War Powers Act Timeline

War Powers Act
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War Powers Act Timeline
December 7, 1941
Attack on Pearl Harbor, which leads to U.S. engagement in World War II. During
the war, President Franklin Roosevelt wields great, unchecked power. The slogan
"politics stops at the water's edge" represented new bipartisanship in foreign policy.
August 7, 1964
Congress passes Gulf of Tonkin Resolution in response to reports that North
Vietnamese torpedo boats attacked U.S. vessels. The resolution allows for the
defense of U.S. forces and allies, and is used by Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and
later Richard M. Nixon to permit military action in Southeast Asia, despite a
divided Congress. The resolution is repealed in 1970.
November 7, 1973
Creation of the War Powers Act. Despite a veto by President Nixon, the Resolution
passes Congress and is made law. Under the resolution, the president must notify
Congress when he sends troops into areas where "imminent" hostilities are likely,
and withdraw the troops within 60 days unless Congress declares war, authorizes
the operation or extends the deadline.
May, 1975
The U.S. cargo ship Mayaguez is captured by Cambodia's Khmer Rouge. President
Gerald R. Ford sends in U.S. troops to retake the ship and rescue its crew. Ford
complies with the War Powers Act with limited but rapid military action against
Cambodia, which he reports to Congress.
May, 1987
The Reagan Administration decides against invoking War Powers Act in escorting
Kuwaiti tankers under American flags during the Iraq-Iran war. By not invoking
the Act, Reagan circumvents formally alerting Congress of the operation, also
escaping the law's requirement that military action cease 60 days after reporting to
Congress. Reagan maintains that the operation did not require use of the War
Powers Act, despite heavy congressional pressure to yield to the Act. The Senate
eventually votes down a motion to invoke the Act on the operation.
August 10, 1990
President George Bush formally informs Congress that troops have been stationed
in Saudi Arabia, but does not invoke the War Powers Act, thus preventing a 60-day
countdown prescribed by the Act. Bush is criticized for his loose interpretation of
the law as troops overstay 60 days without formal congressional support.
November 1993
House Republicans invoke War Powers Act as means to force an early removal of
troops from Somalia. Democrats argue that removal of troops would cause Clinton
to lose face and hamper efforts to recruit international replacements. Republicans
counter that American lives are the top consideration, particularly after 18
Americans die in a firefight in October.
June 7, 1995
House of Representatives votes to retain the War Powers Act, defeating a
Republican move to repeal the act. Republican motivation for the repeal is a
stronger presidency, while the Democratic minority argues that Congress must be
involved in the decision to send U.S. forces abroad.
October, 1995
President Clinton struggles with Congress to assert his executive authority in
committing troops to Bosnia for a peacekeeping mission. Invoking the War Powers
Act, Clinton reminds Congress that the War Powers Act permits him to commit
troops abroad without congressional approval, but pledges to request an expression
of support by Congress after the peace accord in Bosnia was reached.
March, 1999
The Clinton administration and Congress again spar over the president's obligations
to Congress under the War Powers Act as airstrikes continue against Serbian forces
in Yugoslavia.
September 11,
Terrorist members of al Qaeda attack the World Trade Center and Pentagon,
compelling President George W. Bush to send troops to fight the Taliban in
November, 2001
The Bush administration announces vast cuts in the U.S. nuclear arsenal, propose
reorganizing the Immigration and Naturalization and sign an order allowing
terrorists to be tried in military tribunals, all without Congressional approval. The
Bush administration maintains that presidential powers naturally swell in times of
crisis - inflating Bush's "dominance over American government exceeding that of
other post-Watergate presidents and rivaling even Franklin D. Roosevelt's
command," according to a Nov. 20, 2001, Washington Post article by Dana
Source: “War Powers Act Timeline”, OnPolitics Political News, The Washington Post.
Retrieved November 3, 2011.
Available at: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/onpolitics/articles/timeline_politics1.html