PRESTON PRIMARY CARE TRUST Pharmacy First A Minor Ailments Scheme through Community Pharmacists Index Page Background 2 Service Specification 4 Appendix 1 Preston PCT GP Practices Contact Numbers 9 Appendix 2 Pharmacy First Formulary 10 Appendix 3 Circumstances in which Pharmacy First medicine should not be supplied 11 Appendix 4 Pharmacy First: Consultation Form 13 Appendix 5 Pharmacist Rapid Referral Form 15 Appendix 6 Chorley & South Ribble PCT GP practice contact numbers 17 Appendix 7 Pharmacies Participating in Scheme 18 Appendix 8 Pharmacy First Patient Passport & Information Leaflet 19 Appendix 9 Pharmacy First Consultation Decision Pathway 23 Appendix 10 Pharmacy First Minor Ailment Protocols 24 Appendix 11 Generic list of competencies for community pharmacies involved in providing a minor ailment service 51 Appendix 12 Pharmacy First Locum Guide 54 Appendix 13 Pharmacy First Common Questions 56 Appendix 14 Pharmacy First Model Receptionist Protocol 57 Appendix 15 Clinical Governance Implications for pharmacies providing a Minor Ailment Service 58 Appendix 16 List of publications for Patient Information Leaflets 59 1 D:\116104921.doc PRESTON PRIMARY CARE TRUST Pharmacy First A Minor Ailments Scheme through Community Pharmacists Background 1. Introduction 1.1 A significant amount of a GPs workload is spent dealing with minor ailments. A ‘minor ailment’ means different things to different people. Some patients need a formal GP appointment to be reassured that the symptoms are not serious whilst many other patients require convenient and instant access to suitable over the counter medicines. Several community pharmacy based schemes around the country have allowed this to happen with great success thereby relieving pressure on GP appointment times. 2. Better Management of Minor Ailments 2.1 GPs spend a significant proportion of their working day dealing with minor ailments. For some patients this is entirely appropriate, but for many others, it is an inconvenient and inefficient way of getting help to look after themselves. Many emergency appointments are taken up by people with minor ailments. 2.2 The aim of this scheme is to allow appropriate patients to be referred or to self refer to their local community pharmacy. The community pharmacist will be able to treat a number of specified minor conditions and supply medicines from an agreed local formulary at NHS expense. No payment need be made if the patient is exempt from prescription charges. Those patients who pay prescription charges will be able to choose either to pay the prescription charge due, or purchase the medication at the normal ‘over the counter’ price. 2.3 The minor ailments have been selected because of their prevalence, the availability of pharmacy medicines for their treatment and the willingness of GPs to see their management transferred to pharmacies. 2.4 The scheme was subjected to phased introduction across Preston PCT, which commenced in those areas of Preston with high levels of deprivation. 2.5. Moving minor ailment management into community pharmacy will relieve pressure on the GP urgent appointment system. By directing patients with minor illnesses to community pharmacies, GPs will potentially have more consultation time available for patients with more serious or chronic complaints. Relieving capacity and demand pressures will help with recruitment and retention initiatives particularly in practices serving areas of high deprivation. The scheme will also help to achieve and sustain improved access to primary care by helping patients to be seen within 48 hours by a GP or another primary health care professional. 2 D:\116104921.doc 2.6 Implementation of the scheme will support the delivery of the NHS plan specifically in relation to reshaping care around patients and making better use of the skills of pharmacists. Widening the availability of medicines over the counter was also identified as a modernisation initiative in the document published by the Department of Health ‘Pharmacy in the Future.’ There are many benefits for patients; Waiting times are reduced Access to advice is improved There is an alternative to a GP consultation No anxiety about 'bothering the doctor' For the Practice and the PCT Inappropriate consultations are reduced More time for tasks that really need medical input It will be easier to achieve access targets For the Pharmacist Opportunity to work more closely with the primary healthcare team Making better use of professional skills 3. Outline Implementation 3.1 A minor ailments scheme known as “Pharmacy First” has been introduced across the whole of Preston PCT. 3.2 It has been introduced in three phases; All community pharmacies in Preston PCT have participated in the scheme since the launch of phase 1 in March 2004. All participating pharmacies undertook an accredited training course prior to the launch of phase 1. Pharmacists will work within written protocols for each specified minor ailment. These protocols will have been developed and approved by the PCT Medicines Management Sub Committee. Patients managed within these protocols will be given advice and may be supplied with the designated medication identified. Some patients may require referral. Patients registered with the GP practices identified in appendix 1 are eligible to participate in the scheme. 3 D:\116104921.doc Pharmacy First Service Specification 1 Introduction 1.1 Patients wishing to use the service must be registered with a participating GP surgery. See appendix 1. 1.2 The service can only be provided for patients registered with a participating GP surgery and presenting with symptoms of a minor ailment listed in appendix 2. 1.3 Only the products listed against the specific minor ailment as indicated in appendix 2 can be provided as part of the scheme. The licensed medicines available within the scheme must not be supplied out with the licensed indication for the medicine. 1.4 Eligible patients will only be provided with medicines to manage the minor ailment if, in the professional opinion of the pharmacist, the medicine required is not contraindicated and that the treatment provided is in accordance with the minor ailment protocol. 1.5 Only pharmacies accredited by Preston Primary Care Trust will be included in the scheme. See appendix 7. 1.6 Patients under the care of GP practices as identified in appendix 1 will register onto the scheme when they visit an accredited pharmacy as a result of symptoms associated with one of the minor ailments listed in appendix 2. The patient will be encouraged to use the pharmacy that normally dispenses their prescriptions. Once registered the patient should normally use that same pharmacy for further consultations arising from symptoms associated with one of the minor ailments listed in appendix 2. See 1.12 for arrangements pertaining to patients registered with GP practices in Chorley & South Ribble PCT. 1.7 Registration will take the form of the provision by the pharmacy of a Pharmacy First Passport (appendix 8) completed with details of the patient, condition treated and medication supplied under the scheme. 1.8 Patients are required to present the Pharmacy First Passport at all subsequent pharmacy consultations under the scheme. Ideally this should be at the pharmacy that originally issued the Pharmacy First Passport. However presentation of the passport in association with a minor ailment consultation at another participation pharmacy in Preston PCT is acceptable. 4 D:\116104921.doc 1.9 The top copy of the consultation form (Appendix 4) will be sent to the PCT for audit and reimbursement. The second copy should be retained at the premises of the pharmacy for at least two years. 1.10 A copy of the patient consultation form (appendix 4) may be faxed to the patient’s GP for information if so requested by the GP. 1.11 Patients are at liberty to decline to participate in the scheme. 1.12 Patients registered with GP practices in Chorley & South Ribble PCT (Appendix 6) may receive treatment for the conditions and with the medicines listed under the Preston scheme following a consultation in a pharmacy within Preston PCT. Documentation and reimbursement requirements are identical to that of all other patients managed under the Preston PCT scheme. 2. Referral into scheme and registration 2.1 Patients presenting at a participating GP surgery or the primary care GP deputising service with one of the minor ailments listed in appendix 2 may be advised of the scheme and how to access it through their local pharmacy. Surgeries should note that patients who are not exempt from prescription charges will be required to pay for any medication supplied. 2.2 Patients presenting at a pharmacy by self-referral. 2.3 Pharmacists will only accept a patient into the scheme providing they can establish that the patient is registered with a participating GP practice. This can be achieved by: Evidence produced by the patient of registration with a participating GP practice e.g. repeat prescription tear-off slip. Pharmacy PMR record showing evidence of a prescription dispensed in the last 6 months. 2.4 Once it has been established that the patient is included on the list of a participating GP practice, the patient must register with the pharmacy in order to participate in the scheme and be provided with a Pharmacy First Passport. The patient is required to sign the consultation form (appendix 4) following every pharmacy consultation. 2.5 If a patient or pharmacist cannot confirm registration with a participating GP practice, the patient cannot access the scheme at that time. The patient should be advised of alternative methods of accessing care. 5 D:\116104921.doc 3. Key points for participating pharmacies 3.1 Core competencies and Clinical Governance issues required of community pharmacists participating in a minor ailments scheme are identified in appendices 11 and 15 3.2 Once confirmation of patient registration with a participating GP practice has been established, the Pharmacist or suitably trained member of the pharmacy staff should then carry out a professional consultation with reference to the appropriate minor ailment protocol (appendix 10) which should involve: Patient assessment Provision of advice Supply of appropriate medication from the agreed formulary Provision of Pharmacy First Passport on initial registration and a replacement when the original passport record section is full. All fully completed passports should be sent to the PCT at month end along with completed consultation forms. Completion of ‘Pharmacy First’ consultation form. See appendix 4. 3.3 The patient must sign the consultation form if he/she wishes treatment within the scope of the scheme. This should occur each time the patient accesses the scheme. 3.4 The top copy of each consultation form will be sent to the PCT for audit and reimbursement at month end. 3.5 The second copy of the consultation form will be retained at the premises of the pharmacy for at least two years. 3.6 A copy of the consultation form may also be sent to the GP for information if so requested. 3.7 The pharmacist should ensure that the patient is eligible for treatment within the scope of the scheme. 3.8 The pharmacist must ensure that the appropriate medication from the formulary (appendix 2) is supplied and that the patient is advised how to take/use the medication and is provided with a PIL if appropriate. 3.9 The pharmacist should ensure the patient has completed and signed the declaration of exemption of prescription charges on the back of the ‘Pharmacy First’ consultation form (appendix 4). 3.10 Patients who present with a minor ailment outside the scope of the scheme or for whom the listed formulary product/s is/are not appropriate or contraindicated, should be advised of alternative methods of accessing care (e.g. OTC sale, routine GP appointment) 6 D:\116104921.doc 3.11 If the patient presents with symptoms causing serious concern to the pharmacist e.g. symptoms of meningitis, the pharmacist must use the rapid referral form (Appendix 5) which allows patients to see their GP as soon as possible. 