COURTHOUSE NEWS SERVICE Federal Regulation Brief Oct. 14, 2011 AGRICULTURE: AGRICULTURE (USDA) PROPOSED REGULATIONS RURAL UTILITIES SERVICE (RUS) Substantially Underserved Trust Areas: Proposed rule, published Oct. 14, 2011, comments by Dec. 13, 2011 [TEXT] The Rural Utilities Service proposes to issue regulations outlining the process by which eligible applicants may apply for agency loans and grants for construction, acquisition, or improvement of electrical infrastructure in Substantially Underserved Trust Areas. ---------------------------------------------COMMERCE: COMMERCE (DOC) NEWLY PUBLISHED REGULATIONS NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE (NMFS) AND NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION (NOAA) Research area within Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary: Final rule, published Oct. 14, 2011, effective date to be published in the Federal Register after the close of a forty-five day review period beginning Oct. 14, 2011 [TEXT] [PDF] The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration creates a research area within Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary. A research area is a region specifically designed for conducting controlled scientific studies in the absence of certain human activities that could affect the results. The agency prohibits fishing, diving and stopping a vessel in the research area. ------------------------------------------FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION (FTC) NEWLY PUBLISHED REGULATIONS Approval of divestiture agreements: Final rule, published Oct. 14, 2011, effective Nov. 14, 2011 [TEXT] The Federal Trade Commission clarifies the process whereby the agency considers for approval a modification to a divestiture agreement that the agency has either previously approved or incorporated by reference into a final order. This final rule delegates to certain senior staff the authority, following notice to the commissioners, to waive formal application to the agency for approval of certain modifications, and to waive the otherwise required period for public comment. The delegation streamlines the process for approval of ministerial and other minor contract modifications that do not diminish the agency’s order. ---------------------------------------------ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY & RESOURCES: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (EPA) PROPOSED REGULATIONS Federal Implementation Plans to reduce interstate transport of fine particulate matter and ozone: Proposed rule, published Oct. 14, 2011, comments by Nov. 14, 2011 unless a public hearing is requested in which event comments must be received by Nov. 28, 2011, if a request for public hearing is received by Oct. 19, 2011, then a public hearing will be held 9 a.m. Oct. 28, 2011 [TEXT] The Environmental Protection Agency proposes and requests comment on revisions to the final Transport Rule issued Aug. 8, 2011. These revisions address discrepancies in unit-specific modeling assumptions that affect the proper calculation of Transport Rule state budgets and assurance levels in Florida, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Texas, and Wisconsin, as well as new unit set-asides in Arkansas and Texas. The EPA also proposes to revise allowance allocations to specific units covered by certain consent decrees that restrict the use of those allowances. The EPA also proposes to amend the assurance penalty provisions of the rule to make them effective beginning Jan. 1, 2014, rather than in 2012, to promote the development of allowance market liquidity as these revisions are finalized. In addition, the EPA proposes to correct typographical errors in the rule. Approvals and promulgations of air quality implementation plans, Virginia, amendments to regulations regarding sulfur dioxide national ambient air quality standard: Proposed rule, published Oct. 14, 2011, written comments by Nov. 14, 2011 [TEXT] The Environmental Protection Agency proposes to approve a State Implementation Plan revision submitted by Virginia, regarding amendments of Virginia's regulations of the new 1-hour primary national ambient air quality standard for sulfur dioxide. New Source Performance Standards review for nitric acid plants: Proposed rule, published Oct. 14, 2011, comments by Nov. 28, 2011, comments on the information collection provisions by Nov. 14, 2011 [TEXT] [PDF] The Environmental Protection Agency proposes revisions to the new source performance standards for nitric acid plants. Nitric acid plants include one or more nitric acid production units. These proposed revisions include a change to the nitrogen oxides emission limit, which applies to each nitric acid production unit commencing construction, modification, or reconstruction