The Design and Maintenance Standards

Shadow Brooke Design and Maintenance Standards
Highlights and Summary
Important - This is a condensed version of the Standards. Rresidents are advised to
read the entire Design Standards before making any changes or additions.
Prior Approval To Modify - Approval by the Board is required for any visible or structural
modification to the external appearance of a lot or any structure.
Modification Form - Applications for review must be made on the review form. The document
section of the web site has a copy of the form.
Variance. Any requests for variations from the Design Standards must be submitted to the ACC or
Board prior to the work starting.
The Design and Maintenance Standards
Animals and Pets.
1. No agricultural animals (including chickens, geese, ducks, goats, etc.) may be kept on
any property.
2. No more than four (4) animals may be kept as household pets.
3. Any structure for the care, housing or confinement of any animal must be approved by
the ACC or Board (see Dog Houses/Dog Runs).
4. No dangerous animals of any kind may be kept be residents either in their house or in
a fenced area.
5. Residents shall control their pets at all times and shall ensure that all county or other
civil ordinances are observed, including leash and barking laws.
6. The Board retains the right to require that a homeowner remove any animal which has
been demonstrated to be a nuisance or dangerous.
Antenna. Any antenna must be mounted in the rear of the unit and not visible from the front of the
house when standing on the sidewalk directly across the street from the property.
Awnings. Exterior window awnings are not permitted on fronts of any home.
Basketball Goals. Portable goals are not permitted except for “kiddie” goals which are under ‘5’ in
height. “Kiddie” goals must be moved into a garage or within a fenced area at the end of each day.
Requests for permanent goals must be submitted to the ACC or Board. All permanent goals must
be installed adjacent to the driveway and a minimum of 15’ feet from the street and 20’ from an
adjoining property. They may not be attached to the house or any other structure, but must be freestanding. The backboard is should be transparent acrylic. White or gray backboards are also
acceptable. Only one goal per lot is allowed. Placement of basketball goal and pole must be
located so as to minimize impact on neighboring properties. All goals must be maintained with a net
and painted.
Birdhouses. Birdhouses or butterfly feeders may be located in the rear of the property only, or on
the side of a property if within an approved fenced area.
Commons Areas. No removal of any flora within the “green” areas in the Shadow Brooke
Commons area is permitted.
Shadow Brooke Design and Maintenance Standards
Highlights and Summary
Decks and Patios. All decks and patios must be constructed so as to not affect the water runoff of
the property or adjoining property. Additionally:
1. Decks are permitted in rear yards only within an approved fenced area. All plans must be
approved by the Board or ACC. Written drawing and plans must accompany a request. All
requests must meet Gwinnett County requirements for decks.
2. Patios are permitted in rear yards only within an approved fenced area. They may be
concrete, concrete stepping blocks, brick, concrete pavers, stone, or other materials as
approved by the ACC.
Disallowed Items. Disallowed items on any properties shall include but not be limited to the
Garage conversions
Window units or wall mounted air conditioners or fans
Clotheslines (except when out of sight within a fenced area)
Dog Houses/Dog Runs.
1. Dog houses or dog runs must be located within an approved fenced area in rear yards only
and must not be visible from the front of the homeowner’s dwelling.
2. Doghouses or dog run fencing may not exceed 5 feet in height.
3. Doghouses may not exceed 15 square feet in size.
4. Only 1 dog run is allowed per yard.
5. Dog runs must be well maintained, with regard to smell and appearance.
Driveways/Parking Pads. Driveways and parking pads shall not be used for the storage of work
equipment, household materials, or any other items other than acceptable vehicles (see 2.27
Parking, and 2.42 Vehicles). PODs or other containers, specifically for the purpose of storage of
household materials associated with moving into or out of a home, may be left for no more than 48
hours on the driveway/parking surface. If a homeowner requires more time, they must submit a
written request to the ACC or Board which includes the specific time period for which the container
will be needed. The homeowner must ensure that the driveway will accommodate the weight of the
container and must immediately repair any damages resulting from the placement of such
Erosion and Drainage. No activity that may create erosion, siltration or drainage problems shall be
undertaken on any property or lot without the prior approval of the ACC or Board.
Fencing Guidelines. No fence, wall or hedge shall be erected or maintained on any property closer
to the street than the front of the house. All fencing plans must be submitted to the ACC or Board.
No chain link fences or other wire type fences shall be erected on any property. However, chain
link fences may be permitted on properties where the rear is not directly visible from another
property. All fencing shall:
Be of wood material (exception - see (f) below) and present a solid facing toward any
street and adjoining property;
2. Have a minimum height of five (5) feet and a maximum height of six (6) feet (as measured
from the highest point of the finished grade);
Shadow Brooke Design and Maintenance Standards
Highlights and Summary
Have slats which are installed vertically only;
Not be stained or painted on any surface which is visible from any street or adjoining Lot;
provided, a clear, natural or wood color only stain may be used.
