
Branislav Chvíla, Miroslav Ondras and Boris Sevruk*
Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute, Jeseniova 17, 833 15 Bratislava, Slovakia, phone +421 2 59415162,
* Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Winterthurerstr. 190, CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland, sevruk@geo.umnw.ethz.ch
The Questionnaire of the WMO/CIMO on recording precipitation gauges, RPG, shows that almost
all WMO Members responding the Questionnaire, support the proposed international
intercomparison measurements of such gauges. Surprisingly enough one-half of them even agreed to
participate in such intercomparisons as can be seen from the paper by Sevruk and Michaeli (2002)
published in this volume. Such an intercomparison was also recommended by the CIMO Expert
Meeting on Rainfall Intensity Measurements held in Bratislava, Slovakia in April 2001 (WMO,
2001). Having this in mind and being also the host of the upcoming TECO and CIMO-XIII in
Bratislava, the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute, SHMI decided to carry out national
intercomparison measurements of RPG. The primary aim was to test the possible method of such an
international intercomparison and in such a way to contribute to the numerous activities of the
CIMO in the field of precipitation measurement. This decision was not accidental. The SHMI has a
long tradition in the precipitation measurement research. It belongs to the first countries world wide
such as the former Soviet Union, Nordic Countries and Switzerland, which developed correction
procedures of systematic precipitation measurement errors as recommended many times since more
than 30 years by the CIMO (WMO, 1985: Samaj and Lapin, 1985; Sevruk and Hamon, 1984).
The field tests were carried out at two Experimental stations of the Slovak Hydrometeorological
Institute in Bohunice and Liesek in Slovakia (Table 1). In the present paper the preliminary results
(i) of the wind-induced loss, D, of orographic rain measurements using the new OTT-Pluvio
electronic-weight-recording gauge with a very high resolution of 0.01 mm per minute in Bohunice
are discussed. Moreover (ii) the effects of measuring time intervals t of 15 and 60 minutes on the
loss D are analysed. The thunderstorms, having intensity greater than 8 mmh-1 were not considered.
The importance of this work lies also in the fact that (iii) very small intensities i‹0.25 mmh-1 and
(iv) measuring intervals t are included in the analysis. In addition, (v) the results of field test have
been compared with the results of the numerical simulation (Nespor, 1998; Nespor and Sevruk,
Table 1
Climatic* and topographic characteristics of Experimental stations Bohunice and Liesek
[m a.s.l.]
Wind- TempeTopography
speed* rature*
[ms-1] [oC]
open plane, fields, grass, power-station
E in 200m distance; S 70m building
slope/plane, meadow, grass, bushes
station building: NE 20 m distance
*mean annual values
One precipitation gauge was installed with its orifice at 1 m elevation above the ground and another
at a pit, level with the ground. The latter is the WMO reference gauge for liquid precipitation
measurements (Sevruk and Hamon, 1984). To prevent the in-splash into the pit gauge a metal antisplash grid was used. The wind-induced loss D is defined as the percentage difference between the
ground level and elevated gauge measurements related to the latter. The effect of the precipitation
intensity i, wind speed, u and the time interval, t on the wind induced loss, D have been
investigated. The total number of 15 minutes intervals t in the range of wind speed up to 7 ms-1 was
2000. The wind speed u was measured at the level of the elevated precipitation gauge.
The data set for each time interval t was subdivided in four sub-sets according to the four classes of
wind speeds u‹0.8 ms-1; 1.25; 2.25 and ›2.8 ms-1. Each class of u was further divided according to
eight classes of intensities i in the range from i‹0.25; 0.38; 0.62; 0.87; 1.12; 1.5; 2 and ›2.5 mmh-1.
