Genetic Disorders Research Assignment

Genetic Disorders Research Assignment
Using the following website, research 3 different genetic disorders, filling in types of information as listed
below: WJH website, Teacher Sites, Mrs. Noller, find title of this asmt or WEBSITE:
1. Disorder:_________________________________
a. Cause(s)
b. Symptoms
c. Treatments
d. Interesting Facts
e. Other Websites (at least 3)
2. Disorder:_________________________________
a. Cause(s)
b. Symptoms
c. Treatments
d. Interesting Facts
e. Other Websites (at least 3)
3. Disorder:_________________________________
a. Cause(s)
b. Symptoms
c. Treatments
d. Interesting Facts
e. Other Websites (at least 3)
Genetics Research: Part 2
Using the same site from before,, go to the home page.
At the bottom of the disorders column is a box with the title:
“DNA from the beginning”---click on it.
Enlarge the new page so it takes up the whole screen!
On the new page, there is a column of boxes on the right, click the top box:
“Classical Genetics”
This section should be “Children resemble their parents”, go to the bottom
of the page and click on the “animation” box. You will have to click the
little icon in the corner to go to the next frame. Keep clicking until you’ve
seen the whole thing and have answered the questions.
Answer the following questions as you go through the animation:
Children resemble their parents:
1. Why did Mendel choose to work with pea plants?
2. How did Mendel cross fertilized the flowers?
When done with the animation, go on to the next chapter and the next animation.
Genes come in pairs:
3. What is a phenotype?
4. What are the 2 phenotypes of stem length?
5. What is a genotype?
6. Purebred plants have two copies of the same what?
Genes don’t blend:
7. Mendel thought the traits would blend. Was this true?
8. When he crossed a yellow pea with a green pea, what did he get?
When he crossed a tall with a short, what did he get?
Some Gene are Dominant:
9. When Mendel crossed purebred green peas with purebred yellow peas, what did the
entire first generation look like (phenotype)?
10. When Mendel let the first generation self-pollinate, what were the results?
11. The results showed that pea color was controlled by one________,
which has a _______form and a _______form.
Each form is called an ___________.
12. If two heterozygous plants are crossed, Yy & Yy, what color would the offspring be
with these allele combinations: yy______, Yy _______, Yy________, and YY________
Genetic Inheritance Follows Rules:
13. Fill in the punnet square as its shown in the animation:
14. What color were the peas with the genotype “yy”?
15. What color were the peas with the genotype “Yy”?
16. What color were the peas with the genotype “YY”?
17. These results represent Mendel’s ratio of ____ to ____.
18. Go to the following site:
-scroll down to the title “Mendelian Genetics” (in blue) and click on it.
-when the “Problem Sets and Tutorials” heading appears, try your hand at the
“Monohybrid Cross” section. Continue through the other tutorials if time allows.