5. The finished side of the fencing must face the neighboring property
6. Wrought iron fencing will be considered upon submission of a request to the ACC or
Flags and Flagpoles. Not more then two flags may be displayed at any one time. Flags shall be
maintained in good order and replaced when faded or worn/frayed. Mounting brackets may be
affixed to the main structure of the home. A flagpole may be erected, but shall not be more then 12
feet in height and of aluminum or stainless steel construction. Placement of any pole must be
located so as to minimize impact on neighboring properties and must be at least 15 feet from the
street and 15 feet from adjoining properties.
Fountains and Statuary. All manmade objects in the front of the house, including rocks, fountains
and statuary, etc., must comply with standards of the subdivision and are subject to review by the
ACC or Board. Fountains and statuary are generally limited to back/side yards.
Graffiti. Any resident who witnesses or finds evidence of graffiti on private property or Commons
areas within Shadow Brooke shall promptly report it to the civil authorities and also notify the Board.
House Numbers. For safety purposes, a house numbers shall be clearly visible for each home. It
may be placed on the mailbox or on the curb so as to be visible from the street
Lighting. All exterior lighting shall be consistent with the character established in Shadow Brooke.
1. Outdoor lighting must not be obtrusive or glare unduly toward the street, neighboring
properties or public walkways. Hoods on floodlights to shield glare may be required.
2. Tree uplights shall be concealed.
3. Colored lights are discouraged except as part of holiday decorations. Wattage is limited to
150w maximum. Holiday lighting for X-mas shall not be erected or illuminated prior to
Thanksgiving and shall be removed in a timely manner and no later than January 7th of the
following year.
4. Pathway lighting, if reasonably placed, is permitted. Solar lights are recommended.
5. One decorative post light may be permitted upon approval by the ACC or Board.
Landscaping. Grass must be maintained in the front, side and back yards of every house within
Shadow Brooke.
Maintenance of Landscaping. Each owner shall maintain the landscaping upon their lot in good
condition and repair, including, but not limited to:
1. Seeding, mowing and watering of all lawns and weed control must be maintained.
Watering expectations shall be consistent with any current governmental restrictions.
2. Pruning and trimming all trees, hedges and shrubbery to present a neat appearance.
3. Replacing and/or removing any trees or shrubbery that dies. Tree stumps must be entirely
removed. This maintenance requirement also extends to the curbing of the right of way
bordering the lot.
Shadow Brooke Design and Maintenance Standards
Highlights and Summary
4. All areas that are readily visible from the street within each home site which are not
covered with pavement, building, shrubs, grass or landscaping, shall be covered with pine
straw, mulch, decorative rock or other generally accepted type of covering.
5. Vegetable gardens must be located behind the house and must not be readily visible from
the street. The use of any commons area for the planting of vegetation for personal use or
consumption must be submitted to the ACC or Board.
6. In order to preserve the natural beauty of the home and the community, no living tree
having a diameter of four (4) inches or more, as measured two (2) feet from the natural
grade, shall be removed or destroyed.
Mailboxes. All mailboxes shall be consistent with the standards of the Section of Shadow Brooke
as originally installed. Mailboxes on Shadowbrooke Drive are to be on white vinyl posts and have
either black or white vinyl mailboxes of a standard USPS size. Those in the Shadowhill Court and
Lane are to be on wooden cedar posts and include either white or black mailboxes or standard
USPS size. No decorative mailbox designs are permitted. No decals are permitted on a mailbox or
post. No decorative brick mailboxes are permitted. Any damaged mailboxes must be repaired in a
timely manner. House numbers in a contrasting color (black or white) may be placed on the post,
either horizontally or vertically, consistent with the size of the post or sidearm (generally 1” – 2”).
Maintenance of Structures. Each owner shall maintain the structures on the lot in good condition
and repair, including, but not limited to:
1. Repairing and painting all structures so as to retain a high level of maintenance. Any
disrepair visible from the street must be corrected immediately.
2. Notifying the utility owner of any damage to underground utility lines (water, gas,
telecommunications, electrical, etc.) immediately so that repairs can be initiated.
3. If water is found to be accumulating on the surface of any property, contacting the water
utility or private plumbing contractor to determine the source of the leak and to initiate
corrective action .
4. Initiating repairs following storm or other disaster that has resulted in damage to roofs,
walls, windows or other portions of the home.
5. When initiating maintenance activities, not changing from the original house colors on
exterior surfaces (siding, trim, doors, etc.). Replacement of the siding with anything other
than the original siding type (vinyl) must be approved.
Parking. All resident’s vehicles are to be parked in their garage or driveway. Vehicles are not
permitted to be parked on landscaped areas. Vehicles which do not have a valid license tag or are
not in good running condition must be stored in the garage. No vehicle is to be placed in the
driveway which is not running or which is covered by a material or fabric intended to protect the
vehicle from the weather. Any oversized vehicle which does not permit the safe passage of other
vehicles must be immediately removed.
