Updated – September 2013 THE OBJECTIVE OF THE PEACE COUNTRY FEMALE HOCKEY LEAGUE (PCFHL) The objective of the PCFHL will be to promote a good, clean, competitive brand of female hockey; to assist in any way possible to the development of our hockey players. BY-LAWS/CONSTITUTION OF THE PCFHL 1. MEMBERSHIP 1.1 Membership in the league shall be open to any competitive club within Reasonable travelling distance of a member club. Clubs wishing to join The League must submit a letter of application along with a performance Bond of $100.00 and entrance fee and are subject to approval by majority Vote of existing team representatives (those teams in good standing) at the Fall Organizational Meeting of the year of application. 1.2 All teams and players in the PCFHL must be members of the CANADIAN AMATEUR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION (CAHA) and their respective Provincial Branches and must abide by their rules and this constitution. 1.3 Teams in good standing shall be those currently registered without suspension to play in the current season and have submitted all required fees to the league. 1.4 A team may request a ONE year leave of absence from the League before The start of any new season. A representative from the team must request This at the Fall Organizational Meeting. A representative from the team Granted the leave of absence must also be present at the following year’s Fall Organizational Meeting to request that their team be registered to play In that season or that their team be withdrawn from the League. If withdrawn, the balance of the performance bond will be returned to the club. 1.5 Membership ceases with the PCFHL when any ONE of the following Occurs: the member club requests a withdrawal from the League at the Fall Organizational Meeting. (A representative from the club shall be Present at the meeting.) the member club failing to pay required fees or fine within thirty (30) days of the due date or issued date. the Directors, by a three-quarters majority of Directors have the power to expel or suspend any member club whose conduct shall have been determined by the Directors to be improper, unbecoming, or likely to i) ii) iii) endanger the interest or reputation of the PCFHL or who willfully commits a breach of the by-laws of the PCFHL. No member club shall be expelled or suspended without being notified of the charge or complaint against it or without having first been given an opportunity to be heard by the Directors at a meeting called for that purpose. NOTE: Any member club who withdraws or is expelled or suspended from the PCFHL shall forwith forfeit all right, claim and interest arising From or associated with membership in the PCFHL. (The balance of the performance bond would be returned to the club) 2. MEMBERSHIP FEES 2.1 A performance bond in the amount of $200.00 is to be submitted to the League with the application to join the PCFHL. The bond will remain with the PCFHL until the team withdraws from the League. Money will only be withdrawn from a team’s performance bond to pay any fines set by the President or at the President’s discretion. The withdrawn amount must be submitted to the League prior to participating in any future games. 2.2 An annual fee to cover league operating expenses shall be such sum fixed by a resolution at the Fall Organizational Meeting or fixed by special Resolution at a general meeting of members. 3. MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS 3.1 A Fall Organizational Meeting will be held by September 20th each year. 3.2 Special meetings may be called by the President and if necessary, conducted by a conference call. 3.2 The date, time and place for all meetings shall be fixed by the Directors. 3.4 Any team failing to have a representative at any League meeting is liable to a fine in the amount of $50.00. 3.5 The Quorum required for any league meeting shall be not less than twoThirds (2/3) of the membership clubs that are in good standing with the PCFHL. 3.6 Each membership club in good standing with the PCFHL shall be entitled To one vote through its Director at any League meeting, if necessary, a Deciding vote shall be cast by the President. 3.7 Motions, other than special resolutions or as otherwise specifically Required herein, shall be passed by a simple majority of votes cast at Any duly constituted meeting of members. 4. DIRECTORS AND LEAGUE OFFICIALS 4.1 The affairs of the PCFHL shall be managed by a Board of Directors who Are responsible for overall League operations. Each membership club in Good standing shall appoint one person at the Fall Meeting to represent their club on the Board of Directors. (An alternate may represent a club At a subsequent meeting if asked to do so by the Director for the club.) 4.2 The League Officials may consist of a President, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer and Statistician as elected by the Directors each year at the Fall Organizational Meeting. 4.3 Duties of the President: a) Shall preside at all meetings. b) Shall keep open communication with the Senior Female Chairperson from Hockey Alberta. c) Shall act as a liaison between the Provincial Referees Assoc. And the PCFHL. d) Shall promote further growth for the League throughout the Area. e) Shall investigate all incidents with assistance from the Vice President and notify teams of outcomes as appropriate. 4.4 Duties of the Vice President a) Shall act for the President in his/her absence. b) Assist President in any disciplinary/league issues. c) Overall monitoring of player registration. d) Assist with scheduling and issues related to same. 4.5 Duties of the Secretary-Treasurer: a) Shall be responsible for all books and minutes of all meetings b) Shall conduct correspondence on behalf of the League. c) Responsible for all accounts receivable and payable. d) Liaison between Hockey Alberta and PCFHL. e) Notify all Directors re: suspensions in the league. i.e. player names and number of games. f) At each General Meeting, prepare a financial statement wich mjust be approved by majority vote by the Directors. April 30 shall be the end of the fiscal year of the PCFHL. 4.6 Duties of Commissioners: a) Responsible to rule on game issues such as anything travel/weather related or questionable game cancellations in the division which they oversee. b) Division Commissioners will be an independent party who is not a member of the Division over which they hold office. c) Resonsible to communicate with Vice President and President if unable to resolve conflict independently. d) Communicate any and all decisions to teams involved in a timely fashion. 4.7 Duties of the Statistician a) Receive gamesheets and enter stats accurately and timely on thePCFHL website. b) Notify executive of suspensions and other incidents. c) Post late gamesheet fines on website and notify team involved. d) Enter player rosters on PCFHL website. 4.8 Referees shall be registered with the Referee Association in their respective Provinces. Referee assignors may be used by teams but the team is ultimately responsible to find referees as indicated in the PCFHL House Rules. 5.0 PROTESTS/APPEALS 5.1 To eliminate trivial protests, all protests and appeals must be in writing and must be in the hands of the League President within Seventy-two (72) hours after completion of the incident and must be accompanied by a cheque for Fifty ($50.00) dollars. All protests and appeals will be dealt with by the President/Vice President. If President/Vice President are not available or a consensus cannot be reached, a poll of the directors of the uninvolved teams will be done. If the protest or appeal is upheld, $50.00 will be refunded. 5.2 – Refer to Bylaw 12 in the Hockey Alberta Bylaws and Regulations. 6.0 HOUSE RULES 6.1 The Board of Directors shall be empowered to set such rules governing The conduct and operation of the teams and players registered with the PCFHL or such other rules or regulations as the Board of Directors may Deem advisable, (Herein called the “HOUSE RULES”); provided always: i) in the event of conflict between the House Rules and these ii) 7.0 By-Laws, the By-Laws shall be paramount to and govern The House Rules. The Board of Directors may at any League meeting amend, Vary or rescind all or any of the House Rules or add new House Rules by a simple majority vote of votes cast at such meeting. AMENDMENTS TO BY-LAWS 7.1 Amendments to these By-Laws can be made by majority decision at the Fall/Spring Meeting of the League or at an emergency meeting on thirty (30) days notice. For either meeting, a notice specifying the intention to propose a resolution must be duly given to all Directors and League Officials twenty-one (21) days prior to the meeting. HOUSE RULES OF THE PCFHL HOUSE RULES 1. Online registration of players must occur PRIOR to the first league game. Teams are responsible to ensure that all their players are registered and listed on the Hockey Canada site. Failure to do so will constitute the playing of “illegal players” which will result in suspensions of team officials as per the Hockey Canada Handbook. The President and Vice President will rule on the number of games suspended. 2. In the event of a tie at the end of regulation time, the games will be declared a tie and each participating team will receive one (1) point. Play-off games will be played to a decision as per CAHA overtime rules. 3. Each team must ice a minimum of seven (7) players for all league and play-off games, but must not dress more than set out in the CAHA rule book. Failure to dress seven players for any game will be considered a “no-show” and a fine of $100.00 will be levied and submitted to the League prior to playing any future games. The teams will also forfeit the two (2) points to the opposing team. 4. All game sheets shall be emailed to the League Statistician by the HOME team within 48 hours. In the case of a tie, the home team will be responsible to email in the sheet. Whoever is emailing the gamesheet is to be given the WHITE copy. If your team is unable to email by this deadline, please notify the Statistician PRIOR to the initial deadline to ask for an extension. Failure to meet the deadline will result in a $100 fine which will be posted on the PCFHL website and an email sent by the league executive (Stats or Secretary) to the team with the infraction. If after notification the fine is not paid within two weeks, the team will forfeit all games since the date of infraction until such fines are paid in full. 5. If players are suspended and are discovered playing, they (along with managers and coaches) will be suspended from any further League play for the balance of the season. 6. All games are to start on time. The time clock will start after a 5 minute warmup. Teams arriving after a waiting period of fifteen (15) minutes will be fined $100 payable to the league within two weeks. If within thirty (30) minutes, the team cannot field enough players, in addition to the fine, they will forfeit the game and 2 points will be awarded to the other team. Any team that cancels a game with less than 72 hours before game time (excluding inclement weather) will be subject to $300 fine payable to the other team and will forfeit the two points to them. This game cannot be replayed as a league game. Refer to the Commissioner of your division for decisions on incidents regarding inclement weather. 