International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR) Volume 1, Issue 1, July 2012 Polarization-Insensitive Tunable Wavelength Converter for Two-WDM Channels by using Four-wave Mixing Aye Nilar Win Abstract— Wavelength conversion plays an important function in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) networks. The WDM has become an effective solution to increase traffic flow in optical communication networks. It is common to find that there are not enough different wavelengths to satisfy the requirements of the whole system. This paper demonstrates polarization-insensitive wavelength converter by utilizing four-wave mixing (FWM) process for two-WDM channels. For the proposed wavelength converter, bit-error-rate (BER) measurement is carried out for a 10-Gb/s converted nonreturn-to-zero (NRZ) signal, and a polarization-insensitive property is investigated with the different input signal polarization states. Index Terms— Wavelength converter, WDM, four-wave mixing, polarization diversity. I. INTRODUCTION In optical communication systems, when a high power optical signal is launched into the fiber cable, there is nonlinear effect which is due to the third-order electric susceptibility [1]. Nonlinear effects in optical fiber are stimulated raman scattering (SRS), stimulated brillouin scattering (SBS), self-phase modulation (SPM), cross-phase modulation (XPM), and four-wave mixing (FWM), all of which originate from the Kerr effect. These effects have the various applications such as pulse compression, solitons, optical tunable delays, optical switching, pulse retiming, and wavelength conversion. Wavelength conversion is a very useful function for translating data carried on one wavelength to another in advanced optical systems. Several all-optical wavelength conversions are based on nonlinearities in semiconductor optical amplifiers, in optical fibers, in crystals and so on [2]. All optical wavelength converters have become key components in the future broadband networks. They are important functions for avoidance of wavelength blocking in optical cross connects in wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) networks. The converters are increased the flexibility and the capacity of the network for a fixed set of wavelengths [3]. In this paper, polarization-insensitive tunable wavelength conversion has been demonstrated utilizing four-wave mixing (FWM) in a highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF). All-optical wavelength conversion based on FWM in optical fiber has the Manuscript received April 30, 2014. Aye Nilar Win, Department of Electronic Engineering, Mandalay Technological University (e-mail: Mandalay, Myanmar. following potential advantages: 1) it eliminates optical-electrical-optical conversion and, thus, enables transparent all-optical networks; 2) it is ultrafast and transparent to both modulation format and bit rate; 3) it induces negligible signal degradation since there is little chirp or added noise; and 4) the optical fiber itself is low cost, low loss, and seamlessly compatible with the transmission fiber [4]. In particular, four-wave mixing (FWM) is a promising technique for wavelength conversion owing to its ultrafast response and high transparency to both bit rate and modulation format. Polarizing beam splitter (PBS) is also used to have the polarization-insensitive properties. With the scheme of polarization diversity, the input polarization sensitivity can be reduced [5]. By using Optisystem software, signal waveform, spectrum, Q factor, and bit error rate (BER) measurements has been analyzed. This paper is organized as follows, Section II explains theory of FWM and then in section III, principle of wavelength conversion by using FWM is described. Section IV mentions simulation setup of the proposed system and in section V, the performance of the comparison with PBS and without PBS is analyzed. Finally, section VI concludes the paper. II. THEORY OF FWM The origin of FWM process lies in the nonlinear response of bound electrons of a material to an applied optical field. ω3 ω1 ω2 ω4 Fig.1 FWM of two wave ω1 and ω2 [6]. Fig: 1 illustrates a simple example of mixing of two waves at frequency ω1 and ω2. When these waves mixed up, they generate sidebands at ω3 and ω4 such that (ω1+ω2 = ω3+ω4). Similarly, three propagation waves will appear nine new optical sideband waves at frequencies given by Eq: (1). These sidebands travel along with original waves and will grow at the expense of signal-strength depletion. In general for N wavelengths launched into fiber, the number of generated mixed products M is, 1 