OUR LADY STAR OF THE SEA CHURCH 1200 Shippan Avenue Stamford, CT. 06902 SPONSOR ELIGIBILITY CERTIFICATE For _____Baptism _____Confirmation For the Sponsor: As a registered and participating member of the parish community of Our Lady star of the Sea Church, Stamford, CT, I affirm that: I have received three Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. I participate in the Mass on Sundays and Holy Days and receive the Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation regularly. If married, I have been validly married according to the laws of the Catholic Church. I actively strive to live out my commitment to Christ and to the community life of the Church by loving response to those with whom I come in contact daily. I realize that I assume a great responsibility before God and the Church in becoming a sponsor. I will give support to __________________, the person I am sponsoring in the Sacrament of _______________, by my prayers and by the Christian example of my daily life. And so by my signature, I promise before God and attest to the truth of these statements: (Please Print Sponsor’s Name) Sponsors Signature For the Priest: As the pastor assigned to the spiritual care of this Parish, I attest that the abovesigned individual has read and understands the basic requirements of being a sponsor and, in signing, indicates full compliance with these requirements. I have encouraged this individual to read and reflect on the fuller explanation of what a sponsor is, on the back of this form. I have also invited this individual to see this moment as an opportunity to move even more closely to the Lord, and to recommit him/herself to the practice of the faith with even more enthusiasm. Parish Priest Date