2015 Benefits Open Enrollment Information

Open Enrollment 2015
Medical, Dental,
Vision, Life, Long
Term Disability
Open Enrollment is not
offered every year and
future open enrollment
periods are not
UMR will mail
insurance identification
cards to all health plan
enrollees’ home
The University of Arkansas is offering an open enrollment for medical, dental and vision
plans. The open enrollment period begins on November 3, and ends December 2, 2014.
All changes made during this period will be effective January 1, 2015.
Enrollment forms are enclosed or available for download from the Department of Human
Resources’ website http://ualr.edu/humanresources/current/benefits/open-enrollment2015/. Forms may also be picked up in the Department of Human Resources.
This is a once-a-year opportunity to make changes to your benefits. After December 2,
2014, you can only make changes if you are within 30 days “of a qualifying life event”
(marriage, divorce, birth, etc).
All forms must be returned to Human Resources by Tuesday, December 2, 2014.
Through December 2, 2014, you can make the following changes:
 Enroll for the first time in medical, dental or vision coverage;
 Enroll or increase your Optional Life Insurance, Dependent Life Insurance or
Optional Long Term Disability Insurance.
 Add or delete eligible dependents to/from medical, dental or vision plans;
 Cancel medical, dental or vision coverage;
 Change between Classic and Point of Service medical plans or vice-versa;
 Change vision insurance between the Basic and Enhanced Vision Plan or vice-versa;
 Enroll in Critical Illness Plan (MetLife)
 Enroll in Flexible Spending Accounts (Dependent Care and/or Health Care). This is a
positive election and you must re-enroll each calendar year.
No evidence of insurability, pre-existing condition exclusions, or waiting periods apply.
If you are currently enrolled in the medical, dental or vision plan and do NOT want to
make any changes, NO action is required; your current coverage will remain the same.
UMR has a national network; therefore, participants are not required to select a Primary
Medical Plan
Care Physician (PCP). Medical services can be accessed by any of the network providers in
the UMR network. For a listing of participating providers visit UMR’s website at
Managing your health
http://www.umr.com/oss/cms/UMR/UAS. There are no changes to your medical
$0 Preventive Health Services insurance rates for 2015.
The health plan provides for
an annual wellness visit with
your physician with a $0
co-payment. Preventive
services save you money.
Disease Management
Active participation in the
disease management and
coaching programs offered
through UMR & OnLife
Medical Changes
 The co-pay for primary care physician (PCP) will remain $25; for specialist’s office
visit will remain $45 per visit.
 Out of pocket (OOP) maximum increases to $3,250 (individual) and $6,500 (family).
OOP is the maximum combined deductible, co-insurance and co-pays you will pay in
a calendar year. Family OOP maximum requires two individual family members to
meet the individual OOP maximum. See Medical plan comparison for additional
information – footnotes: (c).
Medical Plan cont.
health. Provide for $0 co-pay
for generic medications for
diabetes & hypertension.
Call 1-866-438-6105 for more
details or to enroll.
Pregnancy Management
If you are pregnant or
become pregnant, enroll in
the health plan pregnancy
assistance and education
program. You’ll receive a
$300 discount off of your
hospital expenses if you
enroll within the 1st trimester
or $150 off if you enroll in
your 2nd trimester. Contact
UMR 1-866-438-6105.
Tobacco Products
If you currently use or have
recently quit using tobacco
or nicotine products, enroll in
the cessation or maintain
tobacco-free programs with
OnLife. The program offers
$0 co-pay Chantix and you
can receive the nicotine
replacement patches at $0
co-pay through the health
Dental Plan
(Delta Dental)
Did you know the
dental plan provides a
“carry-over” plan for
additional dental
benefit dollars?
Contact Delta Dental
each year to see if you
have “carry-over”
Remember that
covered individuals
have two cleanings and
annual exams that are
covered in full each
Vision Plan
(Superior Vision)
 Prescription co-pays will increase to $15 (generic), $40 (preferred name brand), &
$80 (non-preferred name brand).
