Register before Monday 28th April to qualify for the early booking discount: Advanced Avian Medicine & Avian/Exotic Animal Orthopaedic Surgery – A 2-Day Practical Course Interest in avian and exotic animal medicine and surgery has evolved over the past decade and it is now one of the fastest growing areas in veterinary medicine. This course has been designed for veterinarians in practice, working with avian cases, wishing to gain a higher level of expertise in their approach to sick and injured avian and exotic patients, anaesthetic safety, and making a correct differential diagnosis. It is complimented by an extensive 3½-hour wet lab, where all delegates will undertake all common avian and exotic animal fracture repairs on cadaver cases. This is an invaluable opportunity for delegates to gain real hands-on practical experience, such that they have confidence to undertake all procedures in their own practices. Date: Fri 6. & Sat 7. June 2014 Venue: Vets Now Referrals, Swindon Country: UK Language: English Speakers/Instructors: Tom Dutton - BVM&S CertAVP(ZooMed) MRCVS Resident ECZM(avian) Neil Forbes - BVetMed, Dip ECZM(avian), FRCVS UK UK