Lesson 3: Effective Leadership Traits

Middle School Curriculum
Unit 3: Orientation to the FFA
Lesson 3: Effective Leadership Traits
Student Objectives
1. Define Leadership
2. Describe why leadership is important.
3. Describe traits of a good leader.
Agriculture QCC: ............................................................................................. 3, 9, 15, 21, 27, 33
Language Arts QCC:……………………………………………………..6-9, 16, 71, 74, 77, 78
7-12, 20, 67, 70, 73, 74
8-10, 20, 67, 70, 73, 74
Cooper, Elmer L. Agriscience: Fundamentals and Applications. Albany, NY: Delmar
Publishers, Inc.
FFA Student Handbook. Indianapolis, IN: National FFA Organization, latest edition.
Lee, Jasper S. Agriscience Discovery. Danville, IL: Interstate Publishers, Inc.
Morgan, Elizabeth M. Agriscience Explorations. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall
Equipment, Supplies, Materials
FFA Student Handbook (Copy for each student)
list of simple problems that need solving
bulletin board display
next FFA meeting program
prizes to be given for a contest
rules for a poster contest
overhead transparency
Transparency 7GA 7.1.1
Teaching Procedure
Introduction and Mental Set
Opportunities for leadership can be found almost anywhere. Leaders can be found in
clubs, sports, classes, churches, and jobs, just to name a few. Being a good leader requires certain traits and skills, which this unit will explore.
1. Identify people who are considered to be leaders, and identify their leadership characteristics.
2. Display pictures of leaders, including local and school leaders. Quiz students on
their common characteristics.
Georgia Middle School Agricultural Education Curriculum, Unit 3 Lesson 3
Updated May 2004
1. Question: What is meant by leadership?
Answer: It is the ability to lead.
Have students provide their own definition first.
2. Question: Why are leadership skills important?
Answer: Leadership skills are not just necessary for people who are in charge of
groups. Leadership skills are helpful in landing a first job, getting promoted, and
getting along well with people. These skills can also help build self-confidence and
improve the ability to communicate.
3. Question: What are some traits of a good leader? Display and discuss transparency
7GA 7.1.1.
 honesty
 knowledge
 courage
 tact
 enthusiasm
 unselfishness
 loyalty
Students may name other terms that describe the traits of a good leader.
4. Question:
How can good leaders be recognized?
They get along with other people.
They understand other people's feeling.
They listen to other opinions.
They are well prepared and organized.
They accept responsibility.
They are group oriented.
Other Activities
1. Split the class into small groups of no more than five. Assign each group a problem
that needs to be solved (If the problem relates to the students, they will be more
likely to find a solution). Give each individual in the group at least 10 minutes to
have a turn at being the group leader. After a solution has been reached have the
group evaluate each other's performance at being a leader based on items identified
as being traits and characteristics of a good leader.
2. Have each student attend a meeting in the local community to observe the leadership
skills demonstrated.
Georgia Middle School Agricultural Education Curriculum, Unit 3 Lesson 3
Updated May 2004
Language Arts
Middle School Connections in Agriculture Education
Language Arts QCC: Grade 6-9, 16, 71, 74, 77, 78
7-12, 20, 67, 70, 73, 74
8-10, 20, 67, 70, 73, 74
Name____________________________________ Period____ Date______________
Leaders surround us everyday. Your teacher is an important leader as well as your
principal, the governor of your state, and even the President of the United States. Those
are not the only leaders in your life. Now think of other people you may consider a
leader and write at least a page telling how they are leaders. Do they possess the traits of
leader? Describe some of those traits and tell how that person uses those traits to be a
leader. Remember to use detail, complete sentences, and correct spelling and grammar
when writing.
Georgia Middle School Agricultural Education Curriculum, Unit 3 Lesson 3
Updated May 2004
Georgia Middle School Agricultural Education Curriculum, Unit 3 Lesson 3
Updated May 2004
Leadership is acquired through an understanding of, and experience in the leadership
role. These skills may be applied throughout life.
Written quiz
Georgia Middle School Agricultural Education Curriculum, Unit 3 Lesson 3
Updated May 2004
7GA 7.1.1
What is leadership?
It is the ability to lead.
What are some traits of a good leader?
 honesty
 knowledge
 courage
 tact
 enthusiasm
 unselfishness
 loyalty
Georgia Middle School Agricultural Education Curriculum, Unit 3 Lesson 3
Updated May 2004