Safety Info & Guidelines for Cleaning Services

Safety Information
and Guidelines
For Cleaning Services
Contract Workers
Estates Department
30-36 Newport Road
 029 20874416
Useful Phone Numbers for Central Campus
Security Control Centre
Safety Services
74910 & 74790
Estates Reception
Estates ‘Hotline’
Estates Cleaning Manager
If phoning from an outside line or a mobile
phone prefix the above numbers with: (029) 208
Using a mobile phone
Mobile phones should only be used to call the emergency
services if it is not possible to use the internal phone system.
After making the call the caller should inform Security on
029208-74444 and provide the same information as indicated
Reviewed April 2014 (PK)
Useful Phone Numbers for UHB Heath Park
UHB Security
Safety Services UHB site
CU Estates Reception
CU Estates ‘Hotline’
Estates Cleaning Manager
If phoning from an outside line or a mobile
phone prefix the above numbers with: Heath Site number (029) 2074
Cardiff University number* (029) 208
Using a mobile phone
Mobile phones should only be used to call the emergency
services if it is not possible to use the internal phone system.
After making the call the caller should inform Security on
0292074-8043 and provide the same information as indicated
Reviewed April 2014 (PK)
Useful Phone Numbers for Central Campus. .................................................. 2
Using a mobile phone ...................................................................................... 2
Useful Phone Numbers for University Health Board Heath Park................... 3
Using a mobile phone ...................................................................................... 3
CONTENTS .......................................................................................................... 4
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 5
COMMENCEMENT OF CONTRACT ................................................................ 6
General Rules .................................................................................................. 6
SECURITY ........................................................................................................... 8
Do’s and Don’ts ............................................................................................... 8
FIRE AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES........................................................ 9
On Discovering a Fire...................................................................................... 9
On Hearing the Alarm ..................................................................................... 9
After Leaving the Building .............................................................................. 9
Setting Alarm Off Accidentally....................................................................... 9
HEALTH AND SAFETY RULES ..................................................................... 10
General........................................................................................................... 10
Accidents and First Aid ................................................................................. 10
Working Area ................................................................................................ 10
Warning Signs and Barriers........................................................................... 11
Machinery & Equipment ............................................................................... 11
Safe Working Practices ................................................................................. 12
GENERAL SITE FACILITIES........................................................................ 17
University Telephones ................................................................................... 17
Catering.......................................................................................................... 17
Toilets ............................................................................................................ 17
First Aid ......................................................................................................... 17
Fire Fighting Equipment................................................................................ 17
GENERAL SITE RESTRICTIONS ................................................................... 18
Eating, Drinking and Smoking. ..................................................................... 18
University’s facilities ..................................................................................... 18
Radios, Walkmans, Cameras ......................................................................... 18
Use of Power Tools and Dirty/Dusty Work .................................................. 18
Parking and Speed Limits. ............................................................................. 18
CODE OF BEHAVIOUR ................................................................................... 19
General........................................................................................................... 19
Dress Code. .................................................................................................... 19
Alcohol, Drugs and Smoking ........................................................................ 19
CONFIDENTIALITY ......................................................................................... 20
General........................................................................................................... 20
Confidentiality Agreement. ........................................................................... 20
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. 21
Reviewed April 2014 (PK)
Welcome to Cardiff University’s premises.
These guidelines cover the basic safety requirements that apply
on Cardiff University’s premises and have been prepared for your
Cardiff University’s objective is to provide a safe, healthy and
secure working environment for all workers, students and
members of the public on its premises. By following these
guidelines you will be helping to ensure your own health and
safety and that of other people working on or visiting these
The Estates Cleaning Section is committed to providing a clean
and healthy environment for all building users, and safe methods
of work to achieve this aim. In order to satisfy these requirements
you must comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
and current Environmental Legislation. All contractor employees
will follow good working practices as instructed by their
supervisors and will receive such training as is required to carry
out their work in a safe and healthy manner so as not to endanger
themselves or others by their work and to achieve compliance
with the above Acts.
