Certified by the American Grassfed Association as being 100% GRASSFED!
COST FOR 2015 is $4.00. for a Whole or ½ Beef; $4.10 for a Front quarter & $4.20 for a Hind quarter, this does not include processing.
MJ Ranch sells their Angus beef by “hanging weight”. This means after a beef is slaughtered, gutted, and split into two lengthwise halves. The bone, of course, is included in this hanging weight. You may get every bit of the bone you want, but it is realistic to realize that you probably will not want all of the bones.
We estimate about 500 lbs. hanging wt. for a whole Beef. Most will weigh this or more…with a few weighing a little lighter. You can always stipulate if you want a larger or smaller hanging weight, and we will try to honor that. (Note: If anyone gives you the price & poundage of ¼, ½, or whole beef before you order it, just know that it has already been processed and you may not get fresh frozen beef.) Below I will be figuring cost on a ¼ beef at 125 (1/4 of 500 lbs.; a ½ beef at 250 lbs. (1/2 of 500 lbs.) and, of course, 500 lbs. for a whole beef, to give you an approximate cost for beef. The processor’s fee would be $.55/lb. for cutting, quick-freezing, and packaging. There is also a one-time slaughter fee of $45 for a whole beef, $22.50 for ½ beef, and $11.25 for ¼ beef. So, without tax, for a:
**1/4 Beef, Front Quarter: 125 lbs. X $4.10= $512.50 (MJ Ranch charge)
Processor’s Fee: 125 lbs. X $.55 = $68.75
Slaughter Fee: $11.25
Grand total: $512.50 + $68.75 + $11.25 = $592.50, plus tax
**1/4 Beef, Hind Quarter: 125 lbs. X $4.20 = $525.00 (MJ Ranch charge)
Processor’s Fee: 125 lbs. X $.55 = $68.75
Slaughter Fee: $11.25
Grand Total: $525 + $68.75 + $11.25 = $605.00, plus tax
**1/2 Beef: 250 lbs. X $4.00 = $1000.00 (MJ Ranch charge)
Processor’s Fee: 250 lbs. X $.55 = $137.50
Slaughter Fee: $22.50
Grand total: $1000 + $137.50 + $22.50 = $1160.00, plus tax
**Whole Beef: 500 lbs. X $4.00 = $2000.00 ( (MJ Ranch charge)
Processor’s Fee: 500 lbs. X $.55 = $275
Slaughter Fee: $45
Grand Total: $2000 + $275 + $45 = $2320, plus tax
We are happy to discuss cuts and answer any questions. 785-865-2503 or e-mail: