Constitution Global Soap Project – Student Chapter at Georgia State

Global Soap Project – Student Chapter at Georgia State
September 20, 2010
Article I.
Global Soap Project – Student Chapter at Georgia State
Article II.
Purpose Statement
Our mission is to educate the university community about the merits of the Global Soap Project,
to recruit local hotels to recycle their partially used soap, to raise money and awareness and to
build a solid organization at Georgia State that will be a prototype for other universities
throughout Georgia and the nation. Additionally, we aspire to advance the academic and
professional development of our members, while helping displaced persons residing in refugee
camps throughout the world.
Article III. Affiliation
Affiliated with national organization; The Global Soap Project Inc.
Article IV. Requirements for Membership
100% of active membership must be Georgia State University students. Associate membership
may be granted to GSU faculty, staff, alumni, and guests under special circumstances; these
associate members shall not be given the rights and privileges of active GSU students.
Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.0
Article V. Officer Description
Required Officers
President 1. Preside over official meetings of the GSP
2. Serve as spokesperson for the GSP
Vice President –
1. Report the minutes of the previous meeting
2. Preside over meetings and activities in the absence of the president
3. Oversee activities of committees and committee chairs
4. Report the minutes of previous meetings
Secretary / Treasurer
1. Accurately record the minutes of the meetings and make them available to all members
upon request
2. Keep financial accounts and deposit organizational funds into the GSP treasury
Optional Officer Positions – these positions will be filled on a volunteer basis and are not
mandatory for the operation of the organization
Marketing Coordinator
1. Create flyers and manage promotions for events and membership
2. Establish a network between GSP and the hospitality industry
Event Coordinator
1. Assist with all logistical duties for events including reservations for venues and
communication with members
2. Work with volunteer coordinator to establish committees for event preparation and all
day-of-event activities including set-up and clean-up
Volunteer Coordinator
1. Communicate with all GSP members to secure volunteers for events and other activities
2. Coordinate volunteers for each event/activities such as: date and time of arrival, duration
of shift and more
Article VI. Election of Officers
The executive board positions of president, vice president and secretary/treasurer will be
determined by an election process in which nominees are confirmed by a majority vote of 50%
plus one. Voting will be conducted on paper ballots with room for a check mark next to the
Elections will be held during the April chapter meeting each spring.
The secretary/treasurer will oversee the elections.
Students interested in an executive board position will verbally submit their self-nomination no
later than two weeks prior to the scheduled April meeting. All members will be notified of the
candidates one week prior to the April meeting and the vote will take place during the meeting.
Executive board terms will last either one semester or one school year, depending on the
graduation date of the student. If an officer is scheduled to graduate in December then a special
election will be held for that position in November and the new officer will begin his or her
official role at the start of the new semester.
The optional officer positions will be filled as needed on a volunteer basis.
Article VII. Removal of Officers
An officer can be removed from his/her post when that person is not fulfilling the duties of
his/her position and does not attend meetings on a regular basis. An officer may be removed
upon the recommendation of the advisor and school’s director. All concerns regarding the
conduct and removal of an officer should be expressed to the club’s advisor.
Article VIII. Officer Transitions
New officers will be given a copy of the bylaws along with a description of the duties of their
assigned position. All materials should be transitioned within two weeks of the election.
Article VIX. Advisor
The organization advisor will be appointed by the director of the School of Hospitality for an
indefinite term.
1. The advisor to the Global Soap student organization must be a full-time staff or faculty
member appointed by the School of Hospitality director. The advisory shall remain in
that position until a new advisor is appointed by the school’s director.
2. The advisor shall attend all chapter meetings, assist with activities, communicate with the
parent organization, make recommendations and set agenda and location of all meetings.
Article X. Meetings
Meetings will be held once a month during the semester. Meetings will not be held during the
summer or over school holidays.
Article XI. Quorum
A minimum of 50% of club members will need to be present in order to conduct official
organization business.
Article XII. Dues and Fees
No dues are required
Article XIII. Amendments
Amendments to the constitution may be proposed by a board member and submitted in writing.
Radification of an amendment to the constitution shall require affirmation by a majority of the
board members.
Amendments and revisions to the constitution must be reviewed by Student Activities once
adopted by the organization.
*Article XIV. Hazing Policy “This organization prohibits its members, both individually and
collectively from committing any acts of hazing as defined in the Student Code of Conduct at
Georgia State University.” (The most revised version of the Code of Conduct can be found on
the Dean of Students website
‘Hazing’ means any intentional, negligent or reckless action, activity or situation that endangers
or is likely to endanger the physical health of an individual or causes an individual pain,
embarrassment, ridicule or harassment as a condition or precondition of gaining acceptance,
membership, office or other status in a student group, whether or not such group is formally
recognized by the University and regardless of the individual’s willingness to participate.
Actions and situations that may constitute hazing may include, but are not limited to, the
forcing or requiring the drinking of alcohol or any other substance;
forcing or requiring the consumption of food or any other substance;
calisthenics (e.g., push-ups, sit-ups, jogging, runs);
treeings (e.g., tying someone up and throwing food or other substances on them);
paddle swats;
line-ups (e.g., yelling at or harassing people in a formation);
theft of any property;
road trips (e.g., dropping someone off and leaving him/her to find his/her own way back);
scavenger hunts;
causing an individual to have fewer than six (6) continuous hours of sleep per night;
conducting activities that do not allow adequate time for study (e.g., not allowing an
individual to attend class, causing one to miss group projects);
forcing or requiring partial or complete nudity at any time;
performing acts of personal servitude for members (e.g., driving them to class, cleaning
their individual rooms, serving meals, washing cars, shopping, laundry);
forcing or requiring the violation of University policies, federal, state or local law.”
*Article XV. Organization Agreement [Insert Name] Organization agrees to abide by the
Georgia State University Student Code of Conduct. Furthermore, agrees to abide by all Student
Activities policies, to check the organization’s Club Manager account, mailbox, communicate
via email upon request, update the organization’s records on Club Manager, attend a student
organization orientation annually, and renew the organization by May 1st.
Article XVI.
Constitution established – September 22, 2010