I. Call to Order Janée Bonner, President

Junior League of Mobile, Inc.
October General Meeting
Tuesday, October 14, 2008 – 9:30 a.m. and 6:45 p.m.
The Junior League of Mobile, Inc. is an organization of women committed to promoting
volunteerism, developing the potential of women, and improving the community
through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers.
The Junior League of Mobile will make a measurable impact in our community by focusing on parenting,
building awareness for women’s issues, improving the education of our children and providing exposure to the arts.
The Junior League of Mobile reaches out to women of all races, religions, and national origins
who demonstrate an interest in and commitment to volunteerism.
Call to Order .......................................................................................................... Janée Bonner, President
President Janée Bonner called the meeting to order at 9:34 a.m. (morning) and 6:46 p.m. (evening).
Invocation..................................................... Christy Gustin, Downtown Walking Tour Chair (morning)
Angela Merrick, Wilmer Hall Summer Chair (evening)
(morning) Christy Gustin read a quote from Bob Nelson about building a fire within. She used the quote to share her
experience in her placement and to encourage members to volunteer with downtown walking tour.
(evening) Angela Merrick, using a song from the movie, The Sound of Music, took the musical notes (do, re, mi, etc.) and
partnered them with motivational reminders about the importance of attitude.
Approval of the Minutes .........................................................................................................Janée Bonner
(morning and evening) It was moved and seconded to dispense with the reading of the minutes and to approve the minutes
from the last meeting. All approved.
Janée thanked the assembly for participating in the online meeting evaluation and stressed that the feedback is read. In
response to the September meeting evaluation, “Five Minutes on Membership” has been moved on the agenda to take
place near the beginning of meeting instead of at the end.
“Improving our Community”
Five Minutes on Membership ..................................................................................................Janée Bonner
(morning and evening)
Community Assistance Fund
We have a small amount money in the budget to finance emerging community needs. We were able to put $17,000 towards
this aim last year and this year have $25,000 due to fundraising efforts in recent years. We receive applications from nonprofit community agencies with which we do not currently partner twice a year, summer and winter. The first round of
application review is complete. We received a total of twelve (12) applications requesting a total of $69,000. We have
selected the recipients of the fall awards.
 The Family Service Center (Baldwin County)—funds used for emergency food supplies/food bank
 Alta Pointe—funds used for autism program
 McKemie Place—funds used for supplies
 Volunteer Mobile—funds used for post-disaster education for school-aged children
 Funds used to produce a program to air on Comcast 6 on adolescent mental health
Information on the community assistance fund and the fall awards will be in upcoming League publications. We have
awarded $13,500, and have $11,500 left for spring applications.
Membership Survey Results
The membership survey was available online in September. Over 250 members participated, which is approximately 35%
of our membership. Thanks to everyone who took the time to complete survey. Some survey results were shared.
 73% believe that community service is most important aspect of JLM.
 92% would be willing to do a project a year in chosen impact areas.
 83% believes the organization makes difference in community.
95% believe the JLM is a well-run organization.
More than half surveyed are willing to give more than current financial obligations.
A large percentage of members surveyed prefer to receive all communications via email
Over half surveyed visit website weekly.
The survey revealed member issues on the relevance of Folio. The purpose of this publication was clarified. Folio is an
outreach publication and a marketing tool for JLM. It is used to share information externally and is well respected in the
A member asked who received Folio in the community. It is distributed through subscriptions, and is also mailed to elected
officials and all community partners and donors. If a member has someone they would like to add, they can be added. The
mailing list was revamped this summer with improvements made by Sydney Betbeze, Folio assistant editor.
Looking to the future of the organization, an overwhelming majority of our members want JLM to be viewed as an
organization that is viewed as committed to training volunteers and committed to our legacy projects. Janée shared her
excitement about the future of the League.
