Westerville South High School
Student _________________ ______________________
First Name
The car registered below must be
owned and insured by the
applicant or parent:
Make of Car:
Model of Car:
Color of Car:
License Plate #
Drivers License #
Last Name
You are purchasing a parking pass
good only for the lot on
Walnut Street
You are not guaranteed a parking
space. Once the lot is filled, there
may be a space in the overflow lot
at Whittier Elementary or you will
need to park on a side street.
Office Use Only:
Date of Receipt:
Time of Receipt: ________________
Payment Information: _______________
Assigned Lot: _JUNIOR_____________
Parking Pass Number:
Parking decals are not transferable.
1. A copy of the applicant’s valid Driver’s License.
2. A readable copy of the Ohio Registration for each car listed above.
3. Cash in the amount of $30.00 or a check or money order for $30.00 payable to “Westerville South High
1. All staff lots are reserved from 7:30 AM to 3:00 PM. Parking in these areas for any reason will result in a ticket and/or towing of your car. Staff parking
areas include the north side of Blendon Middle School, the east side of Blendon Middle School, the parking area between Blendon and South, the
Enrichment Center parking area, South’s front oval parking area and the parking area on the south side of South High School. Staff’s parking areas are
clearly marked.
A parking pass is specific to a particular student lot. Spaces in all student lots will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis by student permit holders.
Senior parking areas include the Tennis Court lot, the Commons parking lot, and the Stadium/Band lot. The junior parking area is the Walnut Street lot and
the overflow lot is the front section of the Whittier Elementary parking lot. Student parking areas are clearly marked by signs and on the parking map.
Students with parking permits are to park between white lines. Parking in the staff areas, in bus zones, in fire lanes, along unmarked curbs, or marked
Visitor/Handicap spaces is prohibited. Cars parked illegally will be ticketed and/or towed at the owner’s expense. The first two offenses are a $10.00 fine,
the third and fourth offenses are a $20.00 fine and additional offenses are a $30.00 fine. After the fifth offense, the parking permit may be revoked and the
automobile may be towed.
Parking passes must be displayed in the windshield of the car.
If your pass is lost, stolen or misplaced you must report it immediately to school administration or the school’s resource officer. A replacement decal will
be issued at a cost of $10.00.
Students that have paid for a decal may still be ticketed. Some examples that will cause you to be ticketed are: a) parking in the wrong lot or a staff lot; b)
parking in unmarked areas; or c) parking in a “Handicap” or “Visitor” space.
A car that is towed will be towed at owner’s expense. Once a car has been placed on the tow list it will remain there and will be towed upon future offenses.
The current fee for towing is $143.89 (subject to change).
Students may be in vehicles only upon immediate arrival to school and during departure from school. Students with modified schedules must have their
photo ID card with them. Students with modified schedules may not transport students who do not have early release permission. Students with “late
arrival” schedules often have trouble finding available parking.
Students may not sit in their cars while parked on school grounds. Students are not to leave the building during the school day to get things from their
vehicles without first obtaining permission from an administrator or dean. Cars are to remain locked while on school grounds. Students are not to allow
other students to drive their cars onto or off of school grounds.
10. Students are to obey all city and state traffic regulations. Students are to follow all ONE WAY directional signs. The speed limit in all parking lots is 10
11. All fees and fines must be paid before receiving a parking permit.
I have read the parking regulations and I understand what is
expected of my son/daughter who has my permission to drive
to school and park on school grounds.
Parent Signature
Administration – White Copy
I have read the parking regulations and I understand what is
expected of me to have the privilege to drive to school and
park on school grounds.
Student/Parent – Pink Copy
Student Signature
Revised 5/2015