3.12 Only the medicines listed in appendix 2 in the quantities stated can be issued to an eligible patient following a consultation. Further supplies of this medication following a subsequent professional consultation should only be supplied if, in the opinion of the pharmacist, it is considered appropriate. A patient presenting at the pharmacy more than twice over a short period of time with the same minor ailment symptoms should not normally be considered for further provision of treatment under the scheme. 3.13 If a pharmacist has any doubt over the appropriateness of the supply of a ‘Pharmacy First’ formulary medication (see appendix 3) then supply should be withheld. The pharmacist must use their professional judgement to decide whether rapid referral of the patient to a GP is appropriate or advise the patient to see their GP in a normal way. Routine referral should occur if a patient repeatedly presents with the same condition or the pharmacist suspects the patient is abusing the system. 3.14 The pharmacist should endeavour to keep the consultation process as confidential as possible and as such a private consultation area would be desirable to achieve this. 3.15 The pharmacy consultation decision pathway is outlined in appendix 9. 3.16 Additional support provided for pharmacists and their staff can be found in appendix 12 –(Locum Guide) and appendix 13 – (Common Questions) 4. Key points for participating Surgeries 4.1 All patients requesting GP consultation for symptoms in keeping with one of the minor ailments listed in appendix 2 should be considered for inclusion and, if appropriate, directed as to how to access the scheme and provided with an information leaflet (appendix 16). 4.2 Patients presenting in person to the GP surgery should be provided with the patient information leaflet stamped by the practice and advised to use the pharmacy where they normally obtain their prescriptions. Patients resident in Chorley & South Ribble PCT but registered with a Preston PCT GP practice may normally have their prescriptions dispensed at a pharmacy in Chorley & South Ribble PCT. They should use that pharmacy to access treatment under the minor ailments scheme operational across Chorley & South Ribble PCT. 4.3 Surgeries should liase with pharmacists to allow the rapid referral procedure from the pharmacy to the GP to operate effectively (appendix 5). 4.4 GP surgeries should endeavour to advertise the scheme using posters and leaflets provided by Preston PCT. 7 D:\116104921.doc 4.5 If GP surgeries request a copy of the pharmacy consultation form they should record the medication supplied by the pharmacist on the GP electronic patient record or in the patient notes stating the name of the pharmacy providing the service. 4.6 Practices may find the model Receptionist Protocol (appendix 14) helpful in supporting the scheme. 5. 5.1 Service funding The Pharmacy payment structure paid by the Preston PCT will consist of: Consultation fee £3.00 Medication cost based on the drug tariff price or Chemist and Druggist cost price plus VAT (currently 17.5%). 6. Claims for payments 6.1 Claims for payment should be made by the 5th working day of the following month by submission to the PCT of the top copy of each consultation form. Late submission may delay payments. The monthly claim summary form introduced at the launch of the scheme is no longer required although pharmacies may wish to complete this form for their own internal records. 6.2 The pharmacy should retain the second copy of the ‘Pharmacy First’ consultation form at the pharmacy premises for at least two years and as such should allow Preston PCT access to these documents as and when required. Breach of this may result in termination of the service. 6.3 Payments will be made at the end of the 2nd month following that to which the payment relates and can be identified from the pharmacy contractors PPA statement. 6.4 Incomplete consultation forms will be deemed invalid and as such will be returned to the contractor for resubmission, which will delay payments. 6.5 Where a formulary item supplied is not done so in accordance with the minor ailments protocols, no reimbursement for the formulary item supplied will occur and no consultation fee will be paid. 7. Termination of service 7.1 The pharmacy contractor or Preston PCT may terminate this agreement by providing written notice of their intention to do so. A period of 28 days should be given as notice. 8 D:\116104921.doc Appendix 1 PRESTON PCT MINOR AILMENTS SCHEME - GP'S ADDRESSES GP Practice Manager Telephone Fax Address 1 Address 2 Postcode Baroudi G Chakrabarti HP Chesworth RJH & Ptnrs Conway HP Craig M & Partners Das BT Fletcher DJ & Ptnrs Forrester & Partners Ghori SS Hann JC & Partners Jandu MS & Partners Jha JN Khan QO & Partners Kumar B Mawson AC & Partners Naik RK Nath K O'Donnell EI & Ptnrs Patel DC & Partners Pavey K & Partners Pritchett AHJ & Ptnrs Robb GA & Partners Rossall CJ Shahid SZ Shaw S Singh B Singh H & Partners Smith EM & Partners Thanda KM Webster M Pat Baroudi Pam Allen Harry Williamson Louise Fowler Sangeeta Chikhalikar Karen Baron Alison Ashworth Helen Stammers Margaret Ghori Ann Fadden Cathy Jandu Asha Jha Glenda Sandham Val Wiles Pam Grogan Carol Molyneux Louise Fowler Louise Fowler Anne Fairclough Lynda Williams Gill Fraser Joanne Nicholas Rossall CJ Patricia Bracken Kath Wild Sharon Riley Wendy Sutton Gwen Davy Kath Wild Jane Mills 01772 792864 01772 884308 01772 716033 01772 726389 01772 723222 01772 726588 01772 792512 01772 783021 01772 729756 01772 258474 01772 726186 01772 254546 01772 252414 01772 252409 01772 655533 01772 863033 01772 726169 01772 726500 01772 717261 01772 783271 01772 401730 01772 253554 01772 655599 01772 555733 01772 401760 01772 821069 01772 254484 01772 252077 01772 401931 01772 254173 01772 705251 01772 887735 01772 715445 01772 768138 01772 726619 01772 726613 01772 693521 01772 785809 01772 760862 01772 884200 01772 768823 01772 254984 01772 254101 01772 885509 01772 653414 01772 865492 01772 768138 01772 768138 01772 769733 01772 782836 01772 401731 01772 256679 01772 909080 01772 885406 01772 401950 01772 556778 01772 881835 01772 885451 01772 886567 01772 563669 Ribble Village Surgery 110 Deepdale Rd Lytham Road Surgery Ashton Health Centre Docland Medical Centre 34-35 Ashton St Ribbleton Medical Centre Berry Lane Medical Centre 104 Woodplumpton Rd Park View Surgery Briarwood Medical Centre 310 St George's Rd 57 – 59 Meadow St St Paul's Surgery The Health Care Centre The Surgery Ashton Health Centre The Park Medical Practice Broadway Surgery Stonebridge Surgery The New Hall Lane Practice The Surgery The Health Centre 228-232 Deepdale Rd The Geoffrey St Surgery 98 Deepdale Rd Fishergate Hill Surgery Moor Park Surgery Avenham Lane Practice 49 Frenchwood Ave 200 Miller Road, Preston Preston 2a Lytham Road, Fulwood,Preston Pedders Lane, Ashton, Preston Blanche Street, Preston Preston 243 Ribbleton Avenue, Preston Berry Lane, Longridge, Preston Fulwood, Preston 23 Ribblesdale Place, Preston 514 Blackpool Rd, Ashton, Preston Deepdale, Preston Preston 36-38 East St, Preston Flintoff Way, Preston 17-19 Beech Drive, Fulwood Pedders Lane, Ashton, Preston Peddars Lane, Ashton, Preston 2 Broadway, Fulwood, Preston Preston Road, Longridge, Preston Geoffrey Street Health Centre Geoffrey St, Preston 63-65 Garstang Rd, Preston Flintoff Way, Preston Deepdale, Preston Geoffrey Street Health Centre Geoffrey St, Preston Deepdale, Preston 50 Fishergate Hill, Preston 49 Garstang Road, Preston Avenham Lane H C, Avenham Lane, Preston Frenchwood,Preston PR2 6NH PR1 5AR PR2 8JE PR2 1HR PR2 2RL PR2 2PP PR2 6RD PR3 3JT PR2 2LR PR1 3NA PR2 1HY PR1 6NR PR1 1TS PR1 1UU PR1 5AF PR2 3NB PR2 1HR PR2 1HR PR2 9TH PR3 3AP PR1 5NE PR1 1LB PR1 5AF PR1 6QB PR1 5NE PR1 5AR PR1 8DN PR1 1LB PR1 3RG PR1 4ND Preston Primary Care Centre Jim Braithwaite 01772 788058 01772 713016 Royal Preston Hospital Sharoe Green Lane, Fulwood, Preston PR2 9HT D:\116104921.doc 9 Appendix 2 Pharmacy First – Formulary MINOR AILMENT Athletes foot Constipation Cold sores Cough, cold and Flu like symptoms including Fever Cystitis Diarrhoea Earache Eczema Hay fever (Allergic Rhinitis) Headache Head Lice Indigestion Mouth ulcers Nappy rash Scabies Sore Throat Teething Threadworm Oral thrush Vaginal thrush Verrucas D:\116104921.doc MEDICINE Clotrimazole cream 20g, Miconazole Cream 30g Ispaghula Sachets (10), Lactulose Soln. (300mL), Senna Tabs (20) Aciclovir 5% Cream 2g, Ibuprofen 200mg Tabs (24), Paracetamol 500mg Tabs (32) Ibuprofen Suspension 100mg/5mL (100mL) Paracetamol Suspension 120mg/5mL (100mL/200mL) Paracetamol Suspension 250mg/5mL (100mL), Menthol and Eucalyptus Inhalation (100mL), Pholcodine Linctus adult (200mL) and paediatric (90/100mL), Pseudoephedrine Linctus (100mL) or Tabs (24) Xylometazoline adult and paediatric Nasal Drops (10mL), Normal Saline Nose Drops (10mL). Potassium Citrate Mixture (200mL), Paracetamol 500mgTabs (32) Dioralyte (6 Sachets) Ibuprofen 200mg Tabs (24), Paracetamol 500mg Tabs (32) Ibuprofen Suspension 100mg/5mL (100mL) Paracetamol Suspension 120mg/5mL (100mL/200mL) Paracetamol suspension 250mg/5mL (100mL) Pseudoephedrine Linctus (100mL) or Tabs (24) Emulsifying Ointment (500g), Aqueous Cream (500g), Hydrocortisone Cream 1% (15g) Chlorphenamine 4mg Tablets (30), Chlorphenamine 2mg/5mL Syrup (150mL), Sodium Cromoglycate 2% Eye Drops (10mL), Cetirizine 10mg Tablets (30). Cetirizine Oral Soln 5mg/5mL (150mL) Ibuprofen 200mg Tabs (24), Paracetamol 500mg Tabs(32) Ibuprofen Suspension 100mg/5mL (100mL) Paracetamol Suspension 120mg/5mL (100mL/200mL) Paracetamol Suspension 250mg/5mL (100mL) Phenothrin 0.2% Lotion (50mL x 1 or 2 bottles) Malathion 0.5% Aqueous Liquid or Lotion (50mL x 1 or 2 bottles) Gaviscon Liquid (150mL) Hydrocortisone Lozenges (20) Bonjela Gel (15g) Sudocrem Cream (60g) Permethrin Dermal Cream (30g), Malathion 0.5% Aqueous Liquid (50mL), Chlorphenamine 4mg Tablets (30), Chlorphenamine 2mg/5mL Syrup (150mL), Cetirizine 10mg Tablets (7). Cetirizine Oral Soln 5mg/5mL (75mL) AAA Spray (60 sprays), Difflam Spray (30mL), Ibuprofen 200mg Tabs (24), Paracetamol 500mg Tabs (32) Ibuprofen Suspension 100mg/5mL (100mL) Paracetamol Suspension 120mg/5mL (100mL/200mL) Paracetamol Suspension 250mg/5mL (100mL) Aspirin Sol Tabs 300mg (24) Bonjela Gel (15g) Mebendazole 100mg Tabs (1) x 2 Miconazole Oral Gel (15g) Clotrimazole 500mg Pessary (1), or 1% Cream (20g) or Clotrimazole Combi Pack (1) Cuplex Gel 5g 10 Appendix 3 Circumstances in which a Pharmacy First medicine should not be supplied Patients presents with symptoms not indicative of any of the minor ailments included in the scheme. Patient or parent cannot demonstrate that the patient is on the list of a participating GP practice.(PMRs, repeat prescription tear off slip, Pharmacy First Passport) The patient normally pays a prescription charge. (these patients whilst not excluded from the scheme, may choose to purchase OTC medicines rather than pay the prescription charge for a medicine supplied under the Pharmacy First scheme) Patient or parent unwilling to complete Pharmacy First documentation Pharmacy First medicine is contraindicated Recent supply of the Pharmacy First medicine Lost medicine Patient or parent unwilling to accept medication or quantity of medication available from within the Pharmacy First Formulary Medicine requested ‘just in case’ Medicine requested to take abroad Medicine requested in lieu of uncollected repeat prescription Medicine requested to stock up medicine cabinet D:\116104921.doc 11 D:\116104921.doc 12 Preston Primary Care Trust Pharmacy First: Consultation Form Date of Consultation…………………………….. Date of Birth……………………………………… GP Practice* (Senior Partner Name) …………………………………………………….. *Specify PCT if not Preston…………………………….. 1. Patient Details. Patient Name…………………………………………….…… Patient address………………………………………………. …..……………………………………………………………… …….…………………………………….