MSc in Health Care Sciences - University of Wolverhampton

School of Health
(Physicians Associate)
Pathway Guide for
Specialist Practitioner – Physician’s Associate
Health Care Practitioner
Academic Year 2005 - 2006
General Information
Introduction to Programme
Teaching Staff
Programme Philosophy
Aim and Learning Outcomes
Mapping out your Programme
Modular Calendar
Study Patterns
Outline of the Pathway
Postgraduate Study
Outline of Modules
The Practice Component
Pathway Assessment Regulations
Marking criteria for post graduate assessment
Extenuating circumstances and obtaining extensions
Management of the Postgraduate Diploma
University of Wolverhampton
School of Health
Mary Seacole Building
Molineux Street
Wolverhampton, WV1 1SB
Tel: 01902 518600
Fax: 01902 518660
Professor M. Chevannes
MSc in Specialist Health Care Practice
(Physicians Associate)
MSc in Health Care Sciences
Physician’s Associate
Health Care Practitioner
Hilary Paniagua
Ingrid Callwood
Clerical Support
Jan Anderson
Two Academic Years full time
Tel: 01902 518612
Welcome to the School of Health
We hope that you will enjoy and benefit from your studies at the University of Wolverhampton; we shall do
our best to ensure that you do.
You are entering a programme of study which will lead to the award of Postgraduate Diploma (PG Dip)
Health Care Sciences / MSc in Specialist Health Care Practice or MSc in Health Care Sciences. On
successful completion of the pathway you will be able to work as an MSc Specialist Health Care Practitioner
(Physician’s Associate) or as a Health Care Practitioner. You will also have acquired either a Postgraduate
Diploma or Masters in Health Care.
Following successful completion of the Postgraduate Diploma you may continue your studies to complete a
research dissertation and practice component that leads to the qualification MSc in Specialist Health Care
Practice; or a research dissertation alone that then leads to a Master of Health Care Sciences.
At the start of your studies at the University of Wolverhampton you will be given information about the
University in general and about your particular programme of study. You will find maps of the campus,
details of student facilities and a lot of other useful information on the University web site
This guide contains general information, but more specifically, is prepared for the Pathway for which you are
studying. This guide will familiarise you with the structure of the pathway, and the modules that are
available for you to study. The regulations under which the degree is conducted are important as they set
the terms and conditions that are associated with successful completion of the award.
Additional material will be given to you during your studies. In particular, at the commencement of each
module, you will receive a guide for the module and extra briefings in relation to assignments for modules.
This guide will also contain details about the practice element attached to your Pathway and information on
the learning outcomes that you will be required achieve.
This student guide is an important document, you’re asked to read it and use it regularly in relation
to the programme of study, University Regulations and professional requirements.
Teaching Staff Associated with the Pathway
Hilary Paniagua
Award Leader
Pathway Leader/ Practice Nursing
Module Leader
Ingrid Callwood
Pathway Leader/Health Visiting
Module Leader
Karen Barter
Module Leader for Ethics Module
Dr Patricia Bond
Module Leader for Research Modules
Dr I Coleman
Module Leader for Pharmacology Modules
Chris Lyle
Module Leader for Mental Health Modules
MH*** = Mary Seacole Building, City Campus
WP*** = Boundary House, Walsall Campus
MG*** = MG Block, City Campus
School Management Team
Dean of School
Associate Dean
Professor Mel Chevannes
Phillip Begg
The postgraduate award is underpinned by several considerations. Firstly, the pathway needs to take
account of the requirements of the service. Secondly, the arena of primary care is rapidly expanding and in
a state of change. Finally, the pathway should provide personal as well as academic development. In order
to attempt to reconcile these varied demands it is the intention to present a programme of study that uses
theory and practice as vehicles for learning. This will enable students to utilise their higher order academic
skills and demonstrate professional capability in practice. Practitioners should move through a process of
development to practice at a level of sophistication that enables them, at the point of qualification, to
encompass creativity, a spirit of enquiry, and the conversion of academic capability into Primary Health Care
The outcomes of reforms in health care delivery have radically altered the way in which health professionals
work, and has culminated in the bringing together of personnel into integrated groups based on the intrinsic
value of team working. Located in a political rhetoric, which reflects a market orientated social reformist
ideology; team working is a radical departure from the traditional hierarchical work organisation of the NHS.
The inference from this is that Primary Health Care Practice has been put in context and represents a
paradigm shift in service provision from multi-professional practice to inter-professional collaboration. The
School of Health sees the present climate within primary care as an opportunity to impact upon the current
situation. It aims to offer a new innovative programme, which will provide practitioners working as Physician
Associates, who will fit the criteria of the ‘Fit for Purpose’ health care workforce (Royal College of Physicians
Working Party 1999).
The team are mindful of the need to exploit opportunities for inter-disciplinary experience and interprofessional understanding. The core modules have been consciously and deliberately designed to facilitate
a specialist approach to practice and to exploit the benefits of shared learning.
Many of the changes that are occurring in health care are moving the boundaries of traditional practice. The
pathway supports professional progress by developing in students a critical awareness of practice and the
capacity to express views and conclusions based upon sound argument, and it also enables the evaluation
of complex and diverse issues.
