The Yarmouth Isle of Wight Town Council Minutes of a meeting of Yarmouth Town Council held at Yarmouth Town Hall on Tuesday December 1st 2015 at 6:30pm PRESENT: Councillors S Cowley, (Town Mayor), A Ingram, R Corbett, P Cronin, J Allen, J Jackson, D McCleary and K Cowley IN ATTENDANCE: B Jacobs (Town Clerk), Sarah Turvill (Harbour Commission Representative), Sylvia Mence (Mayor’s Award winner), Tina Griffith (Yarmouth School) and 1 member of the public. 138/2015 APOLOGIES No apologies were received for absence. 139/2015 PUBLIC FORUM: Mayor Cowley presented the annual Mayor’s Award to Sylvia Mence for her immense contribution to Yarmouth and Thorley. Tina Griffith of Yarmouth School made a presentation about fundraising for building projects at the School. She reported that the School needed a new mobile classroom, forecast to cost £200K, of which the School must contribute 10%, due to rising pupil numbers caused by other establishments closing in the area. The timetable for commencing work is very tight, and must commence shortly. 1 i) POLICE MATTERS A report was noted on current policing issues in Yarmouth. ii) HARBOUR ISSUES Fire: A small fire broke out in the YHC mess room within the ferry terminal, which was due to a toaster malfunction. The duty ferry terminal operative suppressed the fire with a powder fire extinguisher and the fire service attended latterly. The mess room suffered some superficial damage and will need to be redecorated. But for the actions of YHC staff, the damage may have been much worse. Dredging: The Harbours annual maintenance dredging operations are due to commence on the 4th January 2016. A pre-dredge bathymetric survey has been carried out to determine which areas within in the Harbour require attention. Boat Numbers: YHC offer a number of winter berthing options for those who require them. Demand for these berths has grown and YHC has seen an increase of 26% in comparison to 2014 figures. Port Marine Safety Code (PMSC) compliance: The Harbour undertook an annual review of its safety management systems. Peter Nicholson of Nicholson Risk Management conducted the audit and concluded that YHC fully comply with the PMSC guidelines. iii) ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR’S REPORT Cllr Hutchinson reported on a recent meeting with senior managers of Wightlink, at which they conformed the continuation of the Yarmouth-Lymington ferry service. There had been no complaints made recently, and the General Manager will shortly be replaced by his deputy. Forthcoming IWC budget cuts had been discussed by a cross-party committee, and council tax will increase next year by 1.99%. The cost of adult social care is forecast to increase by £1.3M financial year, though demand indicates an increase of £1.8M isrequired. The cost of the increase in the national minimum wage is forecast to be a further £1.8M, and must be found in addition to existing savings. Mayor Cowley queried the Planning Enforcement proposals recently circulated by the IWC, and Cllr Hutchinson responded that adequate Planning Enforcement is of benefit to everyone. iv) THORLEY ISSUES There were no Thorley issues. v) YARMOUTH ISSUES Cllr Corbett was concerned about work currently being carried out along Coastguards Green. Cllr Cronin that work to clear a wider passage along the cyclepath in the area of Wilmingham Lane had still not been carried out by Island Roads. RESOLVED: Cllr Cronin to provide location details of this part of the cyclepath to the Clerk, who will then pursue this issue with Island Roads. The Clerk distributed a table received from Island Roads indicating that Wheatsheaf Lane was swept daily. The Councillors undertook to monitor this area and report back to the next monthly meeting. Cllr McCleary reported about the poor state of cleanliness of the bus shelter in Yarmouth Bus Station, caused by rubbish, urinating and poor lighting. Cllr Allen reported that it had been cleaned the previous Wednesday. Sylvia Mence reported about the Coastal Defence Strategic Study which has now been delayed until 2016, due to similar funding problems which forced the abandonment of the last Study in 2007. vi) PUBLIC QUESTION TIME There were no further questions, and the Public Forum concluded at 19:20. 140/2015 DECLARATIONS OF PERSONAL INTERESTS Councillor Personal S Cowley Yarmouth Town Trust CHOYD A Ingram CHOYD 2 AND DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY Pecuniary Any issue involving Lee Farm or buses P Cronin D McCleary R Corbett K Cowley Shareholdings in BT CHOYD Any issue involving Yarmouth CEP School, or the Bugle Yarmouth Town Trust Any issue involving Lee Farm or buses Multi-Service Marine J Allen 141/2015 MINUTES RESOLVED: To take as read and confirm as accurate the minutes the Monthly Town Council held 10/11/15. 