All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJSETR International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR) Volume 1, Issue 1, July 2012 IV. M N ( N 1) 2 (1) Where, M = number of new generated wavelengths N = number of launched wavelengths into fiber III. SIMULATION SETUP 2 PRINCIPLE OF POLARIZATION-INSENSITIVE TUNABLE WAVELENGTH CONVERSION USING FWM Simulation setup for the polarization-insensitive tunable wavelength converter is illustrated in Fig.4. The two signals at 1549.6 nm and 1551.2 nm wavelengths with the power of 0 dBm are combined with the wavelength tunable continuous-wave pump laser at 1543.2 nm (1539.2 nm – 1547.2 nm) wavelength with a power of 0 dBm by using a coupler. These signals and pump also pass through the EDFA with the power of 18.316 dBm. Then, the amplified signal enters into the polarizing beam splitter (PBS) to be insensitive the polarization properties. And, 0.5-km long highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF) is used as the nonlinear medium to obtain the FWM process. Finally, 1535.2 nm and 1536.8 nm optical bandpass filter (OBPF) with the bandwidth of 40 G Hz is also utilized to filter out the converted signals and then wavelength conversion is achieved. At the receiver, 10-Gb/s BER measurements are carried out to see the performance of the wavelength conversion. Fig.2 Setup the polarization-insensitive tunable wavelength converter. PC: Polarization controller, EDFA: Erbium- doped fiber amplifier, PBS: Polarizing beam splitter, HNLF: highly nonlinear fiber. The operation of the polarization-insensitive tunable wavelength converter is shown in fig: (2). The input signal is modulated by using a Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) modulator. This input signal is combined with a wavelength tunable continuous-wave pump laser using a coupler. The combined signal is launched into a gain-flattened erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) with a power of 18.316 dBm. Then, the amplified signal is injected into port A of the polarizing beam splitter (PBS). PBS plays an important role in numerous optical systems. It can split an incident beam into two orthogonally polarized beams and also insensitive polarization properties. A segment of the highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF) is placed in a loop connecting Ports B and C of the PBS. The length of the HNLF is utilized 0.5-km to obtain FWM process. The HNLF used in proposed system has a dispersion 0ps/ (km. nm) at 1543.2 nm with a dispersion slope of 0.032ps/ (km. nm2). The attenuation of the fiber is 0.47dB/ km in the 1543.2 nm range. In this polarization diversity scheme, polarizing beam splitters split both signal (S) and pump (P) into two orthogonal polarization states. Pump (P) is polarized at 45̊ with respect to the PBS axis so that the pump power is equally split. Therefore, in each propagation direction, the signal undergoes separate FWM in the HNLF and the output will exit from Port D of the PBS. Finally, an optical band-pass filter (OBPF) with a bandwidth of 40G Hz is used to filter out the converted signal and then wavelength conversion is obtained. But, only one signal is described in fig: (2). Really, instead of single signal, two signals are used in the proposed system. At the receiver, a 10-Gb/s BER measurement is performed to investigate the performance of the digital signal of the wavelength converter. Fig. 3 (a) Spectral analysis obtained at the input of the HNLF. Fig. 3 (b) Spectral analysis obtained at the output of the HNLF. Fig. 3 (c) Waveform obtained at the output of the HNLF. 2 All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJSETR International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR) Volume 1, Issue 1, July 2012 Fig.4 Simulation setup for polarization-insensitive wavelength converter. V. PERFORMANCE OF THE COMPARISON WITH PBS AND WITHOUT PBS Fig.5 Comparison of conversion efficiency with PBS and without PBS. Fig.5 illustrates the relationship between the conversion efficiency and the converted output wavelength with PBS and without PBS at the wavelengths of 1535.2 nm and 1536.8 nm. Figure shows the conversion efficiency using PBS is lower than the conversion efficiency without PBS because of the loss of PBS. The conversion efficiency is defined as the ratio of the converted signal power to the input signal power. In this figure, the signal wavelength is fixed and the pump wavelength is tuned from 1533 nm to 1543nm approximately with 1-nm spacing to achieve the various outputs. A 3-dB tuning range of 10 nm is obtained with the peak conversion efficiency is about -25 dB in using