WEBQUEST AND VIDEO – THE ANIMALS SAVE THE PLANET http://lewebpedagogique.com/cclavel/category/progressioneval-3°/ Prendre le temps de revoir la video avec la correction sous les yeux pour mieux fixer le vocabulaire nouveau : lexique sur les animaux, l’habitat, l’énergie, la pollution, l’écologie. Video The scene is The main characters are… The characters are… The message you can hear is : « ……………………………….... », N° situated… THE ADVICE YOU CAN READ IS ……………………………………… 1 In a field A cow and a sheep Eating, farting, flying… « The more meat we eat, the more cows there’re producing green house gases » SAVE THE PLANET/ EAT A HEALTHY DIET 2 In the jungle A hippopotamus, an elephant, an ostrich, Washing, using up all the « Perhaps it might be nicer to think of others before you use up all the water. » a frog, a snake, a rhino, a gorilla water… SAVE THE PLANET/ USE ONLY THE WATER YOU NEED Dancing, swimming, kissing 3 In the ocean An octopus and a plastic bag « Do give a thought where our rubbish goes » SAVE THE PLANET/ USE BIODEGRADABLE PRODUCTS 4 In Antarctic A bear and a penguin Reading, cycling, eating « Energy saving bulbs use one fifth of the energy of ordinary saving bulbs » In an igloo fish… SAVE THE PLANET/USE ENERGY SAVING BULBS 5 In Africa, in Lions and dogs Sleeping after eating. « If animals can recycle soc an we ». the savannah Recycling bones. SAVE THE PLANET/RECYCLE NOW 6 In the ocean Eels Swimming, fighting « Definitely not a couple of bright sparks» SAVE THE PLANET/ DON’T WASTE ENERGY Sleeping, burning, melting 7 In an igloo A polar bear, a fire. « Is your heating turned up too high ? » SAVE THE PLANET/ INSULATE YOUR HOME 8 In house A dog and machines Trying to sleep, machines « What we leave on stand by not only produces green house gases but can keep some of us on stand by awake at night » SAVE THE PLANET/ TURN OFF WHAT YOU DON’T USE 9 In a A monkey ,a pelican, a kangaroo, a Selling, shopping, buying « We could all bring our own bag when we go shopping ». supermarket camel. SAVE THE PLANET/ AVOID USING PLASTIC BAGS 10 In the A gazelle and a leopard Eating, hiding, hunting « Don’t you just hate it when somebody‘s rubbish ruin your lunch break » savannah SAVE THE PLANET/ RECYCLE YOUR RUBBISH 11 In the desert Desert moles Watching cars, coughing « I think we can all agree cycling creates no carbon missions and it’s good for you » SAVE THEIR PLANET / CUT YOUR EMISSIONS WEBQUEST AND VIDEO – THE ANIMALS SAVE THE PLANET http://lewebpedagogique.com/cclavel/category/progressioneval-3°/ Prendre le temps de revoir la video avec la correction sous les yeux pour mieux fixer le vocabulaire nouveau : lexique sur les animaux, l’habitat, l’énergie, la pollution, l’écologie. Video The scene is The main characters are… The characters are… The message you can hear is : « ……………………………….... », N° situated… THE ADVICE YOU CAN READ IS ……………………………………… 1 In a field A cow and a sheep Eating, farting, flying… « The more meat we eat, the more cows there’re producing green house gases » SAVE THE PLANET/ EAT A HEALTHY DIET 2 In the jungle A hippopotamus, an elephant, an ostrich, Washing, using up all the « Perhaps it might be nicer to think of others before you use up all the water. » a frog, a snake, a rhino, a gorilla water… SAVE THE PLANET/ USE ONLY THE WATER YOU NEED Dancing, swimming, kissing 3 In the ocean An octopus and a plastic bag « Do give a thought where our rubbish goes » SAVE THE PLANET/ USE BIODEGRADABLE PRODUCTS 4 In Antarctic A bear and a penguin Reading, cycling, eating « Energy saving bulbs use one fifth of the energy of ordinary saving bulbs » In an igloo fish… SAVE THE PLANET/USE ENERGY SAVING BULBS 5 In Africa, in Lions and dogs Sleeping after eating. « If animals can recycle soc an we ». the savannah Recycling bones. SAVE THE PLANET/RECYCLE NOW 6 In the ocean Eels Swimming, fighting « Definitely not a couple of bright sparks» SAVE THE PLANET/ DON’T WASTE ENERGY Sleeping, burning, melting 7 In an igloo A polar bear, a fire. « Is your heating turned up too high ? » SAVE THE PLANET/ INSULATE YOUR HOME 8 In house A dog and machines Trying to sleep, machines « What we leave on stand by not only produces green house gases but can keep some of us on stand by awake at night » SAVE THE PLANET/ TURN OFF WHAT YOU DON’T USE 9 In a A monkey ,a pelican, a kangaroo, a Selling, shopping, buying « We could all bring our own bag when we go shopping ». supermarket camel. SAVE THE PLANET/ AVOID USING PLASTIC BAGS 10 In the A gazelle and a leopard Eating, hiding, hunting « Don’t you just hate it when somebody‘s rubbish ruin your lunch break » savannah SAVE THE PLANET/ RECYCLE YOUR RUBBISH 11 In the desert Desert moles Watching cars, coughing « I think we can all agree cycling creates no carbon missions and it’s good for you » SAVE THEIR PLANET / CUT YOUR EMISSIONS