Annual Report for Beta Alpha Chapter Membership List: NAME Megan Baker Sara Greenbaum Katrina Williams Amanda Heilman Sara Meagher Lea Simon Amy Brown Blair Conard Cindie Hengen Emily Yu Jessica Hernandez Jesica ListmanWard MAJOR Ag and Resource Econ. Animal and Avian Sci. Animal and Avian Sci. Animal and Avian Sci. Animal and Avian Sci. & Ag Science and Tech. Animal and Avian Sci. Animal and Avian Sci. Ag Science and Tech Animal and Avian Sci. Jennie Howland Dietetics Ag Science and Tech Animal and Avian Sci. Animal and Avian Sci. Animal and Avian Sci. Environmental Science Megan Scott INACTIVE Maire O'Meara Plant Science Animal and Avian Sci. Animal and Avian Sci. Animal and Avian Sci. Katie Kemp Lisa Richardson Kim Menendez Katie Hannum Lisa Perez YEAR GRAD. DATE GPA OTHER ORGANIZATIONS 3.4 Senior May-08 Collegiate 4H, Ag Council, Ag Ambassadors Junior May-09 UMEC, Farm Crew Junior May-09 Work > 10 hours 3.2 Soph. May-11 Collegiate 4H, Animal Husbandry 2.6 Soph. May-11 Collegiate 4H, Animal Husbandry, Ag Council, Alpha Zeta Senior May-08 Earthworks 3.4 Soph. May-10 Vet Sci, Alpha Zeta, UMEC, UMET, AGNR Ambassadors 3.5 Senior May-08 Soph. May-10 UMD Senate, Vet-Sci Campus Crusade for Christ, Animal Husbandry, Vet Sci, CP Scholars and Band Senior May-08 Senior May-08 Collegiate 4H, IMPACT Animal Husbandry, Ag Council, Dairy Judging Team, Alpha Zeta, Phi Theta Kappa Senior May-08 Pre-vet, Commuters, Student Senate Academic Affairs Committee, 4H 3.2 Senior May-08 Animal Husbandry, Ag Council, Dairy Judging Team 3.8 Senior May-08 Ag Council, Collegiate 4H, UMD Women's Crew, MD Chorus 2.2 Junior Dec-08 Donors for Life Junior Dec-08 UMD Sustainable Agriculture Ag Group, Garden Club Junior May-09 Work > 10 hours Senior May-08 UMD Track, Alpha Zeta Junior May-09 Alpha Zeta, Vet Sci Club, Work > 10 hours 3 3.89 3.14 3.56 2.586 2.94 2.733 2.9 3.33 3.333 1 Chapter Strengths: Leadership Camaraderie Socialization Enthusiasm Great rush spring 07 o Lots of flyers Creativity and good ideas Ag Day Fundraiser o Lots of $ Sisterhood events Chapter Weaknesses: Participation Parliamentary procedure Following through Lack of equal participation Ag Day organization Lost MCs o Didn’t place enough importance on ceremonies Not responding to emails Professional events Communication with advisor Chapter Long-term Goals: Membership growth Development within sorority o Traditions for example Stronger philanthropy program Finding storage More officer training Chapter Short-term Goals: Information hunt for us and MCs Quiz night on SA facts Get to know rushes and MCs better REGIONAL CONVENTION PLANNING Website Test banks Invite advisor to meetings (get a shirt?) Following parliamentary procedure Disciplinary action for nonparticipation Better delegation of roles Better Ag day organization 2 Officer Reports: President: The 2006-2007 school years showed some grand changes for the Beta Alpha chapter. My goal as the chapter president was to increase the number of Beta Alpha sisters and develop the chapter as a whole. The presidential role was harder this year because there was a change in presidents half-way through the year. This created many challenges such as lack of information, and transition. Also as the chapter president I was faced with bringing the sorority out of financial debt to the National Chapter. I worked with the National Board Contact to relieve our chapter of debt. I encouraged all of the officers to take on new projects and to create more activities in our community. I also worked closely with the officers and mandated that we have regular officer meetings. 1st Vice President: As the 1st Vice President I was faced with many challenges. My goal was to start having a meeting once a month devoted to professional development. I developed meetings and activities to increase the professionalism of the women in our sorority. Along with the President I worked to keep parliamentary procedure a primary part of our meeting procedures. We had a jeopardy night to increase the knowledge of Robert’s Rule Order. I also made sure the National and Chapter by-laws were available to all sisters and I kept myself up-to-date on rules and regulations of the sorority. 2nd Vice President: The 2006-2007 school years were very productive for the 2nd Vice President. It was my goal to continue to increase the number of sisters in the chapter by at least fifteen. This goal was almost accomplished because there were twelve new girls this year 4 in the Eta class and 8 in the Theta class. As 2nd Vice I committed a date and time for both semesters for the Membership Candidates to come and learn the facts and history about the Sigma Alpha Sorority. We also had community service events such as stream clean ups, food, and animal shelter donation drives, and during these events not only MCs attended, but active members as well. This developed the sisterhood among the MCs and actives. Treasurer: My personal goals as treasurer of Sigma Alpha National Sorority, Beta Alpha Chapter, are to collect and deposit dues and other incomes in an organized and timely manner, organize and maintain the money and account information, promptly reimburse members for expenses incurred in service to Sigma Alpha, order supplies (pins, T-shirts, etc.) in a 3 timely manner, and to serve on the Executive Board and help make decisions for the betterment of Sigma Alpha. To achieve these goals I regularly balance the chapter checkbook and organize receipts in a binder titled Treasure’s Notebook. I give my honest opinion about the state of our account when members suggest our account pay for sorority related items, for example, food and supplies for events. To promptly reimburse members I bring the checkbook to every meeting and require receipts for expenses. Supplies such as pins and T-shirts for new members are ordered when we are reasonably sure they will complete the membership candidate process in order to avoid purchasing extra items. To help make decisions for Sigma Alpha I attend weekly meetings and participate in discussions and votes. Secretary: As the secretary, I keep track of attendance at all meetings and events. I try to encourage attendance from the sisters by setting a good example and attending all sorority functions. I