Exam I Study Guide

Biology 210
Exam I Study Guide
Chapter 1
1. Define anatomy and physiology
2. What are the levels of structural organization of the body? What is the hierarchy? (Look it
3. What is a tissue?
4. How many tissues make up an organ?
5. What is an organ system?
6. What is the principle of complementarity?
7. What are considered necessary life functions?
8. What are survival needs?
9. What are nutrients used for?
10. Why do we need oxygen?
11. What does appropriate temperature and atmospheric pressure do for you? What do you
think inappropriate temperature and atmospheric pressure will do for you?
12. What is the difference between anabolism and catabolism
13. What is metabolism?
14. What is homeostasis?
15. How is it maintained (homeostasis)?
16. How do negative and positive feedback mechanisms work?
17. What is the standard anatomical position?
18. Know all those directional and regional terms.
19. Know all the planes and what you get when you slice a body up through each one.
20. List the cavities of the body and what they contain.
21. What are the ventral cavities lined with?
22. What is a serous membrane?
23. What is the difference between the visceral and parietal serosa?
24. What is serous fluid? What is it good for?
25. What are the 9 anatomically defined abdominopelvic regions?
26. …and those quadrants?
Chapter 2
27. What is matter?
28. What is mass?
29. What is the difference between kinetic and potential energy?
30. What does the atomic number of an element represent?
31. What does the atomic mass represent?
32. What is an isotope? What is a radioisotope?
33. What is the relationship between the number of electrons and the number of protons in an
34. What is the difference between solutions, colloids, and suspensions?
35. What is the difference between mixtures and compounds?
36. What is a mole?
37. What is molarity?
38. What is the rule of eights (octet rule)?
Biology 210
39. What is the difference between ionic, covalent, and hydrogen bonds? (a point to be made
here that I sometimes don’t make clear in class is that ionic and covalent bonds occur
between atoms and form molecules whereas hydrogen bonds may occur between atoms
within the same molecule or different molecules but the result of a hydrogen bond is not a
new molecule. If this is unclear ask me about it.)
40. What is the difference between polar and nonpolar compounds?
41. List 4 types of chemical reactions.
42. Are chemical reactions reversible?
43. What is chemical equilibrium?
44. List 4 factors that influence chemical reactions.
45. What is the difference between organic and inorganic compounds?
46. What are all the cool properties of water and why does it have those properties?
47. What are salts?
48. What is the difference between an acid and a base? (Define)
49. What is a buffer?
50. How is acidity measured?
51. How many more hydrogen ions are in a solution with a pH of 4 than in a solution with a pH of
52. How many more hydrogen ions are in a solution with a pH of 3 than in a solution with a pH of
53. What are the 4 major classes of organic macromolecules found in the body?
54. What is the general formula of carbohydrates? What atoms make up carbohydrates?
55. What are the subunits of carbohydrates?
56. What are the functions of carbohydrates?
57. What do triglycerides consist of?
58. What do phospholipids consist of (generally)?
59. What are steroids derived from?
60. What are eicosanoids?
61. What are the subunits of proteins?
62. What kind of bonds join protein subunits?
63. What is the definition of the levels of protein structure (primary, secondary, tertiary,
64. At which level of protein structure is H-bonding important?
65. What is the difference between fibrous and globular proteins?
66. What does protein denaturation mean?
67. Is it a bad thing (denaturation)?
68. Is it reversible?
69. What are enzymes?
70. What are chaperonins?
71. What are the subunits of nucleic acids?
72. What is the difference between DNA and RNA? (Functionally and structurally?)
73. What are the rules regarding H-bonding between nitrogenous bases?
74. What is ATP?
Chapter 3
75. What is the basic structural and functional unit of life?
76. What are the three basic components of a cell?
Biology 210
77. Is the plasma membrane a double membrane? Is it a phospholipid bilayer? What is the
difference? What type of proteins does it have? How are they distributed throughout the
membrane? What does cholesterol do?
78. By what mechanism do molecules move against (up) a concentration gradient? Down a
concentration gradient? What is the difference between active and passive transport? Is
facilitated diffusion active or passive? What is osmosis? What is osmotic pressure? What is
dialysis? What is hydrostatic pressure? What is the difference between symport and
antiport? Are these active or passive processes?
79. Define exocytosis and endocytosis. What are phagocytosis and pinocytosis? What is
receptor-mediated endocytosis? What are clathrin coated pits?
80. What are G proteins? What is a second messenger? What is the first messenger? Why is
a protein kinase activated? What is cAMP?
81. Define hypertonic and hypotonic. If a cell is put into a hypertonic solution will it swell (absorb
water) or shrink (lose water)? What is the driving force for this reaction (how does water
move across a membrane)?
82. What are the plasma membrane extensions involved in movement? Which one moves the
cell and which one moves things over the surface of the cell? What do microvilli do? What
is a glycocalyx?
