Unit 4 Unit in Review - Hutchison

Anatomy of Mammals – Unit in Review
You should review material from the following sections of the textbook and focus on the specific topics
listed below: 3.1, 3.5, 3.9, 3.15
Activities Body Measurements (3.11, 3.16)
Fetal Pig Dissection pages 256-259
Terms in boldface may be included in the Matching Questions on the Unit Test.
Organ Systems 3.1
 Distinguish between cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems
 Be able to identify the function and identify organs in the: digestive, circulatory, respiratory,
reproductive, excretory, locomotion, endocrine and nervous system [See Table 1, p. 165]
 Name 3 diagnostic tools that are used to monitor organs.
Digestive System 3.5
 Anatomy: mouth, salivary glands, pharynx, epiglottis, esophagus, stomach, small intestine
(including how internal structure increases surface area), large intestine, liver, pancreas, rectum,
anus. [See Figure 2, p. 183]
 Physiology: the four steps of food processing (ingestion, digestion, absorption, egestion);
peristalsis, mechanical (physical) digestion and chemical digestion.
 What causes a gastric ulcer?
Circulatory System (3.9)
 Anatomy: -heart, septum, atrium, ventricles, valves, aorta, pulmonary arteries, pulmonary
veins, superior vena cava, inferior vena cava
 Physiology: - the functions of veins (carrying blood to heart), arteries (carrying blood away from
heart), capillaries (exchange of gases, nutrients, etc.); systemic circuit vs. pulmonary circuit;
blood components (45% red blood cells), less than 1% white blood cells, 55% plasma); heart
beat (systole, diastole)
Respiratory System (3.15)
 Anatomy: -nasal cavity (nose), oral cavity (mouth), trachea, larynx, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli
 Physiology:-movement of diaphragm and rib cage (intercostal muscles) during inspiration and
Activity: Body Measurements Activity
 What does body mass index measure?
 What are two ways to measure or estimate your body fat?
 What are the following instruments used to measure: stethoscope, sphygmomanometer,
 Describe what tidal volume and vital capacity are
Activity: Fetal Pig Dissection
 Be able to label diagrams of the external features, mouth, abdominal cavity, kidneys, thoracic
(chest) cavity of the fetal pig
 Questions #3d, 8g,h, 19k, 28n, 31q (pages 256-259)
 « after the dissection » questions on sheet
Review questions
Unit 3 Review (pages 262-265)
Suggested questions #1,3,4,5,13,14,22,23,24,26,27,38,43
Labelled diagrams of circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, fetal pig