Invitiation letter and background information

Workshop on
Inventories and Projections of
Greenhouse Gas Emissions from
Working Groups I and II of the EU Climate Change
2-3 May 2005
EEA, Copenhagen
In 2002, a workshop was held to discuss approaches in calculating and
reporting projections of energy-related CO2 emissions followed by a workshop
on emissions in agriculture in February 2003 and one on emissions of
greenhouse gases from aviation and navigation. The sectoral workshops were
very successful in helping Member States to share best practice, providing
information for on-going analysis under the Monitoring Mechanism and in
making recommendations to improve reporting in future. The need for the
Community to accurately gauge its progress towards meeting its UNFCCC
and Kyoto commitments, which is the mandate for the Monitoring Mechanism
provided by Council Decision 280/2004/EC, is fundamental. It was suggested
that further sectoral workshops be held on other important topics and
estimating GHG emissions from waste was identified as an area in need of
One of the main objectives for such a workshop is the provision of an
opportunity to learn about the methods used for inventories and projections in
the different Member States, to share information, experience and best
practice. It would also be very helpful to compare the parameters chosen in
the estimation methodologies across EU Member States. Finally the
workshop would be an opportunity to compare emissions and methods used
for GHG inventories with data and methods for EPER and would also
strengthen links between assessment of air pollution under the IPPC and
emissions under the UNFCCC. The workshop will provide an opportunity to
discuss potential methodological changes or improvements of the draft 2006
IPCC inventory guidelines (the workshop will take place after the first expert
and government review of the first order draft of the 2006 IPCC inventory
The draft agenda for the workshop and guidelines for the presentations that
should be delivered by national projections or inventory expert are included in
Annex I & II of this document. It is suggested that only some Member States
give a full presentation with additional time afterwards for the others to give
additional information.
The first day of the workshop will focus on inventories. Areas to be covered
 Estimation methodologies for emissions from solid waste disposal (CRF
6.A) under UNFCCC
 Estimation methodologies for emissions from wastewater handling (CRF
 Estimation methodologies for emissions from waste incineration (CRF 6.C)
 Estimation methodologies for emissions from other sources (composting,
biological-mechanical treatment etc.) (CRF 6.D)
 Estimation methodologies for emissions from landfills for the EPER
 Development of 2006 IPCC Guidelines in the waste sector
The main aim will be to give recommendations to improve transparency,
accuracy and completeness of reporting. Good Practice in inventory
preparation will also be discussed.
The second day of the workshop will focus on projections and follows a similar
format. An additional area that needs to be covered is the inclusion of the
effects of policies and measures in the projections. The aim will be to make
recommendations to improve clarity and completeness of reporting of
projections. Methodological improvements, particularly in including the effect
of policies and measures, can also be discussed.
Although the topics are separated into two days, participants are encouraged
to stay for both days to further facilitate communication between experts.
Invited experts/organisations
The workshop is targeted at experts who have direct experience in compiling
and analysing GHG emission projections and inventories from the waste
sector. The aim is that experts from all Member States are present at the
workshop and that experts for inventories and projections attend the whole
workshop to facilitate exchange of information and experience.
Decision makers in the field of Climate Change are invited as well to use the
workshop as an information exchange opportunity and to deliver input for the
discussions on further steps for improved procedures within the EU.
The workshop will be held on 2-3 May 2005 at the EEA in Copenhagen. The
agenda for the workshop and the proposed outline of presentations are
included in Annexes I & II of this document.
Registrations should be sent to Bitten Eriksen ( by
6 April 2005.
Annex I
Draft Agenda for Workshop on waste under the Climate Change
Day 1 – Inventories
1. Introduction
2. Background
 General background to the Monitoring Mechanism and the annual
EU GHG inventory
 Level and trends in emissions from waste
3. Overview on estimation of emissions from waste under the UNFCCC
(N.N., UNFCCC secretariat)
4. Towards 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventories:
Changes and improvements in the waste sector (Riitta Pipatti,
5. Estimation methodologies used for inventory preparation under
UNFCCC and EPER (presentations by selected inventory experts from
5-6 Member States)
6. Comments and additional remarks from national experts of other
Member States
7. Waste management practices in Europe and the landfill directive
8. Comparison of methods and parameters used for estimation of GHG
emissions from solid waste disposal, wastewater handling and waste
incineration across Member States (ETC/ACC)
9. Comparison of uncertainties in the waste sector reported by Member
States (ETC/ACC)
Day 2
Continuation inventories
10.Comparison of EPER data for landfills with emissions from solid
waste disposal from GHG inventories (B. Mehlhorn or ETC/ACC)
11.Comparison of methane emission models to methane emission
measurements (J. Jacobs or H. Scharff, Netherlands – to be
12.Recommendations for inventories
13.Summary of projections of GHG emissions from waste in EU Member
States and EU legislation in waste sector (N.N.)
14.Projections and effects of policies and measures in the waste sector Presentations by selected national projections experts
15.Comments and additional remarks from national experts of other
Member States
16.Presentation of the results and the methodology for EU-wide
projections for emissions from waste (N.N.)
17.Recommendations for projections
Annex II
It would be helpful if national Projections and Inventory Experts could produce
a presentation consisting of slides and accompanying text, in a format that
could be referred to and easily understood by those not present at the
Suggested Format for Presentations – Inventory Expert
Institutions and responsibilities connected with the estimation of national
emissions from the waste sector
Relevance of the waste sector and key categories
Methodologies, procedures, sources of activity data, and critical
assumptions and parameters used to estimate GHG emissions from
 SWDSs (CRF 6.A) under UNFCCC and EPER
 wastewater handling (CRF 6.B)
 waste incineration (CRF 6.C)
 other sources (CRF 6.D)
Where are the parameters used in the inventories reported and to what
level of detail?
Presentation of results of national studies or measurements in the waste
sector if so available
Which issues were raised during the UNFCCC review process?
Are there any particular technical issues that need to be addressed?
Uncertainties and QA/QC procedures in the waste sector
Gases or sub-sources that were not estimated in the waste sector and
How was time series consistency achieved (in particular relevant for solid
waste disposal)?
Consistency of inventory between energy and waste sector (reporting of
waste incineration, reporting of energy use of recovered CH4 from landfills)
Suggested Format for Presentations – Projections Expert
Institutions and responsibilities connected with the formulation of national
emissions projections from the waste sector
When were your projections produced and when are they likely to be
Description of the projection methods and critical assumptions used
Where are the parameters used in the projections reported and to what
level of detail?
Summary of policies and measures in the waste sector and how they were