APPENDIX 2 The following minor changes have been put forward by the Councils, and should be made in the interests of clarification. LPAs’ Information Source Schedule of Minor Changes to the AAP – October 2008 (Representation No. 516 / 008 CPRE) AAP proposal / paragraph Paragraph 3.52 Proposal LC3 Additional pullet point to be added (p.25) Existing AAP text Schedule of Minor Changes October 2008 Representation no 22/001Sport England Paragraph 3.48 3rd sentence to be amended (p.24). It will include facilities accessible to the general/public including a library and recreational/sports facilities/resources Schedule of Minor Changes October 2008 Minor amendments and corrections. Also CPRE Representation 516/014 Additional Minor Changes to the AAP relating to Transportation – November 2008 Paragraph 3.106 second bullet (p.32) Health centre, day nursery, place of worship (Class D2) to be located at the northern end of the site. Paragraph 3.142 Proposal T8 (p.39) Highway improvements in the Area Action Plan area- comprising highway and/or junction improvements on the A38 Bristol Road south, Lickey Road, Lowhill Lane, Longbridge Lane, and Groveley Lane. These measures will include signal controlled junctions, bus priority measures, access points, bridge work, landscaping, tree planting, pedestrian, bus and cycle facilities as appropriate. Proposed change(s) (Changes are underlined) Services for visiting members of the public (e.g. dentists, launderettes, betting offices) where these do not impinge on the viability of the centre. It will include facilities accessible to the general/public including a library and recreational/sports facilities/resources, which will be achieved through appropriate legal agreements. Health centre, day nursery, place of worship (Class D2 D1) to be located at the northern end of the site. Highway improvements in the Area Action Plan areacomprising highway and/or junction improvements on the A38 Bristol Road south, Lickey Road, Lowhill Lane, Longbridge Lane, and Groveley Lane. These measures will include signal controlled junctions, bus priority measures, access points, bridge work, landscaping, tree planting, pedestrian, bus and cycle facilities as appropriate. All improvements will be designed to be attractive to pedestrians and cyclists. Additional Minor Changes to the AAP relating to Transportation – November 2008 Paragraph 3.143 Proposal T9 (p.39) Car parking- A multi storey car park is proposed to serve the local centre. The car park to be well designed with attractive elevations wherever possible and measures to minimise impact on nearby residents. The majority of the parking spaces for the Regional Investment Site are to be located in multistorey car parks. Across the AAP area there will be no site extensive surface car parking and parking should not normally be visible from the public realm. Car parking standards are set out in Appendix 3. Birmingham City Council’s Car Park Design Guide will apply. Car park management plans to be prepared to promote shared use of car parking to include appropriate charges to encourage modal shift. Schedule of Minor Changes October 2008 RepresentationsNo 516/005 CPRE No 552/001 Nanjing Automobile Corporation, No 335/001 Roger King (Road Haulage Associaton) Paragraph 3.144Proposal T10 (p.39) Access points –the main road access points into the new development are shown on the Movement Strategy Plan and will be constructed to an appropriate standard. An adoption regime will be agreed. Schedule of Minor Changes – October 2008 (Representation no 516/002 and 516/006 CPRE) Paragraph 3.149 Proposal T15 (p.39) Traffic management measures, residents’ parking zones, outside the AAP areas needed as a result of the development Car parking- A multi storey car park is proposed to serve the local centre. The car park to be well designed with attractive elevations wherever possible and measures to minimise impact on nearby residents. The majority of the parking spaces for the Regional Investment Site are to be located in multistorey car parks. Across the AAP area there will be no site extensive surface car parking and parking should not normally be visible from the public realm. Car parking standards are set out in Appendix 3. Birmingham City Council’s Car Park Design Guide will apply. Planning conditions will require car park management plans to be prepared to promote shared use of car parking to include appropriate charges to encourage modal shift. Access points –the main road access points into the new development are shown on the Movement Strategy Plan and will be constructed to an appropriate standard. Further ‘minor road access’ points will also be required. An adoption regime will be agreed. Traffic management measures, residents’ parking zones, and other measures such as signage outside the AAP areas needed as a result of the development.” Schedule of Minor Changes October 2008 Minor amendments and corrections Additional Minor Changes to the AAP Relating to Delivery and Implementation – 26 November 2008 Affordable Housing Minor Changes Paper – 14 October 2008 Affordable Housing Minor Changes Paper – 14 October 2008 Open space map (p.40) Title Paragraph 4.11 Heading (p.47) Negotiated Elements Paragraph 4.11 (p.47) The key negotiated elements of the scheme to include: Glossary of terms Definition Affordable Housing 1st line (p.66) There is affordable including a range of housing Open Space Map The plan title should be Environment, Open Space and Landscape Strategy Plan Negotiated Elements Section 106 Agreements The key negotiated elements of the scheme elements of the scheme for negotiations to include: There is a range of affordable housing including Affordable housing to include the following: