Dear 5th grade parents and students,

August 27, 2008
Dear 5th Grade Parents,
Welcome to fifth grade! Our names are Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Boulas and we will
be your child’s fifth grade teachers. Fifth and sixth grade teachers are
departmentalizing once again this year. This enables us to teach subjects we
specialize in. Mrs. Boulas will be teaching reading, language arts, and social studies
to all the fifth graders. Mrs. Allen will be teaching math to both fifth and sixth
graders. Fifth graders will also be seeing Miss Siekaniec (one of our sixth grade
teachers) for science each day as she is teaching science to fifth and sixth graders.
Mrs. Nehr is the other sixth grade teacher and will be teaching reading and social
studies to sixth graders only. Mrs. Morris is the intervention specialist for grades
five and six and will be working with students in the resource room and the
We have two music teachers and three new physical education teachers in our
building this year. Our music teachers are Mr. Stretch for room 115 and Mrs.
Cipriani for room 114. Mrs. Wunderle will be the art teacher for both 5th grades.
The physical education teachers will be Mrs. Wollerman for room 115 and one day
for room 114 and Mrs. Waltz for room 114 for the other PE class. Please refer to the
attached schedule for specific days and times of specials.
We believe that in order for you to be actively involved in your child’s
education, you need to be informed of what goes on in the classroom. We will be
communicating with you on a regular basis throughout the school year to keep you
informed of how or what your child is doing in school. We will be sending home a
weekly newsletter letting you know what we are working on in the classroom. We
will also be letting you know if there are any problems through notes or phone calls.
Attached to this letter you will find a discipline and a homework policy which needs
to be signed and returned. If you need to communicate with us feel free to call us at
school, both before or after school or write us a note and send it with your child.
You may also e-mail us at
( – Mrs. Allen
( – Mrs. Boulas
( – Miss Siekaniec
We look forward to meeting all of you at our curriculum Open House which will be
on September 4th.
Mrs. Lisa Allen
Mrs. Evie Boulas