Industry Assessment Validation Checklist A separate checklist must be completed for each assessment item that is to be validated. This needs to be attached to a ‘clean’ assessment instrument and marking solution. A copy should be kept by the RTO. This checklist is broken into Sections A, B and C. As a minimum, sections A and B must be completed as part of any industry validation process. Section C is included as an optional checklist, if required, to add more depth to the industry validation process and for use by the teacher/trainer when developing the assessment instrument/item prior to industry validation. A – Validation Details Details of Validator Name: Organisation: Position: Address of Organisation: Telephone Contact: Date of Validation: Signature of Validator: Training Package Name: ______________________________________________ Course Code and Name: ______________________________________________ Unit/s of competency/modules covered by assessment item (add more rows, as required): Code Name Document Name Industry Assessment Validation Checklist Issued 2009 Version Authorised Version 1, 2009 VEC B – Industry Validation Checklist Assessment activity Y/N Comment Assessment tool instructions and assessment conditions are clearly identified. Written information is worded appropriately. The assessment activity addresses the evidence requirements for the competency/ies or learning outcomes being assessed, and is therefore relevant to industry. Sample responses/assessment checklists are available to facilitate consistency in making assessment decisions. C – Assessment tools, processes and evidence checklist This checklist is based on the four assessment principles of validity, reliability, fairness and flexibility, with which all VET assessment items must comply under Standard 8.1 (iii) of the AQTF. It can be used by assessors when developing assessment instruments as a checklist and may also be used as part of the industry validation process, to provide greater depth. VALIDITY Y/N COMMENT 1. The assessment tasks are based on realistic workplace activities and contexts. 2. The evidence relates directly to the units of competence/learning outcomes being assessed. 3. The instrument will assess the student’s ability to meet the level of performance required by the unit(s) of competency. 4. The assessment tasks have been designed to allow holistic and integrated assessment of knowledge, skills and attitudes. 5. More than one task and source of evidence will be used as the basis for judgement, with evidence drawn from a variety of performances over time where practical. 6. Different sources of evidence of knowledge and skills that underpin the unit of competency will be considered in the assessment. 7. The methods and instruments selected are appropriate for the assessment system specified by the industry (where applicable). Document Name Industry Assessment Validation Checklist Issued 2009 Version Authorised Version 1, 2009 VEC RELIABILITY Y/N COMMENT Y/N COMMENTS Y/N COMMENTS 1. Clear guidelines are available to ensure that assessors make consistent decisions over time and with different students (eg assessment checklists and sample responses have been provided) 2. Where more than one assessor is involved, the strategies have been agreed to. 3. Where a unit/s of competency/learning outcomes are to be assessed in different situations, the situations are generally comparable. 4. Consistent written information is available to students on requirements. FLEXIBILITY 1. The assessment approach can be adapted to meet the needs of all students. 2. Where practical and appropriate, assessment will be negotiated and agreed between the assessor and the student. 3. Students will be able to have their previous experience/expertise recognised. 4. The assessment strategy, where applicable, covers both the on- and off-the-job components of training. FAIRNESS 1. Students will be given clear and timely information on assessment. 2. Information for students will cover: assessment methods, procedures, the criteria against which they will be assessed, when and how they will receive feedback and the mechanism for appeal. 3. Students will be included in discussions on the choice of assessment methods and timing. 4. Students will be made aware of their responsibilities with regard to assessment. 5. The assessment approach chosen caters for the language, literacy and numeracy needs of all students. 6. The special geographic financial or social needs of students have been considered in the development and conduct of the assessment. 7. Reasonable adjustment can be made to the assessment strategy to ensure equity for all students, while maintaining the integrity of the assessment outcomes. 8. Opportunities for feedback and review of all aspects of assessment will be provided to students. 9. There are clearly documented mechanisms for appeal against assessment processes and decisions and these will be provided to students prior to assessment. Source: Adapted from ‘ A guide to developing Training Package assessment materials, Book 10 Quality Assurance Guide for Assessment’, pg. 71-74. DETYA / ANTA 2001. Document Name Industry Assessment Validation Checklist Issued 2009 Version Authorised Version 1, 2009 VEC