on a map and discuss the significance
of geography
10.8.4 describe the political, diplomatic, and military leaders
10.8.5 analyze the Holocaust
10.8.6 discuss the human costs of the war
10.9-10.9.8 – (7 items – 12%)
10.9 analyze the international developments post WWII
10.9.1 compare the economic and military power shifts caused by the war
10.9.2 analyze the causes of the Cold War and their effects on other countries
10.9.3 understand the importance of the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan and their
effects in Southeast Asia
10.9.4 analyze the Chinese Civil War and its effects
10.9.5 describe the uprisings in Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia and the aftermath
10.9.6 understand the development of Nationalism in the Middle East
10.9.7 analyze the reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union
10.9.8 discuss the establishment and the work of the United Nations
10.10-10.10.3 – (3 items – 5%)
10.10 analyze the nation-building in the contemporary world in 2 regions: the Middle
East, Africa, Mexico, and other parts of Latin America, and China
10.10.1 understand the various challenges in the regions and the significance to the world
10.10.2 describe the recent history of the regions
10.10.3 discuss the recent trends in the regions and relationships to democracy and individual
Analytical Skills in History and Social Sciences (15 items – 25%)
10.12 chronological and spatial thinking
10.12.1 compare the present and past and evaluate lessons learned
10.12.2 analyze the rate of change and its differences depending on events and locations
10.12.3 use a variety of maps and documents to interpret population changes
10.12.4 relate current events to the characteristics of places and regions
10.13 historical research, evidence, and point of view
10.13.1 distinguish valid from fallacious arguments in historical interpretations
10.13.2 identify bias and prejudice
10.13.3 evaluate major debates among historians
10.13.4 construct a research project in written and oral form
10.14 historical interpretation
10.14.1 connect particular events and larger social, economic and political trends
10.14.2 interpret past events within their own time periods
10.14.3 analyze an historical event that could have taken another direction
10.14.4 analyze human effect on geography and the environment
10.14.5analyze the historical behavior of the U.S. economy