Bonner Common Commitments - Center for Engaged Democracy

Bonner common commitments
Common Commitments
Available at:
It is our hope that all Bonner students will encounter these commitments in
one way or another throughout their time in the program. Our belief is that
exposure to these commitments through the Bonner Program will help
Bonner Scholars develop the skills and initiative to go into the world after
completing the Bonner Program well-prepared to live and serve as
educated, culturally aware, and civic-minded individuals.
Social Justice: Advocate for fairness, impartiality, and equality while
addressing systemic social and environmental issues.
Civic Engagement: Participate intentionally as a citizen in the
democratic process, actively engaging in public policy and direct
Community-Building: Establish and sustain a vibrant community
personal relationships and common interests.
Spiritual Exploration: Explore personal beliefs while respecting the
spiritual practices of others.
International Perspective: Develop international understanding that
enables individuals to participate successfully and sensitively in a
global society.
Diversity: Respect and engage the many different dimensions of
diversity in our public lives.