PBS. Fig.6 (a) BER versus the average received power without PBS at 1535.2 nm. Fig.6 (b) BER versus the average received power with PBS at 1535.2 nm. Fig.6 (c) Comparison of bit-error-rate with PBS and without PBS at 1535.2 nm. In order to measure the performance of the digital signal of the wavelength converter, a 10-Gb/s BER measurement is performed. The measured bit-error-rate against the average received power using 10-Gb/s NRZ data signal are illustrated in fig: 6 (a), (b), and (c) respectively. These figures are shown the BER measurements according to the converted wavelengths of signal (S) and pump (P) as shown in fig: 5. The power penalty for the converted signal compared to the original signal is measured to be 0.7 dB at 10 -9 BER level. 3 All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJSETR International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR) Volume 1, Issue 1, July 2012 (a) (b) Fig.7 Eye diagram using PBS at 1535.2 nm (a) for back to back; (b) after wavelength conversion. Fig. 10 Plot of the converted signal power against the input signal polarization states. (a) (b) Fig.8 Eye diagram without PBS at 1535.2 nm (a) for back to back; (b) after wavelength conversion. Fig:7 (a) and (b) are illustrated eye diagrams with PBS at the wavelength of 1535.2 nm for back to back and after wavelength conversion of the system. And then, eye patterns without using PBS at 1535.2 nm wavelength for back to back and after wavelength conversion are shown in fig: 8 (a) and (b) respectively. Fig: 10 shows the converted signal power versus the input signal polarization states with PBS and without PBS at the wavelengths of 1535.2 nm and 1536.8 nm respectively. The converted output wavelength is measured at the different input signal polarizations to demonstrate polarization-insensitive operation of the wavelength converter. As shown in figure, the converted signal power using PBS seems to be lower than the converted signal power without using PBS in both wavelengths. However, the converted signal power with PBS is achieved with the flat power. The input polarization rotation is done by using an electrical-driven polarization controller (PC). In using PBS, the power variation of the output is obtained to be less than 0.8 dB for the wavelength of 1535.2 nm and 0.3 dB for 1536.8 nm wavelength as the input signal polarization was rotated from -90̊ to 90̊. VI. CONCLUSION Fig. 9 Plot of the bit-error-rate versus the input signal polarization states in a 10-Gb/s BER measurement. Fig: 9 illustrates the BER against the input signal polarization states with PBS and without PBS at wavelengths of 1535.2 nm and 1536.8 nm respectively. As seen in the figure, although the input signal polarization states change bit error rate using PBS is obtained with the flat values because the proposed system uses the polarizing beam splitter (PBS). It can be insensitive the polarization properties. The input polarization rotation is done by using an electrical-driven polarization controller (PC). A tunable polarization-insensitive wavelength converter for two WDM channels has been investigated based on four-wave mixing (FWM) in a highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF). A tuning range over 10 nm of the converted signal with a conversion efficiency of -25 dB and good flatness from 1533 nm to 1543 nm approximately has been achieved with the polarization sensitivity to be less than 0.8 dB for the wavelength of 1535.2 nm and 0.3 dB for 1536.8 nm wavelength. Also, the power penalty for the converted signal compared to the original signal is measured to be 0.7 dB at 10-9 BER level for wavelength conversion. The results show that such converters with highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF) can use for wavelength conversion applications in all-optical networks. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] Osamu Aso*, Masateru Tadakuma * and Shu Namiki*, “Four-Wave Mixing in Optical Fibers and Its Applications”. Lalit Kishor Tyagi, Arvind Kumar Jaiswal#, Mukesh Kumar#, Tripuresh Joshi, “Performance Analysis of Four Wave Mixing Based Wavelength Conversion in Commercial Optical Fibers”. 1Anupjeet Kaur, 2Kulwinder Singh, 3Bhawna Utreja, “Wavelength Converter in Optical Communication Systems”. C. Yu, Student Member, IEEE, Z. Pan, Student Member, IEEE, Y. Wang, Student member, IEEE, Y. W. Song, Student Member, IEEE, D. Gurkan, Student Member, IEEE, M. C. 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She is now Master of Engineering (M.E) student in Mandalay Technological University, Myanmar. 5 All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJSETR