Chapter 11 Review

Chapter 11 Review
1. Homologous chromosomes pair up and form tetrad in what phase?
What process occurs and illustrate.
2. Name the phase of meiosis in which sister chromatids separate. (centromeres)
3. Illustrate, using n (haploid) and 2n (diploid) how two gametes join in fertilization to form
a zygote.
4. What does N represent?
5. Let’s do some math… if your haploid number is 14, what is the organism’s diploid
In a given gamete, how many alleles does it carry for one trait?
If a cell begins meiosis with 10 chromosomes, how many chromosomes does it have in
each cell at the end of meiosis I?
6. What geneticist studied fruit flies?
7. Why were pea plants a good organism to study for genetics?
8. Discuss Mendel’s crosses (beginning with 2 purebred parents)-why did F1 offspring look
How was Mendel able to cross two purebred plants? What do we call this process?
9. If you have a genotype Hh, what trait will be expressed, the dominant or the recessive?
10.Why do we talk about probability when learning about genetic crosses?
Why are Punnett squares useful?
11. Write down different names for sex cells.
12. Set up the cross Gg X gg. What is the probability of obtaining a homozygous recessive
13.Mendel believed that characteristics (traits) of pea plants were determined by
___________ (genes) inherited from parents.
14. What is true of the F2 offspring in Mendel’s cross of 2 purebred parents for one trait?
Why did the recessive trait reappear in the F2 offspring?
15.Name the 3 laws that emerged from Mendel’s work with pea plants, and briefly describe
what they state.
16.What was the belief in the time that Mendel lived regarding inheritance?
17.If given a genotype for a given organism of RrGg, what are the possible combinations of
alleles in the gametes?
18. In the system of blood typing, what type of dominance is it and why?
19. Give one example of how the environment can affect an organism’s traits?
20.If you are setting up a Punnett Square for a dihybrid cross, what are your gamete
combinations for the following cross? YyGg x yygg
Do you need to set up a 16-square Punnett square to determine your possible offspring?
Why or why not?
21.In a dihybrid cross with two purebred parents, what would you expect the phenotypic
ratio of the F2 offspring to be?
22.Can you set up and solve a dihybrid cross?
23. What are linked genes? Do the sort independently of each other in meiosis?