Please ensure that you read and retain this booklet for reference.
If there is anything that you do not understand please do not
hesitate to ask.
You are required to sign the tear-off slip at the rear of this booklet
to confirm that it has been received, read and understood.
Thank you for your co-operation.
D Biddlecombe
Director of Estates
April 2014
Reviewed April 2014 (PK)
For all contract work, contractors, their employees and the self
employed will, in addition to the requirement to comply with all
relevant statutory regulations, also comply with the following Cardiff
University rules: General Rules
You must - obtain and keep in your possession a University
identity card before commencing work on site. Under no
circumstances will you give or lend your security ID card to any
other person and you must immediately report to the University if
you lose it. If you leave your employment you must return your
You must - on first arrival and final departure sign in the
attendance book, whose location will be given by your site
supervisor or, if unsupervised, report to the Reception/Security
lodge in the building you are working.
You must - familiarise yourself with the contents of this safety
booklet. Your site manager will have a copy of the Estates
Department Health and Safety Handbook (Cleaning Section), to
which they must strictly adhere. Your site manager will bring to
your attention any relevant procedure or rules contained in the
handbook that you must comply with.
You must - co-operate with the Estates Cleaning Officer at all
You must - attend when requested any Safety Induction meeting,
Toolbox Talk or Safety Training seminar organised by the
University in connection with your work for the University.
You must - before any work commences, familiarise yourself
with the site emergency arrangements, assembly points etc., and
accident/incident reporting procedures.
You must - only carry out work at the University for which you
are competent. You must ask for training and instruction for any
task or job given to you of which you are unfamiliar.
You must - comply with any safety instruction given to you by
your site supervisor and follow all the requirements of any
‘method statements’ given to you.
Reviewed April 2014 (PK)
You must - report any significant case of property loss or damage
to your site supervisor who will inform the Universities’ Cleaning
Officer or his Representative.
10. You must - when receiving deliveries of materials ensure that the
minimum of obstruction and inconvenience is caused to other
building and site users.
11. You must - make sure all necessary appropriate warning
signs, e.g. ‘danger wet floor' etc., are in place in your
working area. Make sure that you do not obstruct any
emergency escape routes.
12. You must - only enter rooms, which you have to work in, and
when the work has been completed or if you should be called
away you must lock the room if it is unoccupied.
13. You must not - enter any rooms which have restricted access
unless you have permission from the Department and your
14. You must not - go on any roof space without permission being
obtained in writing from the University Cleaning
Officer, who will arrange for a Permit to Work.
15. You must not - bring into the University any work
equipment. Always check that your issued
equipment is safe to use before use.
16. You must not - bring into the University any
unauthorised substances such as, cleaning
chemicals, pesticides etc.
17. You must not - smoke within any University building.
18. You must not - play any music device including radios, CD
machines etc on University property.
19. You must not - borrow or use University work equipment, except
by way of a rare special arrangement with the University
Cleaning Officer.
20. You must not - park your vehicle on University property except
by prior arrangement with the University. You may be charged
for this facility, if used, at commercial rates. You must ensure that
your vehicle causes no obstruction in and around the site.
21. You must - return all keys at the end of the day's shift.
Reviewed April 2014 (PK)
The contractor is to comply with all security procedures
currently operated by Cardiff University. Contractors
should submit a list of the contract workers before work
commences on site, and provide names of those working
in the building outside normal working hours to the Estates
Cleaning Officer who manages the contract, at least 24 hours
before any night or weekend working.
All contract workers will be issued with a security pass by the
University which must be displayed at all times whilst on site.
All contract workers must sign in and out of the premises at the agreed
security point. This rule must be adhered to irrespective of the reason
for leaving the building (e.g. tea breaks, phone calls etc)
Do’s and Don’ts
The contract workers are to comply with all security procedures
currently being operated by Cardiff University and any security
procedures that may be notified to the contractor from time to time.