after Oct. 14, 2011. These proposed revisions will also include additional testing and monitoring requirements. ---------------------------------------------HEALTH: HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (HHS) PROPOSED REGULATIONS Foreign quarantines, etiological agents, hosts, and vectors: Notice of proposed rulemaking, published Oct. 14, 2011, comments by Dec. 13, 2011 [TEXT] The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revises the regulations that cover the importation of etiological agents and the hosts and vectors of human disease. The changes are proposed to improve the CDC's ability to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of communicable diseases into the United States. ---------------------------------------------MONEY: FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION (FDIC) NEWLY PUBLISHED REGULATIONS Disclosure of information, privacy act regulations: Final rule, published Oct. 14, 2011, effective Nov. 14, 2011 [TEXT] The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation finalizes an interim rule that confirmed that, effective on the Transfer Date, the Office of Thrift Supervision Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act regulations will not be enforced by the FDIC and that, instead, all FOIA and Privacy Act issues will be addressed under the FDIC's regulations involving disclosure of information and the Privacy Act. ---------------------------------------------TREASURY (USDT) PROPOSED REGULATIONS ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO TAX AND TRADE BUREAU (TTB) Establishment of Wisconsin Ledge viticultural area: Notice of proposed rulemaking, published Oct. 14, 2011, comments by Dec. 13, 2011 [TEXT] The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau proposes to establish the approximately 3,800 square-mile “Wisconsin Ledge” viticultural area in northeast Wisconsin. ---------------------------------------------NATIONAL SECURITY: DEFENSE (DoD) PROPOSED REGULATIONS Federal Acquisition Regulations, Privacy Training, 2010–013: Proposed rule, published Oct. 14, 2011, written comments by Dec. 13, 2011 [TEXT] The Department of Defense, the General Services Administration, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration propose to amend the Federal Acquisition Regulation to require contractors to complete training that addresses the protection of privacy, in accordance with the Privacy Act, and the handling and safeguarding of personally identifiable information. ---------------------------------------------HOMELAND SECURITY (DHS) NEWLY PUBLISHED REGULATIONS COAST GUARD (USCG) Drawbridge operations, Corson Inlet, Strathmere, New Jersey: Notice of temporary deviation from regulations, published Oct. 14, 2011, effective 5 a.m. Oct. 17 to 5 p.m. Nov. 17, 2011 [TEXT] The U.S. Coast Guard issues a temporary change in the regulations for the operation of the Corson Inlet Bridge (County Route 619), at mile 0.9, across Corson Inlet, in Strathmere, N.J., to facilitate the replacement of the steel railing. Drawbridge operations, Duwamish West Waterway, Seattle, Washington: Notice of temporary deviation from regulations, published Oct. 14, 2011, effective 3 p.m. Oct. 24 to 6 p.m. Oct. 28, 2011 [TEXT] The U.S. Coast Guard issues a temporary change in the regulation for the operation of the Spokane Street Swing Bridge across the Duwamish West Waterway, mile 0.3, at Seattle, Wash., to mitigate the displacement of approximately 110,000 vehicles that may be affected by the Alaska Way Viaduct Tunnel construction, a major infrastructure improvement project. This temporary deviation permits more vehicle access across the bridge during peak hours, by allowing the bridge to remain closed to waterway traffic during weekday afternoon peak traffic times for a five day period. Drawbridge operations, Neuse River, New Bern, North Carolina: Notice of temporary deviation from regulations, published Oct. 14, 2011, effective 9 a.m. Oct. 4 to 6 p.m. Oct. 13, 2011 [TEXT] The U.S. Coast Guard issues a temporary change in the regulations for the operation of the Neuse River Railroad Bridge, at mile 33.7, over the Neuse River, at New Bern, N.C., to facilitate repairs to the main mechanism of the bridge. Safety zone, annual fireworks displays within the Captain of the Port, Puget Sound area of responsibility: Notice of enforcement of regulation, published Oct. 14, 2011, enforced 5 p.m. Nov. 25 to 1 a.m. Nov. 26, 2011 [TEXT] The U.S. Coast Guard enforces the safety zone for the Alderbrook Spa & Resort annual fireworks display in the Captain of the Port, Puget Sound area of responsibility. Security zone, Potomac River, Georgetown Channel, Washington, D.C.: Temporary final rule, published Oct. 14, 2011, effective 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Oct. 