Lecture 12

PSYC 3102: Introduction to Behavioral Genetics
Lecture 12
XYY syndrome continued:
Witkin in Denmark examined Danish army enlistment
Small country, no federal vs. state governments
Compulsory draft into state service for all men
Series of tests then placed in Army or other state service for a few years
Provided a large cohort of males
Incoming draftees were all karyotyped
Only 12 XYY cases found
5 out of those 12 (~42%) ended up having criminal records compared to base rate of ~12%
Significant difference
However, crimes were largely petty offenses (shoplifting, etc.), not violent or sexual crimes
The picture that emerges:
o These individuals tend to suffer from some learning disabilities, higher rate than
average, but not severe
o THIS is a predicting factor of delinquency, generally petty crimes
Conclusion: No predisposition for aggression or violence, but predisposed to learning
problems, which in turn, increases risk of getting into trouble with the law
2 Major Myths:
1. Hyper-masculined sexual psychopaths due to increased male hormones (hypertestosteronized)
2. Perfectly normal “there is NO association with criminal records”
Small section of chromosomal material is missing (thousands to hundreds of thousands of
nucleotides, 5-6 genes)
Prader-Willi Syndrome & Angelman’s Syndrome are examples of microdeletions
Areas get duplicated
Genetic Technology
Can’t go into great detail—it is its own course
Taking a very simplistic view
Most important in modern genetics-- Ability to identify polymorphism
Polymorphic gene = more than one common allele
Huntington’s Disease
Discovered in 1870s-1880s
Later realized it is a dominant gene
Identify the gene to find out the protein it codes for, find treatment or interventions
Start with linkage analyses to find the general area
Problem—not enough marker genes (genes that are known and mapped)
1980s—better techniques to detect polymorphism and place their location
For 75 years nothing panned out in HD research
But in 1984 there was the first report of general linkage
Purpose: Separate molecules by molecular size
Start with gel (viscous material)
Insert a series of molecules
Run current
Molecule with certain electric charges will move to one end of gel
Size makes them faster or slower in moving through the gel
Need to dye molecules in order to see them
Probes are single stranded sections of DNA or RNA that binds to the DNA (complimentary(
that carries a “light bulb”
Fluorescent dyes are mainly used now, but radioactive labels used to be used more
Used for proteins, DNA
Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism
A method of finding and detecting polymorphisms
Identifies alleles at restriction sites where restriction enzymes cut
Restriction Enzyme:
An enzyme that recognizes a specific nucleotide sequence, then cuts at the DNA at that
Ex: EcoRI recognizes a certain sequence and cuts the DNA in to 2 fragments
For example… can be used in forensic and paternity cases
(really today they use more precise tests, this is one of the first methods)
EcoRI enzyme cuts at a specific sequence
2 individuals: enzyme may cut different fragments (or may not cut one at all)
After cut up, do electrophoresis and then bathe in the probe
Smith / Jones / Perp
or Pappa
Results: Jones didn’t do it/isn’t the father; NOT that Smith did do it/is the father!!
Need to keep testing more and more genes until you get acceptable probabilities that it is a
Other tools:
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Purpose is to “amplify” DNA = make a large # of copies of a desired section of DNA
Ex. make lots of copies of a single gene
can do a lot of genotyping from a small amount of sample (used to take white blood cells and
make a cell culture, now can get a buccal sample from the cells in the mouth)
Pre-Processing Steps:
1. Purify DNA from the cell
2. Cut up long strands of DNA into more manageable pieces (with restriction enzymes)
Major Steps for PCR:
1. Heat it – denature double-stranded DNA into single-stranded DNA
2. Add primers – small section of single stranded DNA that will bind to the strands
3. Add replication material – enzymes that will replicate DNA (polymerase) and free
now have 2 copies of DNA
doubled the amount of DNA
Repeat steps 1-3 to make more & more copies
After ~20 cycles, you magnify the gene of interest ~100,000 fold
Signal for the one gene will overpower the other genes in the sample, then you can
Types of Polymorphisms
1. Protein / enzyme variations
3. Tandem Repeat polymorphisms – simple, different number of repeats (think of DNA
stuttering), sequence can be as short as 2 nucleotides or as long as ~44 nucleotides
4. SNP – single nucleotide polymorphisms consist of variations in only one nucleotide
Increased number of known polymorphisms help in gene detection
Can test for polymorphic phenotypes
In the serotonin receptor 1A gene there is a SNP (A to G) which gives a different amino acid
in that position, which will cause the protein product to fold slightly differently
Serotonin is believed to be involved in depression
So… Compare depressives to controls
Example 2:
Polymorphism in the serotonin transporter gene doesn’t make a different transporter
It is a tandem repeat in the promoter region (4-11 repeats of a 44 nucleotide sequence)
It is thought to influence the rate of transcription
So… Genotype and compare people
Take home points:
Not important to know nitty-gritty details
Don’t need to explain PCR or show RFLP
Read text regarding sequencing, but don’t need to know details