The Dearing Report (1997) emphasises throughout the importance of higher education (HE) in preparing
students for employment and the need for HE institutions to work in partnership with employers and this
forms part of the University’s mission statement. The needs of purchasers have been considered by
incorporating current philosophies and health policy into the pathways. Employers who sponsor to the
university are looking for a course that meets their needs. Thus this pathway aims to meet the demands of
health services for creativity and enterprise. The modular approach allows the pathway to be flexible and
responsive. Effective practitioners have greater connotations than an ability to practice, these include the
concepts of innovation and change and the ability to carry out ideas to fruition. It is acknowledged that there
is a need to maximise the opportunity for strategic thinking, and provide a proactive educational experience
that enables practitioners to adapt to change and become proponents and creators of new professional
The curriculum illustrates the complexity of preparing students to function as innovative practitioners in
primary practice. The teaching and learning strategies adopted reflect a dynamic process in which you are
encouraged to build upon your health degrees and experiences as part of guided progression towards
Primary Health Care. Students at postgraduate level are seen as partners in the educational process and
are encouraged in collaboration with an experienced team of educationalists and clinical teachers to accept
ownership for their learning in a system of reciprocal rights and responsibilities. Professional development is
a highly individualised experience and students at this level will be encouraged at all times to utilise a
reflective approach to learning both in theory and practice.
Royal College of Physicians Working Party (1999) Fit for Purpose Royal College of Physicians of London.
The Aim of the Programme:
The aim of the programme is to equip students with skills in behavioural and clinical sciences that are
necessary to become proficient healthcare practitioners; capable of assessing, treating and managing
patients in primary care settings with undifferentiated diagnosis. It is envisaged that ‘Healthcare
Practitioners’ will provide healthcare services under the supervision of physicians, providing diagnostic,
therapeutic, and preventative healthcare services as delegated by them. Working as members of the
healthcare team they will work to agreed group patient directives making decisions to evaluate and initiate
treatment for common medical and emergency problems, order and interpret laboratory tests and x-rays,
prescribe from an agreed formulary of drugs and carry out time limited therapeutic interventions.
The aim is to provide a programme of education in theory and practice that develops a practitioner who
demonstrates sophisticated levels of decision making that enables the monitoring and improving of
standards of care through: supervision of practice; development of practice through research; and the
provision of skilled leadership. This is facilitated through the enhancement of independent self-directed
learning that leads to dynamic practice.
Learning outcomes:
Learning outcomes are written for each module and are determined for postgraduate study. By the end of
the module you should have achieved them in theory and in practice. Learning outcomes for each module
are associated with those that are specific to the subject (subject specific outcomes), for academic
development (generic academic outcomes) and those that help you to acquire life skills (personal
transferable outcomes/key skills).
Achievement of module learning outcomes in theory and practice is essential to your achievement of your
pathway, and will enable you to identify professional and personal development. Specialist competence will
develop from the acquisition of both knowledge and clinical skills.
You are enrolled on a course leading to a Postgraduate Degree, the pathway does not offer a choice in the
modules studied, it does however offer choice in aspects of practice
You will be required to submit a completed module registration form at the beginning of your studies. When
you receive this form during induction you may find that some modules have already been registered for
you. Other forms will be blank. You will be asked to enter correctly details of all the modules you will study
during the period of study. You should register a programme you believe to be valid (one which, if you are
successful, provides you with the necessary credits for your chosen award) and which allows you to attend
lectures/workshops/practical/seminars according to the University timetable. The Academic Counsellor's
signature on this form will indicate that you have taken all necessary steps to design your programme but
will not indicate that it is valid.
The form you complete will be used to register your programme of study on the University's Management
Information System. You should take all opportunities presented to you to ensure that your registration is
Semester 1
Week Beginning
19 September 2005
26 September 2005
3 October 2005
19 December 2005
9 January 2006
16 January 2006
3 February 2006
University Week
Semester Dates
Induction and Enrolment
Practice Placement
Start of Semester 1 Teaching
Christmas Vacation and Study Leave
3 weeks
Teaching Continuation of Semester 1
Practice Placement
3 weeks
End of Semester One
Semester 2
Week Beginning
6 February 2006
10 April 2006
1 May 2006
22 May 2006
28 August 2006
University Week
Semester Dates
Start of Semester Two Teaching
Easter study leave / Annual Leave
3 weeks
Teaching Continuation of Semester 2
Practice placement
Final Week
Award of PG Dip completes on 10th September
Study for MSc Specialist Health Care Practice
or MSc Health Care Science commences
September 2006.
Optional enrolment on dissertation module to
top up credits towards MSc Specialist Health
Care Practice or MSc Health Care Science.
This award is to be studied full time over one
academic year.
Year 2
October 2006
NB Bank Holidays
Monday/Tuesday 26/27 December - Christmas/Boxing Day
Wednesday/Thursday/Friday 28/29/30 December - Concessionary Days.
Monday 2 January - New Year;
Friday 14 April - Good Friday
Monday 17 April - Easter Monday
Tuesday 18 April - Concessionary Day
Monday 1 May - May Day
Monday 29 May - Spring Bank Holiday
Monday 28 August - Summer Bank Holiday.
The university's academic year is divided into 2 semesters for the purposes of teaching but recognises the
normal breaks associated with traditional holidays in December/January, March/April and July/August (see
the academic calendar in this guide).
Full time students for the award of postgraduate diploma:
Your course will run over one calendar year
You will be studying 8 modules over four periods of 12/13 weeks.
The pathway of postgraduate diploma will take one year to complete.
All students are enrolled initially on the PGCert, PGDip, and MSc Health Care Sciences Programme with the
prospect of transfer to the MSc Specialist Health Care Practice on completion of the 120 credits for the
PGDip. Students following the MSc in Specialist Health Care Practice will undertake the new research
Module NH4058. Those students not progressing onto the professional training in year two will complete the
60-credit dissertation Module NH4006 at the end of the academic year to qualify for the MSc Health Care
Sciences. This will not confer any right to practice. Students need to apply for transfer to the professional
training programme as they approach completion of the PGDip, thus giving the team the opportunity to
ensure that candidates are selected in and that the appropriate placement has been secured. Those
students opting for and able to undertake the MSc in Specialist Health Care Practice will then be required to
undertake the clinical placement year and dissertation.