Class averages of D were computed for each class of intensity i and wind speed interval u, plotted in
a diagram and fitted by the analytical curve. In this way four curves of dependency of D on the
intensity i were derived for each measuring time interval t as shown in Fig. 1.
u < 0.8 ms-1
u = 1.25 ms-1
u = 2.25 ms-1
u > 2.7 ms-1
i [mm.h-1]
u < 0.8 ms-1
u = 1.25 ms-1
u = 2.25 ms-1
u > 2.7 ms-1
3,0 -1]
i [mmh
Fig. 1 Percentage wind-induced loss D related to elevated gauge as a function of precipitation
intensity i, wind speed u and measuring time interval of 15 (above) and 60 (below) minutes.
Dashed line indicates the results of numerical simulation by Nespor (1998) for wind speed of
4 ms-1, which is the same as the average wind speed of the upper interval of u›2.8 ms-1.
Orographic rains with intensity i smaller than 8 mmh-1. Recording precipitation gauge OTTPluvio at Bohunice Slovakia, 2001-2002.
Results and discussion
The effect of u is evident for both intervals t.. With increasing interval of u the corresponding curve
Du=f(i)u is shifted to the greater values of D. This shift is particularly pronounced for very small
intensities (i‹0.5 mmh-1) and relatively less important for greater ones (i›1.5 mmh-1). D amounts up
to 80 % of the measured amount of precipitation for the smallest class of intensity (i‹0.25 mmh-1)
and u greater than 2.8 ms-1 in the case of the shorter measuring interval t of 15 min. In the case of
the longer interval t of 60 min, D is smaller and amounts only to 60 %. For the high intensity
precipitation over 2 mmh-1, the loss D is smaller than 5% for both time intervals t and wind speed
classes u.
Each curve indicates decrease of the loss D with increasing intensity i. The decrease is not linear.
There is obviously a threshold value of i for each class of u. Below the threshold a sharp increase of
the loss D exists with decreasing i. Above the threshold there is only a small effect of i on the windinduced loss. Yet the threshold value increases stepwise with wind speed interval from i=0.16 mmh1 for the smallest one and i=1.0 mmh-1 for the greatest one. Similar results were also obtained by
Sevruk (1989) for daily precipitation of the Hellmann gauge. This agrees well with the results of
numerical simulation by Nespor (1998). In particular, the results of longer interval t agree very well.
However, in the shorter interval t of 15 min, there is a slight underestimate of field results in the
range of very small intensities i by the numerical simulation. This could be attributed to the fact that
the simulation is based on dropsize distribution as measured using recording gauges with a
resolution of 0.1 mm. In this way the range of i smaller than 0.1 mm, which are very sensitive to the
wind field deformation as shown in Fig. 1, could not be accounted for by simulation. In contrast,
such events are considered in the presented field results, which are based on measurements of very
small intensities i. In the light of this study the results of simulation should in fact be slightly greater
than the field results. The reason is that as mentioned above, D is, generally, greater for the smaller
time interval t than for the larger one. This seems to be confirmed by Fig. 2, where the class
averages of D of both intervals t are compared. It shows that the difference in D values between the
intervals t increases with increasing value of D. Thus the maximum up to 20 % appears in the range
of small intensities. However, the simulation relates to the shortest interval t possible, to the
instantaneous values of all variables. This is why the simulation should in fact overestimate the field
results of both, much longer intervals t, which relate to the averages of variables of 15 and 60 min.
Fig.2 Comparison of percentage wind-induced losses D for two measuring time intervals of 60
min (D60) and 15 min (D15). Orographic rains with intensity i smaller than 8 mmh-1.
Recording precipitation gauge OTT-Pluvio at Bohunice, Slovakia, 2001-2002.
