Scottish Romanticism and World Literature Index of Paper Titles Sharon Alker (Whitman College), “‘Wild English Boys: Scottish Romanticism in Edgeworth’s ‘Forester’” Mark Allison (Berkeley), “Geist in the Machine: Scottish Materialist History and Early Victorian Social Criticism." Samuel Baker (Texas, Austin), “Scott and the States of America; or ‘The Union Again, if not Forever’” Carol Baraniuk (Glasgow), “‘At my ain fire-side at last’: Exile and Return in the Life and Works of James Orr, a Scotch-Irish Poet” David Bates (Berkeley), “Constitutional Violence” Rhona Brown (Glasgow), “The Reception of Robert Burns in the Scottish, Irish and American Periodical Press” Margaret Bruzelius (Smith), “Dumas’s Scott” Catherine Cronquist Browning (Berkeley), “‘Myself maun bear the blame’: Structuring Feminine Power and Voice in the ‘Tam Lin’ Ballad” Andrea Cabajsky (Moncton), “Reading Canada's Literary History in English and French: Scott's Critical Reception in Canadian and Quebec Studies” Jen Camden (Indianapolis), “Race, Femininity and the Historical Romance in Ivanhoe and Hope Leslie” Stuart Campbell (Glasgow), “What Happened to the Romance of Scotland in Nineteenth-century Russian Music?” Siobhan Carroll (Indiana), “Of Nobles and Savages: William Gilmore Simms and the Americanization of the Waverley Novels” Claire Connolly (Cardiff), “Reanimating the Corpse of Superstition: Scottish and Irish Gothic” Jane Darcy (King’s College, London), “Burns and Highland Mary: Early Constructions of a Literary Reputation” Carol Davison (Windsor), “Gothic Scotland/Scottish Gothic: The Politics and Poetics of a Literary Tradition” Leith Davis (Simon Fraser), “Scottish Romanticism, Cyberspace and Global Technologies of Nostalgia” Tony Day (Yale), “Scott in the Indies” 2 James Deboo (Lancaster), “Burns and Wordsworth” JoEllen DeLucia (Indiana), “Ossian, The Bluestockings, and Conjectural History” Julie Donovan (George Washington U), “Lady Morgan and Walter Scott’s Worn Out Inexpressibles” Simon Edwards (Roehampton), “The Wild Boy of the Woods: Scott, Dickens and the Feral Child” Mary Favret (Indiana), “Enlightenment Historiography in Wartime” Penny Fielding (Edinburgh), “Secrecy and Sedition in Scotland and America” Tim Fulford (Nottingham Trent), “Scottish Indians” Michael Gardiner (Chiba University, Japan), “‘Is the ‘Scottish’ in Scottish Romanticism like the ‘English’ in ‘English Romanticism’?” Peter Garside (Edinburgh), “The Scotch Novel, 1770-1836” Denise Gigante (Stanford), “On Hospitality, Raw and Cooked” Suzanne Gilbert (Stirling), “Scottish Narrative and the Authority of Tradition” Kevis Goodman (Berkeley) “English Bards and Scotch Physicians: Nostalgia and the History in Motion[s]” Nancy Goslee (Tennesseee-Knoxville), “Falkirk and Footnotes: Holford, Scott and the Figure of Wallace” Evan Gottlieb (Oregon State), “Walter Scott’s New World Order” Pauline Gray (Glasgow), “Prudes, Pirates and Bills of Suspension: The Correspondence of Burns and ‘Clarinda’” Jared Greene (Berkeley), “The Three Perils of the Novel: Scale, Sequence, Simultaneity” Rae Greiner (Berkeley), “Adam Smith’s Narrative Sympathy” Hans de Groot (Toronto), “Cervantes and Sterne in the fiction of James Hogg” Maureen Harkin (Reed College), “Adam Smith’s Literary Culture” Antony Hasler (St Louis), “Scott and Medieval Excitement” Richard James Hill, “Scott, illustration and The Keepsake” Andrew Hook (Glasgow), “Scottish Literary Romanticism and its American Reception” 3 Gill Hughes (Stirling), “Hogg, Wallace and Waterloo” Noel Jackson (MIT), “Conjectural Physiology, Wordsworth’s ‘Infant Babe,’ and the History of the Senses” Tony Jarrels (USC), “Provincializing Enlightenment” Catherine Jones (Aberdeen), “Mme de Staël and Scotland: Corinne, Ossian and the Science of Nations” Sylvie Kleiman-Lafon (Paris VIII), “Fingal and the Steam Engine: Jules Verne’s Vision of Romantic Scotland” Dana Van Kooy (UC Boulder), “Melodrama, Extravaganza, and Gothic Romance: Dramatic Refigurations of Cultural Identity in Scott’s Doom of Devorgoil” Celeste Langan (Berkeley), “Ossian and Napoleon” Nigel