The Pathway of MSc Specialist Health Care Practice (the professional Physician’s Associate route)
The course will run over one calendar year following successful completion and achievement of the 120
credits for the PGDip Health Care Sciences.
Students will study on a full time basis
You will study one 60-credit dissertation module over two periods of 12/13 weeks as well as undertake a
clinical placement year.
The Pathway of MSc Health Care Sciences (the non-professional route)
The course will run over one calendar year following successful completion and achievement of the 120
credits for the PGDip Health Care Sciences.
Students will study on a full time basis
You will study one 60-credit dissertation module over two periods of 12/13 weeks.
The pathway is semester based. There are eight 15-credit modules over semesters 1 and 2. Two level 3
modules and seven level 4 modules. A period of 10 weeks in practice follows semester 2. This allows you to
consolidate the integration of theory and practice and to establish competency in your role. Students must
pass all core modules to be eligible for the award.
The Scientific Basis of Disease &
Its Investigation
(15 level 3 credits)
Assessment Skills for
Advancing Clinical Practice
(15 level 4 credits)
Advanced Pharmacology for
Extended Prescribing
(15 level 3 credits)
Ethical Dilemmas in
(15 level 4 credits)
Contemporary Issues in
Clinical Practice
(15 level 4 credits)
Assessment & Care
Planning for Older People
with Mental Health
(15 level 4 credits)
Research Methods & Their
Application to Practice
(15 level 4 credits)
Developing the Physicians
Assistant Role in Primary
(15 level 4 credits)
2 days
per week
2 days in
1 day
each week:
4 core
MSc Dissertation in Specialist
Health Care Practice
(60 level 4 credits)
*Clinical Placement
*Clinical Placement
*Clinical Placement
MSc Project/ Dissertation
(60 level 4 credits)
CORE MODULES – Postgraduate Diploma modules will be common to all students undertaking the
Postgraduate Diploma Health Care Sciences and students will be required to take these modules in the
semesters determined by the pathway team. Pathway needs are developed through seminar work and
academic tutorials.
The Scientific Basis of
Disease& Its Investigation
(15 level 3 credits)
Research Methods & Their
Application to Practice
(15 level 4 credits)
Advanced Pharmacology for
Extended Prescribing
(15 level 3 credits)
Contemporary Issues in
Clinical Practice
(15 level 4 credits)
Assessment & Care Planning
for Older People with Mental
(15 level 4 credits)
Ethical Dilemmas in Healthcare
(15 level 4 credits)
Assessment Skills for
Advancing Clinical Practice
(15 level 4 credits)
Developing the Physicians
Assistant Role in Primary Care
(15 level 4 credits)
Each module will have a minimum of 21 hours directed activity. Such activity can include lecturing,
seminars, workshops, role-play, computer activities etc. The remaining 130 hours of study will include
private study, personal tutorials and research activity. The postgraduate programme focuses on self-directed
learning thus the number of taught hours will differ between modules. Some modules are taught others are
very much more guided and supported by lecturers.
Professional Awards that are associated with the programme are conferred on successful completion of the
Postgraduate Diploma.
MSc Health Care Sciences Year 2
The dissertation module (MSc Project Dissertation NH4006) is a 60-credit module. This is an optional year
that follows completion of the professional award and completes the master’s programme.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Research Supervision
Research Supervision.
600 hours of student self directed learning time
Students will be allocated a supervisor and will arrange individual tutorial times as appropriate to meet the
needs of the project.
Attendance at programmed sessions with students completing projects may be required for peer review and
All projects are subject to ethical approval.
This module specifies students plan for 600 hours of self directed study time
MSc Specialist Health Care Practice Year 2
The dissertation module (MSc Dissertation in Specialist Health Care Practice NH4058) is a 60-credit
module. This is an optional year that follows completion of the professional award and this combined with a
clinical placement year completes the master’s programme.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Research Supervision
Research Supervision.
600 hours of student self directed learning time
Clinical Placement
Students will be allocated a supervisor and will arrange individual tutorial times as appropriate to meet the
needs of the project.
Attendance at programmed sessions with students completing projects may be required for peer review and
All projects are subject to ethical approval.
This module specifies students plan for 600 hours of self directed study time
As you already have an honours degree you are moving to a new phase in your academic development.
Postgraduate study is designed to further enhance particular academic skills. The Harris Report (1996) lists
them as: independence of study, planning, innovation, and the ability to use data and integrate new ideas
with established knowledge.
Acquisition of these skills leads to thoughtful professional practice, the ability to apply knowledge critically
and the skills to extend and develop practice. The latter comprise masterliness in your professional subject.
A range of teaching methods is used in this pathway. Some modules are taught. The educational design of
this pathway is focused heavily towards clinical and independent study. This is particularly demanding
requiring refinement of the skills of enquiry, and innovation. This style of study draws on such personal
attributes as motivation, self-determination and enthusiasm. As postgraduate study focuses on this style of
learning your studies will appear to be very different from a traditional taught pathway. This may take some
adjustment. You will, however, be supported by your award co-ordinator and by your module leaders.
HEFC (1996) Review of Postgraduate Education (The Harris Report), HEFC.
Outline of semester 1 modules
Title of Module:
The Scientific Basis of Disease
Module Leader:
Mr P Warren
Brief description of module: The module considers the biology of disease and its investigation, relating
these to clinical situations, with particular relevance to disciplines within developing practice
1.Two multiple choice question tests at 3-4 week intervals throughout the module (Element 1).