Recent JLM Awards
The Public Relations Council of Alabama awarded JLM several awards. Congratulations to Sharee Broussard and all our
 Medallion for Folio
 Medallion for the research on JLM impact conducted and compiled by Sharee Broussard
 Award for Excellence for the integrated marketing plan written by Sharee Broussard
 Merit Award for design and utilization of our website
Coffee with the President
At times we get good ideas from Leagues. The Birmingham league has had success with hosting “coffee with the
president” events. We will have our first Coffee with the President on Thursday, October 30 at 10:00 a.m. at Carpe Diem
on Old Shell Road. These meetings will be a nice off-site way for people to come and talk in a casual setting about things
that are going on and what we can do to make the JLM experience better. Please sign up online, there is no limit to
participants. Our Membership Development Vice-President, Natasha Kendall, will be present, as well.
Report from the Community………… .......................................... ………………..Angela Merrick (evening)
(evening) Angela Merrick shared highlights from her summer placement at Wilmer Hall. This organization was formerly a
foster families program. They stopped receiving public funding and went private but have continued their work of helping
children and families that need assistance. In this residential setting, volunteers worked with seventeen (17) teenage residents,
aged 13-18 (boys and girls). Activities included movies, skating, Paint and Pals; manicures and pedicures at a local salon,
going out for ice cream…basically activities that helped the kids have fun. Stephanie Anderton is now in charge, and
volunteers are doing two meetings a month; one meeting is fun, one is focused on education or life skills. Wilmer Hall has now
taken on some younger kids all 10 and under; the older kids are helping, but they need our continued support.
VI Project Development Update…………… ...... ………………………Terri Gaal, Project Development Chair
Last year, our membership voted on new focus areas. This year we are tasked with developing community placements that fall
into those areas. Children and education are the new focus areas. Committee has been hard at work receiving applications from
community agencies. Terri Gaal shared how the process will work. In November (around first week), all possible placements
will be online to review. Members will have a month to look at different possible community placements. In December, we
will receive hard copy of information in the home meetings and we will vote on the community placements online. The
committee has worked all summer on placements for years 2009-2014. Terri explained the process the committee has
managed. Letters were sent out in the spring to agencies, the agencies sent in applications, the committee reviewed applications
and evaluated in light of the various criteria to see if there was a fit, and the last step is present the options to the membership
for a vote.
“Funding the Mission”
VII. Finance Council ........................ …………………………………………Alex Bowen, Finance Vice President
(morning and evening) Alex Bowen gave a brief overview of the role and purpose of the finance council. She thanked Sara
Kindt and her committee last year who left us in a great place for this year. She also thanked the current council and recognized
the great job they are doing. The Finance Council is responsible for all fundraiser and fund development for JLM; the Council
oversees the budget process, operations at HQ, insurance, and other risk management issues and the personnel committee.
The Finance Council is made up of several committees.
 Christmas Jubilee, holiday market-Ashley Brown
 Seconds On Sage-Katy Sullivan
 MJLP (gift shop and cookbook sales)-Dana Yance
 Solicitations-Cammie Singleton
 Treasurer-Mendy Turnipseed
 All fundraising chairs
 Operations Director-Pam Bostick
The Finance Council projects our net income from all fundraisers to be about $310,000, which we expect to give back to
community this year. This is our target for the year. Our fundraisers are successful due to member and sponsor support.
Combined with our dues and other finances, our operating income will total approximately $530, 000, about ½ $1M.
Solicitations goes out and asks for money and goods and services in community. This committee works closely with
fundraising. The money they raise is often merged into other fundraisers so sometimes their work is not as visible or
recognized. If you have any ideas or suggestions for solicitations, please share with Cammie Singleton.
Our treasurers sit on the Ways and Means committee and help prepare budgets and financial statements each month and review
monthly financial management. Mendy Turnipseed oversees all these processes and prepares monthly reports.
Kathy Sherman serves in a risk management role and takes care of risk or liability issues. Thanks to her for her work this year
in streamlining our insurance policies. She also manages our policy renewals and bidding processes, and researches any risk or
liability issues.
The Finance Council has hired an investment advisor who ensures that our organization is financially healthy.