16, 2011 [TEXT] The U.S. Coast Guard establishes a temporary security zone encompassing certain waters of the Potomac River, Georgetown Channel, in Washington, D.C., to safeguard high-ranking public officials during the Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial dedication ceremony. Special local regulations for marine events, Chesapeake Bay Workboat Race, Back River, Messick Point, Poquoson, Virginia: Temporary final rule, published Oct. 14, 2011, effective 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Oct. 30, 2011 [TEXT] The U.S. Coast Guard establishes a special local regulation during the Chesapeake Bay Workboat Race, a series of power boat races held on the waters of Back River, Poquoson, Va. PROPOSED REGULATIONS COAST GUARD (USCG) Drawbridge operations, Trent River, New Bern, North Carolina: Notice of temporary deviation from regulations, published Oct. 14, 2011, effective 6:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Oct. 15, 2011 [TEXT] The U.S. Coast Guard issues a temporary change in the regulation for the operation of the US 70 Alfred Cunningham Bridge across the Trent River, mile 0.0, at New Bern, N.C., to accommodate racers in the three Neuse River Bridge Runs. ------------------------------- ---------------TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION (DOT) NEWLY PUBLISHED REGULATIONS FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION (FAA) Special conditions, Boeing Model 767–400ER series airplanes, seats with inflatable lapbelts: Final special conditions, request for comments, published Oct. 14, 2011, effective Oct. 6, 2011, comments by Nov. 28, 2011 [TEXT] The Federal Aviation Administration issues these special conditions for Boeing Model 767-400ER series airplanes to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards. These airplanes, as modified by Continental Airlines, will have a novel or unusual design feature of seats with inflatable lapbelts. Special conditions, Gulfstream Aerospace LP (GALP) Model G280 airplane pilotcompartment view – hydrophobic coatings in lieu of windshield wipers: Final special conditions, published Oct. 14, 2011, effective Nov. 14, 2011 [TEXT] The Federal Aviation Administration issues these special conditions for Gulfstream Aerospace LP (GALP) Model G280 airplanes to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards. This airplane will have a novel or unusual design feature of having the pilot-compartment view through a hydrophobic windshield coating, in lieu of windshield wipers. Special conditions, Gulfstream Aerospace LP (GALP) Model G280 airplane, limit engine torque loads for sudden engine stoppage: Final special conditions, request for comments, published Oct. 14, 2011, effective Oct. 6, 2011, comments by Nov. 28, 2011 [TEXT] The Federal Aviation Administration issues these special conditions for Gulfstream Aerospace LP (GALP) model G280 s to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards. This airplane will have a novel or unusual design feature of having engine torque loads imposed by sudden engine stoppage. PROPOSED REGULATIONS FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION (FAA) Special conditions, Learjet Inc., Model LJ–200–1A10 airplane, pilot-compartment view through hydrophobic windshield coatings in lieu of windshield wipers: Notice of proposed special conditions, published Oct. 14, 2011, comments by Nov. 28, 2011 [TEXT] The Federal Aviation Administration proposes special conditions for Learjet Model LJ200-1A10 airplanes to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards. This airplane will have a novel or unusual design feature of having hydrophobic windshield coatings in lieu of windshield wipers. FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION (FRA) Positive train control systems: Notice of public hearing and extension of comment period, published Oct. 14, 2011, public hearing 9 a.m. Nov. 10, 2011, comment period in extended to Nov. 25, 2011 [TEXT] The Federal Railroad Administration announces a public hearing to provide interested persons an opportunity to provide comments on the proposal published Aug. 24, 2011,that would remove regulatory provisions requiring railroads to either conduct further analyses or meet certain risk-based criteria to avoid positive train control system implementation on track segments that do not transport poison- or toxic-byinhalation hazardous materials traffic and are not used for intercity or commuter rail passenger transportation as of Dec. 31, 2015. The hearing would also provide an opportunity to discuss further development of the regulation. The agency also extends the comment period for this proceeding to allow time to submit comments after the public hearing. ----------------------------------------------