Templates for the course assignment lesson plan

Lesson plan cover page
Jonathon Edward Flynn
CiSELT unit and title
Teaching Integrated Skills
Brief description of context, location and
The British council ,Bilbao teaching centre
time (size of classroom, facilities/resources
available, time of day, lesson length, etc) – The Classroom is large and spacious with plenty of natural light.It
is equipped with 14 tables and chairs a whiteboard,IWB and PC
50 words maximum
The Lesson takes place on Friday at 18.00 and lasts for 2.5 hours
with a 10 min break
Brief description of learners (how many,
age, level, special needs/behavioural
issues, etc) –
50 words maximum
The class consists of 15 students between the ages of 13 and 14
Brief description of the new idea and why
chosen – 50 words maximum
My new idea is a task based class with a small project based
around an integrated skills lesson. The project involves producing
a film/audio of their own film review. To reach this objective they
will practice speaking, reading, writing and listening.
The class is junior 4.
There are no real behavioral issues.
Lesson plan cover page
How does the lesson fit with
(30 words maximum)
The lesson fits perfectly with the syllabus because the integrated
skills involved can be adapted to focus on what is being covered
with the syllabus.
Learning outcome
To introduce and recycle film vocabulary.
Introduce and recycle extreme adjectives and quantifiers.
To make a short film using the aforementioned points.
Materials and references (attach
Short film questionnaire.
Reading worksheet. Titanic film review
Vocabulary (film) worksheet.
Grammar worksheet. Extreme adjectives and quantifiers.
YouTube video. A film review.
Anticipated problems – 50 words maximum The main anticipated problems for this new idea are:
Students being unable to produce extended speech using only
notes they will be asked to write for their film review.
If I were to ask them to produce a whole script for their film
review, I know they would do it with ease. But this only promotes
scripted speech for the recording. I want them to become more
spontaneous with their speech and content.
Proposed solutions – 50 words maximum
Initially for the film review presentation I want them to consult only
notes on the subject of their favorite film. They will make notes
about the film they want to present as a review but will not be
allowed to reference them in the review.
Lesson procedure
Teacher activity
Student activity
Explain to the students that by the end of Listening
today’s lesson they are going to produce a
film review. They will do this through first
studying vocab and grammar needed
followed by content and presentation.
Give each student a copy of the film
Interaction Stage aim
Communicate lesson aim.
Get them to ask and answer in
pairs. This is a speaking activity,
but I would like them to make
notes on their partner’s answers.
Speaking and note taking.
After a while, ask a few pairs to
give their findings to the class.
IWB: What is a film review? Who and
why they might read one?
Question answering.
Answer IWB question.
Introduction to writing and
reading content points.
Focus on a film review style.
Ask students to read the review and ask if Reading
they think it’s a good review for someone
who wants to see the film for the first time. Students should read the text and
notice that the review tells us who
lives and who dies. This is called
a spoiler as it spoils the film for
the viewer and is something that S-T
should be avoided in a good
To help students comprehend
what is a film review, content
and length.
IWB: What kind of film is the review
Answer IWB question.
Elicit that it’s a love story, a romance, and a
disaster film. Explain spoiler. Students then Vocabulary
solve the anagrams in part 3 of the different
film genres.
Allow students to recognize
film vocabulary they can
recycle in their own
IWB: Underline all film vocabulary.
(nouns, verbs)
Students read again and underline all the
film vocabulary they can find in the review
(Directed by) Highlight the words which are Reading/grammar
nouns (e.g. actor / director / star) which can
also be verbs and vice versa. Elicit or give
any other vocabulary you think is
appropriate for your students (e.g. a
scene/to shoot the soundtrack / a box office
IWB: Find 3 adjectives in the text that
mean very good?
Finding vocabulary and
Introduction to extreme
Learning adjective partners.
Bring students attention to the adjective
matching exercise.
Ask students to reach under their desks.
They will find a post it with either an
adjective or extreme adjective. They should Speaking
then walk around the class trying to find
their adjective/ext adjective partner. Once
they have found them, they should make a
note of the partner word and return to their
IWB: using the adjective table students
fill in the gaps with their newly acquired Grammar
Film review: show students the you tube
video of the film review. Ask them to
decide while watching how positive the
review is.
Introduce new vocabulary
they can use with theor film
Recycling vocabulary
Example of what I want them
to do as a film review.
Listening comprehension
Hand out chart. They watch again and put Listening comprehension
a tick ( ) in the B column if the things in the
A column are mentioned. They don’t have
to write anything – only put a tick.
Listening comprehension
After watching, students compare their
charts and answers can be checked with
the class. If students heard the name of the
movie, etc. that’s good, but it’s not
important. See if the students heard any
adjectives used. Did they like the review?
Writing comparing
Students are now ready to begin preparing
their review. They should work in pairs and
together fill in the information in column C.
This should only be in note form. They
should not include a spoiler, or give too
much of the story away! They should use
some of the movie vocabulary as well as
some extreme adjectives.
Using the notes, each student practises
talking about the movie. They should do
this enough times until they are confident
about being recorded. Ideally, students
should aim for one minute.
To practice speaking using
recycled grammar and
Begin to record their reviews
Communication of ideas.
My only observation here is that the film review of Titanic could have been
the springboard for a short speaking activity - not just as a source of filmrelated vocab. That said, where I thought the class was really successful
(refer to the learners, learning outcomes
and stage aims, lesson procedures, tasks / was in the way you gave new language a communicative context. For
example, the activity where students had to match a base adjective with
activities and materials)
an extreme one could have easily been done simply as a mechanical
activity but I think the time you spent here was well worth it; how you took
the new vocab and formed mini-conversations around it e.g. getting the
students to think about 'gripping' films they'd recently seen. In conclusion;
The presentation activity was motivating for the students as they were
talking about a subject they are keen on (films) and also wanted to
present well in front of their peers and being provided with the vocabulary
they needed to do this activity well they felt comfortable with talking
without notes.
What went well? Why?
What didn’t go well? Why?
I was a bit concerned at one point that the boys in the class were getting
too much air time although you did rectify this later on. Recommend for
whole-class speaking activities that you make sure they can all make eye(refer to the learners, learning outcomes
contact with each other - just a case of getting a few of them to push their
and stage aims, lesson procedures, tasks / chairs back. Jokin - the only slightly disruptive student in the group - had
managed to find the seat in the classroom which has its back to you more
activities and materials)
than any other. When using an island-seating arrangement, make sure
the disruptive kids (as well as the quiet ones) have seats facing you.
What changes will I make next time? Why? The lesson plan was very comprehensive. However, one concern I had
prior to the lesson was that there was too much weighting on lexis: there
were on reflection before the lesson two lexical aims and no skills aims. In
reality, there was a lot of speaking about film as well as some listening
and reading. The speaking in this case certainly deserves to be one of the
main aims. I imagine that one of the themes of the integrated skills
component of CiSELT is getting a balance between skills work and
language-systems work - by language systems I mean vocab, grammar
and pronunciation. In short, this lesson turned out fine but at the lesson
planning stage I should have been alert to making sure that this balance
was there.
Course assignment:
Moderator’s comments, advice and suggestions