Module examination (2 hours)-Short answer questions only (Element 2)
2.Oral presentation relating to presenting features of patient to the underlying pathology.
3. Case report-critical review of diagnosis & management of a further patient presenting in the student’s area
of clinical speciality
Title of Module:
Advanced Pharmacology for Extended Prescribing
Module Leader:
Dr I Coleman
Brief description of module: This module aims to develop and integrate the theory and practice that
underpins prescribing in health care
Component 1
Completion of a multiple choice/short answer paper testing knowledge and application
Component 2
The TRIPSE (Tri-Partite Problem Solving Exercise)
The TRIPSE is a process-orientated evaluation exercise that stimulates the scientific process.
In Phase 1, students are presented with data from a clinical field setting. They are given a limited time 30-40
min period. Students are asked to consider appropriate therapeutic agents and their application.
In Phase 3, students are provided with further information and asked to re-evaluate their original
explanations/tests in light of new information. This part is conducted as a take-home exercise. Each phase is
graded independently and students are given individual comments
Title of Module:
Assessment Skills for Advancing Clinical Practice
Module Leader:
Hilary Paniagua
Brief description of module: This module aims to enable practitioners to carry out a competent and
comprehensive holistic assessment of patients in accordance with their roles. It aims to cultivate knowledge
and skills in order to develop dexterity in performing physical examination procedures and to facilitate the
necessary understanding behind inherent clinical judgements and decisions.
1. Oral case study examination
The student must demonstrate the ability to present a case to the GP/Consultant.
2. 4,000-5,000 word record of 3 holistic assessments.
Title of Module:
Research Methods and their Application to Practice
Module Leader:
Dr Patricia Bond
Brief description of module: This module provides the opportunity for students to develop their existing
knowledge and skills in research and critical thinking to an advanced level
1. Critique of a research paper (1500 words)
2. Extended literature review (3,500 words)
Semester 2 Modules
Title of Module:
Ethical Dilemmas in Health Care Practice
Module Leader:
Karen Bartter
Brief description of module: This module aims to analyse ethical problems in healthcare, to develop a
deeper appreciation and critical application of ethical principles and an awareness of how obligations and
consequences of moral decision-making affect the healthcare provision.
An essay based on a topic within the scope of the syllabus and approved by the module leader by week 5.
4-5000 words
Title of Module:
Contemporary Issues in Clinical Practice
Module Leader:
Ingrid Callwood
Brief description of module: The module is designed to enable students to reflect upon their clinical
practice in order to critically examine contemporary issues arising in primary care. The module focuses on
developing the students’ individual, professional insights and skill, existing and potential, in order to carry out
appropriate consultations with clients facing traumatic life experiences. It will also facilitate students
understanding of their scope of practice which will involve them in negotiating and collaborating within legal
boundaries and frameworks.
The student is required to write a 5,000-word assignment addressing the nature of complex consultations
when working within the remit of a physicians associate in primary care.
Title of Module:
Developing the Physician’s Associate Role in Primary Care
Module Leader:
Hilary Paniagua
Brief description of module: The module is designed to enable students to explore the nature of the
physician’s associate role within primary care. It will also give the students the opportunity to focus on their
clinical practice and develop the appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable them to take on
the role of physician’s associate.
1. The student is required to undertake a viva in Biological sciences.
To be completed by week 10
2. The student is required to undertake a viva in assessment and diagnostic skills
Title of Module:
Assessment and Care Planning for Older people with Mental Health Challenges
Module Leader:
Chris Lyle
Brief description of module: This module aims to equip the student with the skills to undertake accurate
assessment and subsequent care planning for older people with mental health challenges, which is based in
contemporary evidence
1. Student presentation of a formulated care plan based on experience from their own clinical or work place
2. Critical analysis of the care plan to include justification for choice of model and rationale for decisions
made 3,000 words.
Title of Module:
MSc Dissertation
Module Leader:
Dr Patricia Bond
Brief description of module:
This module aims to develop research skills in health studies including skills in critical thinking and analysis,
report writing and management of a research project
1. A project report of 20,000 words, plus appendices.
2. Examiners retain the right to hold a viva voce assessment for this assignment.
Title of Module: MSc Dissertation in Specialist Health Care Practice
Code: NH4058
Module Leader: Dr Patricia Bond
Brief description of module:
This module aims to develop their research skills in an area of investigation relevant to the physician’s
Associate role. Students will develop skills in critical thinking, data analysis, report writing and the
management of a substantive research project.
1 A project report of 20,000 words, plus appendices.
2 Examiners retain the right to hold a viva voce assessment for this assignment.
The clinical placement plays a crucial part within the programme; it is within the clinical placement that the
students under the support and guidance of their preceptors develop the skills necessary to fulfil their new
role as Physician’s Associate. It is our belief that as clinical units take the responsibility of training
Physician’s Associates they too will develop an awareness of this emerging role and will be instrumental in
developing a practitioner that best suits the needs and requirements of primary care. The planning of the
programme between the preceptor and student is based around a contract of learning. This takes into
account student needs as well as the preceptor’s availability to teach and work with students. Students will
be working under the direct supervision of preceptors, many of which are already experienced at training
physician’s associates linked to the University of Kentucky programme with Wolverhampton. It is
acknowledged that the School of health must work in close liaison with staff in clinical placements to ensure
preceptors are aware of the programme and the learning needs of the students. An initial visit will be
undertaken to the practice area in the first year and two tutorial visits to the placement will take place in the
second year. Within the programme each module is addressed in relation to its application to practice.
