WILLOW CREEK PASS VILLAGE ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING North Routt Charter School July 23, 2012 6pm Board Members Present: Ron Davies, Tim Stone, Jeanne Lodwick , Pat Aiello, Bill Pass and Dave Kliewer Double H Management: Sue Hochreiter, Hans Hochreiter ECC- Dennis Lodwick Call to Order: 6:10pm. Financials & Budget- Bill presented the financials. Cash accounts total $131,899.62. Total accounts receivable $62,964.71. Double H will continue to mail statements with interest fees added and to continue with collection efforts. ECC- Tim reviewed current covenant violations. New propane tank, not fenced or buried, on Neptune. Letter sent to owner allowing until end of August to remedy. Lot 254 F2-Covenant violations continue. Owner is unresponsive to ECC. Double H will call owner. Motion: Tim moved to have attorney research equity and foreclosure of fines on this property. Jeanne Lodwick 2nd. All in favor. Lot 52 F2-violations remedied. Release lien. Lot 340 F2-Deck 14’ off the ground with no guardrail. Motion: Tim moved to levy fines on this property for covenant violations. Pat 2nd. All in favor. 30 day notice will be mailed Lot 262 F2-roof issue. This property has sold. Motion: Tim moved to give new owner a letter that allows him to correct roof situation and explain terms until June 2013. Jeanne 2nd. All in favor Lot 10 F2-Fines have been paid but covenant violation above ground tank not remedied yet. Board discussed paying for this burial for new owner as fees were collected and can be used for this. Lot 403 F2-covenant violations are not complete Motion: Tim moved to require a CO on this property. Jeanne 2nd. Discussion to strategize other options. Motion: Tim moved for the county to sign off on this property before Willow Creek. Bill 2nd. All in favor. Chickens Complaint received from Stan Wagoner regarding board member, Tim Stone-chickens and an outbuilding at his property. Tim stated outbuilding not in violation. Tim and Ron asked for attorney ruling on chickens. Attorney believes chickens are not a domestic pet. Majority of board agrees with Alan’s interpretation but allowed for Tim to put this to the owners as a ballot issue for the annual meeting. Tim asked for relief of fines on this violation while the case is still being researched. Motion: Ron moved to clarify the definition of usual, domestic, household pets with the members at the annual meeting. Dave 2nd. Dave amended motion to include Alan’s definition. Tim proposed the amendment to include Alan’s opinion in the annual newsletter to owners. Motion: Ron moved to defer any fines on chicken violation until the owners meeting. Dave 2nd. Tim abstained from the vote. All other board members approved motion. Proposal Non for Profit-Ron explained the attorney determined that the association is responsible for maintaining Longfellow slide property as evidenced by the September 2009 Annual Meeting. Motion: Tim moved to propose to Lanny Mack that the association will accept the land as a donation but not adopt non for profit. Dave 2nd. All in favor. BLM/Greenbelt logging project-Dale Beckerman of BLM gave a very high bid for logging. It included an additional 7-9 acres. Jeanne will pursue getting a grant for this project. If not it may cost the association $20,000. Annual Meeting- September 8th, 9am at the North Routt Charter School. Two board positions available. Dave Kliewer and Ron Davies. Ron will rerun. Dave will give answer by August 6th. Budget & Financials as of July 31 will be on website. Road & General Maintenance- Dust control discussion. Some roads do not receive dust control. Motion: Tim moved to table discussion regarding no dust control on certain roads unless an owner complains. Pat 2nd. All approve. Recreational amenities- Tim met with a civil engineer to discuss possibility of trails at Willow Creek Pass subdivision. Tim will present the costs of a feasibility study for a trail system throughout the subdivision that includes new school parcels at the annual meeting. Motion: Dave moved to allow Tim to do study and get information to present at the annual meeting. Ron 2nd. All approve. Community Directory-Jeanne will work with Double H to put directory together to present at annual meeting. Comments- Insurance-American Family Insurance determined that there was no need for the added policy to the D & O. Willow Creek has tax exempt status for the school parcels purchased earlier this year. Next meeting – Annual, Saturday, September 8, 9am at the Charter School Adjourn-8:15pm Respectfully submitted, Sue Hochreiter Double H Mgmt