7. All teams are responsible for the actions of their players and management at any League game. There will be NO TOLERANCE of alcohol at any game by coaches or players. If alcohol is suspected, an incident report can be sent to the President and individuals may be suspended and/or team ejected from the League. 8. All Referee decisions under the CAHA CANNOT be appealed. 9. If teams are tied in total points for play-off positions, the positions will be determined by the win-loss record between the clubs involved; and if still tied, then goals for and against (As per AAHA tie-breaking formula) between the clubs involved will determine positions. 10. As per CAHA rules, players receiving a MATCH penalty CANNOT play in any future games until ruled on by the President. 11. Home club is to be responsible for the handling of problem fans. In the event that they do not or it persists, the League will take action at the Director’s Level. 12. If both teams use the same gate to leave the ice, the visiting team shall leave the ice first at the end of all periods and games. 13. All Tier 1 PCFHL games shall consist of a 5 min warm up and 3-20min stop time periods if at all possible. If time will to allow, teams are to notify their opponent prior to the game. All Tier 2 PCFHL games shall consist of a 5 minute warm-up, and 3-15 minute stop time periods. 14. The League wants the players to shake hands with their opponents at the end of any game. 15. All affiliated players MUST be indicated on the game sheet (AP) prior to the start of the game. These players MUST wear all required equipment. 16. Full-face mask is required for all players. 17. Minor Hockey rules in effect for misconduct in the last ten minutes of the game will result in a game suspension. 18. Each team must complete online registration of players on the CHA site prior to their first game. Rosters will be monitored by the League Statistician. 19. Every team must try to get two carded referees if possible. If unable, one carded adult (over 18 yrs of age) referee and one other individual, preferably and adult, are acceptable. Home team is to notify the visiting team ahead of time if they are aware of this situation. If there are no carded referees, it is recommended that teams do not play. If the game is played, protests will not be allowed. If game is not played because of uncarded referees, points will be awarded to the visiting team. 20. It is the home team’s responsibility to ensure their referees are carded. Ensure referees print their name and referee assigned number on the gamesheet prior to the start of the game and sign the sheet after the game. If referees who are expected to be carded are found to be uncarded, the home team will be fined $500, $250 of which will go to the visiting team. A forfeit will be issued to the home team and points given to the visiting team. 21. League Executive will use the current “Notification of Suspension Form” and “Appeal Form” from Hockey Alberta to notify and process any suspensions from league play. 22. Director/Coach are the only members allowed to contact executive members regarding suspensions or severe incidents. 23. All teams must provide home arena’s address, closest recommended medical facilities, phone numbers/address of medical facilities and directions to medical facilities by beginning of league start date. 24. Teams can submit complaints regarding players, coaches, or referees using the outline from the “Notice of Suspension” form by Hockey Alberta, or via email to the President of the League. The incident report must be signed/supported by the reporting team’s coach and witnesses/players involved. The League President will review and contact those individuals involved after each occurrence and may issue disciplinary action, and/or including suspension, at that time. Investigations should be done within one week and if more time is required, the President will be in contact with the teams involved. President may call upon other Directors to view games at his request to monitor and report the conduct of the offending teams. Travel reimbursement to League Official asked to view a game will be at the rate of 40 cents per kilometer. 25. Teams will receive their first score book at no charge. Any subsequent score books can be purchased for $30. 26. League entrance fees will be set at $200, new teams must submit a Performance Bond of $200 in addition. ( See membership fees in bylaws – 2.0). 27. All Directors will be notified of any player suspensions on any team by a member of the Executive. 28. If a forfeit occurs between teams, winning team to send in a gamesheet to the statistician indicating the forfeit and reasons for same. 29. All recreational teams will be capped at 25 players. Roster must be faxed to Stats person after players added PRIOR to the next game being played. If players are dropped, they can be removed from the list and roster faxed to Stats Person. 30. All team rosters freeze on February 10. No new players can be added after this date. 31. All rosters should be submitted to Statistician by email prior to their first league game. 32. League Tournament fee to be determined once overall costs have been determined by the host venue. This cost will be divided by the number of teams attending. 33. All Tier 1 Games will consist of 3-20 minute stop time periods where possible. Tier 2 and lower will be 3-15 minute stop time periods unless otherwise mutually agreed upon.