01/00944/FUL - Epsom and Ewell Borough Council

18 APRIL 2002
99b/99c College Road, Epsom
Demolition of existing houses and construction of 10 no.2 bedroom flats and 2 no.1
bedroom flats, together with associated access, parking and landscaping.
REFUSE planning permission for the following reasons:1. The proposed parking provision within the site would be insufficient given the
location of the site and the type of dwellings proposed, and the parking spaces
and access provided would adversely impact on the visual amenities of the area
including trees and the occupiers of the surrounding residential properties
through increased noise, disturbance, visual intrusion and loss of privacy. The
proposal would thus be contrary to Policies MV24, DC1 and DC14 of the Epsom
and Ewell District Wide Local Plan (May 2000).
2. The proposed rearward projection of the development would result in a loss of
privacy for the occupiers of the neighbouring dwellings, and by virtue of
overlooking would cause serious harm to their amenities. The proposal would
therefore be contrary to Policies DC1 and DC14 of the Epsom and Ewell District
Wide Local Plan (May 2000).
2 no. two storey dwellings to be replaced with 2/3 storey block of 12no. flats – diverse
mixture of building forms in the immediate area – impact on amenities of the occupiers of
neighbouring properties – car parking provision – impact on trees.
A members site visit took place on 13 April.
Site and Surroundings
The application site comprises a two detached, two storey dwellings situated on the north
eastern side of College Road, opposite the main vehicular egress from Epsom College.
Access to both dwellings are from a relatively wide vehicular access which until recently also
served “The Firs” to the west of the site. Each dwelling has a hardstanding area to the front
and an attached garage. The properties are nevertheless relatively well screened by a number
of mature trees along the front boundary.
The rear garden area of the properties back onto the rear gardens of adjoining residential
properties, including those in Links Road at the rear of the site. There are a number of
protected trees on the front and rear boundaries of the site and one large protected
Wellingtonia tree in close proximity to the rear of 99C.
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To the west of the site is “The Firs”, a substantial, predominantly three storey late Victorian
building that is currently in the process of being renovated, following its previous use as a
nursing home. Of particular note is its prominent corner tower and gable features. 12 no flats,
including a separate block of 4 maisonettes to the rear are being created. 17 car parking
spaces are to be provided in an informal arrangement within the site (mainly to the front of
the building) for the 9 no. two bed flats and 3 no.1 bed flats. Four of these parking spaces are
to the rear, served by a vehicular access adjacent to the current application site.
To the east is a detached dwelling set in relatively spacious grounds. The surrounding area is
primarily residential, although opposite the site are the imposing three storey buildings of
Epsom College.
Current Proposal
The application has been amended from that originally proposed. It is now for the demolition
of two dwellings and the erection of 10 no. two bed flats and 2 no. one bed flats contained
within a 2½ storey block towards the front of the site. The existing access and egress to/from
the site onto College Road would be utilised and extended to the north-western side of the
building towards 10 car parking spaces at the rear of the site and 5 to the front of the site. A
bin and cycle store is also proposed.
The design of the building intends to reflect the tower and gable features of The Firs and the
characteristics of the surrounding area. See submitted drawings for additional information.
Relevant Planning History
There is no recent planning history of relevance in respect of the application site.
The adjoining property known as “The Firs” is a locally listed building, currently being
refurbished and extended as granted planning permission under ref EPS/00/0880. This
includes the erection of a block of four maisonettes to the rear of the main building.
Planning Policy
Epsom and Ewell District-Wide Local Plan 2000
NE7, NE8
Landscaping in New Developments
Quality of the Built Environment
Design of New Buildings
Housing Provision
Demands for Housing Accommodation
Design and Layout of New Development
Parking Standards
General Policy
Design Against Crime
DC13, DC14
New Residential Development
Surrey County Structure Plan 1994
Protection of the Urban Character
Housing in Urban Areas
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The main planning considerations relate to the principle of residential development, its
impact on the character and appearance of the area, the adequacy of the access and parking
arrangements and the impact on the occupiers of the surrounding residential properties
Principle of Development for Flats
The site is in an area that comprises a mixture of residential properties, comprising mainly of
flats and detached dwellings. A number of buildings in the area are of substantial size,
including the adjoining development at “The Firs” and the Epsom College buildings opposite.
