Evaluated for NGS* DANAGENE SALIVA KIT Kit designed for an efficient and fast purification of highly pure genomic DNA from a wide variety of saliva samples including: 1. Saliva samples. 2. Buccal cell samples via mouth swabs from DANASALIVA Swabs. Ref.0602.42 3. Saliva samples via DANASALIVA Sample Collection Kit. Ref.0603.43 4. Saliva samples via ORAGENE self collection kits (DNAGenotek). Procedure: The process includes a cell lysis with an anionic detergent that solubilizes the necessary cell components, the contaminant RNA can be removed with a RNase treatment. The cell proteins are removed by precipitation, which allows to leave the genomic DNA in solution. Finally, the genomic DNA is isolated by a precipitation with isopropanol. Applications: DNA purified using DANAGENE SALIVA KIT is highly stable and suited for use in a wide range of applications such as: DNA archiving. PCR and quantitative real-time PCR. SNP analysis. Southern Blotting. Next Generation Sequencing. *Validation of the DANAPURE SALIVA KIT on the ROCHE 454 TITANIUM Next-Generation Sequencing Platform was realized in the Centro de Investigación, Tecnología e Innovación (CITIUS) Universidad de Sevilla. Quantification. Using the Quant-iT Picogreen dsDNA Reagent from INVIROGEN. Library Quality Assessment. Run a 1 l aliquot of the DNA library on an Agilent Bioanalyzer High Sesitivity DNA chip, to assess the quality of the library. Cell lysis Protein DNA Precipitation DNA Wash DNA Hydration Features: DNA from saliva is equivalent to DNA from blood for downstream applications. Improve patient care and compliance with painless, non-invasive sample collection and decreases costs. Library Quantitation for qPCR. KAPA Library Quantification Kit from Kapabiosystems. The DNA isolated with the DANAPURE SALIVA KIT from different samples of saliva has an excellent quality to be used in NGS: double-stranded. OD260/280> 1.75 concentration > 10 ng/l. Library Quality: Fragment size between 1400 and 1800 bp. Library Quantitation: > 1 x 107 molecules/l. Reproducible, fast and non-expensive method. Safe method, as it removes completely the need of using toxic reagents. DANAGENE SALIVA KIT Ref.0603.4 / 06043.41 RNase and Proteinase K included.