83. What does it mean when a cell's membrane is said to be polarized? How is the resting
membrane potential maintained? What is the role of the Na/K ATPase? Which cation
moves through the membrane more rapidly?
84. What are the permeability characteristics of the plasma membrane (semipermeable,
impermeable, permeable, selectively permeable)?
85. Where is most of a cells' energy generated? What are cristae? Does this organelle have a
double membrane?
86. Where is the hydrophobic region of the plasma membrane? How is this region made? What
molecules are important?
87. Where in the cell (what organelle) are digestive enzymes are found? Why is this organelle
sometimes called a suicide bag? What is a lysosomal storage disease – what happens and
88. What are ribosomes composed of? What do they do? Where are they found? Where are
they made? What is a polysome?
89. What is the structural difference between rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER)?
What is the functional difference?
90. How do proteins enter the Golgi apparatus? What does the Golgi apparatus do? What is
the cis face? The trans face? Where might proteins leaving the Golgi be targeted for?
91. What is the function of a peroxisome?
92. . What is the function of the cytoskeleton? List three types of filaments. Which is the
largest? The smallest?
93. What is the centrosome?
94. What is the largest organelle in the cell? Does it have a membrane? Is the membrane a
double layer? Generally where is this organelle located? List three things found within this
organelle (Nucleoplasm, nucleoli, chromatin). What two things make up chromatin? What is
the function of the nucleolus? What are histones? What is a nucleosome?
95. What are the phases of the cell cycle? What is characteristic of each of these phases? In
what phase does DNA replication occur? List two enzymes important in DNA replication.
What does the helicase do? Why is there a leading strand and a lagging strand in DNA
replication? Which one is synthesized continuously? What is an Okazaki fragment? What
Biology 210
does semi-conservative replication mean? How do the bases pair? What is a chromatid?
What is a centromere?
96. What is the difference between mitosis and meiosis? Which occurs in germ cells?
97. List the phases of mitosis. What is the highlight of each?
98. What is contact inhibition? Why does the surface to volume relationship have anything to do
with cell division? What are cell cycle check points? What are cyclins? What are Cdks?
Which is destroyed after mitosis? Define benign, malignant, metastasis.
99. What structure specifies the code for the primary structure of a protein (a specific region of
DNA)? How many bases specify an amino acid? What is a triplet? What is a codon? What
is an anti-codon? What is messenger RNA? What is transfer RNA? What role does a
ribosome play in translation? What is the difference between translation and transcription?
Where do translation and transcription take place? What enzyme makes mRNA from the
DNA template?
Chapter 4
100. What things make up the extracellular matrix? What are some common cellular
secretions? What is extracellular fluid composed of (generally)? What is it similar to? What
is interstitial fluid?
101. What is the definition of a tissue? List four types of tissues and their most important
102. How does epithelium receive nutrients? Is it ennervated? Are epithelial cells polarized?
In what way(s)? How are epithelial cells held together? What is the difference between the
basal lamina and the reticular lamina? What is a brush border? What is the functional
difference between simple and stratified epithelium? What are the three shapes of epithelial
103. What is psuedostratified columnar epithelium? What does stratified mean? What is
transitional epithelium and where is it found?
104. What is a gland? What tissue are glands derived from? What is the difference between
an endocrine gland and an exocrine gland? Is a goblet cell a gland? What does it secrete?
105. Define merocrine, holocrine, and apocrine.
106. What is the most abundant tissue in the body? What is stroma composed of? What is
the difference between stroma and parenchyma? What embryonic tissue is connective
tissue (CT) derived from? Is it vascularized? What is ground substance? What types of
fibers are present in connective tissue? What are proteoglycans? What is their function?
What are the six major cell types of connective tissue? What does “-blast” mean? What is
Wharton’s Jelly?
107. What are the three types of loose CT? What is a reticular cell? What are the two types
of dense CT? What is the predominant element? What is the difference between tendons
and ligaments? What are aponeuroses?
108. Where is elastic CT found?
109. What are the cells found in cartilage? Is cartilage vascular or avascular? List three
types. What does hyaline mean?
110. What types of cells are found in bone? What is different about the “connective tissue
characteristics” of blood as compared to other connective tissues?
111. List three types of epithelial membranes. What type of membrane covers body cavities
that open to the outside? What is the difference between a parietal and visceral membrane?
What type of membranes are pleural, peritoneal, and pericardial? What is a cutaneous
Biology 210
112. True or false: Muscle tissue is highly cellular and well vascularized. What is the function
of myofilaments? What are the proteins that make up myofilaments? What are the three
types of muscle? Which are voluntary and which are involuntary? Which is not striated?
113. What do neurons do?
114. What is the difference between regeneration and fibrosis? What is granulation tissue? Is
inflammation a normal part of tissue repair? What does histamine do? Which tissues are
easy to repair? Which exhibit very little repair?
115. List the three primary germ layers.