REPORTING FORM OF SERIOUS SUSPECTED UNEXPECTED ADVERSE REACTIONS Protocol №. Suspected adverse reaction: Investigated product: 1. Patient initials I. Information about the adverse reaction: 1. Country 2. Birth date Day Month 2.a.Age 3.Gender Year Notification № Patient № 4-6 Manifestation of A.R. Day Month Year 8-12 Mark the appropriate [ ] Death [ ] Dangerous for life [ ] Prolongation of the hospitalization [ ] Invalidant [ ] Congenital anomalies/ cancer [ ] Other important conditions 7. Description of the reaction (tests included/ relevant laboratory results ) II. Information about the suspected investigated products 14. Name of the product 15. Daily dose 16. Route of administration 20. A.R. disappeared after the interruption of the administration [ ] Yes [ ] No 21. A.R. reappeared after the readministration of the product [ ] Yes [ ] No 17. Indication (s): 18. Period of administration ( from / to) 19. Administration duration: III. Medicines at the same time and historical 22. Medicines at the same time and the dates of administration (except for the one that is used for the treatment of reaction) 23. Other relevant anamnesis data (for example diagnostics, allergic reactions, pregnancy etc.) IV Information about the sponsor and the investigator 24.a. Name and the address of the sponsor 24.b. Investigator’s name 24.c. Date of receipt by sponsor 25.a. Type of information [ ] Initial [ ] Sequential 25.b.Method of informing of the sponsor Informing date Receipt date [ ] Attached additional information Sponsor’s signature