All money matters or financial decisions come to the Finance Council at one point. It is an exciting council and Alex
encouraged members to consider for the coming year.
MJLP .................................................................................................... Dana Yance, MJLP Chair
(morning and evening) Dana Yance reminded members about Jubilee Gifts and encouraged everyone to take time
to look at merchandise. There was a small display of sample merchandise in the meeting on the stage. Please
notice the new sign in the store and the new logo. Gift-wrap is now available. For today’s meeting, the Dallas
league cookbook is being promoted and is being sold at 20% off today only. Jubilee Gifts will be at CJ and
sharing a booth at SOS. BayTables is the official cookbook for the city of Mobile and is available on website.
Best of the Bay cookbook will introduce a historical compilation of two JLM’s retired cookbooks (Recipe Jubilee
and One of a Kind). Pam Bostick was recognized and thanked for her very hard work on the cookbook. She
worked with sustainers and helped coordinate effort. Best of the Bay cookbook will be $9.95 per book; cookbooks
can be reserved during the presale. Reservation forms were made available in seat packet; it can also be reserved
online. The cookbooks will be here in time for CJ; if you pre-ordered, it will be ready for pick up after shift
completion at CJ. Expected arrival date is November 3. Any member who sells or purchases five Best of the Bay
cookbooks, will get a 50% discount on BayTables. The sale of the cookbook will be promoted in print, and there
will also be a cooking segment on WKRG on November 4, at noon. All net proceeds from the sale of the
cookbook will be invested into the community; over $5 from each sale goes back to community. Every sale from
Jubilee Gifts and from cookbooks goes back into community.
Seconds on Sage ..................................................................................... Katy Sullivan, SOS Chair
(morning and evening) The children’s consignment sale will be March 26-28, 2009, at the SOS shop. Starting in
January, clothes can be dropped off; all seasons are acceptable. Numbers for kids’ consignment were available at
meeting. Arrangement will be a 60/40 split on all clothes. Look for more information in coming months on sale.
There will be a toy sale at SOS, December 6, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.; please drop off toys at shop. SOS will
have a booth at Christmas Jubilee. In an effort to increase SOS sales, coupons are available for 50% off. The shop
is currently being advertised in Lagniappe and the Mobile Press-Register. Katy thanked the Provisionals for
their work at the shop.
Christmas Jubilee .......................................................... Ashley Brown, Christmas Jubilee Chair
(morning and evening) Christmas Jubilee is November 6 through 8. The event is three weeks away! In the past 23
years, CJ has raised almost $3M; the proceeds go totally back to community. Ashley thanked the members for all
the support to the event.
CJ information was made available in the seat packet. Members were encouraged to donate to the merchant
lounge, and were reminded of the 24-Karat member sponsorship that is still available. Two tickets for CJ “girls’
night out” will be given away. There was a drawing at the evening meeting from those who contributed via the
24-Karat; the winner was Janna Conner. CJ tickets are available at the meeting and online. Pre-ordered T-shirts
and bags can be picked up at meeting and they are also available for sale. Staffing sign up ends October 19 at
7:00 p.m.; everyone needs to work a shift. If help is needed with shift sign up, contact Julie Flotte. Parking passes
will be online starting November 1. Pins are available to further promote CJ. For members who work in a public
place, please see Emma Mayhall for a pin to wear. “Elves” were busy during the meeting putting magnets on
cars. Any CJ questions can be answered at table set up at the back of the meeting room or the CJ ticket room.
A member asked how many merchants were going to be at CJ. Currently there are about 115 merchants in place
and the committee is still receiving calls.
Ashley promoted the CJ Preview Party and Chef John Besh. Girls’ Night Out is sold out. Members were
reminded of their $30 obligation and baskets were passed to collect monetary donations to support the merchant
lounge. New this year is an evite in the members’ only section of he website. Stacy Wellborn developed the evite
invitation. Also a girl’s getaway package featuring CJ is being promoted by the MCVC.