 Prescription co-payments will have a separate $1600 (individual) and $3200 (family)
out-of-pocket maximum. Does not apply to Referenced Based Pricing which is 100%
member paid or non-covered medications.
 Advanced Imaging Services (CT, PET, MRI & Nuclear Medicine) will have $100
co-payment in additional to deductible and co-insurance.
 Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy & Chiropractic coverage will have a $25
co-payment for the office visit in addition to deductible & co-insurance for services
 Infusion Therapy Services will apply to deductible & co-insurance regardless of place
of service.
 UAMS offers a $1,000 waiver of out-of-pocket expenses for deliveries at its hospital
(This includes deductible and co-payment/co-insurance). Pre-authorization is
Changes you can make by December 2, 2014
 Enroll in Health plan as a new member effective January 1, 2015
 Add spouse or children effective January 1, 2015
 Drop spouse or children effective December 31, 2014
 Switch between the two Health plans, Classic or Point of Service (vice-versa), effective
January 1, 2015
 Terminate coverage effective December 31, 2014
The Dental plan offers expanded preventative care for individuals with diabetes, heart
disease and periodontal disease and will now cover nitrous oxide sedation. For a listing
of participating dentist, visit Delta Dental’s website, www.deltadentalar.com Dental
insurance premiums will increase 3% effective January 1, 2015.
Dental FYI
 The dental plan provides for two annual exams and cleanings, covered in full, you
pay $0 co-payment. If you are diabetic or have heart/renal disease, additional
cleanings and exams are available at the same $0 cost. Using your dental
preventative services you also trigger the plan carry-over which will credit you with
more dental plan dollars to be used in a future year. Your plan maximum could be
increased as high as $3000, versus the normal $1500 annual benefits limit in a
calendar year.
 New dental rates are listed on the attached 2015 Benefit rate sheet. Benefits are
described in the Dental Schedule of Benefits under the 2015 Open Enrollment
section on the Human Resources’ website at www.ualr.edu/humanresources.
Changes you can make by December 2, 2014
 Enroll in Dental as a new member effective January 1, 2015
 Add spouse or children effective January 1, 2015
 Drop spouse or children effective December 31, 2014
 Terminate coverage effective December 31, 2014
The vision plan offers a Basic or Enhanced Plan. For comparison information of the two
plans, please visit the Human Resources’ website for information under vision coverage.
Vision Plan cont.
Vision insurance
provides coverage for
eye exam, lenses,
frames or contacts.
Your benefits are greater if you use a Superior Vision participating provider. Check
“Locate a Provider” on Superior Vision’s website at www.superiorvision.com. Vision
premiums will decrease effective January 1, 2015.
Changes you can make by December 2, 2014
 Enroll in Vision as a new member effective January 1, 2015
 Add spouse or children effective January 1, 2015
 Drop spouse or children effective December 31, 2014
 Change between the two Vision plans, Basic or Enhanced, effective January 1, 2015
 Terminate coverage effective December 31, 2014
The University of Arkansas has selected a new carrier for Life Insurance.
Life Insurance –
OPEN ENROLLMENT Effective January 1, 2015, The Standard will become the new carrier for all life insurance
Basic Life Insurance
Employees are provided
basic life insurance provided
by the University. Basic Life
coverage is equivalent to one
times your annual salary not
to exceed $50,000.
Optional Life Insurance
Employees can purchase
additional coverage by
enrolling in Optional Life
insurance. You may elect 1x,
2x or 3x times your annual
salary not to exceed
$300,000 during open
Dependent Life Insurance
Employees may elect
dependent life insurance of
$10,000; $15,000 or $20,000.
plans. Open enrollment for Optional and Dependent Life insurance will be offered.
During this special open enrollment there are no health questions to answer. You can
simply enroll by electing 1, 2 or 3 times your annual salary in coverage. Coverage amount
cannot exceed $300,000 for this special open enrollment. Optional life premiums will
If you want to enroll for coverage greater than $300,000 (but not to exceed the plan
maximum of $500,000) or you want to apply for 4 times your salary of coverage, contact
Human Resources (569-3180) to request and complete an evidence of insurability
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are currently enrolled in optional life insurance and your
coverage exceeds $300,000 your coverage will remain. Or if you wish to retain your
current optional life insurance, there is no action needed.
