Sponsoring Options - University of Peradeniya

Sponsoring Options for ACFMX
Possible ways in which your organization could sponsor the Tenth Asian Congress of Fluid
Mechanics are identified in the following list. Kindly indicate your ability to sponsor and the way
in which you intend to sponsor on this sheet and send it at the earliest possible to
Prof. S. Sivasegaram/ Chairman
ACFMX Secretariat, Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya
Email: acfmx@pdn.ac.lk, Tel: 94-81-2388853 , 2388029, 2380080 , Fax: 94-81-2380087
An early response will help us very much in planning and organising the Congress.
Name of the organisation: …………………………………………………………………………
Name of the officer dealing with the subject……………………………………………………….
Mode of sponsorship
Major donors
Acknowledge as a sponsor in the newspaper
supplement and in the congress related publications.
Display an advertising banner in a prominent location
at the venue, provided with a space for an industry stall
Acknowledge as a sponsor in the newspaper
supplement, Display an advertising banner in a
prominent location
Sponsorship of Special Events:
Acknowledge as a sponsor during the activity and in
congress related publications.
Display an advertising banner in a prominent location in
the venue,
Congress banquet/4 sponsors
Cultural show/ 2 sponsors
Congress day tour
Setting up of Industry stalls
Placing advertising banners in parallel sessions
Advertising in Congress souvenir
Registering participants
(The fee covers congress proceedings, refreshment and
lunch during the conference, banquet, cultural show)
Proposed contribution
Rs.100,000 and above
Rs 75,000
Rs.50,000 per sponsor
Rs.25 000 per sponsor
Rs.50 000
Rs.15 000 per 15 sq. m floor area
Rs. 10,000 per banner per day
Rs 25 000 for entire duration
Rs. 25 000 outside back cover
Rs.15 000 inside front and back cover
Rs 10 000 full page inside
Block registration @
Rs.40,000/- for 5 participants
Rs.8000/- per particpant
When making the contribution please make the cheque in favour of “ACFMX, University of
Peradeniya” and send to Prof. S. Sivasegaram, ACFMX Secretariat, Faculty of Engineering,
University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya.
Fax: (94) 81 2380087, Phone: (94) 81 2388029, 2380080, 2388853
E-mail: acfmx@pdn.ac.lk)