1 Thermal structure of a whitewaters lake in the Solimões/Amazon River Basin, 2 Central Amazonian 3 4 Fabio M. Aprile * 5 6 Visitor Researcher Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia - INPA, AM, Brazil 7 Instituto Oceanográfico, Universidade de São Paulo, SP, Brazil. 8 E-mail address:aprilefm@hotmail.com 9 10 Short title: Thermal structure of a whitewaters lake in Amazonian 11 12 Abstract 13 The thermal structure of the Poraquê Lake (03º57’33.4”S; 63º09’48.1”W) a shallow whitewaters 14 lake of the Solimões/Amazon River basin has been conducted. Temperature and PAR radiation 15 were measured bimonthly in the period from February 2004 to July 2006 at 0.25 m intervals 16 from the surface to bottom of the lake. The temperature of the water column varied between 26.3 17 and 28.8 ºC in the surface, and from 25.2 to 27.8 ºC in the bottom, between flood-crest and dry 18 periods, respectively. Classic thermal stratification was not observed in the lake. The turbulent 19 kinetic energy from action of winds and of the flood-pulse mixes the masses of water and 20 homogenizes the temperature. The heating of the water column was influenced by the high rates 21 of SPM present in whitewaters systems. The limit of the euphotic zone ranged from 1.36 to 1.77 22 m in the period studied. The results of the transmission curves for the sampling sites show that, * Corresponding Author: Tel: +55 11 38149949 Instituto Oceanográfico, Universidade de São Paulo, Rua Doralice P. Teixeira 48/13 São Paulo 05417-070 Brazil. E-mail address:aprilefm@hotmail.com 1 23 in general, less than 0.01% of the surface light reached the bottom. Mathematical model of 24 limnological series were used for sequential generation of limnological data for simulation 25 purposes. Stochastic elements were considered dependents, because the direct relation between 26 temperature in the water column and the seasonality. The model developed in this research can 27 facilitate the understanding of the limnological and ecological processes in lentic systems of 28 whitewaters of the Central Amazonian. 29 Keywords: Amazon floodplain; thermal model; hydrological cycle; thermocline; solid particulate 30 matter; PAR radiation; euphotic zone; limnology of lake; whitewaters; Solimões/Amazon River. 31 32 33 1. Introduction Poraquê Lake (03º57’33.4”S and 63º09’48.1”W) is a small and shallow lake with 34 whitewaters located upstream of Coari City (Fig. 1), and that is connected with the Solimões 35 River by a “paraná” (natural flow channel). It is a young lake of quaternary origin (Sioli, 1984), 36 with processes and materials associated to transport and deposition by running water. The 37 “paranás” as igapós both have a very important participation in the hydrological processes in the 38 Amazon floodplain or “várzea” controlling the ictiofauna (Junk, Bayley & Sparks, 1989; Junk, 39 Soares & Saint-Paul, 1997). The floodplains extension associated to the Amazon River is 40 expected to alter the transport of water from upland watersheds through river systems to the sea 41 (Junk, Bayley & Sparks, 1989). During the rising water stage, river floodwaters temporarily fill 42 wetlands connected to the “paraná” of the river, inundating an immense area for the whole basin 43 (Junk, 1982). Amazon lakes are strongly influenced by periodic supplying of organic matter 44 (Darwich, 1995) of dissolved and particulate forms from rivers and “paranás.” This supply is 45 responsible by deposition of nutrients in surface sediments of the lake. The Poraquê Lake is 46 formed by various “igarapés of forest” a typical Amazonian flowing rivulet or small stream of 47 water, which serves as the natural drainage course for a lake drainage basin. Water supply to the 2 48 lake and igapós varies in space and time. In fact, the great seasonal variability of the 49 limnological parameters is characteristic of aquatic floodplain ecosystems (Sioli, 1984), and the 50 annual inundation of the central Solimões/Amazon River floodplain causes profound 51 modifications in the aquatic environment and provides a variety of habitats where shelter and 52 food become available to fish (Soares, Menezes & Junk, 2006). 