Habitat for Humanity Northwest Harris County Job Description – Treasurer Responsibilities: Serve Board of Directors and Executive Committee as an officer of the corporation. Responsible for overseeing the operations and administration of the financial management function for the affiliate and the Restore, including the maintenance and periodic updating of pertinent, effective, and efficient financial systems, controls, and procedures which will enable the affiliate to maintain a sound and viable financial base Job Summary: The treasurer is the affiliate’s primary financial officer. The treasurer has general charge of the affiliate’s financial affairs; providing the board with financial reports; filing necessary reports; overseeing the disbursement of funds; monitoring the affiliate’s budget. The treasurer plays a vital role in educating the board on the financial status of the affiliate. The treasurer’s report is an educational tool to provide information and encourages directors to question items and trends. As custodian of the affiliate’s financial records, the treasurer plays an important role in regulatory compliance. The treasurer should oversee compliance with all federal, state, and local regulations applicable to the financial operations of the affiliate and the ReStore. Duties: 1. Provide monthly financial statements and supporting schedules to the Board of Directors. 2. Ensure controls are in place to protect and safeguard the financial assets of the affiliate. 3. Coordinate the preparation of budgets with affiliate and ReStore staff and provide financial information to audits and reports. 4. Ensure all IRS guidelines and regulations are met in a timely and effective manner. 5. Provide financial information, as required, for the development of new projects and programs. 6. Chair the Finance Committee and provide timely and appropriate financial advice on matters of policy, guidelines, and procedures. 7. Oversee the annual audit. 8. Maintain close communication with paid financial staff. Note: Approved financial staff consists of one full time employee and one parttime employee. These employees report to the Executive Director and will have close communication with and will accept guidance from the treasurer.