“Developing the Potential of Women”
VIII. December Neighborhood Meetings ............................................................... Ann Sirmon, President Elect
(morning and evening) Next month we will not have a general membership meeting; everyone will work her shift at CJ
instead. Our next meetings will be December 8 and 9, 2009. These will be home meetings in twenty-four (24) sustainer
homes in Mobile and Baldwin counties. On December 8, there will be eleven (11) meeting locations (morning-one in
Mobile; evening-nine in Mobile, one in Baldwin). On December 9, there will be ten (10) meeting locations (eight in
Mobile, two in Baldwin); there will also be two morning meetings in Mobile County and one morning meeting in Baldwin
County. All morning meetings will start at 9:30 a.m.; evening meetings begin at 6:30 p.m.
Register on-line—Registration will be available in the member’s section of the website. This feature will go live
on November 3 and be available through Friday, November 21. Members can also register at HQ if they don’t
have a computer. This meeting will count as one meeting credit.
Online Voting—Online voting will be available for upcoming community placements for 2009-2014. We will
discuss the options during the December meetings, and afterwards we will be able to vote online. We will have
one week to cast vote; look for the link on your member home page.
Membership Growth Leadership Event………………………….Casi Calloway, Membership Growth Chair
Casi Calloway encouraged members to seize the new opportunities for learning presented every year in the JLM. She
reviewed the seat packet insertion summarizing ways to get involved. Special interest groups are a great way to meet and
make new friends (sign up sheets were on display in the meeting room). Small mentor groups provide ways to learn about
placements and make new friends. The Membership Growth Leadership Exploration event will be held January 8, 2009,
from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 pm. at headquarters. It will be a chance to learn about new community placements, to learn about
things happening and to find a leadership place in the JLM. Members will be able to sign up online. These programs are
designed to keep members growing and learning.
Admissions Update……………………………………… .............. ……….Sara Kindt, Admissions Chair
(morning and evening) Sponsoring someone to be a provisional next year? We have had 18 potential members hit the
website and show interest. What type of member is a good member? It is a big responsibility to sponsor someone so Sara
shared what types of members the JLM is looking for. The basic attributes of a good member are as follows:
 Committed to mobile bay community
 Committed to JLM mission
 Willing to further the organization
 Willing to develop leadership skills
 Willing to dedicate time and resources to JLM
 Committed to JLM for at least 10 years and becoming a sustainer
 Interested in representing JLM in community
The admissions application process is going to be online this year. Look for additional information in coming weeks. The
timeline is January 2, 2009, forms will be available, and they are due on February 2, 2009. Paper admissions applications
will be available if needed for those who prefer paper.
The goal is to make the process quick and smooth. There will be an open house like last year; more information to come.
The event will be on January 14, 2009; invitation letters will go out February 17, 2009. New member orientation for
incoming Provisionals will be May 19, 2009.
Requirements for membership follow. Prospective members must
Reside in the greater Mobile/Baldwin county area
Be at least 25 years of age by May 31 of sponsor year (no upper age limit)
Must pay dues of $215 ($150 first year dues and $65 provisional membership fee)
Must be sponsored by three (3) active members and one (1) sustainer sponsoring (all in good standing), one of
which is a primary sponsor (only one sponsor may be relative and only one may be a non-resident; Provisionals
cannot sponsor, must be an active year; active members can be a sponsor for two prospective members, but the
member can only be a primary sponsor for only one)
Members can contact Sara Kindt directly for more admissions information.
“Promoting Volunteerism:
 Bloom Where You are Planted: Katie McGinley, Membership Appreciation Chair (morning)
Natasha Kendall, Membership Development Vice-President (evening)
(morning and evening) The purpose of the “Bloom” award is to letting everyone know how much members who
are excelling are appreciated. There are five awards and each recipient will receive a Jubilee Gifts gift
certificates. Please continue to submit nominations.
 Diane Swearingen, yearbook editor, rewrote history and added small details and saved over $2700 in
graphic design costs.
 Ashley Lauber-Folio editor took Folio green this year and used all recycle paper. She also made the
publication all full color and added a page of League facts at a glance. Ashley also added our logo to end
of each story to improve branding.
