BOSTON UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER EVACUATION PLAN 670 Albany Street DRAFT June 2007 670 Albany Street June 2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 1.2 1 PURPOSE OF PLAN BUILDING DESCRIPTION 2 2 2.0 FIRE SAFETY FEATURES 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2 STAIRWELLS AND EGRESS FIRE ESCAPES SPRINKLER SYSTEMS FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS FIRE EXTINGUISHERS HIGH HAZARD AREAS 3 3 3 3 4 4 3.0 ORGANIZATION AND RESPONSIBILITY 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 5 PRINCIPLE INVESTIGATORS, CHEMICAL HYGIENE & SAFETY OFFICERS BUILDING OCCUPANTS DEPARTMENT HEAD/CHAIRMAN RESPONSIBILITIES OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PUBLIC SAFETY/SECURITY BOSTON UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CAMPUS FACILITIES CONTROL CENTER OPERATOR SERVICES 4.0 EVACUATION PROCEDURES 4.1 4.2 4.3 7 THE R.A.C.E. FIRE PLAN EVACUATION NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES RE-ENTRY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES 5.0 TRAINING 5.1 5.2 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 INITIAL TRAINING REFRESHER TRAINING 8 9 6.0 PLAN REVIEW AND FIRE DRILL 9 APPENDICES APPENDIX A APPENDIX B APPENDIX C STAIRWELL INFORMATION FIRE DRILL CRITIQUE EMERGENCY CONTACT LIST Page 1 670 Albany Street June 2007 1.0 INTRODUCTION This section identifies the purpose of the plan set forth by the Office of Environmental Health and Safety (OEHS). A brief description of the buildings construction and layout is also included for informational purposes. 1.1 Purpose of Plan This Evacuation Plan (Plan) has been established for 670 Albany Street to ensure a complete understanding of procedures to follow when there is a situation leading up to the possibility of an evacuation. Potential evacuation could be caused by, but not limited to: fire, biological threat, bomb threat, flood, gas leak, or building system malfunctions. Evacuation is mandatory when the fire alarm system for the building is activated, or initiated by BUMC Public Safety/Security, Boston Police Department (BPD), Boston Fire Department (BFD), or other recognized authorities. An effective evacuation requires the cooperative efforts of various departments and city agencies including, the Control Center, Public Safety/Security, Facilities Dept., Environmental Health and Safety, Boston Fire Department and Boston Police Department. A cooperative effort is also necessary from the building occupants. Emergency contact information can be found in the Safety/Emergency Instruction chart mounted on the wall in many administrative areas of the building. The emergency chart contains basic University instructions for various safety scenarios including fire, bomb threat, and natural disaster. The emergency phone #’s can also be found on the Red Cards that all personnel should have on the back of their BU ID’s. The Plan also describes the building layout, fire alarm system and egress routes to educate building occupants and those involved in emergency evacuation. 1.2 Building Description 670 Albany Street was built in 2006 and consists of nine stories (ninth story is the penthouse) with its primary occupant being research labs. The building’s main entrance is off of Albany Street behind 700 Albany Street and leads directly into the main lobby’s security desk. The primary occupant on the first floor is Jones Lang LaSalle, the property managing group. BMC occupies floors two and three and BUMC occupies floors four, five and eight. Floors six and seven are currently unoccupied and undeveloped although floor six will be built out for occupancy in July for BMC. On the first floor is a large auditorium, room 101B, with two exits up four steps on each side and rear exits through the lobby area. 2.0 FIRE SAFETY FEATURES 670 Albany Street is equipped with several safety features as described below. Please refer to the evacuation maps posted on all floors to showing the location of the two emergency stairwells, A and B, fire extinguishers and fire alarm pull stations. Page 2 670 Albany Street June 2007 2.1 Stairwells and Egress The building contains two sets of emergency stairwells, stairwell A and stairwell B. Stairwell A connects the first floor to the ninth floor with exit access on the first floor. The roof is accessible through this stairwell. Stairwell B connects the first floor to the eighth floor with exit access on the first floor. The two stairwells are fully enclosed and will protect evacuees from smoke and/or fire provided fire doors are in proper working order and are latched shut, there are no penetrations through fire walls, and there is no storage of any kind in or under the stairwell. There are two emergency exits on the first floor on each side of the building in addition to the main entrance and rear exit. 2.2 Fire Escapes There are no fire escapes available. 