also keep the listserv up-to-date, by deleting alumni addresses and adding the addresses of new initiates, and the contact sheet each semester. At meetings I take careful detail and notes which I then send to all sisters over the listserv in a timely fashion. My goal for the 2007-2008 school year is to encourage the use of super sister points and awards. Rush: As rush chair, I am in charge of coordinating the rush events and keeping the rushes infomed about the events, meetings, interviews, and bids. Our Theta class was the biggest class in our chapter so far! The final class consisted of 8 sisters. We made it our duty to help the rushes get to know us and what we stand for through our rush events. Our rush events consisted of ice cream socials, info sessions, Sigma Alpha ribbon making, and educational events on our campus farm. We had a long interview process with the Spring rushes, but we made sure that everyone agreed and was happy with the girls that we invited into our chapter. As our chapter grows we plan to have more events that promote getting to know one another and show how we as sisters promote agriculture. 4 Committee Reports: Scholarship: As scholarship chair, I am responsible for completion, and sending of the required scholarship form. I encourage our sisters to achieve well academically. I headed the creation of a test bank so that sisters can have access to previous semesters exams and network with sisters who have completed courses in which they are currently enrolled. Further development of the test bank is ongoing; we expect it to be fully available on our website during the 2007-2008 school year. Sisterhood: For our first sisterhood event in September, we had a game night with the rushes. We played charades and pictionary. In October we had a movie night. We watched A Nightmare Before Christmas in the Animal Science building and had candy. Our third event of the semester was cookie baking. We baked and decorated gingerbread cookies. In February we had a game night with the rushes again. The sisters and rushes played taboo. In March we had a movie night in the Animal Science building. We watched the movie Eight Below. For our third event of the spring semester we made a baby quilt for a sister in need. Each sister decorated a square and then we compiled the quilt. We had an overnight event in the summer at a sister’s house. We learned about tractors and how to drive them. Then we had a bonfire and camped outside in tents. Historian: The goal for the historian last year was to document our progress as a chapter through photographs and mementos in our scrapbook. This goal was achieved by taking pictures of sisterhood events and of our new sisters at ceremonies and keeping these in the chapter scrapbook. Another thing that historian has control over is our Display Case located in one of our Academic Buildings. It really gets our names out there to students within the college as the pass by going from class to class. Financial Report: Please refer to the excel file named SABA Budget on this CD. Fundraising Report: We began each semester by collecting dues ($40.00 per member). At the end of the Fall semester we had a candle fundraiser that raised $250.00. During our Spring semester, our 5 fundraising was held during Maryland Day/Agriculture Day at the University of Maryland. We raised money with our traditional Kiss-a-Pig contest, and a bake sale. We made $397.36 that day. For the Fall 2007-Spring 2008 year, we expect to try to have a bake sale and we are currently brainstorming ideas to raise money in conjunction with other organizations on campus. We also plan to do fundraising at Maryland Day in the spring. Membership Recruitment Report: For membership recruitment, the sisters got together in groups at different times and chalked the sidewalks all over our campus. We also had rush t-shirts made for the first time. We spent time flyering our campus throughout academic buildings and popular student spots. Through the agriculture college we sent out emails on the listserv for all of our rush events. We also attended the College’s social events, such as Fall Bash and Faculty Cook-off, together as a sorority. Our recruitment practices worked with evidence in the number of rushes. We plan to keep these practices going and to elaborate to them and introduce ones in the future. Philanthropy: Our biggest philanthropy project this year has been Ag in the Classroom, a program that we are still working to develop and perfect within our chapter. Because of numerous scheduling conflicts with the local elementary school with which we volunteered, the program was not as successful as we would have hoped. However, a few sisters did visit our partner school on one occasion. We are still working hard to expand this program as we feel it has the potential to develop into something very rewarding and beneficial to our chapter. We are planning a field trip for the students to our campus farm during the 2007-2008 school year. Professional Development: Professional development really took off this year as it was not as effective the past few years. We did many activities to encourage our sisters to strive for achievement as women in the agricultural work force. Examples of activities we performed were guest speakers from the Maryland Farm Bureau as well as our Campus Farm Manager who were both women. Workshops were also very effective such as resume building and study skills. Report of Social Activities: During the Fall semester, no social events occurred due to numerous cancellations of plans from both groups. However, spring semester was much better. On March 10th, a stream clean-up on the campus was planned with the University’s chapter of AGR. In 6 May, we also took part in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resource’s formal, hosted by the Animal Husbandry Club. This was a good time for us all to have a night out with the sisters as well as other agricultural majors and groups from the campus. Disciplinary Actions Taken: No actions were taken. Risk Management Policy/Report: Please refer to the attached word file named SABA Risk Management Policy on this CD. Chapter Bylaws: Please refer to the attached word file named SABA Bylaws on this CD. 7