(_____/ 120) = ___/30

NAME: ____________________________________________ punteggio: (_____/ 60) = ___/30
Time allowed: 1 hour
1. Complete the following passage by inserting an appropriate article (a, an, the); if no
article is necessary, put an X in the gap.
What does it mean to be (1)_____________ global citizen when world economic markets can
change in minutes or seconds, rebels plot in online chat rooms to overthrow (2)____________
oppressive government regimes, and borders on (3)______________ maps mean nothing as deadly
“greenhouse” gases and diseases permeate our planet ? Economic, political, environmental, and
cultural interdependence have made (4)_____________ humanity aware that no one nation can face
(5)___________ future alone. Former Citicorp chairman, Walter Wriston, described globalization
as (6)_____________ world that is “tied together in a single electronic market moving at
(7)______________ speed of light”. The economic statistics are staggering as we witness 1.5
trillion U.S. dollars moving around (8)______________ world daily. Specifically, advanced
technology allows bonds and equities to flow across U.S. borders at (9)____________ rate 54
times faster than in 1970. The United Nations climate summit at (10)___________ Hague in 2000
failed to produce (11)_____________ accord to decrease greenhouse gas emissions. The facts are
disturbing, as scientists find more evidence of global warming and overall climate disruption caused
by environmental pollution.
2. Put the verbs in parentheses into the most logical form. You may have to use both
active and passive forms.
Peter Hambro Mining (PHM) is one of Aim’s success stories, and one of the few mining
companies listed on the London stock market which (1)_____________________ (SUCCEED) in
Russia. But on Monday last week more than £100 million (2)______________________ (WIPE)
from its market value after a Russian government official said he (3)______________________
(WANT) to revoke five of its mining licences, while (4)______________________(ACCUSE) it of
environmental violations. Following a 14% fall in PHM’s stock price on Monday, the shares
(5)_________________________(FALL) a further 9.7 % on Tuesday to 925p, their lowest for 12
months. The company said that it (6)_________________________(NOT CONTACT YET) by
any Russian government body, and was adamant it (7)_______________________(NOT BREAK)
any rules. Yet with the case coming on the heels of Shell’s problems over its $20 billion investment
in the Sakhalin-2 project, investors (8)_____________________(TAKE) the news as further proof
of the risks of business in Russia. For foreign companies, the country (9)___________________
(PRESENT) a tricky dilemma. On one hand, there is a perception that the risks in Russia
(10)______________________(GET) worse, not better. On the other, with eight years of strong
economic growth, a consumer boom and a rising middle class not to mention its vast natural
resource reserves— in many areas Russia (11)________________ (BECOME) as attractive a
growth market as China or India.
3. Put the appropriate modal verb from the list below into each gap. There are more verbs
than gaps.
wouldn’t –shouldn’t –might- can’t- don’t have to –must –need- ought- mustn’t
1. Alice ______________________have passed her French test—she doesn’t know any French.
2. Don’t refuse their offer now—you ________________________ regret it later.
3. If you are robbed, you ______________________notify the police within 24 hours.
4. You ________________________walk around town alone at night– it’s not very safe.
5. I tried again and again, but the computer just ____________________accept the password.
6. You _______________to phone your parents more often, they worry about you living alone.
7. You ______________________ get an import licence—it’s not necessary in Europe.
4. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate preposition or conjunction.
Governments (1) ______________ Europe are already starting to worry. Why ? Because low
birth rates combined (2)______________ longer life expectancy mean that the Continent will soon
have fewer people working and fewer people paying taxes. As a result, a whole range
(3)____________ measures must be taken to deal (4)_______________ the problems that this
change will bring.
(5)______________ the recent Annual World Economic Forum
(6)______________ Switzerland, a session called “Reforming Pension Systems” took place. The
speaker, director (7)_______________ the population division of the United Nations, said that this
is a global problem, not just a European one. However, the European situation is particularly
serious. Look (8)________________ the findings of a recent European Commission study: Italy’s
population is expected to drop (9)________________58 million to 48 million (10)____________
the year 2050, Spain’s will fall 5 million over the same period, and Germany’s 6 million. Sweden
is one of the few countries where the population will probably increase.
5. Rewrite each sentence so that the meaning is as close as possible to the sentence before.
1. “I wouldn’t sign the contract if I were you, Tom,” said Samuel.
2. I wasn’t taking notes, and now I can’t remember what she said.
If I________________________________________________________________________
3. The city council is going to ban all traffic from the city centre.
All traffic___________________________________________________________________
4. He asked me if I’d be seeing Bill at the conference.
He asked me, “_______________________________________________________________”
5. The boss expects us to have the project done by tomorrow.
6. Fill in the blanks with ONE appropriate word.
American movies have always been a smoky place, at least (1)___________ the 1940s. Today
cigarettes are (2)_____________common onscreen now than at any other time since mid-century:
75% of all Hollywood films show tobacco use, according to a 2006 (3)____________by the
University of California, San Francisco. Audiences, especially kids, are taking notice. Two recent
studies (4)__________found that among children as young as 10, those exposed to the most screen
smoking are up to 2.7 times (5)__________likely as others to pick up the habit. Worse, it’s the
ones from non-smoking homes (6)__________ are hit the hardest, perhaps because they are spared
the dirty ashtrays and musty drapes that make real-world smoking (7)____________less appealing
than the sanitized cinematic version. Now the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) are
pushing to get the (8)____________out of the movies. “Some movies show up to 14 incidents of
smoking per hour,” says Barry Bloom, HSPH’s dean. “We’re in the business of (9)____________
disease, and cigarettes are the No. 1 preventable cause.” If there is one thing health experts know,
it’s that you don’t influence behaviour (10)____________ telling people what to do. You do it by
exposing (11)____________ to enough cases of people behaving well that it creates a new norm.
NAME: __________ANSWER KEY___________________ punteggio: (_____/ 60) = ___/30
Time allowed: 1 hour
3. Complete the following passage by inserting an appropriate article (a, an, the); if no
article is necessary, put an X in the gap.
What does it mean to be (1)____a_______ global citizen when world economic markets can
change in minutes or seconds, rebels plot in online chat rooms to overthrow (2)____X_____
oppressive government regimes, and borders on (3)_______X_____ maps mean nothing as deadly
“greenhouse” gases and diseases permeate our planet ? Economic, political, environmental, and
cultural interdependence have made (4)_____X______ humanity aware that no one nation can face
(5)____the____ future alone. Former Citicorp chairman, Walter Wriston, described globalization
as (6)_______a____ world that is “tied together in a single electronic market moving at
(7)_____the______ speed of light”. The economic statistics are staggering as we witness 1.5
trillion U.S. dollars moving around (8)_____the______ world daily. Specifically, advanced
technology allows bonds and equities to flow across U.S. borders at (9)___a_______ rate 54 times
faster than in 1970. The United Nations climate summit at (10)____the____ Hague in 2000 failed to
produce (11)___an_______ accord to decrease greenhouse gas emissions. The facts are disturbing,
as scientists find more evidence of global warming and overall climate disruption caused by
environmental pollution.
4. Put the verbs in parentheses into the most logical form. You may have to use both
active and passive forms.
Peter Hambro Mining (PHM) is one of Aim’s success stories, and one of the few mining
companies listed on the London stock market which (1)___has succeeded__ (SUCCEED) in
Russia. But on Monday last week more than £100 million (2)__was wiped_________ (WIPE)
from its market value after a Russian government official said he (3)______wanted__________
(WANT) to revoke five of its mining licences, while (4)___accusing_________(ACCUSE) it of
environmental violations. Following a 14% fall in PHM’s stock price on Monday, the shares
(5)______fell_________(FALL) a further 9.7 % on Tuesday to 925p, their lowest for 12 months.