2.3 Sprinkler System 670 Albany Street is protected by an automatic sprinkler system. When the system is activated, either by a pull station, sprinkler head or smoke detector, it rings directly at the Boston Fire Department as well as triggering a signal at the BUMC Control Center. There are standpipe hose connections in Stairwell A. The fire pump room is located on the first floor in room number 112. 2.4 Fire Alarm Systems The fire alarm pull stations are located at the entrances to each of the two stairwells on all floors. The fire alarm control panel is located in the fire command center on the first floor behind the security desk. The building is set up on a high rise fire alarm system. When activated the fire alarm will ring on the floor of origin and the floor above, strobes will be activated, any fire doors tied into the alarm system will automatically close and a signal sent to Boston Fire Department and the Control Center. Also on every floor is a fire alarm closet. The following is what takes place when the building goes into alarm: 1. Once an alarm is received, a series of audible horns and strobe lights will be activated notifying the occupants that an alarm has been received. 2. The horns will sound throughout the building for approximately 40 seconds, after which a recorded message will be broadcast over the building’s public address system notifying the entire building of the following: “Attention please. The signal tone you have just heard indicates a report of an emergency in this building. If your floor evacuation signal sounds after this message, walk to the nearest stairway and leave the floor. While the report is being verified, occupants on other floors should await further instructions.” 3. This message is repeated twice. Page 3 670 Albany Street June 2007 4. After the message, the evacuation signal (a slow whooping alarm) will sound on the affected floor and the floors immediately above and below the affected floor indicating evacuation should begin as per the building evacuation plan. All other floors will receive a flashing fire light alerting occupants to stand by for further instructions. 5. In the event of a confirmed emergency, a building general evacuation will be sounded, noted by the slow whooping alarm on your floor. At this time you are to immediately leave the building via the nearest exit stairwell. DO NOT USE THE ELEVATORS 6. Once the building is safe the Fire Department will announce an "all clear." Please do not re-enter the building until the Fire Department's approval. Please do not call the Management Office or the Control Center for fact-finding information. 2.5 Fire Extinguishers All floors are equipped with fire extinguishers. The fire extinguishers in the corridors and common areas are ABC, dry chemical extinguishers that are inspected on a regular bases. The use of fire extinguishers on the Boston University Medical campus is restricted to the R.A.C.E fire plan and will only be used by trained individuals. Extinguishers are to be used to put out a small fire (no bigger than waste basket size) or to assist in escaping from a large fire without risk to operator safety. All personnel should know the location and types of fire extinguishers in their area and know how to use them. Please contact OEHS for additional information. An easy way to learn how to use a Fire Extinguisher is the anagram PASS: P A S S Pull the pin to break the seal tag Aim the nozzle of the extinguisher at the base of the fire. Stand at a safe distance from the fire (approx. 8-10 feet). Squeeze the handle to discharge the fire extinguishers contents. Sweep the nozzle from side to side. 2.6 High Hazard Areas Room 113 is the chemical storage room for the building. Room 117 is medical waste storage and waste water treatment. Waste is picked up at least twice a week by an outside contractor. Page 4 670 Albany Street June 2007 3.0 ORGANIZATION AND RESPONSIBILITY The following sections outline the roles and responsibilities that have been assigned in the event of an emergency evacuation. 3.1 Principle Investigators, Chemical Hygiene & Safety Officers Responsibilities include the following: Becoming familiar with all areas in which he/she may occupy; review the posted emergency evacuation floor plan, which shows exit routes (primary and secondary means of egress), fire alarm-pull stations, location of fire extinguishers, and other emergency equipment Assessing the situation and directing emergency response actions until Emergency Responders (Public Safety/Security, BFD) arrive Providing assistance and acting as a liaison between BUMC and Emergency responders Overseeing and assisting with evacuation procedure by asking all personnel to evacuate from labs, bathrooms, classrooms, offices and conference areas Determining if anyone in his or her area may need special assistance in the event of an alarm. When the alarm sounds and someone cannot evacuate his/her area for whatever reason, a staff member should assist the individual to an area of refuge, typically a stairwell. Wait with this person while another person notifies emergency responders (BFD, Public Safety/Security) that assistance is needed Directing all occupants to stairs and avoiding the use of elevators. Directing all personnel to the designated meeting points 3.2 Building Occupants Becoming familiar with all areas in which he/she may occupy; review the posted emergency evacuation floor plan, which shows exit routes (primary and secondary means of egress), fire alarm-pull stations, location of fire extinguishers, and other emergency equipment Avoid the use of elevators unless directed by the fire department or other authorized authority Upon alarm sounding on your floor evacuate the area immediately and check to see that all doors are closed upon evacuation Report to the meeting point and wait further instructions given by the fire department or other authorized authority 3.3 Department Head/ Chairman Responsibilities The Department Head Responsibilities include the following: Page 5 670 Albany Street June 2007 Becoming familiar with the evacuation guidelines set forth in this plan. Ensuring that new and existing employees are familiar with the guidelines set forth in this plan Identifying persons that may require special assistance in the event of a building evacuation 3.4 Office of Environmental Health and Safety The Office of Environmental Health and Safety is responsible for the following: Coordinating and assisting with fire drills Inspecting Boston University Medical Center buildings to ensure proper compliance with fire protection and life safety regulations and codes Reviewing this plan with building leadership to make necessary changes and updates Providing training for occupants as necessary or requested. Investigating fires or fire alarms as necessary or as requested 3.5 Public Safety/Security Public Safety/Security is responsible for the following: Security dispatch will alert all available Security personnel through portable radios Communicating with the Control Center through out the evacuation or Cod Red Procedures Upon arrival of the BFD, Security will escort the BFD to the fire alarm location as indicated on the fire alarm panel Other available Security Officers will respond to the floor of the reported emergency and assist as needed 3.6 Boston University Medical Campus Facilities The Office of Facilities is responsible for the following: Responding to emergency evacuation and assisting as needed Setting up the testing of emergency systems including fire alarms and emergency lighting in accordance with applicable NFPA, State of Massachusetts and City of Boston regulations Maintaining and repairing facility emergency equipment Assisting the Office of Environmental Health and Safety during emergency evacuation drills 3.7 Control Center Page 6 670 Albany Street June 2007 Upon receiving a Code Red call will immediately notify BFD Notify all available BU Facilities personnel available through page system or portable radio Notify the page operator with all information regarding the location and any other available information Contact the alarm servicing company (Simplex Grinnell) to reset the alarm following BFD approval 3.8 Operator Services Will send out a group page upon instructions from the Control Center (Operator Services maintains a current Code Red Page list) Ex: “Code Red 670 Albany 3rd Floor East Wing” A group page will also be sent out to clear fire alarms upon approval by BFD ex: “Code Red 670 Albany 3rd Floor East Wing, All Clear” 4.0 EVACUATION PROCEDURES Upon the detection of fire or smoke the R.A.C.E. fire plan is to be followed. The fire alarm system is to be activated and building evacuation is to be conducted. The following describes the steps of the R.A.C.E. fire plan: 4.1 The R.A.C.E. Fire Plan Rescue/ Remove: Remove yourself or anyone who is in immediate danger by the fire or smoke. In some cases it may be prudent to sound the alarm first, because if you are overcome by the effects of the fire there may be no one available to assist you. Alert/ Alarm: It is important to alert others to the fire and get help as soon as possible. Call out “Code Red” and activate the nearest fire alarm pull station in your area. The fire alarm bells will sound, immediately call 8-6666 to report the exact location and details of the fire and first responders will arrive. Pulling a Fire Alarm Pull Station is the quickest way to summon help and report a fire. Do that first only if a pull station is readily available, and then call 8-6666 and report the exact location. REMEMBER – You can delegate someone to activate the Fire Alarm Pull Station and call for help. Always use both methods to ensure that the BFD has been notified and that the exact location of the fire is displayed on the fire panel. Confine/ Close Shut all doors and windows and turn off all fans and air conditioners as you leave the building. Do not go through or allow passage through the corridor fire doors unless you have a specific job function or purpose that can not be delayed. If you need to go through doors during a fire alarm, test the door first to make sure that it is not