……………………… 2. Referral Method GP Surgery. Pharmacist Patient self referral Out of Hours Other 3. Minor Ailment Athletes Foot Constipation Cold Sores Cough,Cold, Flu–like symptoms, Fever Cystitis (in women) Diarrhoea Earache Eczema Hay Fever (Allergic Rhinitis) Headache Head Lice Indigestion Mouth Ulcers Nappy Rash Oral Thrush Scabies Sore Throat Teething Threadworm Vaginal Thrush Verrucas 4. Formulary Item Supplied AAA Spray x1 Aciclovir 5% cream (2g) Aqueous cream (500g) Aspirin Sol tabs 300mg (32) Bonjela gel (15g) Cetirizine 10mg tabs (30) Cetirizine oral solution 5mg/5ml (150ml) Chlorphenamine 2mg/5mL syrup (150mL) Chlorphenamine 4mg tabs (30) Clotrimazole 500mg pessary x 1 Clotrimazole combi pack x 1 Clotrimazole cream 20g Cuplex gel 5g Difflam spray (30mL) Dioralyte sachets (6 sachets) Emulsifying ointment (500g) Gaviscon liquid (150mL) Hydrocortisone cream 1% (15g) Hydrocortisone lozenges (20) Ibuprofen 200mg tabs (24) Ibuprofen suspension 100mg/5mL (100mL) Ispaghula sachets (10) Lactulose soln (300mL) Malathion 0.5% Aqueous liquid(50mL) Malathion 0.5% lotion (50mL) Mebendazole 100mg tabs (1)x2 Menthol and Eucalyptus inhalation (100mL) Miconazole cream (30g) Miconazole oral gel (15g) Normal saline nose drops (10mL) Paracetamol 500mg tabs (32) Paracetamol suspension 120mg/5mL (100mL) Paracetamol suspension 120mg/5mL (200mL) Paracetamol suspension 250mg/5mL (100mL) Permethrin dermal cream (30g) Phenothrin 0.5% liquid (50ml) Phenothrin 0.2% lotion (50mL) Pholcodine linctus adult (200mL) Pholcodine Paediatric linctus (90/100mL) Potassium citrate mixture (200mL) Pseudoephedrine linctus (100mL) Pseudoephedrine tablets 60mg (24) Senna tabs (20) Sodium cromoglycate 2% eye drops (10mL) Sudocrem cream (60g) Xylometolazone adult nasal drops (10mL) Xylometolazone paediatric nasal drops (10mL) Pharmacist Signature…………………………. Pharmacy Stamp Date………… Please ensure exemption declaration overleaf is signed D:\116104921.doc 13 DECLARATION OF EXEMPTION To be completed by the patient or the patient’s representative. The patient doesn’t have to pay because he/she: A B C D E F G L H K M N is under 16 years of age Pharmacy use only is 16, 17 or 18 and in full-time education is 60 years of age or over has a current maternity exemption certificate has a current medical exemption certificate Evidence not seen has a current prescription pre-payment certificate has a War Pension exemption certificate is named on a current HC2 charges certificate *gets Income Support *gets Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance *is named on a Working Families’ Tax Credit NHS Exemption Certificate *is named on a Disabled Person’s Tax Credit NHS Exemption Certificate *Name: Date of birth: NI no: * for boxes H, K, M and N. print the name of the person getting benefit or Credit. This may be you or your partner. Checks may be made with the Department for Work and Pensions (previously DSS) or the Inland Revenue. I am the patient. I am the patient’s representative Declaration: I declare that the information I have given is correct and understand that if it is not, action may be taken against me. For the purposes of audit and for verifying entitlement to exemption from prescription charges (where appropriate) I consent to the disclosure of relevant information about myself/the patient, including to and by the Inland Revenue and the local Primary Care Trust. I understand that this information may be communicated to my GP or healthcare professionals directly involved in my care. I have been counselled on the use of the medicine supplied and understand the advice given by the pharmacist. To the Patient – Please complete either declaration (1) or (2) below:1. I have received the above medicine(s) indicated on this form and am exempt from charges for the reason specified above. Signed (Patient)…………………………………Date……………………………….. 2. I have received the above medicine(s) indicated on this form, I am not exempt from prescriptions charges and I have paid £……………. Signed (Patient)………………………………….Date………………………………. Print name and address (if different from overleaf): …………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………….Postcode………………………….. IMPORTANT – Your Pharmacist is providing treatment and/or advice under the Minor Ailments Scheme in line with the symptoms you have described. If your symptoms persist you should seek further advice from your doctor. Use the information given in your ‘Pharmacy First’ passport provided by the pharmacist to advise your doctor which pharmacy you have attended and what advice and treatment you have already received. D:\116104921.doc 14 Appendix 5. Care in the Pharmacy Pharmacy First Minor Ailments Scheme Pharmacist Rapid Referral form Patient Name: Patient Address: GP Name: Please make an appointment ASAP for this patient. Comments: Pharmacists Name, Address and Telephone Number: Date and Time: Please Fax this form to GP surgery or give to the patient to take to surgery. D:\116104921.doc 15 D:\116104921.doc 16 Appendix 6 CHORLEY AND SOUTH RIBBLE PCT MINOR AILMENTS SCHEME – GP’S ADRESSES PRACTICE SURGERY NAME STREET REGION POSTCODE PRACTICE MANAGER TELEPHONE No FAX No DR A B PHILLIPS & PARTNERS RIVERSIDE MEDICAL CENTRE 194 VICTORIA ROAD WALTON LE DALE PR5 4AY JAYNE SAYNER 01772 556703 01772 880861 DR A K TANDON THE BEECHES MEDICAL CENTRE LIVERPOOL ROAD LONGTON PR4 5AB BARRBARA NORRIS 01772 613123 01772 616311 DR A SERVICE & PARTERS WHITTLE SURGERY 199 PRESTON ROAD WHITTLE LE WOODS PR6 7PS SALLY COOKE 01257 262383 01257 261019 DR D R BALL & PARTNERS ROSLEA SURGERY 51 STATION ROAD BAMBER BRIDGE PR5 6PE MARGARET/VAL CALLAGHAN 01772 335128 01772 492248 DR D W YOUNG & PARTNERS THE RYAN MEDICAL CENTRE St MARY'S ROAD BAMBER BRIDGE PR5 6TE JULIE HOWARTH 01772 335136 01772 626701 DR E M H DAWOUD & PARTNER 652 PRESTON ROAD CLAYTON LE WOODS CHORLEY PR6 7EH LORRAINE PARKINSON 01772 323021 01772 620078 DR G G K WIJETHILEKE MEDICARE UNIT 1 CROSTON ROAD LOSTOCK HALL PR5 5RS JANET GALLAGHER 01772 330724 01772 620160 DR G W AHAD STATION SURGERY 8 GOLDEN HILL LANE LEYLAND PR25 3NP CAROL DONNAN 01772 622505 01772 457718 DR H D SULE & PARTNER MOSS SIDE MEDICAL CENTRE 16 MOSS SIDE WAY LEYLAND PR26 7XL JANET McGRATH 01772 623954 01772 622897 DR I H JONES THE HEALTH CENTRE COLLISON AVENUE CHORLEY PR7 2TH JAYNE PRESTON 01257 268955 01257 241870 DR J PARKER & PARTNERS WORDEN MEDICAL CENTRE WEST PADDOCK LEYLAND PR25 1HW TRACY WILLIAMS 01772 423555 01772 623878 DR K BROWN & PARTNERS ACRESWOOD SURGERY 5 ACRESWOOD CLOSE COPPULL PR7 5EJ LYNDA KEELEY 01257 793578 01257 794005 DR K K GARG & PARTNER CROSTON MEDICAL CENTRE 30 BROOKFIELD CROSTON PR26 9HY GLENNYS PARR 01772 600081 01772 601612 DR K MASHAYEKHY VILLAGE SURGERY WILLIAM STREET LOSTOCK HALL PR5 5RZ BEVERLEY MASHAYEKHY 01772 697666 01772 697888 DR K PATEL & PARTNERS CENTRAL PARK SURGERY BALFOUR STREET LEYLAND PR25 2TD ANNE-MARIE MILLER 01772 623110 01772 623885 DR LYONS & PARTNER THE HEALTH CENTRE COLLISON AVENUE CHORLEY PR7 2TH JACCI ROWLEY 01772 644186 01257 232285 DR M FRANCE & PARTNERS WITHNELL HEALTH CENTRE RAILWAY ROAD WITHNELL PR6 8UA MARYLIN CLOWES 01254 830311 01254 832337 DR M S J GALE & PARTNER THE HEALTH CENTRE COLLISON AVENUE CHORLEY PR7 2TH PAT STRINGER 01257 262104 01257 232285 DR N S McCRAITH & PARTNERS St MARY'S HEALTH CENTRE COP LANE PENWORTHAM PR1 0SR GWEN ADAMS 01772 744404 01772 752967 DR O A ELHALHULI 22-24 BABYLON LANE ADLINGTON PR6 9NW JUNE FERNANDE 01257 482076 01257 474770 DR P A MUMFORD & PARTNERS GRANVILLE HOUSE MEDICAL CENTRE GRANVILLE STREET ADLINGTON PR6 9PY LINDA KERSHAW 01257 481966 01257 474655 DR P BAMFORD & PARTNER THE HEALTH CENTRE COLLISON AVENUE CHORLEY PR7 2TH SUSAN HARTLEY 01772 644184 01257 235585 DR P R CURTIS & PARTNERS SANDY LANE SURGERY SANDY LANE LEYLAND PR25 2EB CHRISTINE KERBER 01772 909917 01772 909911 DR Q AHMAD CROSTON VILLAGE SURGERY OUT LANE CROSTON PR26 9HJ DIANA HEATON 01772 600722 01772 600448 DR R A EVISON & PARTNERS REGENT HOUSE SURGERY 21 REGENT ROAD CHORLEY PR7 2DH SUE JEZZARD 01257 264842 01257 231387 DR R DASGUPTA & PARTNER KINGSFOLD MEDICAL CENTRE WOODCROFT CLOSE PENWORTHAM PR1 9BX WENDY BATE 01772 746492 01772 909141 DR R J C BENNETT & PARTNER THE SURGERY 20 DOCTORS LANE ECCLESTON PR7 5RA 01257 451221 01257 450911 DR R K PRASAD & PARTNER LOSTOCK HALL MEDICAL CENTRE 410 LEYLAND ROAD LOSTOCK HALL PR5 5SA ANNE SINGLETON PAT COOK PRACTICE ADMINISTRATOR DR S D MOSS & PARTNERS LONGTON HEALTH CENTRE LIVERPOOL ROAD LONGTON PR4 5HA KATH SWAIN 01772 615429 01772 611094 DR S E LEWIS & PARTNER VILLAGE SURGERY 2 CHURCHSIDE NEW LONGTON PR4 4LU KAREN RIMMER 01772 613804 01772 617812 DR S N HILTON & PARTNER CUNLIFFE MEDICAL CENTRE 41 CUNLIFFE STREET CHORLEY PR7 2BA SHIELA ECKERSLEY 01257 267127 01257 234665 DR S R LORD & PARTNER EUXTON MEDICAL CENTRE St MARY'S GATE EUXTON PR7 6AH CHRISTINE MEREDITH 01257 267402 01257 271501 DR T LEELAKUMARI STATION SURGERY ADLINGTON MEDICAL CENTRE 01772 518080 01772 518086 8 GOLDEN HILL LANE LEYLAND PR25 3NP GLENNYS PARR 01772 622808 Fax not working at present DR T P O'CONNOR & PARTNERS St FILLIANS MEDICAL CENTRE 2 LIVERPOOL ROAD PENWORTHAM PR1 0AD LESLEY DICKINSON 01772 745427 01772 752562 DR THORNLEY PCT LOCUM EAVES LANE SURGERY 311 EAVES LANE CHORLEY PR6 0DR GILLIE BUCK 01257 272904 01257 266821 DR V K KHANNA & PARTNER CLAYTON BROOK SURGERY 62 TUNLEY HOLME BAMBER BRIDGE PR5 8ES JANICE FISHWICK 01772 313950 01772 620467 DR W R ALMOND & PARTNERS LIBRARY HOUSE SURGERY AVONDALE ROAD CHORLEY PR7 2AD JENNY PARRY 01257 262081 01257 232114 D:\116104921.doc 17 Appendix 7 Pharmacy Name Alliance Pharmacy. Alliance Pharmacy. Asda Pharmacy Ashton Pharmacy Avenham Pharmacy. Boots The Chemist Boots The Chemist Boots The Chemist Broadway Pharmacy D.D.L Davies Frenchwood Pharmacy Gamull Pharmacy Goosnargh Pharmacy Ingol Pharmacy Kadri Pharmacy Knights Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy Ltd Lloyds Pharmacy Ltd Lloyds Pharmacy Ltd Moor Park Pharmacy Morrisons Pharmacy Pomfrets Chemist Ribbleton Pharmacy Rowland’s Pharmacy Sainsburys Pharmacy Sharoe Green Pharmacy Smithson’s Pharmacy Stonebridge Pharmacy Superdrug Pharmacy D:\116104921.doc Preston PCT Pharmacies Participating in the Pharmacy First Scheme Address Unit 5, Kwik Save Development, Ribble Village Local Centre, 198 Miller Rd, PR2 6NH 76, Pedders Lane, Ashton, Preston, PR2 1HN Asda Superstore, Eastway, Fulwood, Preston, PR2 5SP 33 Ashton Street, Preston, PR2 2PP 42, Avenham Lane, Preston, PR1 3TS Unit C2, Deepdale Retail Park, Blackpool Rd, Preston, PR1 6QY 10 - 13 Fishergate, Preston, PR1 3QA 440 Blackpool Road, Ashton on Ribble, Preston, PR2 2LP 331 Garstang Road, Preston, PR2 4UP 59-61 Plungington Road, Preston, PR1 7EN 1 Ruskin Street,Preston, PR1 4NA Ribbleton Medical Centre, 245 Ribbleton Avenue, Preston, PR2 6RD 6, Church Lane, Goosnargh, PR3 2BE 86, Village Green Lane, Ingol, Preston, PR2 7DS 87-89 Meadow Street, Preston, PR1 1TS 14 Elswick Road, Larches Estates, Ashton Preston, PR2 1NT 112 Deepdale Road, Preston, PR1 5AR 3,Lytham Road, Fulwood, Preston, PR2 2JE 258, New Hall Lane, Preston, PR1 4ST Geoffrey Street Health Centre, Geoffrey Street, Preston, PR1 5NE 234-236 Deepdale Road, Preston, PR1 6QB 40 Berry Lane, Longridge, Longridge, Preston, PR3 3JJ 78-80 Lancaster Road, Fulwood, Preston, PR1 1DD Longsands Lane, Preston, PR2 9PS 32, Garstang Road, Preston, PR1 1NA Wm Morrison Supermarket, Mariners Way, Ashton on Ribble, Preston, PR2 2YN. 22 Lancaster Road, Preston, PR1 1DA 182 Ribbleton Avenue, Ribbleton, Preston, PR2 6QN Blanche Street, Preston, PR2 2RC Sainsburys Store, Flintoff Way, Off Deepdale Road, Preston, PR1 6PJ Unit 9, Booths Shopping Complex, Sharoe Green Lane, Fulwood, Preston, PR2 9HD 51 Fishergate Hill, Preston, PR1 8DN Units 2&3, Stonebridge Pde, Preston Rd, Longridge, Preston, PR3 3AN 43 Friargate, St.Georges's Centre, Preston, PR1 2NQ Telephone 01772 654139 01772 726149 01772 703174 01772 726383 01772 259915 01772 792265 01772 254517 01772 726602 01772 717574 01772 556030 01772 491185 01772 796142 01772 865238 01772 726955 01772 823751 01772 728111 01772 254937 01772 718022 01772 493257 01772 493224 01772 493234 01772 782643 01772 250486 01772 653031 01772 555150 01772 732925 01772 252468 01772 796131 01772 721893 01772 651374 01772 712244 01772 252033 01772 784700 01772 253752 Fax 01772 654139 01772 726149 01772 703174 01772 426383 01772 259915 01772 703813 01772 880079 01772 768613 01772 717574 01772 562067 01772 252469 01772 796518 01772 865238 01772 726955 01772 467467 01772 728111 01772 203205 01772 716083 01772 493258 01772 493224 01772 493235 01772 782643 01772 250486 01772 653031 01772 555150 01772 732925 01772 562116 01772 702145 01772 736489 01772 651374 01772 712288 01772 251020 01772 784700 01772 253752 18 Appendix 8 19 20 21 22 Appendix 9 PHARMACY FIRST CONSULTATION DECISION PATHWAY PATIENT ADVICE Is the patient presenting with symptoms that may be related to any of the minor ailments included in the ‘Pharmacy First’ Scheme? Suggest (as appropriate) OTC Sale. Routine GP appointment. Urgent doctor’s appointment NO YES NO Is the patient registered with a participating GP practice? YES Suggest (as appropriate) OTC Sale. Routine GP appointment. Is the patient exempt from paying a prescription charge? YES NO Urgent doctor’s appointment Pharmacy First supply Has the patient already registered with the scheme and has been previously supplied with a Pharmacy First Passport? YES Has the patient presented the Passport at the pharmacy? NO NO Request patient to return with Pharmacy First Passport. YES Is there any reason why any a Formulary medicine identified in the Minor Ailment Protocol should not be supplied following reference to the Passport? YES Suggest (as appropriate) OTC Sale. Routine GP appointment. Urgent doctor’s appointment NO Is the patient excluded from treatment from within the scheme according to Pharmacy First Minor Ailment Protocol? YES Suggest (as appropriate) OTC Sale. Routine GP appointment. Urgent doctor’s appointment NO YES Is the particular medication to be supplied from the Pharmacy First Formulary normally routinely prescribed for the patient on repeat prescription by their doctor (See PMR’s)? Request patient to order routine repeat prescription. NO Does the patient refuse the appropriate medicine as identified in the Pharmacy First Formulary? YES Suggest (as appropriate) OTC Sale. Routine GP appointment. Urgent doctor’s appointment NO Document refusal by the patient. YES NO Supply if appropriate medicine from Pharmacy First Formulary. Counsel patient on appropriate management of symptoms and the use of medicines if supplied. Provide PIL if appropriate. Issue or update Pharmacy First passport – instruct patient of importance of producing passport for any future consultations with any pharmacy across the PCT. Complete documentation with patient. and collect prescription charge if appropriate., Explain that the consultation document may be shared with Preston PCT for audit and may be provided to the patient’s GP. Suggest (as appropriate) OTC Sale. Routine GP appointment. Urgent doctor’s appointment 23 Appendix 10 Minor Ailment Protocols 24 Allergic Rhinitis (including hayfever) Protocol Definition Symptoms Common allergens Advice Pharmacy First Formulary When to refer Review Date Allergic hypersensitivity reaction of the nose with or without conjunctiva of the eyes caused by pollen or other allergen Rhinorrhoea (nasal discharge) sneezing, nasal congestion nasal itching red, watery and/or itchy eyes Pollen, house dust mite droppings, pet hairs, mould spores Hay fever Remain indoors with windows closed esp. mid-morning and early evening Avoid fields, newly mown grass, fruit picking and touching outdoor animals Wear close fitting sunglasses Choose an air-conditioned car Follow pollen counts (e.g. Perennial rhinitis Dust using sprays and vacuum twice weekly Wash all bedding at 60oC weekly Cover pillows and mattresses with plastic (use non-allergenic pillows) Remove anything that collect dust from the bedroom e.g. rugs, stuffed toys, open cupboards Treat furniture and carpets with ascaricides (e.g. benzyl benzoate) to control dust mites and fungicide Pets should be kept out of the bedroom (or house if possible) Use vacuum cleaners with high-efficiency particulate air cleaner (HEPA) filters Chlorpheniramine Tabs 4mg (30) Chlorpheniramine Syrup 2mg/5ml (150ml) Cetirizine 10mg tablets (30) Cetirizine Oral Solution 5mg/5ml (150ml) Sodium cromoglycate 2% eye drops (10ml) Patients should be given clear instructions on appropriate dosage of the preparation supplied based on the manufacturers recommendations and/or the BNF/Mims. Children under 12 years old Pregnant and breastfeeding women Symptoms unresponsive to treatment Severe persistent symptoms (provide initial treatment) Patient is wheezing and/or short of breath Rhinitis accompanied by: Earache or facial pain (sinusitis/otitis media) Purulent (green/yellow) discharge from the eyes April 2006 25 Athlete’s Foot Protocol Definition Fungal infection of the feet, which is otherwise known as Tinea pedis. Description of symptoms The fungus is most often confined to the skin between the toes but it can also affect other nearby areas of the foot. The most common symptom is a persistent itching of the skin. As the infection progresses, the centre of the infection becomes inflamed and sensitive to the touch. Gradually, the edges of the infected area become milky white and the skin begins to peel. In some patients the area becomes very sore and cracks develop in the skin, making the patient susceptible to secondary bacterial infection. Pharmacy First Formulary Miconazole cream (30g) Clotrimazole cream (20g) Patients should be given clear instructions on appropriate dosage of the preparation supplied based on the manufacturers recommendations and/or the BNF/Mims. Other advice to be given Continue using the cream for two weeks after the infection appears to have cleared to eradicate all remaining fungal spores. Anti-fungal sprays and powder may be purchased for direct application to shoes and hosiery. Wash and dry feet thoroughly, especially between the toes. Wearing clean wool or cotton socks allows the skin to breath. Athlete’s foot is more common in people that wear artificial soles and especially trainers and sports shoes. It can help to expose feet to the air where possible. Avoid walking barefoot in public areas. When to refer Treatment failures. The diagnosis may need to be confirmed with a lab test. If the infection spreads to the toenails. Here it causes the nail to become thick, discoloured and crumbly. If the fungal infection spreads to other areas of the body. If the condition is complicated with a secondary bacterial infection which takes advantage of the damaged skin. Any patient presenting with symptoms of cellulitis (e.g. spreading redness, pain and tenderness) should be referred immediately. Review Date April 2006 26 Cold Sores Protocol Definition Cold sores are very common caused by the herpes simplex virus They are characterised by fluid blisters which appear on red swollen areas of the skin or on the mucous membranes. The blisters heal without scarring but tend to reoccur. Precipitating factors The virus can only be transmitted by close personal contact such as kissing. Most people will have come into contact at an early age but generally do not show symptoms until after puberty usually when the immune system becomes comprised eg due to a heavy cold. Advice to be given Early recognition of symptoms may be a tingling sensation after which scabs appear and typically fall off after 8 to 10 days. Treatment should begin as soon as possible. In children, the virus can infect the mouth and throat and can be accompanied by fever, aches and pains. Cold sores should not be touched as this can spread infection therefore hands should be washed before and after each application of the cream. Pharmacy First Formulary Aciclovir 5% cream (2g) Patients should be given clear instructions on appropriate dosage of the preparation supplied based on the manufacturers recommendations and/or the BNF/Mims. Side effects Transient stinging or burning, occasional erythema, itching or drying of the skin. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. When to refer Patient is immunocompromised eg AIDS Infection of mucous membranes, eye or vagina Pregnancy Children under 12 should be referred automatically if intra oral and not just the lips. Review Date April 2006 27 Constipation Protocol Definition Precipitating factors Pharmacy First Formulary Advice to be given When to refer Review Date Constipation can be a reduced frequency of stools compared to the patient’s normal bowel habits, difficulty in passing stools or a sense of incomplete emptying after a bowel movement. Diet (poor or low-fibre diet) Inadequate fluid intake Lack of physical activity Other medication – if appropriate, medication may need to be reviewed. Regularly suppressing the urge to defecate Stress and travel Certain conditions and diseases (e.g. IBS, pregnancy, hypothyroid or neurological diseases) Immediate relief Senna tablets (20) – for acute simple constipation. Medium-term treatment Ispaghula sachets (10) – useful where dietary intake of bulk is low. Lactulose solution (300mL) – valuable when the major problem is the passing of hard, painful stools. Patients should be given clear instructions on appropriate dosage of the preparation supplied based on the manufacturers recommendations and/or the BNF/Mims. Regular doses of laxative are rarely required. Give advice on changes that can help prevent re-occurrence Increase dietary fibre (e.g. fruits, vegetables and whole grains) Increase fluid intake Increase physical activity If the constipation persists beyond one week. If an infant or child has not had a bowel movement in 3 days OR any infant younger than 2 months. Nausea and vomiting are also present. Sharp or severe abdominal pain, especially if also bloated. Sudden constipation with abdominal cramps and an inability to pass gas or stool. Unexplained weight loss. Blood in the stool. Rectal pain. Constipation alternating with diarrhoea. If patient is regularly requesting laxatives. April 2006 28 29 Cough, Cold and Flu-like Illnesses (Viral URT infections ) including Fever Protocol Cough, Cold and Flu-like Illness (Viral URT infections) including Fever Very Common. Children are more at risk to developing upper respiratory tract infections. There are over 1000 types of cold virus1. Cold symptoms include - cough (dry or productive), mild fever, runny or blocked nasal cavity, sneezing and watery eyes, sore throat Flu-like symptoms include - feeling hot or cold or shivering, high temperature, headache, muscle and bone aches, dry cough. Runny nose and sneezing may also occur A cough is the body’s way of removing mucus or dust from the lungs 2. A productive cough (chesty cough) is associated with phlegm or mucus, may be accompanied by earache and can occur if there is a chest or ear infection possibly of viral origin. A dry cough is a tickly feeling in the back of the throat that is not associated with production of mucus. Cold and Flu symptoms are similar but Flu is more severe and last longer General feeling of being unwell. Infection. Drug therapy on rare occasions ( ACE inhibitors may induce cough). Give palliative treatment for symptoms. Rest and avoid strenuous exercise if symptoms are severe. Drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids particularly hot water with honey and lemon have a soothing effect In patients aged 65years and over, those with chronic illnesses such as asthma, emphysema, heart disease, kidney disease and diabetes or those living in residential care should be advised to on the benefits of annual influenza vaccination each October/November. Normal body temperature is 37oC Fever is a natural defence mechanism to infection Advice on the appropriate dose of medicine supplied for children and the maximum daily dose of Paracetamol if supplied Smoking cessation advice if appropriate Definition How common is it? Description of symptoms Precipitating factors Advice to be given Pharmacy First Formulary Non pharmaceutical treatment Paracetamol tabs (32) or suspension (100mL/200mL) for analgesia or for pyrexia. Choose Paracetamol as the analgesic and/or antipyretic of choice. Ibuprofen tablets 200mg (24) for analgesia or for pyrexia, Xylometazoline nasal drops (10mL) (<7 days treatment), Pseudoephedrine tabs (24) or linctus (100ml), Normal saline (0.9%) nasal drops (10mL) or menthol and eucalyptus inhalation (100mL) as decongestants (care in patients with high BP) Pholcodine linctus (200mL) and Pholcodine Paediatric linctus (90mL/100mL) as suppressant for dry cough. Patients should be referred to the GP if repeated requests are made for Pholcodine and the GP informed. Patients should be given clear instructions on appropriate dosage of the preparation supplied based on the manufacturers recommendations and/or the BNF/Mims. Hot water inhalations (for chesty / productive coughs) 30 When to refer Hot shower or bath before bedtime. Keep room warm but airy, don’t wrap children up too warmly Sponge children with lukewarm water if temperature is high Drinking plenty of non-alcoholic fluids can help to thin the mucus with chesty cough. Avoid smoking and smoky rooms. Suspected meningitis – vomiting, fever, stiff neck, light aversion, drowsiness, joint pain, fitting and rash In the very young (children under 1 year) when the child is unwell and associated with either: High temperature (above 40oC) Poor feeding Abnormal breathing. If child acts oddly i.e. changes in speaking, walking, unable to sit up, drowsy all the time Severe earache2. In the elderly (over 75) who are of poor health (heart or lung disease). Persistent fever more than 4 days and cough for more than 5 days or if symptoms are worsening and not responding to adequate treatment. Chest pain. Worsening asthma with no self-management plan. If there is wheezing with breathing or shortness of breath Dyspnoea/wheeze asthma (especially night cough) of longer than 2 weeks duration3. Blood in phlegm or phlegm/sputum is green Unexpected loss in weight (associated with cough) Check if patient is on drug therapy (ACE inhibitor) – advise patient to discuss with GP at next routine appointment Temperatures regularly over 41C.. Patients recently returned from foreign travel (particularly in malarious areas). Patients that appear to be very unwell or have symptoms that suggest an infection that may need other GP input Any other reason which makes you professionally wary of making a supply. Review Date April 2006 1 E Van der Does & R.G. Metz What should I do? Do I go to the doctors? The NHS Home Healthcare Guide 1998 3 A. Blenkinsopp et al. Symptoms in the Pharmacy 1995 2 31 Cystitis Protocol Description How common is it? Description of symptoms Advice to be given Pharmacy First Formulary When to refer Review Date Inflammation of the bladder lining due to infection (most commonly bacterial), irritation or damage. Common in young women in particular. Increase in frequency and urgency of urination. However, only small amounts of urine are excreted. Patient may feel that they are unable to empty the bladder. Burning, stinging or pain on urination. Urine may be dark, have a strong odour, be cloudy and on occasion contain traces of blood. Pain in the lower back or abdomen. Malaise, fever, nausea and vomiting. The only symptoms with which elderly patients may present are confusion, weakness, falls or a general feeling of being unwell. Children may be irritable, have a reduced appetite, may be vomiting or may display signs of discomfort during urination. Drink at least eight glasses of water each day. Wipe bottom from front to back after going to the toilet. Use a hot-water bottle to alleviate abdominal pain. Drinking plenty of cranberry juice may prevent bacteria from adhering to the bladder wall and thus reduce the duration of the infection. Avoid alcohol and caffeine as these may dehydrate the patient further. Wear cotton underwear. Try to completely empty the bladder when urinating. If symptoms are related to sexual intercourse, advise patient to empty bladder within an hour after intercourse. Alkalising agents, for example, potassium citrate, sodium bicarbonate and sodium citrate may ease the discomfort of urination. N.B. Exercise caution when recommending sodium based agents to patients with cardiac disease or hypertension and when recommending potassium based agent to patients who are already taking potassium-sparing diuretics, aldesterone antagonists and ACE inhibitors, as hyperkalaemia may occur Paracetamol tabs (32) may ease abdominal pain Potassium Citrate Mixture (200ml). Patients should be given clear instructions on appropriate dosage of the preparation supplied based on the manufacturers recommendations and/or the BNF/Mims. Male patients. Children under 12 Pregnant women. Vaginal discharge Diabetics. Blood in the urine. Symptoms unresolved after 2-4 days, with or without treatment using alkalising agents. Recurrent attacks. Fever or vomiting. April 2006 32 Diarrhoea Protocol An increase in the normal frequency of bowel movements with the passage of abnormally soft or watery faeces Definition Description of symptoms Precipitating factors Advice to be given Pharmacy First Formulary Non pharmaceutical treatment When to refer Review Date Sudden onset (acute diarrhoea) 5 or more watery or loose stools Abdominal cramps, flatulence, weakness and malaise may be present Ingestion of contaminated food or water, medicines, poor personal hygiene Self-limiting condition Recommend ‘wait and see’ for the first 24 hours Replacement of lost fluids is normally the only treatment required. Oral re-hydration therapy (ORT)With Dioralyte Sachets (6) Patients should be given clear instructions on appropriate dosage of the preparation supplied based on the manufacturers recommendations and/or the BNF/Mims. Drink plenty of fluids (at least 1.5 litres daily) Adults and older children should avoid dairy products and fruit juice for the duration of symptoms Young children Symptoms for more than 24 hours if under 1 years old Symptoms for more than 2 days if under 3 years old Elderly (symptoms for more than 2 days if over 70 years old Apparently anorexic patients Symptoms present for more than 3 days with colic symptoms and generally unwell Diarrhoea accompanied by: Fever Severe vomiting Weight loss Blood or mucus in stools. Signs of dehydration Persistent change of bowel habit Recent travel to a foreign country Patient is taking/recently finished a course of antibiotics April 2006 33 Earache Protocol Definition Earache is caused by the build-up of fluid and pressure in the middle ear. The middle ear is drained by the Eustachian tube into the nasal passages. A cold or allergy can cause this tube to become blocked leading to a build up of pressure in the middle ear. Earache is more common in young children where the Eustachian tube is smaller and more easily blocked. Description of symptoms An earache can be a sharp, dull or burning pain. The pain may be transient or constant Stuffiness and there may be some hearing loss When dealing with infants signs often include: Increased irritability and crying Pulling at the ears If the symptoms are caused by an infection then high temperature and flu- like symptoms may also occur Patient History Pharmacy First Formulary Paracetamol tablets (32) or suspension (100mL/200mL). Ibuprofen tablets 200mg (24) or suspension (100mL) Pseudoephedrine tabs (24) or linctus (100mL) Patients should be given clear instructions on appropriate dosage of the preparation supplied based on the manufacturers recommendations and/or the BNF/Mims. Advice to be given Decongestants can help open the Eustachian tubes. Decongestants are for short-term use only (rebound congestion with long-term use) N.B. Caution in hypertension & diabetes. Apply a cold wet washcloth to the outer ear to reduce discomfort. Steam could help keep mucous thin and clear the Eustachian tubes. When taking a history it is important to ask about provoking factors such as: A cold Hay fever Where water might get in the ear (e.g. swimming) and sudden changes in pressure (especially children). Treat only when it is a simple case of earache. All infections of the ear need to be referred. Other infections and problems of the nose, mouth, throat and jaw can also cause pain in the ear. 34 When to refer Review Date Children under 3 months old Earache continues for more than 12 hours after taking painkiller Symptoms have been present for longer than 3 days. Rapid noticeable hearing loss Constant ringing,buzzing or hissing in ears All ear infections need to be referred. The following all suggest an ear infection. Presence of severe pain Continuous pain Presence of discharge from the ear Fever or raised temperature, nausea, vomiting, dizziness or loss of balance. Symptoms have been present in the previous 3 months April 2006 35 Eczema Protocol (N.B. The terms eczema and dermatitis may be used interchangeably.) Definition How common is it? Description of symptoms The “Itch-Scratch” cycle Goals of treatment Pharmacy First Formulary General Information Three main types: Atopic – an inherited condition. This may occur in conjunction with asthma, hayfever or rhinitis. Irritant – occurs due to lack of natural oil in the skin caused by soaps, disinfectants, detergents or chemicals at work or at home. Allergic – mediated by an immune reaction to a substance which has made contact with the skin. The reaction occurs on subsequent exposures after the initial exposure. Examples of allergens include cosmetics, hair dyes, nickel, chromium and some plants. It occurs in up to 20% of children and up to 10% of adults. Extremely itchy, red, inflamed and/or dry skin. New areas may weep or become crusted. Chronic atopic eczema may lead to thickened and scaly (lichenified) skin. Eczematous skin is very itchy scratching temporarily relieves the itching but also releases inflammatory mediators which cause further itching and scratching skin becomes more damaged allowing penetration of Staphylococcus aureus toxins which dry out the skin and cause more itchiness. Maintaining healthy skin. Treating damaged skin as soon as symptoms occur. Preventing further “flare-ups”. Aqueous Cream (500g), Emulsifying Ointment (500g), Hydrocortisone Cream 1% (15g) Patients should be given clear instructions on appropriate dosage of the preparation supplied based on the manufacturers recommendations and/or the BNF/Mims. Emollients – moisturisers replace lost moisture in the skin, prevent further loss of moisture, help restore the “epidermal barrier”, may act as antiinflammatory agents and finally, allow smaller doses of steroids to be used without lowering their potency if used regularly and frequently. Emollients should continue to be used during treatment with steroid creams but at a different time of day. Topical steroids – used to treat “flare-ups” by reducing skin inflammation and itching. Overuse may lead to skin-thinning and steroid-induced rosacea on the face. In order to avoid these side-effects there are important rules to follow: Apply steroids sparingly. The fingertip unit may be used as a rough guide. This is the amount of cream needed to cover the area between the first crease of the index finger to the tip. Half a finger-tip unit of steroid cream should cover an area the size of the flat of the hand. As soon as a clinically-acceptable effect has been achieved, stop using the topical steroid. As a general rule, OTC steroid creams should be used for no longer than a week. If flare-ups require treatment with a steroid cream for longer than this, it should be under medical supervision only. Points to remember When to refer Review Date Try to identify the cause of irritant or allergic eczema and advise the patient to avoid further contact with the substance. Steroid creams are open to potential misuse as skin-lighteners. Be aware of this and exercise caution where appropriate. If you are unsure of the diagnosis. If there is little or no response to a moderately potent steroid cream after one week. If the face, genitals or armpits are severely affected by eczema. If a diagnosis of seborrhoeic eczema or psoriasis is suspected or confirmed. In cases of severe eczema in children under 12 years of age or pregnant women. If the eczema is crusty, weeping, has pustules, is unusually inflamed or has suddenly worsened. This would indicate a bacterial infection of the eczema. If viral or fungal infections are suspected, these should also be referred to the G.P. April 2006 36 Headache Protocol Description Pharmacy First Formulary Non pharmaceutical management When to refer Review Date Tension headache Usually bilateral, non-pulsating, does not affect normal routine. Described as tightness or squeezing around the head Ice-cream/ice-pick” headache Short piercing pain usually behind one eye for periods up to several minutes, several times a day. Can be triggered by cold food. Described as “like a flash of lighting” Migraine Usually unilateral, pulsating, moderate to severe in severity for periods of 4-72 hours. Patient may also have photophobia, aura (e.g. visual disturbance) and/or nausea and vomiting. Normally affects ability to perform normal activity during headache but patients are symptom free between attacks Chronic daily headache Headache often with neck stiffness for more than 4 hours a day for more than 15 days a month. Can be caused by analgesic dependence Cluster headache Severe sudden onset unilateral headache around the eyes, often with red, watery or swollen eye(s), droopy eyelid, stuffy or runny nose or sweating. Normally lasts between 15-180 minutes with varying frequency Paracetamol 500mg tablets (32), 120mg/5ml or 250mg/5ml suspensions (100mL/200mL) (liquid preparations have rapid onset of action) Ibuprofen 200mg tablets (24), or 100mg/5ml suspension (100mL) Patients should be given clear instructions on appropriate dosage of the preparation supplied based on the manufacturers recommendations and/or the BNF/Mims. Stress management Avoiding tyramine containing food (e.g. cheese, red wine, chocolate) may be helpful for migraine sufferers Neck exercises may be helpful to patients who suffer from chronic daily headaches Eye test Undiagnosed migraine - Check if taking the oral contraceptive pill, cluster or chronic daily headache Recent head injury within the last 14 days. Sudden onset described as “sudden blow to the head” (subarachnoid haemorrhage) Headache associated with: High temp, stiff neck, photophobia, drowsiness, vomiting, anorexia, rash, unequal pupils, symptoms of meningitis- bulging fontanelle in babies, rash or seizures. Jaw pain, scalp or muscle tenderness, , general malaise esp. if over 50 years of age (cranial arteritis) April 2006 37 Headlice Protocol Definition Diagnosis Pharmacy First Formulary General Information Advice to be given Non pharmaceutical treatment When to refer Review Date Infestation of scalp by live head lice The only way to confirm an infection is by seeing a live louse. Hatched lice and eggs are difficult to see on the hair. Use a detection comb over white paper to confirm diagnosis. The combing should begin at the top of the head with the comb touching the scalp, then draw the comb slowly through the hair to the ends. Lice are about 2 - 3mm long and vary from grey to brown in colour. The eggs (nits) are attached to the hair shaft close to the scalp; they are white to grey in colour and approximately 2mm long. Itchiness of the scalp can occur but this usually happens several weeks after infestation. Phenothrin 0.2% lotion (1st choice) (50mL x 1 or 2 bottles) Malathion 0.5% aqueous liquid and lotion (50mL x 1 or 2 bottles) Patients should be given clear instructions on appropriate dosage of the preparation supplied based on the manufacturers recommendations and/or the BNF/Mims. Normally supply 50mL for each application (2 applications are required 7 days apart) Only treat if live lice are located. All infected members of the household should be treated at the same time ie within 24hours. The patient will have to confirm that live lice have been identified in other close members of the family before product is supplied for each infected member. Each family member will have to be registered into the scheme and be under the care of one of the participating GP practices. Alcoholic lotions are suitable for people with normal healthy skin. Aqueous lotions are the treatment choice for small children, asthmatics and patients with eczema or other skin disorders. In general, a course of treatment for head lice should be 2 applications of product 7 days apart to prevent lice emerging from any eggs that survive the first application. Not using products properly accounts for about a third of all treatment failures. Head-lice repellent is on sale to the public but its effectiveness is uncertain. Ensure that a patient information sheet is given. Contact tracing – Contacts include anyone who is likely to have had head-to-head contact with the infected individual in the last month. They should be advised to have their hair checked for live lice. ‘Wet combing’ is a good way to keep an eye out for the first signs of infection and it is recommended that parents wet comb their children’s hair once a week. Provide a patient information leaflet Wet combing methods. This typically involves meticulous combing (for about 30 minutes each time) with a detection comb and hair conditioner over the whole scalp at 4-day intervals for a minimum of 2 weeks. The evidence to show this method works is lacking. Several products are available to the public. Treatment failures with Malathion and Phenothrin. Children under 6 months Pregnant or breastfeeding women. April 2006 38 Indigestion Protocol Definition Dyspepsia Upper abdominal discomfort, pain associated with food/hunger relieved by antacids, symptoms causing sleep disturbance, nausea and bloating Gastro-oesophageal reflux Heartburn, acid regurgitation, epigastric pain, belching, waterbrash Advice Pharmacy First Formulary Gaviscon liquid (150mL) Patients should be given clear instructions on appropriate dosage of the preparation supplied based on the manufacturers recommendations and/or the BNF/Mims. When to refer Review Date Eat small regular meals, avoid eating on the go or rushing meals Avoid foods which may aggravate symptoms e.g. spicy or fatty foods Lifestyle management e.g. smoking cessation, alcohol consumption, weight loss Elevating the head position during sleep for relieving nocturnal heartburn Stress management First symptoms of indigestion at 55 years old or over Patients who: Received abdominal surgery Have a history of gastric ulceration Receiving NSAIDs or other medicines known to cause gastric irritation Pain in the chest indicative of another aetiology Indigestion accompanied by: Unexplained weight loss Blood in stool (fresh blood or black and tarry stools) Difficulty in swallowing, food ‘sticking’ in the throat Lump in the throat Severe epigastric pain Persistent vomiting Symptoms for more than 2 weeks April 2006 39 Mouth Ulcers Protocol Definition Description A mouth ulcer is any ulcerative lesion affecting the oral mucosa. The term aphthous stomatitis refers to the condition of recurrent mouth ulcers. Minor aphthous ulcers are the most common (8 in 10 cases). Usually, there is only one ulcer but up to 5 may develop at the same time. They are small (less than 10mm across) with a depressed round grey area surrounded by a red erythomatous edge. Each ulcer heals spontaneously after 7-10 days without leaving a scar. They are usually not very painful. Major aphthous ulcers (1 in 10 cases) are larger (greater than 10mm across) and usually only one or two appear at a time. Each ulcer lasts 2 weeks to several months and then resolves leaving a scar. They can be very painful. Precipitating factors Advice to be given Pharmacy First Formulary Other advice to be given When to refer Review Date Pinpoint aphthous ulcers (1 in 10 cases) are tiny (1-2mm across) and many occur at the same time. Some may join together to form irregular shapes. Each ulcer may last 1 week to 2 months. In most cases, the ulcers develop for no apparent reason in healthy individuals. Single isolated traumatic ulcers are often due to catching the gum with the toothbrush or badly fitting dentures. More females than males are affected. Stress or anxiety Changes in hormone levels (e.g. just before their menstrual period or after the menopause). A lack of certain vitamins (such as vitamin B12 or folic acid) or iron may be a factor. There may be a genetic factor Aphthous ulcers are common in people with crohn’s disease, coeliac disease, HIV infection and Bechet’s disease. Suggest the patient limits the use of sharp foods (e.g. crisps), spicy foods, hot fluids and carbonated drinks Bonjela gel (15g) Hydrocortisone lozenges (20) Give clear instructions on appropriate dosage based on the manufacturers recommendations and/or the BNF/Mims. Maintain good oral hygiene Antiseptic mouthwash (e.g. Chlorhexidine) may reduce the pain, prevent the ulcer from becoming infected and may also help ulcers to heal more quickly. If ulcer persists for more than 3 weeks then the patient should be referred to their doctor or dentist for further investigation. Non painful lesions including any lump, thickening or red or white patches Difficulty in swallowing or chewing not associated with a sore lesion Any sore that bleeds easily If there are any other symptoms other than the mouth ulcers. April 2006 40 Nappy Rash Protocol Description Pharmacy First Formulary Barrier creams and ointments are used for protection against nappy rash. Their ingredients act as water-repellent substances. Sudocrem cream (60g) Patients should be given clear instructions on appropriate dosage of the preparation supplied based on the manufacturers recommendations and/or the BNF/Mims. General advice When possible, leave the nappy off allowing air to get to the skin If barrier cream is to be used only apply small amount. Change the baby’s nappy as soon as possible after it becomes wet or soiled Clean the nappy area thoroughly after each bowel movement, and allow it to dry If baby has sensitive skin or nappy rash then it is a good idea to apply a small amount of barrier cream after every wash. Avoid plastic pants as these will trap moisture. Try woollen or cotton underwear on top of the nappy, which allows the skin to breathe. When to refer If nappy rash is a bright shade of red, very warm or swollen. This may indicate the presence of a bacterial or fungal infection. If rash continues for longer than a few days or becomes worse, even after allowing the skin to breathe and using a barrier cream. In addition to the nappy rash, baby has a high temperature or seems distressed. If rash does not match the description of typical nappy rash, skin is flaky or there are blisters. Review Date April 2006 Nappy rash is a red rash, or sore area, that affects skin under or around a baby’s nappy. The main cause is a wet or dirty nappy being in contact with the skin for too long a period of time. Human waste contains ammonia byproducts which also damage baby’s skin. 41 Oral Thrush Definition Description of symptoms Who is at special risk? Pharmacy First Formulary Other advice to be given When to refer Review Date Oral thrush is an infection of yeast fungus, Candida albicans, in the mucous membranes of the mouth. Presence of sore, creamy/yellow coloured patches in the mouth The patches are slightly raised Scraping off the spots leaves raw areas which may bleed slightly Infants and elderly Denture users People whose immune system is suppressed by disease or medical treatments Steroids and steroid inhalers Immuno-suppressants or chemotherapy HIV infection Antibiotics may upset the normal balance of micro-organisms in the mouth Adults with uncontrolled diabetes or other metabolic disturbances People with poor nutrition Elicit drug users Miconazole oral gel (15g) A treatment course is usually 7 – 14 days so ensure a minimum of 7 days supply is given (max 2 x 15g per consultation). Patients should be given clear instructions on appropriate dosage of the preparation supplied based on the manufacturers recommendations and/or the BNF/Mims. Maintain good oral hygiene If possible, address the cause of the thrush Invest in better fitting dentures Adjust diabetes control Rinse the mouth out after using steroid inhaler In breast-fed infants, the mother should also use the oral gel on her nipples to prevent continuous spread to the infant. Ensure enough gel is supplied. In bottle-fed infants, the teats should be discarded once the infection begins to clear because fungus may get into the teat and cannot be easily eradicated. Thrush that resists treatment. Thrush in infants is very common but if it recurs frequently, it should raise suspicions for an underlying disorder. Thrush in apparently healthy adolescents and young-middle aged adults is rare and should always be viewed as a possible symptom of an underlying medical problem Sudden and intense thrush April 2006 42 Scabies Protocol Definition Description of symptoms General information Pharmacy First Formulary Other advice When to refer Review Date Scabies is an allergic irritant condition resulting from the burrowing of the human scabies mite. Intense itching and/or rash Generally symmetrical on the body Itching is worse when the body is hot, for example, when in bed. It is most common for itching to begin on the hands and wrists. A definitive diagnosis can be made on finding burrows in the skin, usually on the hands. However, these are not often seen. Burrows are very small (0.5cm or less) curving white lines, sometimes with a vesicle at one end People with impaired immune systems may show a different reaction to scabies The skin develops thick crusts which are highly contagious (Crusted scabies) Infection only spreads through direct skin-to-skin contact with another human being. The most common way to catch scabies is through hand-holding Incubation is usually 4-6 weeks in patients without previous exposure It is still contagious in the weeks before the symptoms appear making spread difficult to contain Itching may persist for 2-3 weeks after successful treatment. During this time no new lesions should develop. Malathion 0.5% aqueous liquid (50mL) Permethrin dermal cream (30g) Patients should be given clear instructions on appropriate dosage of the preparation supplied based on the manufacturers recommendations and/or the BNF/Mims. Normally supply 2 units for each application. (2 applications are required 7 days apart) Cetirizine 10mg tablets (7) and oral solution 5mg/5mL (75mL) (for itching). All members of the household should be treated at the same time even in the absence of symptoms ie within 24 hours. Each family member will have to be registered with one of the participating GP practices. Remember to supply a suitable quantity for each person. Follow instructions in the patient information leaflet Alternative symptomatic treatment of itching that may be purchased Ensure a patient information sheet is given. Contact tracing is the responsibility of the patient to alert anyone who may be infected. Children under 2 years, pregnant and lactating women should be referred to the G.P. Treatment failure Signs of bacterial infection April 2006 43 Sore Throat Protocol Definition Sore Throat How common is it? It is estimated that 90% of pharmacy consultations for sore throats are viral in origin1. This leaves 10% to be of bacterial origin. Group A beta-haemolytic streptococcus (GABHS) is the most common bacterial cause and can be isolated from up to 30% of patients presenting at the GP’s2. Description of symptoms Sore throat and / or ear Pain on swallowing. Difficulty in swallowing Fever, headache and malaise. Laryngitis (infection of the voice box) can also cause a sore throat. Redness of pharynx and tonsils, presence of exudate, enlarged tonsils, swollen tender neck glands. Not all of these symptoms may be present at any one time. Precipitating factors Poor immune response (illness or drug related). Advice to be given Sore throats are usually a self-limiting illness (whether caused by viral or bacterial infection) and will resolve in 7 – 10 days Explanation, reassurance and advice on condition are all that is required. Avoid talking, smoking and alcohol Pharmacy First Formulary Non pharmaceutical treatment Paracetamol 500mg tablets (32) and suspension (100mL/200mL) Ibuprofen 200mg tablets (24) and suspension (100mL) Adult and children over 16 years can gargle with Soluble Aspirin 300mg (32) dissolved in a glass of water then swallowed. Repeat every four hours as necessary (avoid in patients with history of stomach ulcer or asthma) Difflam spray (30mL) AAA spray (1) Patients should be given clear instructions on appropriate dosage of the preparation supplied based on the manufacturers recommendations and/or the BNF/Mims. Taking regular sips of warm drinks, like honey and lemon, can help to relieve the symptoms. Sucking sugar free lozenges can help. 44 When to refer Review Date Patient taking other medication e.g. carbimazole, methotrexate etc that may cause neutropenia (alterations in the white blood cell counts). Patients, especially young children, presenting with severe symptoms (not able to swallow, acute onset and high temperature over 39°C, drooling and seems unable to swallow their saliva). Sore throat with no improvement after 5 days. Swallowing drinks is not possible Difficulty in breathing Repeated tonsil infections or abcesses Severe Earache Hoarseness for more than 3 weeks1. April 2006 45 Teething Protocol Definition Description of symptoms Advice to be given OTC medication Non pharmaceutical treatment When to refer Review Date The emergence of teeth through the gums of the mouth usually begins between the 6 th and 8th month of life and all deciduous teeth are normally in place by the time they are around three years old. Some children can go through teething much earlier or later. Symptoms are very varied with most babies suffering little pain but some have symptoms for several weeks and can include: Irritability caused by the pain and discomfort of the tooth rising to the surface of the gum. Excess salivation and drooling. Gum swelling, redness and sensitivity. Wakefulness at night Refusing food/ demanding more feeding than normal Biting and gnawing. This helps relieve the pressure from under the gums. Temperature a little higher than normal Bowel movements slightly looser than normal Flushed cheeks Cheek rubbing and ear pulling Extra comforting can often be the only intervention required Gently wipe the baby’s face often to remove saliva to prevent rashes from developing. Recommend registration with an NHS dentist if the child is not already registered. Bonjela gel (15g) Give the baby something cool to chew on. This can ease the pain. For example: Teething rings, which can be cooled in the fridge. A clean wet washcloth placed in the freezer for 30 minutes. May like to try hard foods e.g. sugar-free biscuits, frozen bread, chilled carrot sticks They may get some relief form eating cold foods such as: Yoghurt or applesauce. Rubbing the baby’s gums with a clean finger can also soothe the ache. If the child has a temperature over 38oC (100oF) or diarrhoea If symptoms and pain (if the baby is crying inconsolably) are excessive. Teething shouldn’t be excruciating April 2006 46 Threadworm Protocol Definition A parasitic worm which is caught after swallowing the eggs Description of symptoms Anal Pruritus mainly at night is quite often the only symptom Sometimes worms can be seen around the anus or in the stools How common is it? Threadworms are extremely common. Infection can spread rapidly between family members by direct transfer of eggs. Pharmacy First Formulary Mebendazole 100mg Tablets (2) (patients over 2 years old). Patients should be given clear instructions on appropriate dosage of the preparation supplied based on the manufacturers recommendations and/or the BNF/Mims General Information Non pharmaceutical measures Use of Anthelmintics needs to be combined with hygiene measures to be prevent ova being transferred form the anus to the mouth Washing hands and scrubbing nails before each meal and after going to the toilet Bathing immediately after rising will remove eggs laid during the night Keeping nails short Prevent nail biting and thumb sucking When to refer Children under 2 years Pregnant or potentially pregnant women. Signs of bacterial infection Day and night time irritation Red and inflamed skin around the anus Purulent mucus discharge from the anal canal Review Date April 2006 All members of the family should be treated at the same time Mebendazole should not be used in pregnancy or if potentially pregnant. It is not advisable to breast-feed following administration of Mebendazole 47 Vaginal Thrush Protocol Definition Fungal infection of the lower female genital tract. Description of symptoms Presenting symptoms include thick, white vaginal discharge, pain or burning on urination, soreness and itching Maintain good hygiene Avoid highly perfumed soaps, bubble baths and vaginal deodorants if they know they are prone to thrush. Remind the doctor that they are prone to thrush if they are prescribed antibiotics or other medication. Try to keep the genital area cool, thrush thrives in warm moist conditions. Wear loose fitting cotton underwear. Partner will need treating Symptoms may take up to 7 days to resolve, if this fails to happen then the patient should be advised to make an appointment with their doctor. Pessaries best used at night to aid retention Advice to be given Pharmacy First Formulary Clotrimazole 500mg pessary (1), Clotrimazole 1% cream (20g), Clotrimazole combi pack (1) Patients should be given clear instructions on appropriate dosage of the preparation supplied based on the manufacturers recommendations and/or the BNF/Mims. Which product If the patient describes symptoms that are mainly external, Clotrimazole Cream should be supplied If the patient describes symptoms that are mainly internal, Clotrimazole One should be supplied If the patient describes symptoms that are both internal and external, Clotrimazole Combi should be supplied When to refer First time sufferer Blood staining within the discharge, abnormal or irregular vaginal bleeding Presence of sores or blisters in vaginal area Patient is pregnant or likely to be pregnant Patient is under 16 or over 60 years of age. Diabetic Unresolved symptoms 7 days after treatment Personal history of or recent exposure to STI Any other reason which makes you professionally wary of making the supply Where to refer GP, Family Planning Clinic or GUM Review Date April 2006 48 Verrucas Protocol Description Pharmacy First Formulary Cuplex gel (5g) – follow instructions in patient information leaflet Patients should be given clear instructions on appropriate dosage of the preparation supplied based on the manufacturers recommendations and/or the BNF/Mims. Other advice Treatment is not always necessary as many verrucas remit without any intervention but this can often take months or even years Avoid applying keratolytic to healthy skin – can use vaseline to protect healthy skin Avoid spreading the verruca Maintain scrupulous cleanliness Use a separate towel Avoid walking around in barefoot Cover verruca with a plaster When to refer Painful verrucas Suspect skin cancer Diabetic patient Pregnancy immuno-compromised – check medication Review Date April 2006 Verrucas or plantar warts are those found on the feet, especially the soles. All warts are caused by various types of the human papillomavirus A verruca typically presents as a flat skin coloured lesion with a black dot at its centre Friction wears away the dead cells of the wart which exposes thrombosed blood vessels giving the verruca its typical appearance 49 50 Appendix 11 Generic list of competencies for community pharmacies involved in providing a minor ailment service. This is an example of a core competency framework which defines in generic terms the competencies that community pharmacists have, or need to develop, to offer a minor ailment scheme. Competency frameworks can be used to assist in recruiting community pharmacies to provide extended services, for performance review, and to identify training and development needs of community pharmacy staff providing extended services. Core Competency framework for community pharmacists providing extended services Adapted from: Anon. Community pharmacy medicines management: a resource pack for community pharmacists. The community pharmacy medicines management project 2003. Available at Competence in information management The pharmacy will: establish and maintain appropriate sources of information about minor ailments and their treatment. operate a protocol(s) for the sale of non-prescription medicines. establish and maintain information on other local services relevant to the treatment of minor ailments. make a written record of the minor ailment consultation. record the outcome of the minor ailment consultation in the PMR, as appropriate. correctly process documentation of the minor ailment scheme. provide appropriate records for audit and evaluation purposes. Competence in communication The pharmacy will: elicit key information for the treatment of minor ailments by the use of appropriate questions. provide information and advice in a manner appropriate to the needs of the patient. Competence in problem-solving The pharmacy will: recognise and define actual or potential problems in the patient’s drug therapy, life style or quality of life related to the treatment of that minor ailment. identify the best option for the treatment of the minor ailment based on appropriate evidence and sound analysis, and taking account of the patient’s wishes. 51 when necessary refer the patient to a more appropriate source of help or information. take responsibility for, and accept the outcome of, own proffered advice or decisions for minor ailments. Competence in working with others The pharmacy will: contribute to the scheme in accordance with the law, with the RPSGB Code of Ethics and with other relevant codes of conduct or practice, including systems for clinical governance. respect and observe patient confidentiality. negotiate successfully with GP’s and their staff if any problems arise. operate across the community pharmacy: primary care interface in support of the management of minor ailments behave in a manner which instils confidence of others involved in the treatment of minor ailments, especially the patient. support, collaborate with, delegate to, and supervise other team members in an appropriate manner for the treatment of minor ailments. use knowledge and skills effectively to help the learning of other team members about the treatment of minor ailments Competence in personal skills development The pharmacy will: recognise personal and professional limitations in respect of minor ailments identify and priorities the pharmacy staffs’ learning and development needs for minor ailments management. develop plans with learning objectives to meet identified needs for the treatment of minor ailments. use learning and development opportunities, including those of and from workbased experience, in support of minor ailments management. records learning activities relevant to minor ailments management evaluate if learning objectives were met and identify further learning needs for minor ailments management apply learning to practice of minor ailments management. 52 Competence in achieving concordance in drug therapy The pharmacy will: elicit, listen to, respect and reflect the patient’s perceptions of his/her condition and addressed his/her concerns about his/her medicines or about taking them. encourage the patient to ask questions about his/her condition and treatment. explain clearly to the patient the benefits of and rationale for his/her proposed medicine identify factors which might discourage or prevent the patient from taking the medication regimen and seek to remove or ameliorate those factors by simple practical measures or suggestions of a clinical or no-clinical nature. Competence in achieving a healthier lifestyle and higher quality of life The pharmacy will: help the patient to recognise any clear need for change in his/her lifestyle for reduced risk of ill-health use opportunities to promote and support the patient’s healthier lifestyle. 53 Appendix 12 Pharmacy First – Minor Ailment Scheme Locum Guide The Pharmacy First Scheme allows participating pharmacies to supply certain medication on a pharmacy prescription form to patients registered with a Preston GP. The Pharmacy may supply any of the medication listed in the formulary for those stated conditions. The medication may only be supplied in accordance with its OTC product licence. Medication may not be supplied for any other condition other than those listed even though the product is licensed for such use. Normal Prescription Charges and Exemptions Apply 54 Please ensure that The patient has a Pharmacy First Passport or is issued with one once Registration with a participating Preston GP has been confirmed. The consultation form is completed on BOTH sides. An entry is made onto the Pharmacy First Passport Any prescription levy is collected Any medication supplied is labelled in the normal way. For further information contact Malcolm Phillips on 01772 645586 Overview What is it? Who? Where? When? Passports? The scheme provides treatment for certain ailments from pharmacies as if they were on an FP10. Any patient registered with a participating Preston PCT practice See Appendix 2 A list has been faxed to the pharmacy You’re in one Any participating pharmacy Any time the pharmacy is open. No need to see a GP first To use the scheme the patient must have a passport, or be The yellow/blue issued with one. It acts as a record card and lists the book, PCT headed medication supplied through the scheme cards held in the pharmacy How? You can supply any of the medication listed for any of the Normal conditions. Label medication as if it were being supplied prescription on FP10 is good practice and will ensure a record is made exemptions and in the PMR charges apply When not to There are no real limits on the frequency of supply, Don’t supply supply serious consideration should be given to repeat provision through the of Pholcodine Linctus (see Cough/Cold/Flu protocol). scheme if you Use your professional judgement but refer to the minor wouldn’t sell the ailments protocols. Generally if the medication has been product! supplied on two previous occasions in the last month, referral may be required. Obvious exemptions include hay fever medicines. Paperwork?? Each patient should have a passport. It looks like a lot At each supply make an entry on the PMR and in the but it’s quite Passport. simple. Please ensure it is completed or payment will not be made. Complete the Patient Consultation Form (Both sides) 55 Appendix 13 Pharmacy First – Minor Ailment Scheme Common Questions Q. Who can use the service? A. Any patient registered with any Preston PCT GP or Chorley & South Ribble PCT GP. This includes children and the elderly. Children under 16 must be issued with their own passport and the parent/guardian must sign on their behalf. The parent or guardian should normally accompany the child on each occasion they wish to access the scheme. Q. What medicines can I use to treat which ailments? A. The list of medicines and ailments will change from time to time. These are detailed on appendix II with reference to the specific condition requiring treatment. No other ailment is treatable through the scheme even if a suitable medicine is available for another condition. Q. Can patients demand the medicines available for the conditions treatable? A. No. You are under no obligation to supply any of the products available if you feel they are inappropriate for a particular patient or you think a referral is required. Q How much will I be paid? A. Payments will be £3.00 per consultation that results in the supply of a pharmacy first medicine/s. You will be reimbursed your drug costs at the agreed price. 56 Appendix 14 Model Receptionist Protocol This protocol is for use by all persons dealing with requests for appointments and/or prescriptions either by the patient in person or by telephone. For patients making an appointment by telephone or in person: a. Patients exempt from prescription charges, where considered appropriate and practical, may be informed that there is a new scheme in operation where patients can be referred to a local pharmacist for advice and medicine rather than waiting for an appointment. Normal exemptions from prescription charges will apply. b. If the patient is present then they should be given a Pharmacy First information leaflet to take to one of the participating pharmacies. c. If a patient refuses transfer an appointment should be made for them with the Doctor in the usual manner. For Patients Self Referring at the Pharmacy Some patients will go straight to the Pharmacy to join the Scheme. The Pharmacist is required to be satisfied of the patient’s registration with a participating surgery. If the patient does not have evidence with them of registration with a participating practice, the pharmacist should not consider the patient for treatment within the scheme. Therefore where confirmation cannot be provided, the patient will not be entitled to use the scheme. Referral from Pharmacy On some occasions the Pharmacists may consider that the patient needs to be seen by a doctor. In most cases patients should be requested to make a routine appointment with their GP. If the patients presents at the pharmacy with similar symptom however the Pharmacist will refer the patient back to the surgery using the urgent referral form (appendix 5) which will be given to the patient and a copy faxed to the GP practice, together with the advice to seek an appointment at the surgery. Sometimes if the surgery is closed the Pharmacist may advise the patient to call the emergency number or go straight to A & E 57 Appendix 15 Clinical Governance Implications for pharmacies providing a Minor Ailment Service. The pharmacist and the pharmacy staff should be clinically competent in the treatment of the minor ailments included in the scheme. It is through continuing education and CPD that this competency can be maintained. As the pharmacy manager/owner may not be present at the pharmacy every day, they must ensure that all support staff, including part-time and locum pharmacies are fully briefed on the services being provided. Staff appraisals should be conducted regularly to ensure personal development for the staff and adequate training should be provided to them. An induction period for locum pharmacists would be advisable. Pharmacist should have relevant sources of references in the pharmacy which should be available to all appropriate staff. The pharmacy should be equipped with up to date computerised PMR facilities. A facility to record interventions, conversations with prescribers, carers and patients should ideally be available on the PMR. All support staff should be familiar with the PMR and associated programmes. Standard operating procedures related to the safe operation of the pharmacy should be written so that support staff, particularly part-time and locum pharmacists, are aware of the standards to which they are expected to perform. The procedures should include error and near miss reporting. The staff and responsible pharmacist should be able to reflect on their practice, and continually endeavour to improve their practice. The pharmacist should regularly perform an audit cycle on procedures to ensure robustness and enable continuous improvement. The practice in the pharmacy should reflect the safety, confidentiality and views of patients. Adapted from: Anon. Community pharmacy medicines management: a resource pack for community pharmacists. The community pharmacy medicines management project 2003. Available at 58 Appendix 16 Department of Health Publications PO Box 777 London SE1 6XH Tel: 08701 555 455 Fax: 01623 724 524 Email: Text phone: 08700 102870 All of these publications are free of charge. When asking for specific guides the DOH person will confirm availability and cost implications where necessary. Current Publications available in conjunction with Minor Ailments Scheme Head Lice Influenza 2004 Pubic Lice/Scabies (Sexual Health) The NHS self-help guide Vaginal Thrush Discontinued publications not being updated Cystitis 59