Module assessment always asks you to relate module theory to your specific area of practice. Some
assignments will be written accounts of theory practice relationships. Other assignments will ask you to carry
out a task in practice or share knowledge with your colleagues. Throughout the pathway the focus on
teaching and assessment will be that of theory practice relationships. Critical application of knowledge from
taught modules is the means by which practice becomes informed and improved.
Specific practice issues for professional practice.
From the start of the course students will have a practice document. This document is a record of
achievement and will explain what is required for successful completion of the clinical aspects of the
pathway for year one. It is essential that this document be completed in full, and verified by a preceptor. The
practice document itself explains how students can provide evidence of experience and the specific
experience that will need to be gained. The preceptor plays an important part in the verification of the clinical
experience and practice achieved. This is a working document that will also underpin the module Developing
the Physician’s Associate Role in Primary Care, and will contain the paperwork needed for the vivas
undertaken within this module assessment.
The Award leader must approve a suitably qualified and experienced preceptor. Within the clinical year two,
students will be expected to satellite out from their primary care base to gain experience in other, more
specialist areas, such as Accident and Emergency, Paediatric, Mental Health, and Gynaecology
University Regulations
The assessment of the pathway follows University Regulations and meets the requirements of the NMC. The
general University Regulations can be found in the Academic Regulations handbook. A copy of the
Credit Requirements
In order to qualify for your pathway you must obtain 120 level 4 credits. You must pass all the modules, no
compensation is allowed for marginal failure. When learning outcomes for a module are not met at the first
attempt, the assignment (or other assessment component) may be repeated once only. If on reassessment
the learning outcomes are still not met you will be unable to continue this professional qualification. You
may only be reassessed once in any module.
Reassessment is possible in up to three modules in the PGDip pathway. You may not exceed this number of
retakes. If you fail a fourth module you will not be able to continue with the pathway. These strict regulations
have been set to protect the public.
These regulations allow you to redeem failure if you have made a mistake or have struggled in a module.
You must complete and pass all modules within the timeframe that is set for your pathway. This is:
 Two years full time
Any additional time will need to be negotiated and agreed with your employer, under University regulations it
is stated that this cannot exceed a total of one additional year.
If you would like further advice on these matters please see your Academic Counsellor or contact the
Assessment unit of the Registry.
The way in which your learning will be assessed will be stated in the module guide you receive at the
beginning of each module. It will tell you whether you will be required to sit an examination, submit
coursework or complete practicals or presentations. Some work you will complete will be individual
assessment but other assignments you will undertake with your peers as groupwork.
It is important to note that each module has unique assessment criteria and it is therefore inappropriate to
re-use work in one assignment that has been utilised previously in other pieces of assessed work.
Students are requested to submit a declaration with each assignment that the work submitted has not been
used either in whole or in part for assessment purposes on another module. You are also asked to state the
word count on the front sheet of each assignment.
The assessment you complete may include several components. You will be required to obtain a minimum
pass grade in each component to pass the module. When your work is marked you will receive individual
written comments from many of the internal examiners. This occurs as comment in the text of your work plus
overall comment on the feedback sheet. If you do not wish to have comment written in the text of your work
please advise the module leader and make a statement on the front sheet of your work.
Each assessment component will be weighted and its weighting will be used to calculate the overall grade
you will be awarded for the module. If you do not submit assessment or submit assessment late without just
cause you will be given an FO grade for that component of assessment failure to submit work means that
you have to retake the module and module assessment.
Postgraduate assessment receives pass grades of A, B, C and D. and two fail grades E and F.
The following criteria is used for marking your work The grading of assignments within the level 4
modules is commensurate with other Masters awards and will include either a pass grade or a fail
grade (Notional grade points may also be used to facilitate feedback, i.e. a, b, etc.). The criteria for a
pass grade will be as follows:
Pass with Distinction
A grade category: The student demonstrates an excellent capacity to express views and conclusions based
upon sound argument, counter argument, judgmental or contextual criteria and genuine evidence in an
articulate and concise manner. The original views of the student and those inherent within the literature are
clearly differentiated and inferences are valid. There is evidence of a comprehensive overview of an area of
professional concern, which includes a comparative and critical review of a variety of theories, concepts,
knowledge claims, alternative frames of reference. There is evidence of an ability to successfully synthesise
theoretical issues into practice and evaluate the possible implications using appropriate professional or
clinical criteria.
Overall presentation: The assignment has a lucid structure, a clear statement of intent that is adhered to
and a concluding section. The introduction and rationale for selection of topic is clear and precise. The
standard of writing, sentence construction; spelling and logical development of argument is excellent. The
Harvard System of referencing is used accurately throughout in text and reference list. Appendices are
clearly labelled, germane to the work and are explicitly referenced in the main body of the text. Empirical
evidence when used is accurate, clearly presented and relevant to the assignment. Worthy of publication.
Pass: Very Good Standard
B grade category: High level of analysis, synthesis and evaluation. The student’s views and arguments are
coherent, realistic, and well founded upon genuine evidence. The work represents a clear overview and
interpretation of the issues in question as applied to a professional context. Concepts, theories, positions
and knowledge claims are considered critically throughout and inferences are generally valid. Alternative
theories and counterarguments are generated although the criteria for evaluation may not be clear or
consistently substantiated. The implications for professional practice are critically discussed and
appropriately applied.
Overall presentation: The assignment has a lucid structure, a clear statement of intent, which is adhered
to, and a concluding section. The introduction and rationale for selection of topic is clear and precise. A high
standard of writing, sentence construction; spelling and logical development of argument is evident. The
Harvard System of referencing is used accurately throughout in text and list. Appendices are clearly labelled,
germane to the work and are explicitly referenced in the main body of the text. Empirical evidence when
used is accurate, clearly presented and relevant to the assignment.
Pass: Good Standard
C grade category: Higher level of analysis is demonstrated by the identification of a variety of dimensions
and concepts pertinent to the subject area or issue at hand. Interrelationships are alluded to but not
rigorously or systematically described, justified or substantiated. There is evidence of appropriate
interpretation however some inferences are questionable. Any potential for bias or counterargument are
raised but not expanded upon or thoughtfully considered throughout.
Overall presentation: The assignment does not have an entirely lucid structure, a clear statement of intent
that is adhered to, or a concluding section. Introduction and rationale for selection of topic is clear, but could
be more precise. There is a satisfactory standard of writing, sentence construction, and spelling although
some errors are evident and a logical development of argument is at times unclear. The Harvard System of
referencing is used with some errors throughout. Empirical evidence when used is accurate, clearly
presented and relevant to the assignment.
Pass: Satisfactory Standard
D grade category: There is evidence of a degree of interpretation showing knowledge and understanding of
the subject area. The level of analysis is acceptable, in that, appropriate dimensions and concepts are
identified and discussed but not necessarily interrelated and synthesised to practice. Alternative
perspectives are not consistently identified or pursued with any depth or rigour. Alternatives raised are
essentially distorted or ignored for a one-sided perspective and not integrated into the terminal conclusions.
The validity of inferences are questionable. Potential limitations of the work are not explored fully.
Implications for professional practice are considered but essentially from a one-sided, superficial perspective
that could be more rigorously explored and substantiated.
Overall presentation: The assignment does not have an entirely lucid structure, a clear statement of intent
that is adhered to or a concluding section. The introduction and rationale are reasonably clear but lack
precision. A generally acceptable standard of writing and sentence construction. Some errors in syntax,
grammar and spelling exist. Arguments are simplistic and not systematically thought out. Harvard system
used with numerous errors.
Recoverable Fail: Unsatisfactory Standard - Resubmission Allowed
E grade category: A purely descriptive account demonstrating only minimal interpretation.
There is some limited discussion of the dimensions and conceptual issues surrounding the topic and no
evidence of analysis, synthesis or evaluation. The work shows some insight into the subject area but is
limited to a simplistic one- sided perspective. No counter arguments or alternative frames of reference are
generated or considered. Implications for professional practice are considered in a superficial or
inappropriate manner.
Overall presentation: Introduction and rationale lack direction, purpose and clarity. Writing style is at times
incoherent and presentation is poor with many errors in syntax, grammar and spelling. Harvard style of
referencing is used but with numerous errors. Barely acceptable presentation.
Fail: Unsatisfactory standard – retake of module required
F grade category: Fails to meet the criteria for E. Unacceptable.
F0; Non – submission of assignment.
University regulations permit modules to be retaken, however as this programme relates to high levels of
practice repeating a module would only be permitted in exceptional circumstances. To permit a module to be
retaken on this programme agreement would need to be made between the module leader, pathway coordinator and your employer.
Category of Distinction
If you continue these studies to complete a Masters programme you need to note that for a distinction to be
awarded in a Masters degree an A grade is required to be achieved in 120 credits, this must include the
research project dissertation. This equates to four level 4 modules plus the research dissertation module.
This is important to you as the module grades for the postgraduate diploma pathway will be included
if you continue to complete a Masters Award.
If you fail a module you may retake the assessment component you failed at the next available opportunity.
You must register your intent to resit or retake a module so that it is recorded on your programme of
study. Failure to register this intent by the appropriate date will result in you being denied credit for work you
If you experience illness or other serious personal difficulties which affect your ability to undertake or
complete assessed work, you must notify the university on the appropriate University form. These forms are
available from an academic counsellor whom you should see immediately unless it is impossible for you to
attend the University. Forms are also available at registry Offices.
If you need to seek an extension to the published deadline for an assignment you must see an academic
counsellor at least one week before the submission deadline. The academic counsellor will discuss
with you the implications of your request and assess its validity against University criteria.
To support your claim you must provide:
Written evidence from a member of the medial profession, member of University staff, officer of the
students' union or outside agency e.g. Police, Social Worker, Citizen's Advice Bureau, Church, Temple etc.
a detailed written statement explaining the nature of your difficulty.
A letter supporting your application from the Pathway Leader.
If the academic counsellor supports your request you will complete a University form AA033 together before
you discuss a new deadline with your module leader or nominated member of staff.
Please note that only in very exceptional circumstances will a request for extension be granted after a
submission deadline. If you do not submit coursework on time (including attending for an individual or group
presentation) and you have not applied correctly for an extension you will receive an FO grade. If you do
not submit assessment by a revised deadline you will receive an FO grade. If your circumstances prevent
you from sitting an examination or have seriously affected your performance over the year you should
complete an AA034 form. This form is used to notify your pathway assessment board of your circumstances
when it reviews your performance. The pathway assessment board, or one to which it delegates
responsibility for assessing claims, will review your claim using University criteria. This form must be
submitted to your campus registry at least one week before the assessment board meets together with your
supporting evidence, as list above. Your campus registry will be able to advise you of the precise date by
which the form must be submitted. Only in very exceptional circumstances will the Board consider claims for
extenuating circumstances retrospectively.
Information about personal circumstances submitted on or with forms AA033 or AA034 will be treated as
confidential documents at all times, and held in a confidential file for the duration of your programme, after
which it will be destroyed. However, if you prefer not to commit sensitive information about your personal
circumstances to paper, you should discuss this with your academic counsellor or with a member of the
University Counselling Services. A form will then be completed without the full details being recorded.
If your request for extenuating circumstances is accepted by your pathway Assessment Board, you will
normally be granted an opportunity to take the assessment for modules in which you are referred as if for
the first time, and without penalty. You will normally take this assessment at the next available opportunity
but you may exercise your right to redeem failure within two years. If you wish to submit assessment you
must register this intent so that it is recorded on your programme of study. If you do not register normal
penalties will be applied. If you pass modules for which the Board accepts your evidence this will be noted
and the evidence will be used by the Board in determining the class of your degree if you are a borderline
If you would like further advice on these matters please see your Academic Counsellor or contact the
assessment unit of the registry.
It is imperative that you achieve the breadth of study that is covered in this programme. To achieve this you
must attend all planned taught and supervised sessions in the University. Should you have a genuine
reason for non-attendance you must notify the Pathway leader. Attendance will be monitored. Failure to
attend for 80% of the programme will mean that you will not be eligible for the award, as you have missed
essential aspects of the programme.
The University Appeals procedure applies only to the decisions of Assessment Boards of the University.
Where examinations or other assessments are organised externally, the University has no powers to
reconsider assessment decisions.
The purpose of the appeals procedure is to enable a student who believes that he or she has a case under
the regulations to query a published decision of an Assessment Board (including a decision which requires
the student's withdrawal from his or her programme on academic grounds) to request a review of that
Feedback on Grades
A student wanting feedback on an assessment decision, should discuss this with his/her module leader, or
award leader (as appropriate)
How to Appeal
A student considering a formal appeal under the procedure is advised to discuss the matter with the
academic affairs officer of the students union. If the student then decides to appeal he or she should write to
the University Appeals Officer as soon as possible, and no later than three months after the publication of
the challenged decision, stating the grounds for appeal and enclosing any relevant documentary evidence.
Grounds for Appeal
There is no right of appeal against the academic judgement of an assessment board. The only grounds for
appeal are one or other of the following:
material error or irregularity, for example:
an administrative error or irregularity in the assessment decision being queried by the student.
illness, bereavement or other extenuating circumstances. In such a case, the
student would
need to demonstrate very strong reason's why s/he was unable to disclose the problem(s) at the
time the assessment took place, rather than after the Board had met.
Cheating is defined as any attempt by a candidate to gain unfair advantage in an assessment by dishonest
means and includes all breaches of examination room rules, impersonating another candidate, falsifying
data and obtaining an examination paper in advance of its authorised release.
Types of Cheating
Plagiarism is defined as incorporating a significant amount of unattributed direct quotation from, or
unattributed substantial paraphrasing of, the work of another.
Collusion occurs when two or more students collaborate to produce a piece of work to be submitted (in
whole or in part) for assessment and the work is presented as the work of one student alone.
Where an offence is admitted, or an independent panel decides that cheating, plagiarism or collusion has
occurred, a penalty will be imposed. The severity of the penalty will vary according to the nature of the
offence and will range from failure of the assignment under investigation to a restriction of the award a
student may ultimately achieve, if successful, to that of the intermediate award, which preceded the award
for which the student is registered when the offence is committed.
The University of Wolverhampton is committed to providing high quality services to its wide range of
students and many other clients regardless of their gender, creed or nationality. The maintenance of quality
systems to assist teaching and learning activities and ensuring optimal efficiency of the institution's support
system is a major commitment. If the University is to be successful in achieving a client centred and "do-itright-first-time" culture it is important that you, the client, feel able to express dissatisfaction and have
confidence that your complaint will receive timely and appropriate attention.
As part of the ongoing commitment to Total Quality Management, the University has introduced complaints
procedure whereby students, staff and all other clients of the University's services are able to register any
dissatisfaction they may have regarding the service they have received. Where practicable, every effort will
be made to respond to named complainants within a twenty-eight day period. All complaints will be carefully
monitored and, where appropriate, quality improvement measures introduced. The operation of the
complaints procedure will be monitored and reviews published.
It is not intended that this complaints procedure extend to cover the University's existing academic
assessment appeals, staff grievance or racial/sexual harassment and discrimination procedures. Academic
Assessment Appeals against assessment decisions must follow the relevant procedure set out in the
Student Codes of Conduct lodged in School and Campus registries. If satisfaction is not received from the
relevant School, Department or Unit the matter should be referred to the Assessment Unit in the University
registry. Similarly, staff grievance or racial/sexual harassment and discrimination complaints should also
follow the relevant University procedure.
Forms Can Be Obtained From Campus Registries And From University Learning Centres.
Further Information
Full details of the University's regulations and procedures concerning cheating, plagiarism and collusion can
be consulted in Section E11 of the University Academic regulations for Students, which is available in
campus registries or from the Campus Learning Centres and on the University WEB site.
Your award is managed through mechanisms that are approved through the University quality assurance
Equal Opportunities
University policy and practice is concerned with the prevention of both direct and indirect, overt and covert
discrimination, and the promotion of justice and equality.
The University seeks to promote equality of opportunity for all and to eliminate discrimination particularly on
the grounds of colour, sex, ethnic origin, age, physical disability, religion and socio-economic background.
The University requires staff, students and visitors to behave in a non-discriminatory manner and to support,
implement and develop institutional practices and procedures that promote and reinforce equality of
opportunities and treatment for all.
The Award Management Committee has student representatives and provides a forum for staff and
students to work together for the effective organisation and delivery of the pathway.