142/2015 FINANCE 142/2015.1 Payment of Accounts. The following payments are authorised for December 2015: 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1549 1549 1550 1551 DC DC DC DC DC Friends of Freshwater Library Brian Jacobs Brian Jacobs Post Office SLCC Brighstone Lanscaping Brighstone Lanscaping Brighstone Lanscaping Information Commissioner S Mence Malwarebytes Post Office Post Office Argos Groupon Grant Clerk payroll November Clerk's expenses Clerk payroll November Subscription Recreation Ground Football Pitch Yarmouth cemetery Data Protection Act Mayor's Award 2015 Malware protection Postage Postage Office fan heater/card reader Rerplacement office laptop £300.00 £638.81 £27.00 £176.91 £235.00 £70.00 £60.00 £1,330.00 £35.00 £130.00 £14.96 £6.30 £6.30 £22.48 £220.83 142/2015.2 Bank Reconciliation. RESOLVED: That the bank reconciliation for November 2015 is accepted 143/2015.3 Draft Budget 2016/17 The above was considered. RESOLVED: To accept the Budget as presented, and to set the precept at the February monthly meeting, when the impact of IWC devolved services should be known. 143/2015 PLANNING ISSUES 143/2015.1 Planning Applications RESOLVED: To respond to the following planning applications as indicated: P/01217/15: No objections P/01180/15: No objections, provided the building is retained for local housing in accordance with the Yarmouth and Thorley Housing Needs Survey and the Yarmouth and Thorley Community Plan. 143/2015.2 Other Planning issues The following were noted: Permission Granted: None 3 Permission refused: None Temporary Event Notices: None TPOs: Consent to the following: THE OLD RECTORY, ST JAMES STREET, YARMOUTH: The TPO for T1 English Oak situated as detailed in the application to remove the dead wood from the crown and reduce the overextended branches by 10% to strong growth points that are at least one third the diameter of the adjacent pruning point. Reason: To improve the trees form Licensing Act 2003: None Other: Proposed Diversion of part of Public Footpath Y5 144/2015 RECREATION GROUND COMMITTEE Cllr K Cowley presented a report about progress of the Play Area refurbishment, indicating that pledges had now reached over £41K. 145/2015 DEVOLVED SERVICES The Clerk reported that a further meeting at County Hall had been arranged for 7/12/15. 146/2015 REQUESTS FOR GRANT FUNDING RESOLVED: To make a grant of £170 to Wight Nature Fund for printing the Mill Copse leaflets. 147/2015 CLERK’S REPORT 147/2015.1 MEETING WITH ISLAND ROADS It was noted that a meeting has been arranged between Island Roads and members of town and parish councils for 12/1/16. No issues of a general nature were raised. 147/2015.2 BUDGET MEETING WITH IWC It was noted that a follow-up meeting will be held on Monday 7 December at 5.30 pm in the Council Chamber 147/2015.3 ISLAND ROADS ROAD FLOODING CAMPAIGN The above initiative was noted. 147/2015.4 REMEMBRANCE DAY WREATHES The email from Andre Usborne was noted. Mayor Cowley expressed thanks to Cllr Corbett for his valuable help in preventing damage to the wreaths on Remembrance Day. 147/2015.5 REVIEW OF PLANNING SERVICES BY SCRUTINY COMMITTEE AND PLANNING ENFORCEMENT RESOLVED: To accept the IWC proposals as long as a minimum of 75% of the required funding is forthcoming. The Clerk to liaise with Mayor Cowley to complete the IWC survey. 147/2015.6 HEDGECUTTING AT CHOYD RESOLVED: To authorise maintenance of the shrubs and hedges outside CHOYD. The Clerk to arrange for Brighstone Landscaping to provide an estimate for the work. 147/2015.7 GRANTS RESOLVED: To make a grant of £200 to Yarmouth Carnival Committee towards the cost of the Christmas Tree. To make a grant of £1000 to Yarmouth School towards the cost of providing an additional mobile classroom. 147/2015.8 GOVERNMENT SPENDING REVIEW It was noted that the government has published a joint Spending Review and Autumn Statement where the Chancellor of the Exchequer set out £4 trillion of spending plans for the rest of the Parliament. 148/2015 CORRESPONDENCE RESOLVED: To accept the correspondence list for November as presented 4 149/2015 FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS RESOLVED: To include the following items in future agendas: Litter in Yarmouth 2016/17 Precept 150/2015 DATE OF NEXT MEETING RESOLVED: To note the date, time and venue of the next monthly meeting, 12/1/16 at Yarmouth Town Hall 151/2015 EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC AND PRESS RESOLVED: That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest that the public and press be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw. Signed....................................................................................... (Town Mayor) Date................................. 5