hot. Open the door slowly. If there is smoke or fire on the other side quickly re-shut the door and seek a secondary egress route. Page 7 670 Albany Street June 2007 Extinguish/Evacuate: A fire extinguisher is to be used when one is readily extinguishable (no larger than waste basket size) or can be used to escape from a larger fire without danger to the operator’s safety. Evacuate yourself or anyone else that is in danger. Immediately remove them to safety after summoning help. If the fire alarm sounds, check your area to confirm that the fire or smoke is not in your area, then listen for evacuation tones or instructions from the fire alarm system. If someone cannot evacuate his/her area for whatever reason, a staff member should assist the individual to an area of refuge, typically a stairwell. Wait with this person while another person notifies emergency responders (BFD, Public Safety/Security) either in person or by calling 8-4444 that assistance is needed. BFD, Public Safety/Security will make the decision whether or not to evacuate the individual. Elevators are not to be used during evacuation unless authorized by BFD. 4.2 The Meeting Point When evacuation is necessary building occupants should exit and report the southeast side of the building, away from responding emergency vehicles. (I removed the photo’s) 4.3 Re-entry Notification Procedures Re-entry will be allowed when the Boston Fire Department or the authority having jurisdiction has cleared the building. This will be indicated by the de-activation of the alarm system or through a verbal notification by the Fire Department. The Fire Alarm should only be turned off when directed by the Boston Fire Department. The Alarm Company (Simplex Grinnell) will be contacted by the Control Center to reset the Fire Alarm. 5.0 TRAINING The following sections outline the evacuation plan training requirements. Initial training will be conducted for responsible individuals within the evacuation plan, and periodic refresher training will be provided when facility, personnel or procedural changes are made. 5.1 Initial Training Employees expected to perform duties under this evacuation plan are provided training prior to assuming their roles. Brief training includes, but is not limited to, roles and responsibilities, notification procedures, evacuation procedures, meeting point and assisting with a quick and smooth evacuation. Additional training will be provided when the Evacuation Plan is amended or changed due to facility or personnel changes. Page 8 670 Albany Street June 2007 5.2 Refresher Training Periodic refresher training will be provided to responsible individuals identified in this plan. The Building Administrator, with assistance from the Office of Environmental Health and Safety, will conduct the refresher training. Refresher training will be provided annually and when deficiencies in the plan are discovered or the plan is amended as a result of the annual review. . 6.0 PLAN REVIEW AND FIRE DRILL The Building Administrator, with assistance from the Office of Environmental Health and Safety, will conduct an annual review of this plan. Items that should be taken into consideration during the review include, but are not limited to, evacuation drill critiques, information provided by the building occupants, and facility changes. The Evacuation Plan will be amended to reflect any facility or personnel changes affecting the Plan. Page 9 APPENDIX A STAIRWELL ACCESS & EXIT INFORMATION STAIRWELL Stairwell A First through 9th floor Stairwell B First through 8th floor ACCESS Stairwell A connects the first floor to the ninth floor mechanical penthouse with exit access on the first floor. Stairwell B connects the first floor to the eight floor with exit access on the first floor. Emergency Exits First floor emergency exits are located on the either side of the main entrance and in the rear of the building. APPENDIX B BUMC FIRE DRILL CRITIQUE FORM YES NO N/A 1. Were the alarm bells/horns working? 2. Could the alarm bells/horns be heard in all areas of the building? 3. Did all personnel evacuate their floor? 4. Were elevators used during the drill? (never use elevators, stairwells only) 5. Were any fire doors (stairwell doors) propped open? 6. Did fire doors, which automatically close, function properly? 7. Were any persons requiring special assistance, if any, properly attended to? 8. Did staff/faculty meet at the pre-arranged meeting point? 9. How did personnel, students, and/or visitor’s respond/react to the drill on your floor? 10. What type of difficulties, if any, were encountered during the evacuation? NAME: DEPARTMENT: DATE: Please return to the Office of Environmental Health and Safety 85 East Newton Street 4th Floor Page11 APPENDIX C EMERGENCY CONTACT LIST Public Safety/Securtiy Boston Fire Department Boston Police Department Building Administrator, Jones Lang LaSalle Office of Environmental Health and Safety Control Center Disaster Information Hotline (BMC/BUMC) 8-4444 911 911 414-8102 8-8830 8-4444 8-6886