Programme and Pathway monitoring is carried out through evaluations of each module, practice and the
entire award. This offers the opportunity for your views to be stated. The collective view from the student
group is considered by the award team and contributes to changes and developments in the pathway.
Postgraduate Co-ordinator
Dr Patricia Bond is the designated tutor for postgraduate students. The postgraduate forum is important to
this group as it provides a focus where your student group can meet as postgraduate students and health
professionals. Group meetings are arranged on a regular basis and are an essential part of your learning
Student Services
A professional and confidential counselling service is available from the University student services. The
telephone number for this service is: 01902 322572
Personal Tutors
Your personal tutor is normally your Pathway leader. Notification of your personal tutor and his/her
availability will be given to you at the commencement of your award. Personal Tutors provide the first line of
academic counselling available to you. Personal tutors should also provide counselling on any problem that
you experience as a part of your study. If appropriate and with your consent your personal tutor may act on
your behalf to, liaise with the Pathway Leader or Student Services. The personal tutor should be able to
represent your interests during discussions with members of the pathway team at examination boards, or
with any University authorities.
Research Supervisors
Your small-scale investigation in your area of practice will be pursued under the guidance of a Professional
Tutor/Supervisor. In order to ensure continuity throughout the award you should relate to one individual
Professional Tutor/Supervisor.
Indemnity Insurance
Most employers accept vicarious liability for the negligent acts and/or omissions of their employees. Such
cover does not normally extend to activities undertaken outside the registrant’s employment. Independent
practice would not normally be covered by vicarious liability. It is the individual registrant’s responsibility to
establish their insurance status and take appropriate action.
Academic counsellor/ Personal tutor: The member of staff allocated to a student to advise on academic
matters, particularly programming.
Assessment Boards: The bodies responsible for making decisions about students' performance in the
modules they have studied. Boards meet at the levels of Subject and Pathway.
Award: The final or intermediate qualification for which a student has registered and/or is considered by the
Assessment Boards.
Campus registry the administrative office which retains your records and which should be your first point of
contact for any queries about your studies. Details of subjects and modules can also be collected from this
Core Module: A module which must be studied and passed for a titled Award.
Co-requisite: A module which must be studied in the same semester as, and together with, another
module with which it is co-requisited. Separate credits are awarded for the co-requisites.
If a module specifies a pre-requisite (QV) then any co-requisites are normally also pre-requisites for that
Credit rating a module: the number of credits obtained by passing the assessment requirements of the
module. A full-time student normally studies modules to the value of 120 credits per year. A standard
University module is weighted at one eighth of a full-time year, i.e. the standard module = 120/8 = 15 credits.
Each module normally generates a total of 150 hours of study time per week.
Deferral: The delaying to a later date of an Examinations Board decision on a student as a result of
incomplete assessment or other cause.
Director of Studies: Member of staff responsible for co-ordinating the arrangements made for induction,
academic counselling, programme planning and other aspects of the student life-cycle.
Grade Point Scale: The scale upon which grades are awarded to all items of assessed work. See page 28
Module: A separately assessed fraction of a programme. The standard unit of learning is worth 15
undergraduate credits and involves 150 hours of work.
Module Guide: The detailed description of a module's content and assessment.
Module Leader: The member of staff responsible for the organisation of a module.
Pace of Study: The rate at which credits are studied at the University. This is normally defined by the
number of credits studied during a semester pr am academic year: for full-time students the minimum is 45
credits a semester/90 credits a year; the normal pace is 60 credits a semester/120 credits a year; and
exceptionally a student may study for more than 60 credits a semester.
Part-time students may study for up to a maximum of 90 credits per year.
Personal Tutor: An alternative way of referring to an academic counsellor.
Pre-requisite: A module, which must be studied and passed to qualify to study a subsequent module.
Re-Assessment of Coursework: The requirement following failure of a module is to re-present all or part
of the module's coursework assignments.
Referral: the delaying to a later date of an Examinations Board decision on a student until the results reassessed or re-sat modules are known.
Re-sit: The requirement following failure of a module is to re-study the entire module in a subsequent
Pathway leader: The member of staff responsible for the organisation of a subject.
Semester: A period of fifteen weeks, currently comprising one week for induction and counselling, 12
weeks for student contact and at for this programme two weeks practice placement.
Student-staff Liaison: Informal meetings of students and staff to consider the operation of the scheme.
Study time: The notional time, which a student will need to spend to complete the study requirements of a
programme or module. The time includes all class contact and all private study. Each credit module
involves 150 study hours (10 hours per credit).
Word Limits
A maximum word limit will be provided for each assignment. Students will state the number of words used
at the end of the text in order to encourage them to write concisely and to prevent some students from being
given credit for superior work produced as a result of exceeding the word limit. Where students have
produced work that clearly exceeds the word limits the lecturer concerned has the right to reduce the mark
by one grade.
Plagiarism is a serious offence. All students are requested to sign and attach a University denial of
plagiarism form available from the module leader at the beginning of their work prior to submission.
Procedure for appeals by students
The appeals procedure is found in the University Academic Handbook of Principles, Regulations and
Procedures. Section E10. The appeals procedure may be used should you have a grievance over a
published decision of an Award Assessment Board and enables a review of that decision to be taken.
Appeals cannot be made against academic judgements.
This guide provides an outline of the pathway that you are studying. Read it carefully and use it regularly. In
conjunction with the University regulations you will find that you have the information that is necessary for all
matters relating to the Pathway, and the University. If you have any doubts or queries you should raise
them up with your Personal Tutor, the Pathway Leader, the Programme Leader or any other member of the
team. The team are here to support you and will make every effort to do so.
The Award Team hopes that you will enjoy your studies and we wish you well