Your current coverage and beneficiary designation will transfer to the new provider with
no action required.
Changes you can make by December 2, 2014
 Enroll in optional life insurance effective January 1, 2015
 Increase current optional life/dependent insurance effective January 1, 2015
 Add/Drop dependent life insurance effective December 31, 2014
Long Term Disability The University of Arkansas has selected a new carrier for the Long Term Disability (LTD)
University provides benefit
coverage for employees’
salary up to $20,000.
Employees may elect
optional coverage to cover
salary in excess of $20,000.
Disability benefit provides
60% of annual salary.
Critical Illness Plan
benefit. Effective January 2015, The Standard will become the new carrier. Open
enrollment for Optional Long Term Disability will be offered. During this special open
enrollment there are no health questions to answer.
Employees wishing to enroll in this one-time Open Enrollment for Long Term Disability
Insurance must request and complete an enrollment form. This form can be obtained
from Human Resources.
Critical Illness Insurance policy is designed to pay you a lump sum benefit if you or your
covered dependents experience one of the following medical condition; cancer, heart
attack, stroke, kidney failure, major organ transplant or coronary artery bypass graft (as
defined in the insurance certificate issued by MetLife). You can apply for up to $10,000 of
coverage for you and your family. MetLife is offering open enrollment for employees
and their dependents. Benefits are paid directly to you. Participants in the Critical Illness
Insurance must be covered by a health insurance plan. Enrollment is subject to a health
questionnaire or screening. Contact MetLife directly at 1-800-GET-MET8 (1-800-4386388) or visit www.metlife.com/mybenefits
Accidental Death &
(AD & D)
Flexible Spending
2014. You must
re-enroll by December
2, 2014 if you want to
participate in 2015. This
is an annual enrollment.
The maximum annual
limit for the health care
spending account is
Note: ALWAYS keep
your receipts on FSA
expenditures. Maintain
them in your files the
same as your other tax
records. Promptly send
in documentation when
requested by UMR.
Remember, this is a
benefit that reduces
your taxable income, so
UMR must follow IRS
rules. Using the Benny
card (FSA debit card) is
a convenience.
Dependent Eligibility
AD&D Insurance is purchased in $25,000 increments from a minimum of $25,000 to a
maximum of $300,000. AD&D will pay a benefit in the event of a death or
dismemberment caused by an accident.
You can enroll, increase, decrease, or cancel AD&D coverage at any time. Complete a
Group Benefits Change form, available at www.ualr.edu/humanresources. Rate
information is available on the Human Resources’ website.
This is the annual enrollment period for the flexible spending accounts (Health Care and
Dependent Care Reimbursement Accounts). You may want to consider enrolling in the
Health Care FSA, if you have out-of-pocket medical expenses such as braces, prescriptions
and insurance co-pays, insurance deductibles and co-insurance.
The minimum annual contribution is $120 and the maximum contribution is $2,500.
An FSA Debit card is issued with enrollment in the Health Care Reimbursement plan
(please retain your current debt card if enrolled in previous plan years).
Consider the Dependent Care FSA for qualifying daycare expenses for dependent children
under the age of 13 or elderly persons with a disability as long as they are claimed as your
dependents for federal tax purposes. The maximum annual contribution is $5,000.
You should carefully and conservatively estimate how much you might spend over the
next calendar year, because any money not spent is forfeited. This is commonly referred
to as “use-it-or-lose-it” rule.
Important CHANGE regarding your FSA:
 March 15, 2015 - The carry-over “grace period” gives you 2 ½ additional months to
incur expenses to be used for your 2014 FSA election. If you have unspent health
FSA monies, you can still incur expenses through March 15, 2015 using 2014 FSA
monies. This “grace period” extends the time frame in which you can incur
healthcare expenses and use 2014 FSA monies. March 31, 2015 will be the last date
to submit paper claims. Please be aware that the “grace period” benefit will go
away next year.