Leask (Glasgow), “Conspiracy Theories in 1790s Scotland” Alison Lumsden/David Hewitt (Aberdeen), Panel on the work of the Walter Scott Research Centre at the University of Aberdeen Nicholas Mason (Brigham Young), “Blackwood’s and the Scottish Poetic Tradition” Caroline McCracken-Flesher (Wyoming), “Fighting Words: Dueling at the Bounds of Class and Culture in the Newspapers of Walter Scott’s Scotland” Kirsteen McCue (Glasgow), “The Ettrick Shepherd in Soho Square” Maureen McLane (Harvard), “Scottish Romanticism Before and After ‘World Literature[s]’: National Song, Transnational Airs, Transcultural Fantasy, Medial Circuits” Ken McNeil (Eastern Connecticut State), “Voices of Empire: Ann Grant’s Memoirs of an American Lady” Peter Manning and Susan Scheckel (SUNY Stony Brook), “Troubling Boundaries: Scott, Whitman, and National Poetry” Richard Maxwell (Yale), “Scott and South America” Margery Palmer McCulloch (Glasgow), “‘You Talk Utopia’: Romanticism and the Twentieth-Century Scottish Renaissance Movement” Silvia Mergenthal (Konstanz): “Caledonia Germanica? German Women Writers Discover Scotland” Tom Mole (McGill), “‘Personality’ in Blackwood’s Attacks on the Cockney School” Andrew Monnickendam (Barcelona), “Women and War: Christian Isobel Johnstone, Clan-Albin 4 and the Ideology of the Historical Novel” Dafydd Moore (Plymouth), “Tennyson, Malory and the Ossianic Mode: The Poems of Ossian and the Deaths of Arthur” Jane Moore (Cardiff/Caerdydd), “Owen of New Lanark: Wales, Scotland and Romantic period Satire” Slavica Naumovska (Berkeley), TBA Rebecca Newman (Rhodes College), “‘Our Edinburgh Brethren’: Blackwood’s, Peter’s Letters and the Problem of Magazine” Kathleen O’Donnell (Galway), “Ossian in the19th Century Greek-speaking World” Sharon Ragaz (Oxford), “The Scottish Connection: Walter Scott and the Quarterly Review” Alan Rawes (Manchester), “Byron and the Scottish Foundations of European Romanticism” Joe Rezek (UCLA), “Jeanie Deans Goes to London: The Heart of Mid-Lothian and the Structure of the Early Nineteenth-Century Anglophone Literary Field” Fiona Robertson (University of Central England, Birmingham), “Emblems, Devices, and the Figure of the Substitute: Scott, Hawthorne, Crane” Ann Rowland (Harvard), “A Colony of Children: Cultural Theory for the New World” Dermot Ryan (Columbia), “‘The Beauty of That Arrangement’: Adam Smith Imagines Empire” Mark Schoenfield (Vanderbilt), “Pageantry and Majesty: The King and the Maga” Patrick Scott (South Carolina), “Tennyson, Ossian, and the Origins of In Memoriam” Jeffrey Scraba (Memphis), “Abbotsford on the Hudson” Deirdre Shepherd (Edinburgh), “Sir Walter Scott, James Hogg and the Taming of the Uncanny” Juliet Shields (Ohio State), “The Origins of Sensibility and the Origins of Great Britain” Ryan Shirey (Washington U), “A Background of Infinite Possibility: the Romanticism of the Scottish Renaissance” Erik Simpson (Grinnell), “‘A Minstrel of the Western Continent’: The Last of the Mohicans and American Minstrelsy Before Blackface” Janet Sorensen (Indiana), “Figuring the People in English and Scottish Ballad Collections” Gilles Soubigou (Sorbonne), “‘Un pays vraiment romantique’: The Reception of Scottish Literature in French Romantic Art” 5 Fiona Stafford (Oxford), “Lice, Mice, Bumclocks, Grubs: Dialect Poetry and the Legacy of Burns” Neil Vickers (King’s College, London), “Lockhart, Schlegel, Burns, or Rewriting the Literary History of Eighteenth-Century Britain” Enrica Villari (Venice), “‘History saved my mind from utter dissipation’: Scott, Tolstoj and the Therapy of History” Tara Wallace (George Washington University), “Returning Romance to the Crusades: Walter Scott’s The Talisman and Ridley Scott’s ‘Kingdom of Heaven” Leslie Walton (Yale), “Maria Edgeworth, Moral Philosophy, and the Education of Daughters” Jennifer Watson (Texas, Austin), “Re-imagining Nation and Gender: Janet Little and Isabel Pagan’s ‘Metre of diff’rent kinds’” Matt Wickman (Brigham Young), “‘Alba Newton’; or, After Euclid, Before Scott” Alison Yarrington (Glasgow), “Cawdor, Hewetson and Canova”