The company said that it (6)__hadn’t been contacted yet__(NOT CONTACT YET) by any Russian
government body, and was adamant it (7)___hadn’t broken________(NOT BREAK) any rules. Yet
with the case coming on the heels of Shell’s problems over its $20 billion investment in the
Sakhalin-2 project, investors (8)__took/have taken__(TAKE) the news as further proof of the risks
of business in Russia. For foreign companies, the country (9)____presents______ (PRESENT) a
tricky dilemma. On one hand, there is a perception that the risks in Russia (10)__________
____are getting____(GET) worse, not better. On the other, with eight years of strong economic
growth, a consumer boom and a rising middle class not to mention its vast natural resource
reserves— in many areas Russia (11)______has become____________ (BECOME) as attractive a
growth market as China or India.
3. Put the appropriate modal verb from the list below into each gap. There are more verbs
than gaps.
wouldn’t –shouldn’t –might- can’t- don’t have to –must –need- ought- mustn’t
1. Alice _____can’t ________have passed her French test—she doesn’t know any French.
2. Don’t refuse their offer now—you ____might_______ regret it later.
3. If you are robbed, you ____ must ______notify the police within 24 hours.
4. You ___shouldn’t_________ walk around town alone at night– it’s not very safe.
5. I tried again and again, but the computer just ____wouldn’t ______accept the password.
6. You ___ought ____to phone your parents more often, they worry about you living alone.
7. You ___don’t have to _________ get an import licence—it’s not necessary in Europe.
4. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate preposition or conjunction.
Governments (1) _____in______ Europe are already starting to worry. Why ? Because low
birth rates combined (2)_____with_____ longer life expectancy mean that the Continent will soon
have fewer people working and fewer people paying taxes. As a result, a whole range
(3)_____of_____ measures must be taken to deal (4)___with________ the problems that this
change will bring.
(5)_____At_______ the recent Annual World Economic Forum
(6)____in________ Switzerland, a session called “Reforming Pension Systems” took place. The
speaker, director (7)______of ______ the population division of the United Nations, said that this is
a global problem, not just a European one. However, the European situation is particularly serious.
Look (8)____at _________ the findings of a recent European Commission study: Italy’s population
is expected to drop (9)_____from ______58 million to 48 million (10)_____by_____ the year
2050, Spain’s will fall 5 million over the same period, and Germany’s 6 million. Sweden is one of
the few countries where the population will probably increase.
7. Rewrite each sentence so that the meaning is as close as possible to the sentence before.
6. “I wouldn’t sign the contract if I were you, Tom,” said Samuel.
Samuel__ advised Tom not to sign the OR told Tom that he wouldn’t sign the __ contract.
7. I wasn’t taking notes, and now I can’t remember what she said.
If I_______ had taken notes, now I would be able to remember what she said.________________
8. The city council is going to ban all traffic from the city centre.
All traffic____________ is going to be banned from the city centre. _____________________
9. He asked me if I’d be seeing Bill at the conference.
He asked me, “_______Will you be seeing Bill at the conference ?” _____________________
10. The boss expects us to have the project done by tomorrow.
We____ are expected to have the project done by tomorrow._________________________
8. Fill in the blanks with ONE appropriate word.
American movies have always been a smoky place, at least (1)___since__ the 1940s. Today
cigarettes are (2)___more_____ common onscreen now than at any other time since mid-century:
75% of all Hollywood films show tobacco use, according to a 2006 (3)__study_____ by the
University of California, San Francisco. Audiences, especially kids, are taking notice. Two recent
studies (4)___have___ found that among children as young as 10, those exposed to the most screen
smoking are up to 2.7 times (5)____as____ likely as others to pick up the habit. Worse, it’s the
ones from non-smoking homes (6)__who/that__ are hit the hardest, perhaps because they are
spared the dirty ashtrays and musty drapes that make real-world smoking (7)__seem_____ less
appealing than the sanitized cinematic version. Now the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH)
are pushing to get the (8)___smoking/tobacco ____out of the movies. “Some movies show up to
14 incidents of smoking per hour,” says Barry Bloom, HSPH’s dean. “We’re in the business of
(9)__preventing __ disease, and cigarettes are the No. 1 preventable cause.” If there is one thing
health experts know, it’s that you don’t influence behaviour (10)____by____ telling people what to
do. You do it by exposing (11)__them_____ to enough cases of people behaving well that it
creates a new norm.