 March 31, 2015 – The deadline for you to submit claims and other paperwork to
UMR on your 2014 FSA (applied to both healthcare and dependent care).
 New $500 rollover for healthcare FSA – This new benefit will take effective with
your 2015 FSA and may ease your fear of the “use-it-or-lose-it” rule. At the end of
the 2015 plan year (December 31, 2015) a remaining healthcare balance of up to
$500 will automatically rollover into the 2016 plan year. This gives you an extra 12
months to spend “old” FSA money. The IRS does not allow the plan to offer both
the “grace period” and the “rollover” plan; therefore the UA is adopting the new
“rollover” plan and the “grace period” will be discontinued. Majority of employees
would benefit more from a “rollover” option than the “grace period”.
Changes you can make by December 2, 2014
 Enroll in a 2015 healthcare FSA
 Enroll in a 2015 dependent care (daycare) FSA
Please make sure that children covered on your medical, dental, vision, life and AD&D
plans are eligible dependents.
To comply with Federal health care reform reporting requirements, beginning in calendar
year 2015, employees will be required to provide Social Security Identification Numbers
for spouse and dependents who participate in the University’s health plan. The
government will use the information collected to identify those individuals who have
NOTE: If both you and
your spouse work for
the University of
Arkansas in benefitseligible positions, you
should make sure you
coordinate benefits
enrollment with each
other. You cannot be
covered as both an
employee and a
dependent of an
Birthdates of covered
dependents must be
provided on enrollment
health coverage or who should be purchasing health coverage through the health care
Eligible spouse and dependent participants in the University benefit plans:
 The lawful spouse of an Eligible Employee; as defined by the laws of the State of
 Each Child of the Eligible Employee from birth until the date on which they attain
the age of twenty-six (26) years. Child includes (in additional to your natural child)
the following:
o Adopted Child for whom a petition for adoption has been filed or the final
court order has been issued;
o Step Child for whom you are legally responsible;
o Children can only be covered under one employee’s plan if both
employee and spouse work for the University of Arkansas.
 If you have a child under the age of 3, you may want to consider adding your child
to your dental and/or vision plans. A child turning age 3 is not a qualifying event.
 All completed enrollment and change forms must be submitted to Human
Resources by the deadline of December 2, 2014 to be effective January 1, 2015;
 Social Security numbers for covered dependents are required for medical insurance;
 Double check FSA elections for enrollment under the correct account (health or
dependent care) and verify the amount elected is correct;
Rate & Medical Plan SEE ATTACHMENT
Please make sure that your beneficiary information is current. If you need to update the
beneficiaries for any of your life insurance plans, fill out a “UA Change” form found on the
Open Enrollment
Meetings regarding
Open Enrollment will be
held on the following
dates listed. Same
information will be
discussed at each
Benefits Office Staff
Human Resources’ website at www.ualr.edu/humanresources . Our office maintains your
beneficiary designation for Basic Life, Optional Life and AD&D plans. Retirement plan
beneficiaries are maintained by your plan sponsor. If you are enrolled in the UA
Retirement Plan, simply log into your TIAA-CREF and/or Fidelity account to update your
beneficiary information on-line or contact them: TIAA-CREF www.tiaa-cref.org 1-800-8422776; Fidelity www.fidelity.com 1-800-343-0860. If you participate in the state
retirement plan, APERS, forms are available at www.apers.org or by calling 501-682-7800.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014 – Donaghey Student Center – Ledbetter Room A
10 – 11 a.m. & 1 – 2:00 p.m.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014 – Donaghey Student Center – Ledbetter Room B
10 – 11 a.m. & 1 – 2:00 p.m.
Monday, November 17, 2014 - William H. Bowen Law School – 114B
10 – 11 a.m. & 1 – 2:00 p.m.
Thursday, November 20, 2014 – Dickinson Hall – Room 106
10 – 11 a.m. & 1 – 2:00 p.m.
Please contact one of the Benefit representatives in Human Resources if you have
questions or email hr-benefits@ualr.edu
Cynthia Evans
Benefits Assistant
Allen Houston
Benefits Assistant
Debra Simpson-Webster
Benefits Manager