Agenda Item 7 BOROUGH OF POOLE COMMITTEE TITLE OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 8th DECEMBER 2008 REPORT TO MEMBERS REGARDING THE SPONSORSHIP OF ON STREET LITTER BINS. 1. PURPOSE To seek member support for generating income from the sponsorship of the Borough of Poole’s on-street dual litter and recycling bins. 2.0 DECISION REQUIRED 2.1 That members consider the report and recommend which of the three options outlined should be taken forward by Officers. 3.0 BACKGROUND 3.1 In 2007 Environmental and Consumer Protection Services carried out a comprehensive audit of the Borough’s litterbin provision. The findings of this work established there were approximately 1300 litterbins situated throughout the Borough. These were of varying capacity but the vast majority of the larger bins were in a poor or declining state of repair. 3.2 In April 2008 E&CPS began a programme of replacing 300 on street litter bins with a series of distinctive dual litter and recycling bins with a combined capacity of 280 litres (140 litre blue bins 140 litre black bins) These bins being specifically designed to mirror the brand of the blue and black bins which are very successfully servicing Poole’s residential dwellings.The bins were purchased at a cost of circa £500 per bin and were funded via the LAA Grant and LPSA reward grant. The introduction of these bins has been highly successful with in excess of 35% of litter in these bins now being recycled. Early indications also suggest that the streets where the bins are placed are also cleaner. 3.3 There is currently no identified funding to expand the litterbin replacement programme beyond the current 300 bins already purchased. This leaves 1000 bins of a varied capacity, which are in an increasingly deteriorating state of repair. 4.0 Opportunity 4.1 Services within the Borough Of Poole have engaged in sponsorship with a number of national and local commercial organisations in relation to its assets. One of the most noticeable examples of such 1 sponsorship can be seen on road traffic islands. These are sponsored by organisations ranging from retail outlets to fast food operators. 4.2 Officers are aware that in other parts of the country litterbins carry sponsorship. The income derived from such arrangements could be used to invest in additional on street dual litter and recycling bins. 4.3 No companies have yet been approached or have indeed approached the Borough Of Poole in relation to the sponsorship of litter bins, however it is envisaged that a list of appropriate advertisers / sponsors would be drawn up in conjunction with the Communications team to ensure any link made with the Council is not in conflict with the Councils objectives or principles. 5.0 Options 5.1 Option 1. Maintain the current position and not seek sponsorship for the on street dual litter recycling bins. This would result in the current litterbin replacement programme being restricted to 300 dual litter / recycling litterbins which were funded via grant. It would require an alternative funding stream to be developed to address the deteriorating stock of litter bins, of which there are currently 1,000 remaining in the Borough. 5.2 Option 2. Officers investigate the possibility of entering in to a commercial relationship with an established marketing company to promote both advertising and sponsorship of the dual litter and recycling bins. This would provide the opportunity to replace the ageing bin stock on an ongoing basis and have a dedicated, professional marketing approach to seeking commitments. This option would mean the marketing company through commission would take an element of the secured income. 5.3 Option 3 Officers provide an in-house solution to attracting advertising or sponsorship of the dual litter and recycling bins. This would require officers from E&CPS to market the opportunity in conjunction with its existing duties to secure commitments. As a result, the impact of such an initiative is likely to have a lesser impact than if a dedicated resource is applied to establishing the scheme. 6.0 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS 6.1 The implications of doing nothing would require the authority over time to find a capital sum for the replacement of the remaining litterbins. By allowing the sponsorship / advertising revenue to be secured it is likely that additional bin replacement activities will be possible. 2 6.2 Whilst it is recognised that the current economic climate means that the timing of this initiative might not be ideal, it is believed that the increasing profile of corporate social responsibility will encourage businesses to participate. 7.0 LEGAL & EQUALITY IMPLICATIONS It is entirely appropriate if the council wishes to enter in to commercial arrangement with companies wishing to sponsor the provision of dual recycling and litter bins. Any sponsorship would be would be subject to a contractual arrangement. There are no equalities implications. SHAUN ROBSON Head of Environmental and Consumer Protection Services Contact Officer Tel Ian Poultney 01202 261761 3