Report from Children’s Task group
This purpose of this report is to update the Forum on the work undertaken over the
last year and the future proposed work.
1 Current situation
The group is in the process of looking at current gaps in service provision and
exploring ways that these gaps could be addressed.
The aim of the group is to continue to consolidate and coordinate the work that is
currently being undertaken with children who either are or have suffered domestic
abuse or are at risk. A key aspect of the group is the multi agency contributions and
enthusiasm to work together.
Some examples of contributors to the group and the work that is being undertaken
A The Schools and Youth Programme
This highly flexible programme is based on the ‘Protective Behaviours’ ethos of
which the following two themes are central –
‘We all have the right to feel safe all of the time’
‘There is nothing so awful (or too small) that you can’t talk to someone
about it’
Work is carried out with children and young people from the age of 3 years up to 25
years old and is delivered in a variety of settings including nursery, schools, youth
clubs, disaffected youth, teenage young mums, young homeless etc.
We are also available to present talks, conferences and displays.
B Dale Street Family Centre : Domestic Abuse
Dale Street Family Centre works with families and children in need, in the Walsall
Borough. A majority of these families live with Domestic Abuse.
Work with the children includes Wishes and Feelings, Keep Safe work including
Domestic Abuse. We use worksheets and books during these one to one sessions,
discussing the children’s fears and anxieties
We support, help and listen to the children, offering advice and guidance on accessing
services, agencies and resources where they can find help.
We support parents to access services where they can find help to improve the quality
of family life.
We help parents to identify the negative effects that Domestic Abuse has on their
Barbara Richardson
Centre Manager
C Support of Midwifery . We have a representative on the group who works closing
with pregnant women who may, have in the past and are living with domestic abuse.
She remains as an essential contact person for other midwives and professionals
particular in relation to urgent cases. There are plans in place for a drop in to be
arranged in the New Deal area
It is anticipated that training will be available for midwives in how to ask the
questions about domestic abuse that may be occurring.
D Representative from Probation Service- we have a named link person who is
able to contribution and share current practice as to how the service is dealing with
domestic abuse both in court arena and with offenders generally.
E Other contributions we also have representatives from Social Care, Stepping
Stones, Early Years Education Welfare, Health Service, Aven House,
2.Event over last year
A note of Thanks
Glenda Clarke from Sure Start Palfrey Community Association resigned as chair of
the Task group on 7th September 2005 The group would like to thank Glenda for all
the work she has undertaken during this time and for the work and commitment she
and her employers has contributed to the group.
2005- March 20006
Terms of Reference for the Group have been reviewed and revised by the
group ( see attached)
New Chair Angela Hudson (Coordinator and Child Protection and Review
from Social Care.)
Vice Chair Lynda Albrighton Child Protection Health
MARAC has been introduced over the last year and the group is able to share
good practice and link into this process particularly in relation to children.
Production of a Leaflet for children. The group did spend a considerable
amount of time in looking at producing a leaflet for children. The end product
did not produce a leaflet that was the most appropriate user /child friendly and
as such this has been shelved for the time being. On the positive side the group
has learned from the process in terms of not losing the purpose and focus of
the original task. In addition the process did involve the involvement of and
consulting with children about how a leaflet should look. The remit however
may have been too wide given the end product.
3 Work plan
 The sub group will be linking into and consolidating the work identified in the
Domestic Violence Work plan for 2006.
 Identify what work is currently being undertaken and as a result identify any
 Work along with Social Care to ensue that there is a comprehensive list of
contact numbers and a central resource, where both agencies and service users
can easily access. Social care is developing a Web site for the authority.
Continue to ensure that the membership of the group is relevant and
Pilot a group work programme for children and young people based at or in
contact with Aven House, using the resources that are already available with a
view to looking at identifying funding long term for a project that could be
more widely available.
Evaluate how this pilot works in practice and learn lessons from working with
children and young people.
4.Way forward. A note from the new chair.
Since taking over responsibility for chairing the Task Group I have been very
impressed at the commitment and enthusiasm of the group in working with and
striving to ensure that children and young people are provided with a service that is
supportive and takes into account their needs.
I look forward to working with the group over the next year.
The group also aims to ensure that services for children are on a par with those
services that are available to adults e.g. group work and counselling.
I look forward to continuing to work with the group over the next year.
The Domestic Abuse Task Group is looking forward to continuing to work on behalf
of children and improve the services for children who are affected in any way of
domestic abuse and ensure that their voices are heard.
We look forward to working together in conjunction with the Forum in improving the
services for children and young people specifically in the area of domestic abuse.
Angela Hudson
Chair on behalf of the Children’s Task Group on Domestic Abuse.