Junior League of Mobile, Inc

Junior League of Mobile, Inc.
September General Meeting
“Time Well Spent”
Tuesday, September 9, 2008 – 9:30 a.m. and 6:45 p.m.
The Junior League of Mobile, Inc. is an organization of women committed to promoting volunteerism, developing
the potential of women, and improving the community through the
effective action and leadership of trained volunteers.
The Junior League of Mobile reaches out to women of all races, religions, and national origins who demonstrate
an interest in and commitment to volunteerism.
The Junior League of Mobile strengthens our community by embracing diverse perspectives, building
partnerships and inspiring shared solutions.
Call to Order
President Janée Bonner called the meeting to order at 9:32 a.m. (morning) and 6:43 p.m. (evening).
(morning) Julie Otts read quotes from Albert Schweitzer, Eleanor Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and
Ghandi related to our mission and the theme “good deeds multiplied.”
(evening) Suzanne Scott read an excerpt from the book God Calling focused on the theme “give, give,
give” and was reflective of the values of Junior League of Mobile.
“Improving Our Community”
Report from the Community
(morning) Julie Otts shared about her summer placement, serving as chair of America’s Junior Miss
(AJM)/ Junior League of Mobile (JLM) day of caring. She gave kudos to JLM and committee. On June 19,
her team hosted 50 state reps and the reigning junior miss representatives. AJM and JLM are orgs that have
similar missions. The group met at the JLM headquarters and then broke into groups volunteering at
organizations including Camp Smile (played with kids, yoga, glamour shots, best self program), Gulf Coast
Exploreum (working with Dearborn Y kids, be your best self program), and Hillsdale community. Julie
read a quote from the diary of the Junior Miss from New York, reflecting on her day at Camp Smile. The
placement reached over 150 people in community, logging more than 150 volunteer hours.
(evening) Suzanne Scott, chair Dearborn YMCA summer arts program, discussed the summer successes of
her placement. The program focused on children ages 4-13 who participated in weekly themed art projects.
She showed a variety of examples and recognized the volunteers and team for their outstanding work all
summer. The placement was rewarding—she had stories of kids wanting hugs and to live with her, and
even stories of parents expressing appreciation. Thank you cards made by the children of the program were
shown. She summarized by stating that the placement touched lives, and “when we give we receive.”
Janée added that at a meeting at Dearborn Y, a tour was offered and several children saw her JLM pin and
commented on how they loved the “Junior League ladies.”
(morning) Anne Milling, former president of Junior League of New Orleans, worked post-Katrina to form
the group Women of the Storm (WOTS). The group focused their energies on talking to the leaders of our
country about the challenges of the community, the needs of the community, and the families affected by
the devastating force of hurricane Katrina. Anne showed how her league training paid off as she and her
group shared the message of the over 200,000 homes damaged or destroyed in the New Orleans
community. WOTS became organized and mobilized to rebuild their homes and address the voids in the
community and compel leaders to do the same. After their first meeting on January 10, 2006, they
strategized to increase the number of visits by elected national leaders to the hurricane-ravaged area.
Within twenty (20) days they created a logo, an umbrella (shown), and charted a plane to Washington, D.C.
to call on congress. After meetings and thank you card follow ups, the visits to the area increased. Anne
further shared the environmental impact reality—every 50 minutes, one football field of wetlands is lost in
Louisiana. After tossing out footballs with this message, Anne concluded by sharing their success of
attending both party’s national conventions. Through a focus and a mission, WOTS continues to bring
diverse women together to make an impact in the New Orleans community. Anne left the assembly with
the following message, “Take time to celebrate your successes, to reflect.”
JLM “Our Town” Photography Contest Winners
(evening) Ashley Turner-Carrick introduced the winners of the photo contest. Students in grades 6 through
8 in Mobile County were asked to send in pictures of the area that showcased what made our area special.
Introduced students and shared their categories, including overall winner Lee Bonner. Photos will be on
display at HQ until the end of the month.
“Funding the Mission”
Christmas Jubilee
 Tickets on Sale today
 Market Update
(morning and evening) Ashley Brown reported we have eight (8) weeks to CJ. The preview party is Nov. 5
featuring Chef John Besh and a silent auction; tickets are $50 each. Tickets still available for Girls Night
Out, which sold out last year. It will feature drinks from the Wine Loft, Bobbi Brown makeovers, and
fashions by Dragonfly. Santa Breakfast will feature decorating cookies and other activities and will require
a ticket for all attendees. Tickets are available online or in the boardroom at the meeting. T-shirt orders can
be placed online or through Emma Mayhall at meetings today.
There will be CJ bags, sponsored by the casino in Atmore, each stuffed with coupons. CJ shift sign up
starts Monday, September 15 for actives and Provisionals can begin signing up the following Monday,
September 22. Everyone must work a shift and fulfill ticket obligation. Penny Copeland is in charge of
merchant lounge; all members are encouraged to make a $5 donation toward the merchant lounge.
A new sponsorship is available this year, the $24 karat special sponsorship. This sponsorship includes
merchant lounge donation and donors will receive recognition on the donor board and in InLeague. The
$250 sponsorship level includes two preview party tickets.
Seconds on Sage
Katy Sullivan (morning), SOS chair, told members that household items are needed for shop and they can
be put on consignment. There will be a toy sale on December 6, from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. The kids’
consignment sale will be March 26--28. Erin Reimer (evening), SOS assistant chair, shared same message
at evening meeting.