The two properties are of a modest 1970’s design and in streetscene terms do not relate
particularly well to the more substantial buildings either side and opposite. It is therefore
considered that a development of the site with a more substantial building could be
reasonably accommodated within the site. This could possibly include a number of flats
which would accord with the requirements of local plan policies and PPG3 to provide new
residential accommodation within the Borough.
Impact on the Character and Appearance of the Area
The proposed design of the development has been substantially amended by the applicant
from that first submitted, following Officers intentions to refuse the original proposal.
The proposed building is now designed to reflect the scale and character of the adjoining
properties, particularly “The Firs”, and in streetscene terms is considered acceptable.
The building would clearly be bulkier than the existing houses, and the south-eastern flank
would be a minimum of 1m away from the boundary to the garden area of no.101, a two
storey dwellinghouse. The two buildings would however be at least 7m away from each other,
and in streetscape terms this is considered acceptable, particularly given gradual changes in
levels in the area.
Access and Parking
15 spaces are proposed, equating to 1.25 car parking spaces per flat. This would meet with the
requirements of PPG’s3 and 13 that suggest that no more than 1.5 spaces per unit should be
However, College Road is a relatively busy road with few opportunities for parking outside of
the site and it is not particularly close to public transport facilities or local amenities. Epsom
Downs Station is at least 700m away as the crow flies (or 1400m by road) and the nearest
shop in Epsom town centre is over 1360m away. The site is therefore unlikely to attract non
car users, and given that the majority of the proposed dwellings are two bedroom flats it is
more than likely that there will be at least one car, if not more for each dwelling. This would
leave 3 spaces for visitors, which is considered insufficient for 12 flats in this location.
More car parking could be accommodated on the site, but this would be to the detriment of
the amenity space provided, and would also result in an increase in activity and disturbance
for the residents of the adjoining properties. It is considered that even with the proposed
arrangement of 10 car parking spaces at the rear that this would be significant enough to
result in an adverse impact on such amenities.
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The Council’s Trees Officer has concerns regarding the impact of the parking spaces and
pedestrian access to the front of the building. It is considered that the layout would adversely
impact on the protected trees on the front boundary.
Whilst 17 parking spaces have been permitted for the 12 flats at The Firs (9 no. two bed and 3
no. one bed), it is considered that this is a realistic minimum for this location. In normal
circumstances, greater parking provision would have been sought, or a smaller development
constructed to achieve a reasonable and balanced development. The Firs development is
however an exceptional case in that there has been a requirement to strike a reasonable
balance with preserving and enhancing the locally listed building, and protecting the trees
within the site. In any case the parking spaces are very much of an informal layout and to the
front of the building, thereby maintaining its setting. The parking relating to the current
application is much more formalised and to the rear of the building.
Impact on Neighbouring Properties
The proposed building would be sited in a position to minimise the impact on adjoining
properties. However, there are a number of windows in the side elevations that would
overlook the neighbouring properties. Those on the south-eastern side of the building are
generally bathroom or kitchen windows to which a condition requiring obscure glazing could
be reasonably imposed.
Those on the north-western elevation are bedroom windows, and these would face towards
The Firs. The majority of the windows in the facing flank of The Firs are not principle
windows and are fitted with obscure glazing. There would be a minimum separation distance
of 14.5m between the two flanks, and this is considered reasonable. However, the flats to the
rear of the proposed development would partly overlook the rear communal courtyard of The
It is not considered that there would be any adverse impact on the properties to the rear in
Links Road, in terms of overbearing or overlooking concerns. There would be over 60m
between buildings, and a significant number of trees between the two.
As detailed above, disturbance would nevertheless arise from the parking of vehicles and the
activities associated therewith to the rear of site. This disturbance would be exacerbated if
more parking spaces were to be provided to the rear.
The application was advertised by means of a press advertisement, site notice and letters of
notification to the occupiers of neighbouring properties. Neighbours were also notified of the
amended plans when they were received on 6th February.
Letters from 20 households have been received, with main outstanding concerns relating to
adverse impact on Links Road properties, overshadowing of the flats at The Firs, lack of car
parking, disturbance from car parking, setting a precedent, out of character, overdevelopment,
change of character of the area, impact of building work.
Contact: Warren Pierson
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