 Do:
 clearly display your security badge at all times;
 sign in on arrival and sign out when leaving the building;
 remember your designated working area and the official name of
the project that you are working on;
 provide adequate notice of out of hours working;
 remember the name of the University’s representative.
 Do Not:
 leave the building for temporary periods without signing out;
 wander outside your designated area;
 leave unattended packages in the building;
 leave plant and/or materials unsecured at the end of a working
 leave work area or equipment in an unsafe condition at the end of a
working day.
Reviewed April 2014 (PK)
On Discovering a Fire
 Sound the alarm by breaking the glass in the nearest
call point.
 If in danger leave immediately.
 Call for assistance.
 If possible and without risk turn off gas and electric
 Attack fire, if trained to use extinguisher, only if
safe to do so.
 Always use the correct extinguisher.
On Hearing the Alarm
 Leave the building by the nearest available exit.
 Close all doors and windows behind you.
 Dial 999 to ensure Fire Service has been called.
 Do not stop to collect personal belongings.
 Do not use lifts.
After Leaving the Building
 Go to assembly point as designated on fire notice at building
 Move well away from the building.
 Leave clear access for Emergency Services.
 Do not attempt to re-enter the building until you are told it is safe
to do so.
Setting Alarm Off Accidentally.
 If you set the alarm off accidentally, please report the matter to the
University's Security Staff and/or the attending fire officers.
Reviewed April 2014 (PK)
Ensure that you follow the documented safe system of work. Please
pay particular attention to the following rules.
 Do - obey all safety notices.
 Do not - work alone on potentially hazardous operations.
 Do not - smoke in University buildings.
Accidents and First Aid
 Do - on first arrival at your workplace locate your nearest first aid point.
 Do – make sure you have access to a first aid
box which must be supplied by your employer.
 Do - remember to report all accidents, near
misses and hazards to your site supervisor who must inform the
Estates Cleaning Officer.
 Do - in the event of an accident remember to fill out an accident
form. Your supervisor will provide this.
 Do - get vaccinated against Tetanus and if advised
Hepatitis A and B (ask your supervisor).
 Do – report any needle stick injuries immediately to your
Supervisor and go for treatment to the A & E at the Heath
Hospital. Make sure you complete an accident form.
Working Area
 Do - Work only in your designated area and carry out operations
related to your work.
 Do - keep all aisles, corridors and exits clear. Do not block fire exits.
 Do - keep all storage areas clean and tidy.
 Do - Inspect the working area for potential hazards at the start and
finish of every shift and report any findings to the site supervisor
or to University’s authorised representative.
 Do – when appropriate display yellow safety ‘caution signs.
 Do – make sure all of your cleaning sinks are flushed at least once
a week for several minutes. Cold water should run cold and hot
water should be run until hot water comes out.
Reviewed April 2014 (PK)
 Do not - allow rubbish to accumulate. Rubbish is to be properly
bagged prior to removal from site. Lock external wheelie bins and
skips after use.
 Do not - enter any area marked “HAZARDOUS AREA” unless
fully authorised to do so.
 Do not – use any space, other than a designated cleaning cupboard,
for storage.
 Do not – use any School/Department materials (paper towels etc.)
Warning Signs and Barriers
 Do - ensure that where appropriate robust barriers and suitable and
sufficient warning signs are placed around the working areas and
that they are removed upon completion of work.
Machinery & Equipment
For your safety it is important that you use the correct machine or
work equipment for the task in hand. Only use equipment assigned for
your use and before using:
 Do - check that all your electrical equipment has been suitably
tested and marked as required under the current Electricity at Work
Regulations. In most cases a green P.A.T. label will indicate this.
 Do – plug in your machine via a Residual Current Circuit Breaker
(RCCB) plug/socket if you must use a socket outlet for power.
 Do – check that there is no sign of damage and that all guards and
covers are in place.
 Do - ensure the machine cable is not damaged or twisted before using.
 Do - always unwind the machines electric cable fully.
 Do - ensure plugs and sockets are not cracked or broken.
 Do – if you find your machine is damaged report it to your
supervisor and put a notice on it saying ‘Out Of Order Do Not Use’.
 Do not - attempt to repair any machine yourself.
Extension leads:
 Do - ensure extension leads are not plugged into other
extension leads.
 Do - ensure socket joins are not left on wet floors.
 Do - ensure safety signs in place if trailing extension leads in
 Do – ensure that the lead has been PAT tested.
Reviewed April 2014 (PK)
Safe Working Practices
Safe Working Methods
 Do - follow any instructions given you by your supervisor with
regard to working methods and the use of PPE.
 Do – wear safety glasses if notice on room door advises.
 Do - restrict working activities to the areas you have been
designated by your supervisor; do not enter restricted areas unless
you have been specifically authorised to do so. (This
includes rooms which display a 'No Entry to
Unauthorised Persons' sign).
 Do – follow the entry rules for entering hazardous
rooms, these are: AMBER – Cleaners must follow the cleaning method
statement, ask if you have not seen one. Other contractors must
have their work card signed by a School’s Authorised Person.
Accidental spillages of laboratory materials – do not clean up,
leave the lab immediately and report to your supervisor.
RED – No entry to anyone without a Permit issued by the School.
 Do – Report maintenance faults to your supervisor and/or building
reception. For example: i) Lack of hot water,
ii) Broken seating in lecture theatres,
iii) Defective general lighting, and
iv) Defective emergency lighting.
 Do – use the correct coloured coded equipment for the place you
are cleaning. The colour code in use for Campus Cleaning is as
Sanitary Areas
Toilets, Urinals, Sluices
Wash Rooms
Sinks, Showers.
General Purpose Offices, Corridors, Classrooms
Hygiene Areas
Office Kitchen, Coffee Shops,
Refectories and Laboratories
 Do not - access any roof without a permit. Permits are to be
arranged by your supervisor through the Estates Cleaning Officer.
 Do not – attempt to clean or remove bird carcases or droppings
from any affected area but report to your Supervisor.
Reviewed April 2014 (PK)
 Do - remove waste that has been placed in black bags,
recyclable green bags or in waste bins designated for nonhazardous waste, cardboard boxes and other packaging only.
If in doubt about the nature of a particular waste item, (such
as electrical equipment), leave it and seek guidance from your
supervisor or other responsible person in the area.
Hazardous Waste
 Do not - touch any hazardous waste, such as needles, chemical
containers, Petri dishes, laboratory pipettes, or any material you are
not sure about. If the above appears in black bags or in waste bins
meant for ordinary “household” waste, do not touch it and inform
your supervisor about it as soon as possible.
 Do not – remove feminine hygiene container contents from female
and disabled toilets.
 Do not - remove if waste is contained in:  Yellow, Orange, Purple, Red Blue and Yellow /Black, Bags;
 containers or plastic bags marked Hazardous, Clinical or
Bio-Hazard waste;
 boxes marked Glass Waste or Sharps Waste;
 bins marked for Radioactive Waste.
 These bins will be labelled
Bags containing radioactive
waste will display this label. 
Body fluid disposal kits
Must be used as required, appropriately and disposed of through the
clinical waste collection points.
 Do - report the discovery of any material you suspect might
contain asbestos. You are unlikely to come across asbestos unless
you enter rising ducts and plant rooms.
 Do not - carry on working if you are likely to disturb the
suspicious material but wait until an Estates Cleaning Officer has
resolved the matter.
Reviewed April 2014 (PK)
The University requires noise to be kept to a
minimum and you are expected to co-operate to
help achieve this aim. However sometimes using
some equipment may cause noise levels to
exceed nuisance or even safe working levels. In the
event of this:  Do – stop work if requested and report to the Estates Cleaning
Officer for advice.
 Do – if sound levels exceed 80dB(A), wear ear protection.
 Do – ask for a risk assessment if you are asked to use noisy
Manual Handling
 Do - avoid manually lifting if at all possible.
 Do - ensure you have been trained in manual handling
techniques before lifting.
 Do - carry out a risk assessment, which will include
load, environment and personnel.
 Do - use mechanical aids if available.
 Do - wear appropriate shoes and protective gloves if necessary.
 Do - ensure load is in a suitable state to be moved i.e. ensure base
of box is secure.
 Do - ensure the load is secure, stable and not causing an
 Do - ensure you have an unrestricted pathway and have an
available space to deposit the load.
 Do - when lifting, place your feet 30 to 45 cm apart and bend your
knees - not your back!
 Do not - lift heavy or awkward loads on your own.
Reviewed April 2014 (PK)
Hazardous substances (Pesticides, Cleaning Chemicals etc)
Pesticides, herbicides and fertilisers etc. are potentially
harmful to people and non-pest animals and their use is
strictly controlled. Make sure you have a ‘method statement’
and follow the safe working practice given.
Cleaning and maintenance chemicals have been chosen with the
environment in mind and although most of the chemicals used are
non-hazardous you should still follow the instructions below when
handling them.
 Do - familiarise yourself with the products 'COSHH file' which
will be kept by your supervisor and for cleaners normally located
in each cleaning cupboard. Other contractors must keep copies in
an accessible location near the workplace.
 Do - ensure all containers are correctly labelled.
 Do - ensure chemicals are used as per the manufacturers'
 Do - ensure chemicals are stored in a cool dry place with adequate
 Do - wear protective overalls at all times.
 Do - wear gloves, goggles or masks when decanting or using
cleaning chemicals and other substances.
 Do - when diluting chemicals put the chemical into the water and
not the water into the chemical. This will prevent neat chemicals
being splashed.
 Do – (pest control only, not cleaning staff), make sure when
spraying or laying out pest control chemicals that other people
especially children and non-pest animals cannot be harmed.
 Do not - decant chemicals into unmarked containers.
 Do not - mix chemicals/cleaning products.
 Do not – under any circumstances use Bleach on University
property. Bleach mixed with other products can cause a lethal
toxic gas.
 Do not - decant cleaning chemicals into a container, which has
been used for another cleaning product.
 Do not – bring in chemicals or other cleaning products from home.
 Do not – use any School/Department cleaning chemicals.
Reviewed April 2014 (PK)
Working at Heights
Any work from a height must be considered to be high risk. It is
essential that you follow the safe working method you have been
 Do – follow the instructions for safe working.
 Do – wear and use all the required Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE).
 Do – check the condition of all safety
equipment before use.
 Do not – use mobile access equipment unless you have received
sufficient training. Only competent people are allowed to use such
 Do not – work at height in locations without edge protection
unless you use a harness for which you have been trained to use.
Lone Working
If you are expected to work alone or under limited supervision you
must comply with the following rules:  Do - always carry your ID and produce it when asked for
 Do – make sure the building receptionist/security, know when you
start and leave your workplace. If you are not working in a
building make reporting arrangements with the Estates Cleaning
 Do - if asked state the purpose of your visit and always behave in a
polite and courteous manner.
 Do - if called out to a designated hazardous area ask Security if the
School has given permission to enter and what safety advice has
been given.
 Do not - undertake any hazardous work (i.e. enter a confined
space) if you are on your own, refer to your
supervisor/manager and request backup.
Reviewed April 2014 (PK)
Contractor’s staff are to treat the University’s buildings, facilities and
furniture with respect and should observe the following guidelines.
University Telephones
Are not to be used for personal use
Contractors' employees or the self-employed, may use, if
the University’s representative agrees, the University's
catering and vending facilities (if they are provided and
then only during stipulated times).
When using the catering facilities, clean clothing must be
Access will be denied to anyone wearing soiled working clothes.
Toilet facilities may be shared with the University’s
staff; these must be kept clean and tidy and are not to
be abused.
First Aid
It is the responsibility of your employer to provide
sufficient first aid facilities whilst working on
University property. Use of University first aid facilities
may be allowed with prior agreement with Estates.
University employed cleaners will find a first aid box in
the cleaning site main cleaning cupboard.
Fire Fighting Equipment
In the event of an emergency it is permitted for
Contractors’ or Estates employees to use the
University's fire extinguishers (providing you have
received instruction/training on their use). Please report
to Estates the use of any such equipment.
Reviewed April 2014 (PK)
The Contractor’s attention is drawn to the importance of ensuring that
all work that is undertaken is executed with the minimum of
disruption to the Universities normal business operations.
Eating, Drinking and Smoking.
Food and drink is not to be consumed in work
Smoking is not permitted on Cardiff University
premises, this includes grounds. Please report if
you see any evidence of smoking within a building.
University’s facilities
Certain facilities provided for the University’s
personnel/visitors (e.g. telephones, toilets and
meeting rooms) are not to be used by the contract
staff unless authorised to do so.
Radios, Walkmans, Cameras
The playing of radios, cassette players, CD’s or Walkmans
is not permitted. Cameras are not permitted on
University’s premises without the express authority of the
University’s representative.
Use of Power Tools and Dirty/Dusty Work
The contractor’s staff are to minimise the effects of dirty, dusty or
noisy working. The use of percussion tools is restricted within the
University's buildings during normal working hours (9am to 5pm).
Prior permission is to be obtained. All electrical hand tools are to be
suppressed to prevent electronic interference.
Parking and Speed Limits
Car parking facilities are not available during the
University's normal working hours. No extended
parking of Lorries or large vans will be permitted
without approval of the University.
There is a 5mph limit over the whole site.
Reviewed April 2014 (PK)
The Contractor is to ensure the good conduct of the contract staff
during the occupancy of the site.
All contract staff and Estates employees are to behave
in a responsible and respectful manner at all times.
Wolf whistles or cat-calls will not be tolerated and
those responsible will be removed from site.
Foul or offensive language is strictly prohibited.
Dress Code
All dress is to be neat and tidy in accordance with the
University’s business environment.
Clean overalls or uniform are to be worn with
the Contractor’s name displayed discreetly.
PPE where deemed necessary must be worn at
all times at the place of work.
Alcohol, Drugs and Smoking
The consumption of alcohol or nonprescribed drugs on the University's
premises is strictly prohibited.
Smoking is strictly prohibited in all University
buildings and adjacent grounds.
Reviewed April 2014 (PK)
The contractor’s personnel are to abide by the terms of the
confidentiality agreement set out below.
Confidentiality Agreement
I confirm that during my employment I will observe the strictest
secrecy regarding all matters which may come to my notice
concerning the affairs, interests or transactions of Cardiff
University, any clients or other persons connected with
Cardiff University and I undertake not to divulge any
such matters unless properly authorised to do so.
All personnel will be asked to provide a signed
declaration, for which the accompanying
acknowledgement form will suffice, agreeing that they
will abide by the foregoing “Confidentiality Agreement”.
The obligations of this agreement shall remain binding
notwithstanding the completion or termination for
whatever reason of the Contractor’s employment under the
Reviewed April 2014 (PK)
Acknowledgement Form
I acknowledge receipt of a copy of Cardiff University's ‘Safety
Information and Guidelines for Cleaning Services Contract
I have read the guidelines and have had them fully explained to
me and I understand that compliance with them is a
precondition for permission to work on Cardiff University
Site No.:
(block capitals please)
This page must be completed and returned to the University’s
Estates Cleaning Officer.
Reviewed April 2014 (PK)