53 Average annual depth of the Poraquê Lake is approximately 3.0 m at the central site. 54 Changes in water supply in Amazon floodplain occur over diverse time scales, associated with 55 daily and seasonal variations precipitation. The lake water level has its flood-peak between June 56 and July with average of 6.4 m, and maximum dry between November and December with 57 average of 0.9 m both at the central site. According to Köppen classification, the climate is 58 equatorial hot and wet. The thermal structure of the Poraquê Lake has been studied in the 59 hydrological cycle from February/2004 to July/2006, and a thermal model to whitewaters lakes 60 was developed. Information of this nature to offer valuable contribution in studies on abundance 61 and distribution of fishes, and to permit a much better understanding of the limnological 62 processes, in particular, in the lentic systems of the Solimões/Amazon System. 63 Figure 1- 64 65 66 2. Methodological proceeding Temperature was measured bimonthly at 0.25 m intervals from the surface to bottom at 67 the centre of the lake (stations P1 and P2, Fig. 1) with a WTW OXI-197 thermistor electrode of 68 accuracy 0.1 ºC, from February 2004 through July 2006. PAR radiation measurements were 69 made with a Quantum Radiometer in the water column. The results were utilized to calculate the 70 transparency (Zds), euphotic zone (Zeu) and attenuation coefficient (K) according to 71 methodological procedures decrypted by Wetzel & Likens (2000). A correlation analyzes 72 between temperature and PAR radiation has been made in order to express the temperature 3 73 association with the seasonality in the region. Based on the thermal and light profiles, differential 74 equations were calculated, and a thermal model to whitewaters lakes was developed. 75 76 77 3. Thermal structure In the study period depth varied from 1.5 m in the dry period to 6.1 m in the flood-crest at 78 the centre of the lake (stations P1 and P2, Fig. 1). The warmer of the water layers in the lake 79 cause a typical condition of structure of whitewater lakes, which is presented in the Fig. 2. The 80 thermal profile of the hydrological cycle is represented with the respective standard deviations. 81 The water temperature in the flood period (between February and March) ranged from 27.6 to 82 28.3 ºC (average 28.0 0.49 ºC) at the surface layers, and keeping on 26.0 ºC at the bottom. 83 Temperature levels in the flood-crest (June-July) ranged from 26.3 to 27.5 ºC (average 26.9 84 0.85 ºC) in the surface, and ranged from 25.2 to 25.6 ºC (average 25.4 0.28 ºC) between 4 and 85 6 meters. The higher variations of the temperature were found in this period, with a maximum 86 difference between surface and bottom at 2.3 ºC. During September to October, in the ebb 87 period, the water temperature ranged of 27.7 - 27.9 ºC (average 27.8 0.14 ºC) in the surface, 88 and stayed stable in 26.1 ºC at the bottom. The maximum depth obtained in the ebb was 3.1 89 meters. The water temperature in the dry period (November – December) ranged from 28.6 to 90 28.8 ºC (average 28.7 0.14 ºC) in the surface, and ranged of 27.7 - 27.8 ºC (average 27.8 0.07 91 ºC) at the bottom (Fig. 2). Pearson Correlation was determined to the temperature and PAR 92 radiation profiles with base on 10 samples and 2 sampling sites (P1 and P2), and significance at 93 p < 0.004. Temperature correlation was mean to high for obtained light (Lobt r2 = 0.6607) and for 94 calculated light (Lcalc r2 = 0.7228) profiles. The stronger correlation between Lobt and Lcalc 95 profiles (r2 = 0.9868 to p < 0.0001) shows a confidence in the calculated data. 96 Figure 2- 97 The difference of temperature between surface and bottom never exceed 2.3 ºC in all 4 98 study period, including the flood-peak phase when is winter in the South Hemisphere. A mean 99 profile to the temperature was as given in Fig. 3A. Weak thermal stratification in the flood 100 period was observed. However, it was not observed in the other periods. In fact, I believe that 101 shallow tropical lakes of whitewaters are permanently heated by a diffuse radiation that occurs 102 very slowly due to the high concentration of suspended matter from geological processes. The 103 turbulent kinetic energy from action of winds and of the flood-pulse mixes the masses of water 104 and homogenizes the temperature. This process occurs in almost whole lake. The absence of a 105 significant different in thermal gradient to indicate there is not a typical stratification, common in 106 lakes of black waters of the Amazonian (Rai & Hill, 1981; Darwich, Aprile, Robertson & Alves, 107 2005). Therefore, the water temperature in the hypolimnion is higher in whitewater lakes than 108 that in black water lakes. Studies have been suggested that many shallow tropical lakes stratify 109 and mix on a daily basis (Lewis, 1983; Lampert & Sommer, 1997). In the Amazon, however, 110 stratification and mixing events in floodplain lakes vary throughout the year mostly because of 111 the seasonal changes in depth and lake morphology (MacIntyre & Melack, 1984). The depth and 112 area of the lakes change according to the flood-pulse of the main rivers (Melack, 1984; Junk, 113 Soares & Saint-Paul, 1997). The thermal structure is an important parameter to identify the 114 degree of eutrophication and its effects in a lake (Chandler, 1942; Sawyer, 1969; Wetzel & 115 Likens, 2000). 116 Transparency, euphotic zone, and attenuation coefficient for the Poraquê Lake are 117 showed in the Table 1. The transition between flood and flood-crest periods showed higher 118 transparency. The limit of the euphotic zone ranged from 1.36 to 1.77 m (average 1.55 m) in the 119 study period. The compensation level that usually occurs at the depth of 1 percent light 120 penetration and forms the lower boundary of the Zone of Net Metabolic Production was more 121 pronounced between flood and flood-crest periods. The most of the bottom receives relatively a 122 very low percentage of the light that reaches the surface. The results of the transmission curves 5 123 for the stations P1 and P2 (see Fig. 1) show that less than 0.01% of the surface light reached the 124 bottom, exception to the dry period when the lake is shallow. These results approach a typical 125 exponential curve (see Fig. 3B), what means that the water was optically heterogeneous from top 126 to bottom. Changes in transparency may alter the depth of the euphotic zone; affect the primary 127 production of phytoplankton and activities of diverse organisms, including benthonic organisms 128 (e.g. phytobenthos and zoobenthos). In fact, the distribution of the organisms in water column 129 depends on this submarine daylight and conceivably its spectral quality. 130 The distribution of suspended particulate matter (SPM) is not homogeneous in the water 131 column. In whitewaters lakes of the Amazonian, the lower layers contained higher amounts of 132 SPM (average of 110 mg.l-1) than the upper layers (average of 65 mg.l-1). The concentration of 133 suspended particulate matter in water column varies also seasonally, influenced by flood and dry 134 periods. These facts explain the variation of the extinction coefficient (K) in the hydrological 135 cycle (Table 1). The K confirmed the heterogeneity in the optical quantity observed in the light 136 profile (Fig. 3B). 137 Table 1- 138 139 140 4. Thermal model to whitewaters lakes Mathematical models of limnological series are used for sequential generation of 141 physical, chemical, and biological data for simulation purposes. Mathematical models are 142 commonly considered by contain a deterministic and a stochastic element. The deterministic 143 element may be composed of a trend and/or a periodic component. The trend was recognized 144 using polynomial regression. The periodic component may be modeled using different methods 145 such as Euler, Runge-Kutta, Milne, or Series of Fourier. In this research were used differential 146 equations (1st and 2nd), where a number of harmonics represents the means and standard 147 deviations of the limnological variables (temperature and PAR radiation). Based on the 6 148 continuous observations of the natural conditions a periodic component was modeled. Results 149 were based on the period equivalent to hydrological cycle from February 2004 to July 2006. 150 Stochastic elements were considered dependents, because the direct relation between 151 temperature in the water column and the seasonality. The application of mathematical models in 152 the Amazon ecosystems is not usual. Furch (1999) developed a theoretical model for estimation 153 of groundwater input and ionic flux to a floodplain lake in the Solimões River. Lesack (1995) 154 presented an empirical seepage model for a floodplain lake of whitewaters further up the 155 Solimões River. This model accounts for seepage flux rates and describes the dynamics in detail. 156 Figure 3- 157 Based on the light obtained (Fig. 3B) and calculated (Fig. 3C) profiles differential 158 equations to the model were developed. Temperature model was explained by an equation of 159 first order. The condition to the validation of the light model is that the light obtained (Lobt) and 160 light calculated (Lcalc) profiles will be equivalent (yobt ycalc). Light model was explained by an 161 equation of second order. 