Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Pastoral Council Meeting Pastoral Council Minutes April 16, 2013 -- 7:00 P.M. Rosa Road Parish Center Present: Paul O’Brien, Maureen Versaci, Mary O’Brien, Fr. Michael Taylor, Karen Miles, Anne Pomeroy, Carl Garkowski, Randy McGough, Deacon Tom Sharrow, Larry Grimmer, Fr. Bob Longobucco, Alexandra Yunker, Sharon Koegl, Mary Jo Pierpont, Carol Mondello Absent: Joe Farry, Geoff Buckingham Opening prayer: Paul O’Brien Pastoral Council Awareness and Visibility: Pastoral Council meet and greet at mass was a success and considered a good way to show visibility in parish. A second meet and greet scheduled for May 11 and 12. Recruiting: Karen reported 7 new families from church and two new families from St. Kateri School. Coffee Hour: A success at Rosa Rd Church. Goal is to begin at Union Street on April 27 & 28 by the Evangelization team. Update on St. Kateri’s School - presentation by Jennifer Chatain, Principal Review School’s mission Discuss growth of school and projected enrollments Discuss plan for facilities, changing demographics and challenges of extended day program. Big ideas proposed and success of partnerships with GE and BG AP Spanish students. Feedback from Parish Council Members: o Randy suggested NYSERDA grants for solar power, contacting NYS Retiree Assoc. for volunteers and upcoming Schenectady Forum on Poverty in May. o Larry discussed capping enrollment and/or finding new space to grow o Jennifer said her vision for the future would include a separate campus for nursery and Pre-K o Council decided a Task Force to explore options for school is a good idea. This will be added to the agenda for June. Parishioner and traffic safety: Parish staff will reach out to town supervisor to discuss options to increase traffic and pedestrian safety at Union St Church Capital Projects: Latest development (Tom / Anne) Currently getting estimates on back flow valve at school Union St Church needs masonry work inside and out, painting and front doors fixed. Rosa Rd Church seeking programmable thermostats in every area possible and an estimate on air conditioning for the Parish Community Room. Summer programs for parish: Father Bob discussed the following upcoming programs Schenectady Summer Service Program Journey Feast of St Kateri (which falls on a Sunday this year) Vacation Bible School SICM lunch by our parish for 3 different weeks this summer Proposal for a confirmation retreat in July Preparation for June meeting – Parish is required by State Law to have one Annual Meeting. This meeting requires invitations to the Bishop and Vicar General along with Parish Priest and Trustees. Each chair gives a report. Members to bring a covered dish and meat will be provided. Meeting scheduled for June 18 at 5:30 PM at Rosa Rd Church. Additional items – A copy of the budget was distributed. A motion to approve the budget was made first by Mary Jo Pierpont, 2nd by Randy McGough. Budget passed. Ministry Fair –May 5th Rosa Rd church/both masses. Union St church after church on May 18 and 19 Evangelization Mission Statement Mission statement reviewed: “To serve the Parish of St. Kateri Tekakwitha by acting as a catalyst in the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ within our Church and the local community.” Mission statement revised and approved by concensus: “To serve our Parish of St. Kateri Tekakwitha by acting as a catalyst in the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ within our Church and the local community.” Council agreed that after the current schoolboard finance chair completes her term, the new chair will be required to be on the parish finance committee. Special prayers offered for our parish members recently deceased and for the upcoming funerals on Thursday for the McCormick’s. Adjournment at 8:45 pm Respectfully Submitted, Mary O’Brien