 Susie Veasey-SOS marker; worked twice as many hours as asked
 Christy Gustin, chairman of downtown walking tour, spent weeks rewriting tour and now it is more
comprehensive. She added new pictures and it is now much more historically accurate. Recently, a 4 th
grade Alabama history teacher commented on the tour and was impressed to learn new facts. She has
been taking the tour for years and was surprised to learn new and interesting facts.
 Sydney Betbeze, assistant editor, Folio, did a fabulous job managing the Folio changes. She assisted in
getting Folio to printer early and implementing changes.
 Door Prize Drawing ................... Katie McGinley, Membership Appreciation Chair (morning)
Natasha Kendall, Membership Development Vice-President (evening)
(morning and evening) Door prize drawing for YADA print.
Transfers ..................... …………..Natasha Kendall, Membership Development VP (morning),
Jennifer Kittrell, Transfer Chair (evening)
Natasha Kendall (morning)/Jennifer Kittrell (evening) introduced our new transfer members.The new transfer
members are Jodi Traylor (Montgomery, AL), Julie Schaefer (Pittsburgh PA), Blair Schoenvogel (Birmingham,
AL), Cynthia Baker (Columbus, GA), Jennifer Nilsen (Las Vegas, NV), Andrienne LeDoux (Houston, TX),
Taylor Baird, Martha Crosby, Mary Katherine Cross, and Gloria Stewart . All are in Digital Cheetah; please make
them feel welcome.
Recess /Adjourn
At the evening meeting, Janée acknowledged that parking is not ideal at meetings and asked for members’ patients with the sheriffs
that are hired to help with parking and safety. If asked to move car, please comply. The morning meeting was recessed at 10:20
a.m. until 6:46 p.m. The evening meeting was adjourned at 7:39 p.m.
Next General Membership Meetings
December 8th or 9th ~ December Neighborhood Meetings
 Communications Council
 E-News deadline ~ October 20th and November 10th
 InLeague deadline for Jan./Feb. Issue ~ December 2nd
 Community Council
 Kids in the Kitchen will hold its event November 18 from 4-6pm. Kids in the Kitchen will
partner with Bay Area Food Bank’s Kids Café which focuses on providing health snacks to the
80 after school programs in Mobile. Three of these programs will be invited to the BAFB’s
new industrial sized kitchen facility to cook a healthy snack, decorate a chef’s hat, and do a
physical activity.
 October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month
 Ho-Ho-Ho-Toys Needed for JLM’s annual Toy Drive! Please bring a new toy to your CJ shift
if you did not bring one to the October GMM. The agencies that will receive toys this year
include Family Promise of Mobile and Baldwin Counties, St. Mary’s Home, McKemie Place
and Little Learning Tree. We will try to publish a list of agency needs so that shopping will be
 Finance Council
 Christmas Jubilee Preview Gala/Silent Auction ~ Wed., November 5th ~ 7:00p.m. – 10:00p.m.
 Christmas Jubilee Market ~ General Shopping Thursday, November 6th – 8th
 Starting this month, SOS will accept quota at the General Membership meetings.
 Membership Development Council
 If you would like to help arrangements by bringing food to a meeting, please log-on to the
website or contact BeBe Bernard
 Sustainer Luncheon ~ Tuesday, October 21st~ Country Club of Mobile
 Nominating is accepting nominations for CJ Assistant Chair through October 15th. They are also
accepting President Elect and Board of Directors nominations at this time.
 Planning and Research Council
 Thanks to the over 250 active and provisional members who participated in the online
membership survey last month. That is a participation rate of 35%.
 Thanksgiving Hours ~ Closed Wednesday November 26th through Friday November 28th
 Next General Membership Meeting ~ December 8th and 9th ~ December Neighborhood Meetings. Sign
up on-line at the JLM website from Monday, November 3rd through Friday, November 21st. We have
added two more morning houses and two more houses on the Eastern Shore. Be sure to grab a friend
and attend these great intimate meetings – it will be Time Well Spent!