This phenomenon roots in the fact that actual values of D as measured in the field relate to the
actual values of variables of i and u. Yet these are not identical with the averages as recorded in the
field by the interval t and are used in Fig. 1. In spite of actual precipitation duration occasionally
smaller than t the precipitation amount is always recorded over the entire time interval t. The longer
interval t the more frequent such a situation can occur. Consequently, the actual value of i is smaller
than the recorded one. Since D relates to actual values of i, the recorded, greater i values as used in
Fig. 1 overestimate D (Fig. 2). This means that if the intensities from the hourly interval are used to
assess the D values of shorter interval, they will be overestimated, particularly in the range of small
intensities, and vice versa. This indicates that the smaller the interval t the larger and more accurate
the reported loss D.
In connection with this study, one more error source of field intercomparison measurements
using paired precipitation gauges should be mentioned. It seems that the smaller time interval and
higher resolution of measurements the more frequent the case that the one of the gauges records
some raindrops more. It happens that immediately before the end of the time interval one gauge
receives some drops which another gauge catches at the begin of the next one. This is not only result
of the natural random distribution of precipitation at small space but could also be due to a very
high sensitivity of recording gauges, which are able to record even one larger drop. In this way it
happens that the elevated gauge occasionally registers more precipitation than the ground level
gauge. Such events have frequently been observed, particularly during small wind speeds.
Preliminary results of field intercomparison measurements of recording precipitation gauges agree
well with the results of numerical simulation, particularly for hourly totals of orographic
precipitation. This shows that the numerical simulation can be used to correct the wind-induced loss
of precipitation measurements. The advantage of numerical simulation is that it encompasses also
the range of high wind speeds, which do not occur during the field tests. In addition, the field tests
are costly and take a long time to derive the respective dependencies. In contrast, the numerical
simulation takes a few weeks to accomplish the task.
The wind-induced loss increases with wind speed and decreasing intensity of rain. The
dependence is not linear. Under a certain threshold value of intensity the increase is large and
exponential. Above the threshold it is small and quasi-linear. The threshold value increases with
wind speed. These results agree well with the results as published some years ago (Sevruk, 1989).
The shorter recording time interval and higher resolution of measurements the more accurate the
assessment of the wind-induced loss. Derived empirical and numerical simulation dependencies can
be used to correct the wind-induced loss of smaller time intervals than one hour of the recording
precipitation gauge OTT-Pluvio.
The authors would like to express their gratitude to the Director of the Slovak Hydrometeorological
Institute in Bratislava, Slovakia, Dr. Stefan Skulec and the Director of the Company OttHydrometry, Kempten, Germany, Mr. Heinrich Baur for their support.
Nespor, V. Estimation of the wind-induced error of the OTT-Pluvio precipitation gauges. Department og Geography.
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETHZ, Zurich, 44 pp.,1998 (unpublished).
Nespor, V. and B. Sevruk. Estimation of wind-induced error of rainfall gauge measurements using a numerical
simulation. J. Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 16(4), 450-464, 1999.
Samaj, R. and M. Lapin. Results from the study of methodics for measuring precipitation and systematic errors of
raingauges in Czechoslovakia. In: B. Sevruk (ed.). WMO/CIMO Instruments and Observing Methods Rep., No.
24, WMO/TD-No. 104, 179-186, 1985, 288 pp., Geneva.
Sevruk, B. Wind-induced measurement error for high-intensity rains. In: B. Sevruk (Editor) Precipitation Measurement.
Proc. International Workshop on Precipitation Measurement, St. Moritz, Switzerland, 3.-7. December, 1989.
WMO Instruments and Observing Methods Rep., No. 48, WMO/TD- No. 328, 199-204, 1989, Geneva.
Sevruk, B. and W. R. Hamon. International comparison of national precipitation gauges with a reference pit gauge.
WMO Instruments and Observing Methods Rep., No. 17, WMO/TD-No.38, 111 pp.+ Annex, 1984. Geneva.
WMO/CIMO. Correction of precipitation measurements. Instruments and Observing Methods Rep., No. 24, WMO/TDNo. 104, 1985, Geneva.
WMO Expert Meeting on rainfall intensity measurements. Bratislava, Slovakia 23 to 25 April, 2001. WMO/CIMO,