Play Equipment. Play equipment, including playhouses, must be constructed of high quality
commercially available materials. They must be located in the rear yard and contained within an
approved privacy fence of at least six (6) feet in height and must be set back a minimum of 10 ft.
from all portions of the fence.
Pools. No permanent swimming pools are permitted, either aboveground or underground. Nonpermanent pools (“kiddie pools”) with flexible sides that are no higher than 24 inches and six feet
across may be placed in a rear yard within an approved fenced area.
Shadow Brooke Design and Maintenance Standards
Highlights and Summary
Retention Pond. No resident may restrict access to the pond area by equipment performing
Shadow Brook official business.
Satellite Dishes/Antennas. The diameter of the dish shall not exceed 24 in. Dish locations are to be
either at ground level in the rear yard of the house or on the roof in the rear of the house. Dishes
installed at ground level shall not be higher than 5 ft. above ground level and must be within an
approved fenced area so as to conceal the entire installation. Wiring of satellite dishes should not
be visible across the front of the house. If they must exit the side or rear of the house, they should
be either horizontal or vertical and placed under eaves, gutters, or other method so as to disguise
the cable as much as possible.
Shutters. Shutters that are repainted or replaced shall match the original color or compliment the
existing home color scheme.
Signs. Signs on homeowner’s properties may be no larger than a total of four (4) square feet, and
must be set back a minimum of five (5) feet from the sidewalk. These additional signage
requirements apply:
1. One (1) “For Sale” or “For Rent” signs may be placed.
2. One “Garage Sale” sign is permitted without prior approval provided that it is put up no
sooner than 24 hours in advance of a sale, and is removed promptly after a sale has
3. Absolutely no sign may be placed on the Shadow Brooke Commons property except those
that are placed at the direction of the Board for the purpose of informing residents of
Shadow Brooke community-related announcements or business. Any unauthorized signs
will be removed and discarded, including real estate signs.
4. No signage of any kind shall be placed on light poles, trees, the pavilion or other structures
or areas within the Community.
Solid Waste and Materials. No solid waste or solid materials, including lumber, metal, bulk
materials, construction materials, debris, etc., shall be kept, stored or allowed to accumulate on any
property unless approved by the ACC or Board.
Solid Waste Containers. All garbage and other solid waste containers shall be kept concealed from
the view of neighboring residences, preferably within the garage. Containers shall be placed at the
curb for collection no earlier than 9:00 pm on the evening prior to the day of collection and shall be
removed from the curb on the day of collection.
Screen Doors, Storm Doors and Replacement Exterior Doors. Screen and storm doors may be
added to a house without the prior approval of the ACC or Board if they are compatible with the
existing door’s color trim or are either black or white (no unpainted metal doors). The replacement
of any exterior door shall also match the door’s original color or the color scheme of the existing
home’s exterior color scheme. Solid wooden doors are permitted if they are painted to match the
colors or are stained with a solid wood stain.
Sidewalks, Walkways and Driveways. Any damage to a sidewalk in front of a residence, the paved
pathway on a residential property or the driveways of a residence shall be promptly repaired to the
original condition.
Storage Sheds, Accessory Buildings and Detached Garages. No storage sheds are permitted.
Existing storage sheds, approved by Liberty Management, may be “grandfathered” if the owner can
Shadow Brooke Design and Maintenance Standards
Highlights and Summary
verify approval with an approved Property Modification Form. However, a “grandfathered” storage
shed must be located in rear or the property and located behind a 6 ft. privacy fence.
Vehicles and Trailers. R.V.’s, boats and all types of trailers, or similar equipment, may be stored on
a property only if they are parked out of sight, either completely within the garage (garage door
must be able to close), or behind a fenced area on a concrete slab in the rear or side of a property
and no closer to the street than the front of the house. No commercial vehicles may be parked in
front of a property unless it is there temporarily for the purposes of performing maintenance or
construction at a unit. Under no circumstances may any vehicle be parked within the streets of
Shadow Brooke whose width is such that an emergency vehicle (fire, police, etc.) is unable to pass
safely by. Additions or changes to driveways and parking pads must be approved the ACC or
Board. See also 2.12 and 2.27
Yard and Patio Furniture. Yard/patio furniture generally is limited to back yards. Yard furniture will
be permitted in the front when the house has an undercover porch area. It will be permitted in side
yards if within an enclosed fenced area. If the property’s configuration makes it difficult to
determine the rear or side yard, the owner may submit a request to the ACC or Board to place yard
or patio furniture in another location.
Yard Art/Ornamental Structures. Yard art (hand painted and/or decorative signage, etc.) and other
ornamental structures are generally limited to back and side yards (except for holiday decorations).