MJLP/Vote on “Best of the Bay”
Alex Bowen, Finance VP, presented Best of the Bay cookbook idea. The cookbook will be a compilation of
fifty-five (55) recipes from Recipe Jubilee and One of a Kind. The goal is to have it out by CJ. Pam Bostick
has spearheaded the effort; a cover of the cookbook was shown. Stores are already asking for pre-orders;
the book will sell for $9.95. This cookbook will be a small cookbook, not a coffee table book. The Finance
Council and Board have approved a transfer of funds from the reserve account for the sole purpose of
publishing the cookbook, unanimously; it now needs a member vote, actives only. The JLM CPA and
financial advisor have stated that the JLM is in good financial shape and is debt free. The repay will come
from proceeds from sales as soon as possible.
Member vote took place with a quorum present; actives overwhelming approved transfer of funds from the
reserve account for sole purpose of funding publishing of The Best of Bay.
“Promoting Volunteerism”
VIII. Recognitions
 Bloom Where You are Planted
(morning and evening) Katie McGinley presented gift certificates for $5 to Jubilee Gifts to each award
recipient present. Full nomination of each recipient will be in next issue of InLeague. Award recipients
i. Emma Mayhall, CJ PR chair
ii. Jenny Humphreys, yearbook assistant
iii. Amanda Roberds, Mobile Public Library summer reading
Leigh Perry Herndon, Downtown Walking Tour committee
Jennifer Kittrell, transfer chair
Amanda Hembree Morton, provisional
Beth Hooks, Happy Time Music, Dearborn Y
Jeni Marley, Dumas Wesley Summer Fun Book Club
Laura Ledyard, Summer volunteer, Wilmer Hall
Suzanne Scott, Dearborn YMCA summer art program chair
(morning) Janée tells about the recent welcome cocktail party held at the HQ for the transfers.
Transfers are asked to stand to be recognized; none present.
(evening) Jennifer Kittrell introduced our seven (7) new transfer members; six actives and one
sustainer. The new transfer members are Jodi Traylor (Montgomery, AL), Julie Schaefer (Pittsburgh
PA), Blair Schoenvogel (Birmingham, AL), Cynthia Baker (Columbus, GA), Jennifer Nilsen (Las
Vegas, NV), Andrienne LeDoux (Houston, TX). All are in Digital Cheetah; please make them feel
Door Prizes
(morning and evening) Katie McGinley conducted door prize drawing for YADA print.
“Developing the Potential of Women”
Five Minutes on Membership
Janée Bonner (morning and evening)
Community Assistance Fund-Twice a year we give grants to community agencies. Applications were
due this summer (closed out in August) and recipients will be announced at the GMM in October. The
next application period is in January.
Nominating Interest Indicator on the website-Currently receiving nominations for President-elect, CJ
assistant chair and Board positions.
Placement Process-Nominate or self-nominate today.
Logging Volunteer Hours through Group Share-Please track volunteer hours. This information helps
us measure our impact in the community. Training on GroupShare is available. See announcements for
Membership survey on line Sept 1-23—Please log on and take survey.
Please complete meeting evaluation form online—Only takes a few minutes and helps to make sure
meetings meet expectations.
Provisional Nametags – BLUE!—Please welcome Provisionals and transfers.
Membership Growth and Retention/Special Interest Groups—This is year two of this committee,
which helps members get the most out of their JLM experience. Please visit the table in the back to
sign up for special interest groups.
Project Development has been exploring agency applications in light of our new impact areas,
Children and Education. Terri Gaal and committee are reviewing submitted information.
Leigh Faircloth, former JLM president, is being honored by a team walk at the Saints Walk for a Cure,
Saturday, October 4, at St. Paul’s Athletic Complex. All schools and all people welcome. Sign up
forms and information available on stage after the meeting.
(evening) The arrangements committee and Sunshine committee have done a great job and can use
help. See the sign up in the seat packet if you are willing to pitch in.
(evening) We are aware of the parking issues. Please wait after the meeting for a flashlight escort if
you parked at the shop.
Recess/Adjourn—The morning meeting was recessed at 10:23 am until 6:43 pm. The
evening meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm.
Next General Membership Meeting
Tuesday, October 14
9:30 am and 6:45 pm
Junior League of Mobile, Inc.
September General Meeting
 Communications Council
 Pick up your JLM Yearbook today
 E-News deadline ~ September 20th and October 5th
 InLeague Deadline: November 2
 Training on GroupShare ~ September 16th at MTI 11:00 and 5:30
 Community Council
 Please bring a toy or gift to the October General Membership Meeting for our Holiday Gift
Giveaway sponsored by Done in a Day. For more information please join us at our website,
 There are still a few community placements that need to be filled – Dumas Wesley Happy Time
Music (Jan-may), Downtown Walking Tour (Wednesdays, Jan-Apr) and USA Treehouse
(Monday evenings, Sept-Dec)
 Finance Council
 This week, Jubilee Gifts is featuring 20% off of our popular cookbook “Bay Tables”. All of the
food prepared at this meeting is delicious recipes from this cookbook.
 Beginning in October SOS will accept quota at the General Membership meetings.
 Membership Development Council
 If you would like to help arrangements by bringing food to a meeting, please log-on to the
website or contact BeBe Bernard, arrangements chair.
 Chair Training ~ September 18th at Headquarters at 5:30
 Join us for a Membership Appreciation event ~ Wine Tasting at House of Blends ~ Thursday,
September 25th at 6:30 pm. Tickets are $5 each and are available online at
www.juniorleaguemobile.org. Questions may be directed to Katie McGinely at
 Please remember to nominate any of outstanding volunteers for future Bloom Where You Are
Planted awards!
 Sunshine Committee can always use a few spare casseroles as we try to spread sunshine to our
members in need. Feel free to contact Paige Arans at aranjp@bellsouth.net if you an help or if
you know anyone who is in need.
 Please help us go green – new recycle bins are in Headquarters and we encourage you to use
 Next General Membership Meeting October 14th.