7 Temperature : N ( z ) A . e k . z Equation1st order: y y0 A1 . e ytemp 24.94 3.13 e ( x x0 ) t1 Model validated x 2.60 Light : N ( z ) A . e k .z to I z I 0 . e k .z and yobtained ycalculated Equation1st order: y y0 A1 . e yobt ycalc 1262 .86 e x 0.20 ( x x0 ) t1 1328 .20 e Equation 2nd order: y y0 A1 . e yobt ycalc 1237 .47 e 162 x 0.18 ( x x0 ) t1 65.18 e x 0.31 e A2 . e x 0.59 x 0.20 . ( x x0 ) t2 566 .32 e x 0 . e 31 e 0.05 Model validated x 0.20 814 .40 e x 0.37 e x 1237 .47 e 6.6 x 65.18 e 2.7 x 566 .32 e 6.0 x 814 .40 e 3.7 x 0 to e x 0 163 164 Daily the radiation flux reaching the lake increases and the upper layers become warmer. 165 The wind effect associated to flood-pulse and the penetrative convection, transport the turbulent 166 kinetic energy generated down into the lake, mixing the column of water (Fig. 4). In shallow 167 whitewater lakes of the Amazonian, the mixing is almost complete. Eventually there are some 168 places, corresponding to the deeper zones in the lake, where the mixing is impeded. 169 Limnological results no published about others whitewater lakes at the Solimões River basin 170 (e.g. Preto Lake, Anana Lake, Araçá Lake, Maracá Lake and Aruã Lake) confirm the trend of 171 mix of the various layers of water. Studies on abiotic and biotic processes and nutritional fluxes 172 in floodplain of whitewater lakes at the Solimões/Amazon River basin have been described 173 (Furch, Junk, Dietrich & Kochert, 1983; Furch, 1984; Junk, Bayley & Sparks, 1989; Piedade, 8 174 Junk & Long, 1991; Furch & Junk, 1997; Cullmann, Junk, Weber & Schmitz, 2006). There is a 175 strong correlation between the limnological/ecological processes of areas permanently inundated 176 and of areas temporarily connected by a paraná (Fig. 4). The fluvial transport and storage of 177 nutrients and sediments within channel-floodplain systems, and oxygen distribution to the more 178 deep layers of the lake are examples of this important connection between river and lake. The 179 Solimões/Amazon River basin is formed by many floodplain lakes, with physical and chemical 180 characteristics very similar to the Poraquê Lake. Thus, the developing and application of 181 mathematical models can offer valuable contribution to the ecological studies in the 182 Solimões/Amazon River basin, in particular to lentic systems. 183 Figure 4- 184 185 5. Conclusions 186 In general, typical thermal stratification was not observed in the lake during the study 187 period. The heating of the body water is influenced by the high rates of suspended particulate 188 matter present in whitewaters systems. The compensation level that usually occurs at the depth 189 of 1% light penetration and forms the lower boundary of the Zone of Net Metabolic Production 190 was more pronounced between flood and flood-crest periods. The results of the transmission 191 curves for the sampling sites show that, in general, less than 0.01% of the surface light reached 192 the bottom. The model developed in this research can facilitate the understanding of the 193 limnological and ecological processes in lentic systems. 194 195 Acknowledgements 196 The author extends his thanks to the Dr. Assad Darwich and Dr. Edinaldo Nelson dos 197 Santos at the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia - INPA for valuable help with the 198 sampling and discussion. This research was partially supported by the Piatam Project - UFAM 9 199 and CNPq/Finep (Project numbers # 301746/1996-6 and # 505085/2004-6). 200 201 References 202 Chandler, C.O. (1942). Limnological studies of Western lake Eric. II. 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Philadelphia, 357 pp. 260 12 261 Figure legends 262 263 Fig. 1 - Location of the Poraquê Lake in the floodplain on the Solimões/Amazon River basin 264 (A), and Poraquê Lake with the sampling sites (B), Central Amazonian - Brazil 265 266 Fig. 2 - Temperature profiles at the centre of the Poraquê Lake for the hydrological cycle 267 February/2004 – July/2006. 268 269 Fig. 3 - Mean temperature (A), light obtained (B) and light calculated (C) profiles at the centre of 270 the Poraquê Lake, with the respective coefficients of the differential equations, for the 271 hydrological cycle February/2004 – July/2006. 272 273 Fig. 4 - Light radiation and warmer model to the Poraquê Lake in Solimões River basin (Central 274 Amazonian). 13